2017-10-11 15:28:20 +02:00

108 lines
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Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
(* The single-step simulation lemma in Danvy and Filinski's paper states that
if [t1] reduces to [t2], then [cps t1 c] reduces (in one or more steps) to
[cps t2 c]. Although this lemma is true in the pure lambda calculus, it
fails when the calculus is extended with [Let]. This file provides two
counter-examples. *)
(* Although Danvy and Filinski's paper does not claim that this lemma holds
when the calculus is extended with [Let], it does not indicate that the
lemma fails, either. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [analyze] assumes that there is a hypothesis [star cbv t1 t2].
It checks that [t1] and [t2] are distinct and, if [t1] reduces to [t'1],
updates this hypothesis to [star cbv t'1 t2]. Repeating this tactic allows
proving that [t1] does *not* reduce to [t2]. *)
Ltac analyze :=
invert_star_cbv; repeat invert_cbv; compute in *; fold cbv_mask in *;
repeat match goal with h: True |- _ => clear h end.
Transparent cps cpsv. (* required by [compute] *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Consider the term [t1], defined as follows. In informal syntax, [t1]
is written (\z.let w = z in w) (\x.x). *)
Definition t1 :=
App (Lam (Let (Var 0) (Var 0))) (Lam (Var 0)).
(* The term [t1] reduces to [t2], which in informal syntax is written
let w = \x.x in w. *)
Definition t2 :=
Let (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0).
cbv t1 t2.
unfold t1, t2. obvious.
(* The single-step simulation diagram is violated: [cps t1 init] does
*not* reduce (in any number of steps) to [cps t2 init]. *)
~ (star cbv (cps t1 init) (cps t2 init)).
compute; fold cbv_mask. intro.
(* This point is the near miss:
[cps t1 init] has now reduced to a [Let] construct, whereas
[cps t2 init] is a similar-looking [Let] construct.
Both have the same value on the left-hand side of the [Let].
But the right-hand sides of the [Let] construct differ. *)
(* Let us summarize.
The term [t1] reduces in one step to [t2] as follows:
(\z.let w = z in w) (\x.x)
let w = \x.x in w
The term [cps t1 init], in informal notation, is as follows:
(\z.\k.let w = z in k w)
(\x.\k. k x)
This term reduces in two steps to:
let w = \x.\k. k x in
(\w.w) w
But the term [cps t2 init], in informal notation, is:
let w = \x.\k. k x in
This is our near miss. Both terms are [let] constructs and both have
the same left-hand side, but the right-hand sides differ by a beta-v
reduction. Thus, [cps t1 init] does not reduce *in call-by-value* to
[cps t2 init]. In order to allow [cps u1 init] to join [cps u2 init],
we must allow beta-v reductions in the right-hand side of [let]
constructs (and, it turns out, under lambda-abstractions, too.)
This is visible in the proof of the [simulation] lemma in the file
CPSSimulation: there, we use the reduction strategy [pcbv], which
allows (parallel) beta-v reductions under arbitrary contexts. *)
(* This counter-example is one of two closed counter-examples of minimal size.
It has size 4 (counting [Lam], [App], and [Let] nodes) and involves only
one [Let] construct. There are no smaller counter-examples. An exhaustive
search procedure, coded in OCaml, was used to find it. *)