Add the Coq formalization of the CPS transformation.
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 3124 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
(* This file contains a few lemmas about [substc]. *)
(* Two successive applications of [substc] can be fused. *)
Lemma substc_substc:
forall sigma1 sigma2 c,
substc sigma2 (substc sigma1 c) = substc (sigma1 >> sigma2) c.
intros. destruct c; autosubst.
(* Two successive applications of [liftc] can be fused. *)
Lemma liftc_liftc:
forall i j c,
liftc i (liftc j c) = liftc (i + j) c.
intros i j c. destruct c; autosubst.
(* [apply] commutes with substitutions. *)
Lemma apply_substitution:
forall c sigma c' v,
substc sigma c = c' ->
(apply c v).[sigma] = apply c' v.[sigma].
intros. subst. destruct c; autosubst.
(* [reify] commutes with substitutions. *)
Lemma reify_substitution:
forall c sigma c',
substc sigma c = c' ->
(reify c).[sigma] = reify c'.
intros. subst. destruct c; reflexivity.
(* As a special case, [reify] commutes with lifting. *)
Lemma lift_reify:
forall i c,
lift i (reify c) = reify (liftc i c).
intros. destruct c; reflexivity.
(* [substc] is preserved by [liftc]. *)
Lemma substc_liftc_liftc:
forall i c sigma c',
substc sigma c = c' ->
substc (upn i sigma) (liftc i c) = liftc i c'.
intros. subst. destruct c; simpl.
{ rewrite lift_upn by tc. reflexivity. }
{ asimpl. erewrite plus_upn by tc. autosubst. }
Hint Resolve substc_liftc_liftc : obvious.
(* As is the case for terms, lifting [c] by 1, then applying a substitution
of the form [v .: ids], yields [c] again. *)
Lemma substc_liftc_single:
forall c v,
substc (v .: ids) (liftc 1 c) = c.
intros. destruct c; autosubst.
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@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import LambdaCalculusStandardization.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSSpecialCases.
Require Import CPSSimulation.
(* [cbv+ . pcbv] implies [pcbv*]. *)
Lemma technical_inclusion_0:
inclusion plus_cbv_pcbv (star pcbv).
intros t1 t2. unfold composition. intros. unpack.
eauto 6 using cbv_subset_pcbv, plus_covariant with sequences.
(* [(cbv+ . pcbv)*] implies [pcbv*]. *)
Lemma technical_inclusion_1:
inclusion (star plus_cbv_pcbv) (star pcbv).
eapply inclusion_transitive; [| eapply inclusion_star_star ].
eapply star_covariant_inclusion.
eapply technical_inclusion_0.
(* A simplified simulation diagram. *)
Lemma simulation_cbv_pcbv:
forall t t',
star cbv t t' ->
star pcbv (cps t init) (cps t' init).
intros t t' Hred.
(* According to the simulation diagram (iterated), [cps t c] reduces to
[cps v c] via a series of [cbv] and [pcbv] steps. *)
destruct (star_diamond_left _ _ _ cps_init_simulation _ _ Hred _ eq_refl)
as (?&?&?). subst.
(* Thus, [cps t c] reduces to [cps t' c] via [pcbv*]. *)
eapply technical_inclusion_1. eauto.
(* If [t] diverges, then [cps t init] diverges, too. *)
Lemma cps_preserves_divergence:
forall t,
infseq cbv t ->
infseq cbv (cps t init).
eapply pcbv_preserves_divergence.
eapply infseq_simulation.
{ eapply cps_init_simulation. }
{ eauto. }
{ tauto. }
(* If [t] converges to a value [v], then [cps t init] converges to a value [w].
Furthermore, [w] reduces to [cpsv v] via a number of parallel reduction
steps. *)
Lemma cps_preserves_convergence:
forall t v,
star cbv t v ->
is_value v ->
exists w,
star cbv (cps t init) w /\
is_value w /\
star pcbv w (cpsv v).
intros ? ? Htv Hv.
(* [cps t init] reduces to [cps v init] via [pcbv*]. *)
generalize (simulation_cbv_pcbv _ _ Htv); intro Hred.
(* [cps v init] is [cpsv v]. *)
assert (Heq: cps v init = cpsv v).
{ cps. reflexivity. }
(* Thus, [cps t init] reduces to [cpsv v] via [pcbv*]. *)
rewrite Heq in Hred.
(* Bifurcate this reduction sequence. *)
forward1 crarys_lemma9. clear Hred.
(* This gives us the value [w] that we are looking for. *)
eexists. split. eauto. split.
{ eauto using
(star_implication_reversed _ ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed)
with obvious. }
{ eauto using star_covariant, ipcbv_subset_pcbv. }
(* If [t] is stuck, then [cps t c] is stuck. Not a really interesting
property, but we prove it, just so that no stone is left unturned. *)
Lemma cps_preserves_stuck:
forall t,
stuck t ->
forall c,
stuck (cps t c).
induction 1; intros.
(* StuckApp *)
{ rewrite cps_app_value_value by eauto.
eapply StuckAppL.
eapply StuckApp; [ obvious | obvious |].
(* Only [Lam] is translated to [Lam]. *)
intros. destruct v1.
{ cpsv. congruence. }
{ cpsv. false. congruence. }
{ obvious. }
{ obvious. }
(* StuckAppL *)
{ cps. eauto. }
(* StuckAppR *)
{ rewrite cps_app_value by eauto. eauto. }
(* StuckLetL *)
{ cps. eauto. }
(* As a corollary, the property of going wrong is preserved by the CPS
transformation. *)
Lemma cps_preserves_going_wrong:
forall t,
goes_wrong t ->
goes_wrong (cps t init).
intros ? [ t' [ Htt' ? ]].
(* [cps t init] reduces to [cps t' init] via [pcbv*]. *)
generalize (simulation_cbv_pcbv _ _ Htt'); intro Hred.
(* Bifurcate this reduction sequence. *)
forward1 crarys_lemma9. clear Hred.
(* This gives us the stuck term we are looking for. *)
eexists. split. eauto.
eauto using cps_preserves_stuck, reverse_star_ipcbv_preserves_stuck.
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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
(* The single-step simulation lemma in Danvy and Filinski's paper states that
if [t1] reduces to [t2], then [cps t1 c] reduces (in one or more steps) to
[cps t2 c]. Although this lemma is true in the pure lambda calculus, it
fails when the calculus is extended with [Let]. This file provides two
counter-examples. *)
(* Although Danvy and Filinski's paper does not claim that this lemma holds
when the calculus is extended with [Let], it does not indicate that the
lemma fails, either. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [analyze] assumes that there is a hypothesis [star cbv t1 t2].
It checks that [t1] and [t2] are distinct and, if [t1] reduces to [t'1],
updates this hypothesis to [star cbv t'1 t2]. Repeating this tactic allows
proving that [t1] does *not* reduce to [t2]. *)
Ltac analyze :=
invert_star_cbv; repeat invert_cbv; compute in *; fold cbv_mask in *;
repeat match goal with h: True |- _ => clear h end.
