Théophile Bastian 8051f4203f Allow the camera to follow the ball
But when the ground is not textured, this looks just as if the ball was
not moving… :(
2018-02-14 13:23:27 +01:00

76 lines
2 KiB

/** The most basic renderer — a stupid glut application */
#pragma once
#include "../Mesh.hpp"
#include "../Implicit.hpp"
#include <set>
#include <functional>
class GlutRender {
typedef std::function<void(unsigned char, int, int)> kb_handler_t;
static GlutRender& get_instance();
GlutRender(GlutRender const&) = delete;
void operator=(GlutRender const&) = delete;
void init(int* argc, char** argv,
int wid, int hei, const char* win_name);
void cleanup();
void add_mesh(Mesh* mesh);
void remove_mesh(Mesh* mesh);
void add_surface(ImplicitSurface* surf, const Cuboid& box,
double resolution=0.1);
void remove_surface(ImplicitSurface* surf);
void run();
void set_idle_func(void (*func)(void));
void add_kb_handler(kb_handler_t handler);
void follow_implicit_position(const ImplicitSurface* surf);
struct SurfaceDetails {
SurfaceDetails(ImplicitSurface* surf, const Cuboid& box,
double resolution):
surface(surf), box(box), resolution(resolution) {}
ImplicitSurface* surface;
Cuboid box;
double resolution;
bool operator<(const SurfaceDetails& oth) const {
return surface < oth.surface;
private: //meth
void display_mesh(Mesh& mesh) const;
void reshape(int wid, int hei);
void display();
void on_kb_evt(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
static void reshape_handle(int wid, int hei);
static void display_handle();
static void kb_evt_handle(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
private: //attr
std::function<double()> rand_color;
std::set<Mesh*> meshes;
std::set<SurfaceDetails> surfaces;
std::vector<kb_handler_t> kb_handlers;
const ImplicitSurface* followed_implicit;