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2023-10-15 18:20:36 +02:00
2024-04-24 18:40:39 +02:00
During this manuscript, we explored the main bottlenecks that arise while
analyzing the low-level performance of a microkernel:
\item frontend bottlenecks ---~the processor's frontend is unable to
saturate the backend with instructions (\autoref{chap:palmed});
\item backend bottlenecks ---~the backend is saturated with instructions
from the frontend and is unable to process them fast enough
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\item dependencies bottlenecks ---~data dependencies between instructions
prevent the backend from being saturated; the latter is stalled
awaiting previous results (\autoref{chap:staticdeps}).
We also conducted in \autoref{chap:CesASMe} a systematic comparative study of a
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variety of state-of-the-art code analyzers.
State-of-the-art code analyzers such as \llvmmca{} or \uica{} already
boast a good accuracy. Both of these tools ---~and most of the others also~---
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are however based on models obtained by various degrees of manual
investigation, and cannot be adapted without further manual effort to future
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or uncharted microprocessors.
The field of microarchitectural models for code
analysis emerged with fundamentally manual methods, such as Agner Fog's tables.
Such tables, however, may now be produced in a more automated way using
\uopsinfo{} ---~at least for certain microarchitectures; \pmevo{} pushes
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further in this direction by automatically computing a frontend model from
benchmarks ---~but still has trouble scaling to a full instruction set. In its
own way, \ithemal{}, a machine-learning based approach, could also be
considered automated ---~yet, it still requires a large training set for the
intended processor, which must be at least partially crafted manually.
This trend towards model automation seems only natural as new
microarchitectures keep appearing, while new ISAs such as ARM reach the
supercomputer area.
We investigated this direction by exploring the three major bottlenecks
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mentioned earlier in the perspective of providing fully-automated,
benchmarks-based models for each of them. Optimally, these models should be
generated by simply executing a program on a machine running on top of the
targeted microarchitecture.
\item We contributed to \palmed{}, a framework able to extract a
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port-mapping of a processor, serving as a backend model.
\item We manually extracted a frontend model for the Cortex A72 processor.
We believe that the foundation of our methodology works on most
processors. To this end, we provide a parametric model that may serve
as a scaffold for future works willing to build an automatic frontend
model. Some parameters of this model must however still
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be investigated, and their relative importance evaluated.
\item We provided with \staticdeps{} a method to to extract data
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dependencies between instructions. It is able to detect
\textit{loop-carried} dependencies (dependencies that span across
multiple loop iterations), as well as \textit{memory-carried}
dependencies (dependencies based on reading at a memory address written
by another instruction). While the former is widely implemented, the
latter is, to the best of our knowledge, an original contribution. We
bundled this method in a processor-independent tool, based on semantics
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of the ISA provided by \valgrind{}, which supports a variety of ISAs.
We evaluated independently these three models, each of them providing
satisfactory results: \palmed{} is competitive with the state of the art, with
the advantage of being automatic; our frontend model significantly improves a
backend model's accuracy and our dependencies model significantly improves
\uica{}'s results, while being consistent with a dynamic dependencies analysis.
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Finally, in the pre-conclusive chapter \nameref{chap:wrapping_up}, we loosely
combine our three pieces of code analyzer model into a very simple full model,
returning the maximal prediction from the three major bottleneck analyzers.
While this simplistic model would certainly benefit from a more integrated
approach, our results already significantly surpass \llvmmca{}, one of the very
few state-of-the-art tools on ARM processors.
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We also identified multiple weaknesses in the current state of the art from our
comparative experiments with \cesasme{}.
First, none of the state-of-the-art tools have a good support for dependencies
across memory. Such dependencies were present in about a third of \cesasme{}'s
benchmark set. While we built this benchmark set aiming for representative
data, there is no clear evidence that these dependencies are so strongly
present in the codes analyzed in real usecases. We however believe that such
cases regularly occur, and we also saw that the performance of code analyzers
drops sharply in their presence.
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We also found the bottleneck prediction offered by some code analyzers still
very uncertain. In our experiments, the tools disagreed more often than not on
the presence or absence of a bottleneck, with no outstanding tool; we are thus
unable to conclude on the relative performance of tools on this aspect. On the
other hand, sensitivity analysis, as implemented \eg{} by \gus{}, seems a
theoretically sound way to evaluate the presence or absence of a bottleneck in
a microkernel; it is, however, prohibitively slow for many usecases. In this
respect, a study of code analyzers' predictions against results from
sensitivity analysis would certainly bring more conclusive results.
Finally, we observed on \bhive{}'s results the effects of a \emph{lack of
context} for an analysis. \bhive{} measures a real execution, on real hardware,
of a kernel; as such, it yields excellent accuracy in many cases, with a median
error of about 8\%. Yet, it still lacks in accuracy in many other cases, with
its third quartile (23\%) above \uica{} or \iaca{}'s median result (about
18\%), and far-reaching outliers bringing its mean error on-par with \uica{}'s.
Indeed, what precedes a loop nest and the real values present in registers
impact the performance of the loop nest. The effects can be of fairly high
level, such as pointer aliasing, leading to false positives or negatives in
dependency detections. They can also be of a microarchitectural level, such as
the observable performance loss of memory accesses ---~even with cache hits~---
when memory reads cross a cache line boundary.
This lack of context incurs a significant loss of accuracy for
static analyzers, as we saw in \autoref{ssec:bhive_errors} that the same
instruction, depending on its registers' values, can be twice as slow even
without aliasing, or 19 times slower upon aliasing. With \cesasme{}, we sketch
the embryo of a solution, with a simple and fast pass of dynamic analysis
through instrumentation, gathering data for a subsequent pass of static
analysis. Such a method might help recreating the context needed for an
accurate analysis.