Transparent cps cpsv. (* required by [compute] *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Consider the term [t1], defined as follows. In informal syntax, [t1]
is written (\z.let w = z in w) (\x.x). *)
Definition t1 :=
App (Lam (Let (Var 0) (Var 0))) (Lam (Var 0)).
(* The term [t1] reduces to [t2], which in informal syntax is written
let w = \x.x in w. *)
Definition t2 :=
Let (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0).
cbv t1 t2.
unfold t1, t2. obvious.
(* The single-step simulation diagram is violated: [cps t1 init] does
*not* reduce (in any number of steps) to [cps t2 init]. *)
~ (star cbv (cps t1 init) (cps t2 init)).
compute; fold cbv_mask. intro.
(* This point is the near miss:
[cps t1 init] has now reduced to a [Let] construct, whereas
[cps t2 init] is a similar-looking [Let] construct.
Both have the same value on the left-hand side of the [Let].
But the right-hand sides of the [Let] construct differ. *)
(* Let us summarize.
The term [t1] reduces in one step to [t2] as follows:
(\z.let w = z in w) (\x.x)
let w = \x.x in w
The term [cps t1 init], in informal notation, is as follows:
(\z.\k.let w = z in k w)
(\x.\k. k x)
This term reduces in two steps to:
let w = \x.\k. k x in
(\w.w) w
But the term [cps t2 init], in informal notation, is:
let w = \x.\k. k x in
This is our near miss. Both terms are [let] constructs and both have
the same left-hand side, but the right-hand sides differ by a beta-v
reduction. Thus, [cps t1 init] does not reduce *in call-by-value* to
[cps t2 init]. In order to allow [cps u1 init] to join [cps u2 init],
we must allow beta-v reductions in the right-hand side of [let]
constructs (and, it turns out, under lambda-abstractions, too.)
This is visible in the proof of the [simulation] lemma in the file
CPSSimulation: there, we use the reduction strategy [pcbv], which
allows (parallel) beta-v reductions under arbitrary contexts. *)
(* This counter-example is one of two closed counter-examples of minimal size.
It has size 4 (counting [Lam], [App], and [Let] nodes) and involves only
one [Let] construct. There are no smaller counter-examples. An exhaustive
search procedure, coded in OCaml, was used to find it. *)
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import FixExtra.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
(* This is a definition of the CPS transformation. *)
(* This CPS transformation is "one-pass" in the sense that it does not produce
any administrative redexes. (In other words, there is no need for a second
pass, whose purpose would be to remove administrative redexes.)
To achieve this, instead of defining [cps t k], where the continuation [k]
is a term, we define [cps t c], where the continuation [c] is either a term
(also known as an object-level continuation) or a term-with-a-hole [K]
(also known as a meta-level continuation).
This formulation of the CPS transformation is analogous to Danvy and
Filinski's higher-order formulation. Yet, it is still technically
first-order, because we represent a term-with-a-hole [K] as a term,
where the variable 0 denotes the hole. *)
(* This CPS transformation is defined by recursion on the size of terms. This
allows recursive calls of the form [cps (lift 1 t)], which would be illegal
if [cps] was defined by structural induction. Definitions by well-founded
recursion in Coq are somewhat tricky, requiring the use of the fixed point
combinator [Fix] and the tactic [refine]. For explanations, see the chapter
on general recursion in Chlipala's book at
|||| *)
(* The situation could be complicated by the fact that we wish to define two
functions simultaneously:
[cpsv v] is the translation of a value [v].
[cps t c] is the translation of a term [t] with continuation [c].
To avoid this problem, we follow Danvy and Filinski's approach, which is to
first define [cps] directly (as this does not cause much duplication), then
define [cpsv] in terms of [cps]. In the latter step, no case analysis is
required: [cpsv] is obtained by invoking [cps] with an identity meta-level
Regardless of how [cps] and [cpsv] are defined, we prove that the they
satisfy the desired recurrence equations, so, in the end, everything is
just as if they had been defined in a mutually recursive manner. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* As explained above, a continuation [c] is
either [O k], where [k] is a term (in fact, a value)
(an object-level continuation)
or [M K], where [K] is term-with-a-hole
(a meta-level continuation).
A term-with-a-hole [K] is represented as a term where the variable 0 denotes
the hole (and, of course, all other variables are shifted up). *)
Inductive continuation :=
| O (k : term)
| M (K : term).
(* The term [apply c v] is the application of the continuation [c] to the
value [v]. If [c] is an object-level continuation [k] (that is, a term),
then it is just the object-level application [App k v]. If [c] is a
meta-level continuation [K], then it is the meta-level operation of filling
the hole with the value [v], which in fact is just a substitution,
[K.[v/]]. *)
Definition apply (c : continuation) (v : term) : term :=
match c with
| O k =>
App k v
| M K =>
(* The term [reify c] is the reification of the continuation [c] as an
object-level continuation (that is, a term). If [c] is an object-level
continuation [k], then it is just [k]. If [c] is a meta-level continuation
[K], then [reify c] is the term [\x.K x]. (This is usually known as a
two-level eta-expansion.) Because the hole is already represented by the
variable 0, filling the hole with the variable [x] is a no-op. Therefore,
it suffices to write [Lam K] to obtain the desired lambda-abstraction. *)
Definition reify (c : continuation) : term :=
match c with
| O k =>
| M K =>
Lam K
(* The continuation [substc sigma c] is the result of applying the
substitution [sigma] to the continuation [c]. *)
Definition substc sigma (c : continuation) : continuation :=
match c with
| O k =>
O k.[sigma]
| M K =>
M K.[up sigma]
(* [liftc i c] is the result of lifting the free names of the continuation [c]
up by [i]. The function [liftc] can be defined in terms of [substc]. *)
Notation liftc i c :=
(substc (ren (+i)) c).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Here is the definition of [cps]. Because we must keep track of sizes and
prove that the recursive calls cause a decrease in the size, this
definition cannot be easily written as Coq terms. Instead, we switch to
proof mode and use the tactic [refine]. This allows us to write some of the
code, with holes [_] in it, and use proof mode to fill the holes. *)
(* [cps t c] is the CPS-translation of the term [t] with continuation [c]. *)
Definition cps : term -> continuation -> term.
(* The definition is by well-founded recursion on the size of [t]. *)
refine (Fix smaller_wf_transparent (fun _ => continuation -> term) _).
(* We receive the arguments [t] and [c] as well as a function [cps_]
which we use for recursive calls. At every call to [cps_], there
is an obligation to prove that the size of the argument is less
than the size of [t]. *)
intros t cps_ c.
(* The definition is by cases on the term [t]. *)
destruct t as [ x | t | t1 t2 | t1 t2 ].
(* When [t] is a value, we return an application of the continuation [c]
to a value which will later be known as [cpsv t]. *)
(* Case: [Var x]. *)
{ refine (apply c (Var x)). }
(* Case: [Lam t]. *)
(* In informal notation, the term [\x.t] is transformed to an application of
[c] to [\x.\k.[cps t k]], where [k] is a fresh variable. Here, [k] is
represented by the de Bruijn index 0, and the term [t] must be lifted
because it is brought into the scope of [k]. *)
{ refine (apply c
(Lam (* x *) (Lam (* k *) (cps_ (lift 1 t) _ (O (Var 0)))))
); abstract size. }
(* Case: [App t1 t2]. *)
(* The idea is, roughly, to first obtain the value [v1] of [t1], then obtain
the value [v2] of [t2], then perform the application [v1 v2 c].
