Squash "why does slow matter" into prev slide

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-10-14 19:07:34 +02:00
parent 79f6500721
commit bf3d847cf6

View file

@ -239,44 +239,20 @@ Segmentation fault.
\pause{} \pause{}
\vspace{-4cm} \vspace{-5cm}
\begin{center} \begin{tcolorbox}[halign=center, colframe=red, colback=Lavender]
\bf \fontsize{8cm}{1cm} \bf \huge
\colorbox{white}{\alert{Complex}} \\ Complex \,\& \,slow
\colorbox{white}{\alert{\& slow!}} \end{tcolorbox}
\begin{frame}{Why does slow matter?}
\item{} After all, we're talking about \alert{debugging procedures} ran
by a \alert{human being} (slower than the machine).
\ldots{}or are we?
\pause{} \pause{}
\begin{center} \begin{tcolorbox}[halign=center, colframe=red, colback=Lavender]
\textbf{\Large{}No!} \huge
\end{center} \textbf{Pervasive:}\\ relied upon by debuggers, profilers, C++
exceptions \\
\begin{itemize} \medskip{}
\pause{}\item{} Pretty much any \alert{program analysis tool} \textbf{$\leadsto$ not only for debuggers!}
\pause{}\item{} \alert{Profiling} with polling profilers \end{tcolorbox}
\pause{}\item{} \alert{Exception handling} in C++
\textbf{\Large{}Debug data is not only for debugging}
$\leadsto$ we might want \alert{an alternative time/space trade-off}
\end{frame} \end{frame}
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