Two successive calls to [cps] are used to obtain [v1] and [v2]. In each
case, we avoid administrative redexes by using an [M] continuation.
Thus, [v1] and [v2] are represented by two holes, denoted by the
variables [Var 1] and [Var 0].
If [t1] is a value, then the first hole will be filled directly with (the
translation of) [t1]; otherwise, it will be filled with a fresh variable,
bound to the result of evaluating (the translation of) [t1]. The same
goes for [t2].
The application [v1 v2 c] does not directly make sense, since [c] is a
continuation, not a term. Instead of [c], we must use [reify c]. The
continuation [c] must turned into a term, so it can be used in this
term-level application.
A little de Bruijn wizardry is involved. The term [t2] must be lifted up
by 1 because it is brought into the scope of the first meta-level
continuation. Similarly, the first hole must be lifted by 1 because it is
brought into the scope of the second meta-level continuation: thus, it
becomes Var 1. Finally, the continuation [c] must be lifted up by [2]
because it is brought into the scope of both. Here, we have a choice
between [reify (liftc _ c)] and [lift _ (reify c)], which mean the same
thing. *)
{ refine (
cps_ t1 _ (M (
cps_ (lift 1 t2) _ (M (
App (App (Var 1) (Var 0)) (lift 2 (reify c))
abstract size.
(* Case: [Let x = t1 in t2]. *)
(* The idea is to first obtain the value [v1] of [t1]. This value is
represented by the hole [Var 0] in the [M] continuation. We bind
this value via a [Let] construct to the variable [x] (represented by the
index 0 in [t2]), then execute [t2], under the original continuation [c].
All variables in [t2] except [x] must lifted up by one because they are
brought in the scope of the meta-level continuation. The continuation [c]
must be lifted up by 2 because it is brought in the scope of the
meta-level continuation and in the scope of the [Let] construct. *)
{ refine (
cps_ t1 _ (M (
Let (Var 0) (
cps_ t2.[up (ren (+1))] _ (liftc 2 c)
abstract size.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The above definition can be used inside Coq to compute the image of a term
through the transformation. For instance, the image under [cps] of [\x.x]
with object-level continuation [k] (a variable) is [k (\x.\k.k x)]. *)
cps (Lam (Var 0)) (O (Var 0)) =
App (Var 0) (Lam (Lam (App (Var 0) (Var 1)))).
compute. (* optional *)
(* The image of [(\x.x) y] with continuation [k] is [(\x.\k.k x) y k]. *)
cps (App (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0)) (O (Var 1)) =
App (App (Lam (Lam (App (Var 0) (Var 1)))) (Var 0)) (Var 1).
compute. (* optional *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The initial continuation is used when invoking [cps] at the top level. *)
(* We could use [O (Lam (Var 0))] -- that is, the identity function -- as
the initial continuation. Instead, we use [M (Var 0)], that is, the
empty context. This sometimes saves one beta-redex. *)
Definition init :=
M (Var 0).
Definition cpsinit t :=
cps t init.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Now that [cps] is defined, we can define [cpsv] in terms of it. *)
(* We explicitly check whether [v] is a value, and if it is not, we return a
dummy closed value. [cpsv] is supposed to be applied only to values,
anyway. Using a dummy value allows us to prove that [cpsv v] is always a
value, without requiring that [v] itself be a value. *)
Definition cpsv (v : term) :=
if_value v
(cpsinit v)
(Lam (Var 0)).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The function [cps] satisfies the expected recurrence equations. *)
(* The lemmas [cps_var] and [cps_lam] are not used outside this file, as we
use [cps_value] instead, followed with [cpsv_var] or [cpsv_lam]. *)
Lemma cps_var:
forall x c,
cps (Var x) c = apply c (Var x).
Lemma cps_lam:
forall t c,
cps (Lam t) c =
apply c (Lam (* x *) (Lam (* k *) (cps (lift 1 t) (O (Var 0))))).
intros. erewrite Fix_eq_simplified with (f := cps) by reflexivity.
Lemma cps_app:
forall t1 t2 c,
cps (App t1 t2) c =
cps t1 (M (
cps (lift 1 t2) (M (
App (App (Var 1) (Var 0)) (lift 2 (reify c))
intros. erewrite Fix_eq_simplified with (f := cps) by reflexivity.
Lemma cps_let:
forall t1 t2 c,
cps (Let t1 t2) c =
cps t1 (M (
Let (Var 0) (
cps t2.[up (ren (+1))] (liftc 2 c)
intros. erewrite Fix_eq_simplified with (f := cps) by reflexivity.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The translation of values is uniform: we also have the following equation. *)
Lemma cps_value:
forall v c,
is_value v ->
cps v c = apply c (cpsv v).
destruct v; simpl; intros; try not_a_value; unfold cpsv, cpsinit.
{ rewrite !cps_var. reflexivity. }
{ rewrite !cps_lam. reflexivity. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The function [cpsv] satisfies the expected recurrence equations. *)
Lemma cpsv_var:
forall x,
cpsv (Var x) = Var x.
Lemma cpsv_lam:
forall t,
cpsv (Lam t) = Lam (Lam (cps (lift 1 t) (O (Var 0)))).
intros. unfold cpsv, cpsinit. rewrite cps_lam. reflexivity.
(* If [theta] is a renaming, then [theta x] is a variable, so [cpsv (theta x)]
is [theta x], which can also be written [(Var x).[theta]]. *)
Lemma cpsv_var_theta:
forall theta x,
is_ren theta ->
cpsv (theta x) = (Var x).[theta].
inversion 1. subst. asimpl. reflexivity.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [cps] applies the rewriting rules [cps_value] and [cps_app] as
many times as possible, therefore expanding applications of the function
[cps] to values and to applications. *)
Ltac cps :=
repeat first [ rewrite cps_value by obvious
| rewrite cps_app | rewrite cps_let ].
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The translation of a value is a value. *)
(* In fact, thanks to the manner in which we have defined [cpsv], the image of
every term through [cpsv] is a value. This turns out to be quite pleasant,
as it allows removing nasty side conditions in several lemmas. *)
Lemma is_value_cpsv:
forall v,
(* is_value v -> *)
is_value (cpsv v).
intros. destruct v; simpl; tauto.
Hint Resolve is_value_cpsv : is_value obvious.
Hint Rewrite cpsv_var cpsv_lam : cpsv.
Ltac cpsv := autorewrite with cpsv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* As a final step, we prove an induction principle that helps work with the
functions [cpsv] and [cps]. When trying to establish a property of the
function [cps], we often need to prove this property by induction on the
size of terms. Furthermore, we usually need to state an auxiliary property
of the function [cpsv] and to prove the two statements simultaneously, by
induction on the size of terms. The following lemma is tailored for this
purpose. It proves the properties [Pcpsv] and [Pcps] simultaneously. The
manner in which the index [n] is used reflects precisely the manner in
which each function depends on the other, with or without a decrease in
[n]. The dependencies are as follows:
[cpsv] invokes [cps] with a size decrease.
[cps] invokes [cpsv] without a size decrease and
[cps] with a size decrease.
It is worth noting that this proof has nothing to do with the definitions
of [cpsv] and [cps]. It happens to reflect just the right dependencies
between them. *)
Lemma mutual_induction:
(Pcpsv : term -> Prop)
(Pcps : term -> continuation -> Prop),
(forall n,
(forall t c, size t < n -> Pcps t c) ->
(forall v, size v < S n -> Pcpsv v)
) ->
(forall n,
(forall v, size v < S n -> Pcpsv v) ->
(forall t c, size t < n -> Pcps t c) ->
(forall t c, size t < S n -> Pcps t c)
) ->
(forall v, Pcpsv v) /\
(forall t c, Pcps t c)
intros Pcpsv Pcps IHcpsv IHcps.
assert (fact:
forall n,
(forall v, size v < n -> Pcpsv v) /\
(forall t k, size t < n -> Pcps t k)
{ induction n; intros; split; intros;
try solve [ elimtype False; omega ];
destruct IHn as (?&?); eauto. }
split; intros; eapply fact; eauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In the proofs that follow, we never expand the definition of [cpsv] or
[cps]: we use the tactics [cpsv] and [cps] instead. We actually forbid
unfolding [cpsv] and [cps], so our proofs cannot depend on the details of
the above definitions.
In general, when working with complex objects, it is good practice anyway
to characterize an object and forget how it was defined. Here, the
functions [cpsv] and [cps] are characterized by the equations that they
satisfy; the rest does not matter.
Attempting to work with transparent [cpsv] and [cps] would be problematic
for several reasons. The tactics [simpl] and [asimpl] would sometimes
expand these functions too far. Furthermore, because we have used the term
[smaller_wf_transparent] inside the definition of [cps], expanding [cps]
definition would often give rise to uncontrollably large terms. *)
Global Opaque cps cpsv.
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@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
(* In a CPS term (i.e., a term produced by the CPS translation), the
right-hand side of every application is a value, and the left-hand
side of every [let] construct is a value. *)
Inductive is_cps : term -> Prop :=
| IsCPSVar:
forall x,
is_cps (Var x)
| IsCPSLam:
forall t,
is_cps t ->
is_cps (Lam t)
| IsCPSApp:
forall t1 t2,
is_cps t1 ->
is_cps t2 ->
is_value t2 ->
is_cps (App t1 t2)
| IsCPSLet:
forall t1 t2,
is_cps t1 ->
is_cps t2 ->
is_value t1 ->
is_cps (Let t1 t2)
(* To prove that the above invariant holds, we must also define what it means
for a continuation [c] to satisfy this invariant. *)
Inductive is_cps_continuation : continuation -> Prop :=
forall k,
is_value k ->
is_cps k ->
is_cps_continuation (O k)
forall K,
is_cps K ->
is_cps_continuation (M K).
Local Hint Constructors is_cps is_cps_continuation.
(* [is_cps] is preserved by renamings. *)
Lemma is_cps_renaming:
forall t,
is_cps t ->
forall sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
is_cps t.[sigma].
induction 1; intros sigma Hsigma; asimpl;
try solve [ econstructor; obvious ].
(* Var *)
{ destruct Hsigma as [ xi ? ]. subst sigma. asimpl. econstructor. }
Local Hint Resolve is_cps_renaming.
Lemma is_cps_continuation_renaming:
forall c i,
is_cps_continuation c ->
is_cps_continuation (liftc i c).
induction 1; simpl; econstructor; obvious.
Local Hint Resolve is_cps_continuation_renaming.
(* [is_cps] is preserved by substitution. *)
Lemma is_cps_substitution_aux:
forall sigma,
(forall x, is_cps (sigma x)) ->
(forall x, is_cps (up sigma x)).
intros sigma H [|x]; asimpl.
{ econstructor. }
{ eapply is_cps_renaming; obvious. }
Lemma is_cps_substitution:
forall K,
is_cps K ->
forall sigma,
(forall x, is_cps (sigma x)) ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_cps K.[sigma].
induction 1; intros; asimpl; eauto;
econstructor; eauto using is_cps_substitution_aux with obvious.
Lemma is_cps_substitution_0:
forall K v,
is_cps K ->
is_cps v ->
is_value v ->
is_cps K.[v/].
intros. eapply is_cps_substitution; obvious.
intros [|x]; asimpl; eauto.
(* Inversion lemmas for [is_cps]. *)
Lemma is_cps_Lam_inversion:
forall t,
is_cps (Lam t) ->
is_cps t.
inversion 1; eauto.
(* A CPS term reduces in the same manner in call-by-value and in call-by-name.
Thus, the CPS transformation produces terms that are "indifferent" to which
of these two reduction strategies is chosen. *)
Lemma cps_indifference_1:
forall t1, is_cps t1 ->
forall t2, cbv t1 t2 -> cbn t1 t2.
induction 1; intros; invert_cbv; obvious.
Lemma cps_indifference_2:
forall t1, is_cps t1 ->
forall t2, cbn t1 t2 -> cbv t1 t2.
induction 1; intros; invert_cbn; obvious.
(* [is_cps] is preserved by call-by-value and call-by-name reduction. *)
Lemma is_cps_cbv:
forall t,
is_cps t ->
forall t',
cbv t t' ->
is_cps t'.
induction 1; intros; invert_cbv;
eauto using is_cps, is_cps_substitution_0, is_cps_Lam_inversion.
Lemma is_cps_cbn:
forall t,
is_cps t ->
forall t',
cbn t t' ->
is_cps t'.
induction 1; intros; invert_cbn;
eauto using is_cps, is_cps_substitution_0, is_cps_Lam_inversion.
(* A CPS term reduces in the same manner in call-by-value and in call-by-name.
The statement is here generalized to a sequence of reduction steps. *)
Lemma cps_star_indifference_1:
forall t1 t2,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
is_cps t1 ->
star cbn t1 t2.
induction 1; intros;
eauto using cps_indifference_1, is_cps_cbv with sequences.
Lemma cps_star_indifference_2:
forall t1 t2,
star cbn t1 t2 ->
is_cps t1 ->
star cbv t1 t2.
induction 1; intros;
eauto using cps_indifference_2, is_cps_cbn with sequences.
(* The main auxiliary lemmas. *)
Lemma is_cps_apply:
forall c v,
is_cps_continuation c ->
is_cps v ->
is_value v ->
is_cps (apply c v).
inversion 1; intros; simpl; eauto using is_cps_substitution_0.
Lemma is_cps_reify:
forall c,
is_cps_continuation c ->
is_cps (reify c).
inversion 1; simpl; eauto.
Lemma is_value_reify:
forall c,
is_cps_continuation c ->
is_value (reify c).
inversion 1; simpl; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve is_cps_apply is_cps_reify is_value_reify.
(* The main lemma. *)
Lemma cps_form:
forall v,
is_value v ->
is_cps (cpsv v)
) /\ (
forall t c,
is_cps_continuation c ->
is_cps (cps t c)
eapply mutual_induction.
(* [cpsv] *)
{ intros n IHcps v Hvn ?.
destruct v; [ | | false; obvious | false; obvious ].
{ cpsv; eauto. }
{ cpsv; eauto 6 with size. }
(* [cps] *)
{ intros n IHcpsv IHcps t c Htn Hc.
value_or_app_or_let t; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ obvious. }
(* Case: [t] is an application. *)
{ eapply IHcps; [ size | econstructor ].
eapply IHcps; [ size | econstructor ].
econstructor; obvious. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. *)
{ eauto 8 with obvious. }
Lemma cps_form_main:
forall t,
is_cps (cpsinit t).
simpl. intros. eapply cps_form. unfold init. obvious.
(* One property of CPS terms that we do not prove is that all applications are
in tail position, or, in other words, that there is no need for reduction
under a context. In fact, because a CPS-translated function expects two
arguments, there *is* a need for reduction under a context, but only under
a context of depth zero or one. *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
Require Import CPSRenaming.
(* The [substitution] lemma in CPSSubstitution pushes a substitution
into [cps t k]. The substitution is pushed into both [t] and [k].
Because it is pushed into [t], this substitution must be of the
form [sigma >>> cpsv], so that, once pushed into [t], it becomes
just [sigma]. *)
(* Here, we prove another substitution lemma, where the substitution
need not be of the form [sigma >>> cpsv]. It can be an arbitrary
substitution. We require [sigma] to not affect the term [t], so
[sigma] is not pushed into [t]: it is pushed into [k] only. For
this reason, we refer to this lemma as the [kubstitution] lemma.
In order to express the idea that [sigma] does not affect a term,
more precisely, we write this term under the form [t.[theta]]
and we require that [theta] and [sigma] cancel out, that is,
theta >> sigma = ids
(This condition implies [is_ren theta], that is, [theta] must be
a renaming.) Then, we are able to prove the following result:
(cps t.[theta] (O k)).[sigma] = cps t (O k.[sigma])
That is, the substitution [sigma], when pushed into [t], meets [theta]
and they cancel out. *)
(* [apply] commutes with kubstitutions. *)
Lemma apply_kubstitution:
forall c theta sigma c' v,
theta >> sigma = ids ->
substc sigma c = c' ->
(apply c v.[theta]).[sigma] = apply c' v.
intros. subst.
destruct c; asimpl; pick @eq ltac:(fun h => rewrite h); autosubst.
Local Hint Resolve up_theta_sigma_ids : obvious.
(* The main result: [cpsv] and [cps] commute with kubstitutions. *)
Lemma kubstitution:
forall v theta sigma,
theta >> sigma = ids ->
(cpsv v.[theta]).[sigma] = cpsv v
) /\ (
forall t c theta sigma c',
theta >> sigma = ids ->
substc sigma c = c' ->
(cps t.[theta] c).[sigma] = cps t c'
eapply mutual_induction.
(* [cpsv] *)
{ intros n IHcps v Hvn theta sigma Hid. clear IHcps.
rewrite <- cpsv_renaming by obvious.
asimpl. rewrite Hid.
asimpl. reflexivity. }
(* [cps] *)
{ intros n IHcpsv IHcps t c Htn theta sigma c' Hid Hkubstc. clear IHcpsv.
value_or_app_or_let t; asimpl; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ rewrite <- cpsv_renaming by obvious.
eauto using apply_kubstitution. }
(* Case: [t] is an application. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
simpl. f_equal.
erewrite <- lift_up by tc.
eapply IHcps; obvious.
asimpl. do 2 f_equal.
rewrite lift_reify.
eapply reify_substitution.
subst. rewrite substc_substc.
reflexivity. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
simpl. do 2 f_equal.
rewrite fold_up_up.
rewrite up_sigma_up_ren by tc. simpl.
eapply IHcps; obvious. }
(* The projections of the above result. *)
Definition cpsv_kubstitution := proj1 kubstitution.
Definition cps_kubstitution := proj2 kubstitution.
(* A corollary where the substitution [sigma] is [v .: ids], that is, a
substitution of the value [v] for the variable 0. *)
Lemma cps_kubstitution_0:
forall t c v,
(cps (lift 1 t) c).[v/] = cps t (substc (v .: ids) c).
intros. eapply cps_kubstitution.
{ autosubst. }
{ reflexivity. }
(* A corollary where the substitution [sigma] is [up (v .: ids)], that is, a
substitution of the value [v] for the variable 1. *)
Lemma cps_kubstitution_1:
forall t c v,
(cps t.[up (ren (+1))] c).[up (v .: ids)] = cps t (substc (up (v .: ids)) c).
intros. eapply cps_kubstitution.
{ autosubst. }
{ reflexivity. }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
(* The CPS transformation commutes with renamings, where a renaming [sigma] is
a substitution that maps variables to variables. (Note that [sigma] is not
necessarily injective.) *)
Lemma renaming:
forall v sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
(cpsv v).[sigma] = cpsv v.[sigma]
) /\ (
forall t c sigma c',
is_ren sigma ->
substc sigma c = c' ->
(cps t c).[sigma] = cps t.[sigma] c'
eapply mutual_induction.
(* [cpsv] *)
{ intros n IHcps v Hvn sigma Hsigma.
destruct v; asimpl; cpsv; asimpl; try reflexivity.
(* [Var] *)
(* The CPS transformation maps variables to variables. *)
{ destruct Hsigma as [ xi ? ]. subst sigma. reflexivity. }
(* [Lam] *)
{ erewrite IHcps by obvious. asimpl. reflexivity. }
(* [cps] *)
{ intros n IHcpsv IHcps t c Htn sigma c' Hsigma Hsubstc.
(* Perform case analysis on [t]. The first two cases, [Var] and [Lam],
can be shared by treating the case where [t] is a value. *)
value_or_app_or_let t; asimpl; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ erewrite apply_substitution by eauto.
rewrite IHcpsv by obvious.
reflexivity. }
(* Case: [t] is an application. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
erewrite <- lift_upn by tc.
simpl. f_equal.
eapply IHcps; obvious.
rewrite fold_up_upn, lift_upn by tc.
do 3 f_equal.
eauto using reify_substitution. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
simpl. do 2 f_equal.
rewrite fold_up_up.
erewrite IHcps by first [ eapply substc_liftc_liftc; eauto | obvious ].
autosubst. }
(* The projections of the above result. *)
Definition cpsv_renaming := proj1 renaming.
Definition cps_renaming := proj2 renaming.
(* A point-free reformulation of the above result: [cpsv] commutes with
an arbitrary renaming [xi]. *)
forall sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
cpsv >>> subst sigma = subst sigma >>> cpsv.
intros. f_ext; intros t. asimpl. eauto using cpsv_renaming.
(* Corollaries. *)
Lemma up_sigma_cpsv:
forall sigma,
up (sigma >>> cpsv) = up sigma >>> cpsv.
eauto using up_sigma_f, cpsv_renaming with is_ren typeclass_instances.
Lemma upn_sigma_cpsv:
forall i sigma,
upn i (sigma >>> cpsv) = upn i sigma >>> cpsv.
eauto using upn_sigma_f, cpsv_renaming with is_ren typeclass_instances.
Hint Resolve up_sigma_cpsv upn_sigma_cpsv : obvious.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
Require Import CPSRenaming.
Require Import CPSSubstitution.
Require Import CPSKubstitution.
Require Import CPSSpecialCases.
(* We now prepare for the statement of the "magic step" lemma [pcbv_cps]. This
lemma states that if the continuations [c1] and [c2] are similar, then [cps
t c1] is able to reduce via [pcbv] to [cps t c2]. We use parallel reduction
[pcbv] because we must allow reduction to take place under [Lam] and in the
right-hand side of [Let]. We do not need the full power of [pcbv]: we only
reduce zero or one redexes, never more. *)
(* A simplified copy of this file, where we pretend that the [Let] construct
does not exist, can be found in [CPSSimulationWithoutLet.v]. There, there
is no need for parallel reduction; a simpler simulation diagram holds. *)
(* Similarity of continuations is defined as follows: *)
Inductive similar : continuation -> continuation -> Prop :=
| SimilarReify:
forall c,
similar (O (reify c)) c
| SimilarM:
forall K1 K2,
pcbv K1 K2 ->
similar (M K1) (M K2).
(* Similarity is preserved by lifting. *)
Lemma similar_liftc_liftc:
forall i c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
similar (liftc i c1) (liftc i c2).
induction 1; intros; simpl.
{ rewrite lift_reify. econstructor. }
{ econstructor. eapply red_subst; obvious. }
(* The lemmas [pcbv_apply] and [pcbv_reify] are preliminaries for the
"magic step" lemma. *)
Lemma pcbv_apply:
forall c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
forall v,
pcbv (apply c1 (cpsv v)) (apply c2 (cpsv v)).
inversion 1; subst; intros; [ destruct c2 |]; simpl.
(* Case: both [c1] and [c2] are an object-level continuation [k].
No computation step is taken. *)
{ eapply red_refl; obvious. }
(* Case: [c1] is a two-level eta-expansion of [c2], which is a
meta-level continuation [K]. One beta-reduction step is taken. *)
{ eapply pcbv_RedBetaV; obvious. }
(* Case: [c1] and [c2] are similar meta-level continuations. The
required reduction steps are provided directly by the similarity
hypothesis. *)
{ eapply red_subst; obvious. }
Lemma pcbv_reify:
forall c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
pcbv (reify c1) (reify c2).
inversion 1; subst; intros; [ destruct c2 |]; simpl.
(* Case: both [c1] and [c2] are an object-level continuation [k].
No computation step is taken. *)
{ eapply red_refl; obvious. }
(* Case: [c1] is a two-level eta-expansion of [c2], which is a
meta-level continuation [K]. No computation step is taken. *)
{ eapply red_refl; obvious. }
(* Case: [c1] and [c2] are similar meta-level continuations. The
required reduction steps are provided directly by the similarity
hypothesis, applied under a lambda-abstraction. *)
{ eapply RedLam; obvious. }
(* We could arrange to just write [obvious] in each of the above
cases and finish the entire proof in one line, but we prefer to
explicitly show what happens in each case. *)
Local Hint Resolve red_refl : obvious.
(* The "magic step" lemma. *)
Lemma pcbv_cps:
forall t c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
pcbv (cps t c1) (cps t c2).
(* The proof is by induction on the size of [t]. *)
size_induction. intros c1 c2 Hsimilar.
value_or_app_or_let t; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ eauto using pcbv_apply. }
(* Case: [t] is an application. *)
{ eapply IH; [ size | econstructor ].
eapply IH; [ size | econstructor ].
eapply RedAppLR; obvious.
eapply red_subst; obvious.
eauto using pcbv_reify. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. *)
{ eapply IH; [ size | econstructor ].
eapply RedLetLR; obvious.
eapply IH; [ size |].
eauto using similar_liftc_liftc. }
(* The small-step simulation theorem: if [t1] reduces to [t2], then [cps t1 c]
reduces to [cps t2 c] via at least one step of [cbv], followed with one
step of [pcbv]. *)
(* Although the reduction strategies [cbv] and [pcbv] allow reduction in the
left-hand side of applications, at an arbitrary depth, in reality the CPS
transformation exploits this only at depth 0 or 1. We do not formally
establish this result (but could, if desired). *)
Notation plus_cbv_pcbv :=
(composition (plus cbv) pcbv).
Lemma cps_simulation:
forall t1 t2,
cbv t1 t2 ->
forall c,
is_value (reify c) ->
(cps t1 c)
(cps t2 c).
induction 1; intros; subst; try solve [ tauto ].
(* Beta-reduction. *)
{ rewrite cps_app_value_value by eauto. cpsv.
(* We are looking at two beda redexes. Perform exactly two steps of [cbv]. *)
eexists. split; [ eapply plus_left; [ obvious | eapply star_step; [ obvious | eapply star_refl ]] |].
(* There remains one step of [pcbv]. *)
rewrite cps_substitution_1_O_Var_0 by eauto.
rewrite lift_up by tc.
rewrite cps_kubstitution_0. asimpl.
eapply pcbv_cps. econstructor.
(* Let *)
{ rewrite cps_let_value by eauto.
(* We are looking at a let-redex. Perform exactly one step of [cbv]. *)
eexists. split; [ eapply plus_left; [ obvious | eapply star_refl ] |].
(* There remains a trivial (reflexive) step of [pcbv]. *)
rewrite cps_substitution_0 by eauto.
eapply red_refl; obvious.
(* Reduction in the left-hand side of an application. *)
{ cps. eapply IHred. eauto. }
(* Reduction in the right-hand side of an application. *)
{ rewrite !cps_app_value by eauto. eapply IHred. tauto. }
(* Reduction in the left-hand side of [Let]. *)
{ cps. eapply IHred. tauto. }
(* We now specialize the above result to the identity continuation and
state it as a commutative diagram. *)
Lemma cps_init_simulation:
let sim t t' := (cps t init = t') in
cbv sim
plus_cbv_pcbv sim.
assert (is_value (reify init)). { simpl. eauto. }
unfold diamond22. intros. subst. eauto using cps_simulation.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
Require Import CPSRenaming.
Require Import CPSSubstitution.
Require Import CPSKubstitution.
Require Import CPSSpecialCases.
(* This file is a simplified copy of [CPSSimulation]. Here, we consider how
the proof of the simulation lemma is simplified in the absence of a [Let]
construct. We simply pretend that this construct does not exist, and skip
the proof cases where it appears. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The definition of similarity of continuations boils down to just one rule:
[O (reify c)] is similar to [c]. *)
Inductive similar : continuation -> continuation -> Prop :=
| SimilarReify:
forall c,
similar (O (reify c)) c.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The lemma [pcbv_apply] is simplified: its conclusion uses [star cbv] instead
of [pcbv]. In fact, zero or one step of reduction is needed. *)
Lemma pcbv_apply:
forall c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
forall v,
star cbv (apply c1 (cpsv v)) (apply c2 (cpsv v)).
inversion 1; subst; intros; destruct c2; simpl.
(* Case: both [c1] and [c2] are an object-level continuation [k].
No computation step is taken. *)
{ eauto with sequences. }
(* Case: [c1] is a two-level eta-expansion of [c2], which is a
meta-level continuation [K]. One beta-reduction step is taken. *)
{ eauto with sequences obvious. }
(* The lemma [pcbv_reify] is simplified: its conclusion becomes an equality. *)
Lemma pcbv_reify:
forall c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
reify c1 = reify c2.
inversion 1; subst; intros; destruct c2; simpl; reflexivity.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The "magic step" lemma is simplified: its conclusion uses [star cbv] instead
of [pcbv]. In fact, zero or one step of reduction is needed. The magic lies
in the case of applications, where [pcbv_reify] is used. *)
Lemma pcbv_cps:
forall t c1 c2,
similar c1 c2 ->
star cbv (cps t c1) (cps t c2).
(* The proof does NOT require an induction. *)
intros t c1 c2 Hsimilar.
value_or_app_or_let t; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ eauto using pcbv_apply. }
(* It turns out by magic that this proof case is trivial: it suffices to
take zero reduction steps. (That took me an evening to find out.) Thus,
no induction hypothesis is needed! *)
{ erewrite pcbv_reify by eauto.
eauto with sequences. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. We pretend this case is not there. *)
{ admit. }
Admitted. (* normal *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The small-step simulation theorem: if [t1] reduces to [t2], then [cps t1 c]
reduces to [cps t2 c] via at least one step of [cbv]. (In fact, two or three
steps are required.) *)
Lemma cps_simulation:
forall t1 t2,
cbv t1 t2 ->
forall c,
is_value (reify c) ->
plus cbv
(cps t1 c)
(cps t2 c).
induction 1; intros; subst; try solve [ tauto ].
(* Beta-reduction. *)
{ rewrite cps_app_value_value by eauto. cpsv.
(* We are looking at two beda redexes. Perform exactly two steps of [cbv]. *)
eapply plus_left. obvious.
eapply star_step. obvious.
(* Push the inner substitution (the actual argument) into [cps]. *)
rewrite cps_substitution_1_O_Var_0 by eauto.
rewrite lift_up by tc.
(* Push the outer substitution (the continuation) into [cps]. *)
rewrite cps_kubstitution_0.
(* Conclude. *)
eapply pcbv_cps. econstructor.
(* Let. We pretend this case is not there. *)
{ admit. }
(* Reduction in the left-hand side of an application. *)
{ cps. eapply IHred. eauto. }
(* Reduction in the right-hand side of an application. *)
{ rewrite !cps_app_value by eauto. eapply IHred. tauto. }
(* Reduction in the left-hand side of [Let]. We pretend this case is not there. *)
{ admit. }
Admitted. (* normal *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now specialize the above result to the identity continuation and
state it as a commutative diagram. *)
Lemma cps_init_simulation:
let sim t t' := (cps t init = t') in
cbv sim
(plus cbv) sim.
assert (is_value (reify init)). { simpl. eauto. }
unfold diamond22. intros. subst. eauto using cps_simulation.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
Require Import CPSKubstitution.
(* The translation of an application whose left-hand side is a value. *)
Lemma cps_app_value:
forall v1 t2 c,
is_value v1 ->
cps (App v1 t2) c =
cps t2 (M (App (App (lift 1 (cpsv v1)) (Var 0)) (lift 1 (reify c)))).
intros. cps. simpl.
rewrite cps_kubstitution_0. asimpl.
(* The translation of a value-value application. *)
Lemma cps_app_value_value:
forall v1 v2 c,
is_value v1 ->
is_value v2 ->
cps (App v1 v2) c =
App (App (cpsv v1) (cpsv v2)) (reify c).
rewrite cps_app_value by obvious.
rewrite cps_value by eauto. asimpl.
(* The translation of a [Let] construct whose left-hand side is a value. *)
Lemma cps_let_value:
forall v1 t2 c,
is_value v1 ->
cps (Let v1 t2) c =
Let (cpsv v1) (cps t2 (liftc 1 c)).
intros. cps. simpl. f_equal.
eapply cps_kubstitution. (* [cps_substitution] could be used too *)
{ autosubst. }
{ rewrite substc_substc. autosubst. }
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import CPSDefinition.
Require Import CPSContextSubstitution.
Require Import CPSRenaming.
(* The CPS transformation commutes with certain substitutions. More precisely,
it commutes with a substitution [sigma] of values for variables, up to a
transformation of the values in the codomain of [sigma].
In the case of [cpsv], we have the following diagram: applying [sigma]
first, followed with [cpsv], is the same as applying [cpsv] first, followed
with [sigma >>> cpsv].
cpsv v.[sigma] = (cpsv v).[sigma >>> cpsv]
This can also be written in point-free style, that is, without mentioning
the value [v]:
subst sigma >>> cpsv = cpsv >>> subst (sigma >>> cpsv)
As in the case of the renaming lemma (see CPSRenaming.v), this statement is
proved by induction on the size of terms, together with an analogous
statement about the function [cps]. *)
(* The proof depends on [CPSRenaming] via the lemmas [up_sigma_cpsv] and
[upn_sigma_cpsv], which are declared as hints for [obvious]. *)
Lemma substitution:
forall v sigma sigma',
sigma' = sigma >>> cpsv ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
(cpsv v).[sigma'] = cpsv v.[sigma]
) /\ (
forall t c sigma c' sigma',
sigma' = sigma >>> cpsv ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
substc sigma' c = c' ->
(cps t c).[sigma'] = cps t.[sigma] c'
eapply mutual_induction.
(* [cpsv] *)
{ intros n IHcps v Hvn sigma sigma' Heq Hsigma. subst.
destruct v; asimpl; cpsv; asimpl; try reflexivity.
(* Lam *)
{ erewrite IHcps by obvious. asimpl. reflexivity. }
(* [cps] *)
{ intros n IHcpsv IHcps t c Htn sigma c' sigma' Heq Hsigma Hsubstc. subst.
value_or_app_or_let t; asimpl; cps.
(* Case: [t] is a value. *)
{ erewrite apply_substitution by eauto.
erewrite IHcpsv by obvious.
reflexivity. }
(* Case: [t] is an application. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
simpl. f_equal.
erewrite <- lift_up by tc.
eapply IHcps; obvious.
asimpl. do 2 f_equal.
rewrite lift_reify.
eapply reify_substitution.
rewrite substc_substc.
reflexivity. }
(* Case: [t] is a [let] construct. *)
{ eapply IHcps; obvious.
rewrite fold_up_up.
do 2 f_equal.
erewrite IHcps by first [ eapply substc_liftc_liftc; eauto | obvious ].
autosubst. }
(* The projections of the above result. *)
Definition cpsv_substitution := proj1 substitution.
Definition cps_substitution := proj2 substitution.
(* A point-free reformulation of the above result: [cpsv] commutes with an
arbitrary substitution [sigma], up to a transformation of the values in the
codomain of [sigma]. *)
forall sigma,
is_value_subst sigma ->
cpsv >>> subst (sigma >>> cpsv) =
subst sigma >>> cpsv.
intros. f_ext; intros v. asimpl. eauto using cpsv_substitution.
(* This technical lemma is used below. *)
Lemma cpsv_cons:
forall v,
cpsv v .: ids = (v .: ids) >>> cpsv.
intros. f_ext; intros [|x]; autosubst.
(* A corollary where the substitution [sigma] is [v .: ids], that is, a
substitution of the value [v] for the variable 0. This one is about
[cpsv]. *)
Lemma cpsv_substitution_0:
forall v w,
is_value v ->
(cpsv w).[cpsv v/] =
cpsv w.[v/].
intros. rewrite cpsv_cons. erewrite cpsv_substitution by obvious. reflexivity.
(* Another corollary where the substitution [sigma] is [v .: ids], that is, a
substitution of the value [v] for the variable 0. This one is about [cps]
and concerns the case where the continuation is of the form [liftc 1 c], so
it is unaffected. *)
Lemma cps_substitution_0:
forall t c v,
is_value v ->
(cps t (liftc 1 c)).[cpsv v/] =
cps t.[v/] c.
intros. eapply cps_substitution.
{ autosubst. }
{ obvious. }
{ eauto using substc_liftc_single. }
(* A corollary where the substitution [sigma] is [up (v .: ids)], that is, a
substitution of the value [v] for the variable 1, and the continuation is
the variable 0, so it is unaffected. *)
Lemma cps_substitution_1_O_Var_0:
forall t v,
is_value v ->
(cps t (O (Var 0))).[up (cpsv v .: ids)] =
cps t.[up (v .: ids)] (O (Var 0)).
intros. eapply cps_substitution.
{ rewrite cpsv_cons. obvious. }
{ obvious. }
{ reflexivity. }
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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Require Import Coq.Logic.FunctionalExtensionality.
(* This is a simplified version of the lemma [Fix_eq], which is defined in
[Coq.Init.Wf]. We use functional extensionality to remove one hypothesis.
Furthermore, we introduce the auxiliary equality [f = Fix Rwf P F] so as
to avoid duplicating the (usually large) term [F] in the right-hand side
of the conclusion. *)
Lemma Fix_eq_simplified
(A : Type) (R : A -> A -> Prop) (Rwf : well_founded R)
(P : A -> Type)
(F : forall x : A, (forall y : A, R y x -> P y) -> P x)
(f : forall x, P x) :
f = Fix Rwf P F ->
forall x : A,
f x = F x (fun (y : A) (_ : R y x) => f y).
intros. subst. eapply Fix_eq. intros. f_equal.
eauto using functional_extensionality_dep, functional_extensionality.
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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
Require Import Relations.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import MyTactics. (* TEMPORARY cannot be declared earlier; why? *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parallel call-by-value reduction is stable by substitution. In fact,
if [t1] parallel-reduces to [t2] and [sigma1] parallel-reduces to
[sigma2], then [t1.[sigma1]] parallel-reduces to [t2.[sigma2]]. *)
Notation pcbv_subst sigma1 sigma2 :=
(forall x, pcbv (sigma1 x) (sigma2 x)).
Lemma pcbv_subst_up:
forall sigma1 sigma2,
pcbv_subst sigma1 sigma2 ->
pcbv_subst (up sigma1) (up sigma2).
intros ? ? ? [|x]; asimpl.
{ eapply red_refl; obvious. }
{ eapply red_subst; obvious. }
Lemma pcbv_subst_cons:
forall v1 v2 sigma1 sigma2,
pcbv v1 v2 ->
pcbv_subst sigma1 sigma2 ->
pcbv_subst (v1 .: sigma1) (v2 .: sigma2).
intros ? ? ? ? ? ? [|x]; asimpl; eauto.
Hint Resolve pcbv_subst_up pcbv_subst_cons : red obvious.
Lemma pcbv_parallel_subst:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
forall sigma1 sigma2,
pcbv_subst sigma1 sigma2 ->
is_value_subst sigma1 ->
is_value_subst sigma2 ->
pcbv t1.[sigma1] t2.[sigma2].
induction 1; try solve [ tauto ]; intros; subst.
{ rewrite subst_app, subst_lam.
eapply RedParBetaV. obvious. obvious.
{ eapply IHred1; obvious. }
{ eapply IHred2; obvious. }
autosubst. }
{ rewrite subst_let.
eapply RedParLetV. obvious. obvious.
{ eapply IHred1; obvious. }
{ eapply IHred2; obvious. }
autosubst. }
{ rewrite !subst_var. obvious. }
{ rewrite !subst_lam. eauto 6 with obvious. }
{ rewrite !subst_app. obvious. }
{ rewrite !subst_let. eauto 7 with obvious. }
Hint Resolve pcbv_parallel_subst : red obvious.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parallel call-by-value reduction enjoys the diamond property. *)
(* The proof is by Takahashi's method (1995). We first define the function
[fpbcv], for "full parallel call-by-value reduction". This function
performs as much reduction as is possible in one step of [pcbv]. We prove
that this is indeed the case: if [t1] reduces to [t2] by [pcbv], then [t2]
reduces to [fpcbv t1]. The diamond property follows immediately. *)
Fixpoint fpcbv (t : term) : term :=
match t with
| Var x =>
Var x
| Lam t =>
Lam (fpcbv t)
| App (Lam t1) t2 =>
if_value t2
(fpcbv t1).[fpcbv t2/]
(App (Lam (fpcbv t1)) (fpcbv t2))
| App t1 t2 =>
App (fpcbv t1) (fpcbv t2)
| Let t1 t2 =>
if_value t1
(fpcbv t2).[fpcbv t1/]
(Let (fpcbv t1) (fpcbv t2))
Ltac fpcbv :=
simpl; if_value.
Lemma pcbv_takahashi:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv t2 (fpcbv t1).
induction 1; try solve [ tauto ]; subst;
try solve [ fpcbv; eauto 9 with obvious ].
(* RedAppLR *)
{ destruct t1; try solve [ fpcbv; obvious ].
value_or_nonvalue u1; fpcbv; [ | obvious ].
(* [t1] is a lambda-abstraction, and [u1] is a value. We have a redex. *)
(* [pcbv (Lam _) t2] implies that [t2] is a lambda-abstraction, too. *)
match goal with h: pcbv (Lam _) ?t2 |- _ => invert h end.
(* Thus, the reduction of [t1] to [t2] is a reduction under lambda. *)
simpl in IHred1. inversion IHred1; subst.
(* The result is then... *)
obvious. }
(* RedLetLR *)
{ value_or_nonvalue t1; fpcbv; obvious. }
Lemma diamond_pcbv:
diamond pcbv.
intros t u1 ? u2 ?.
exists (fpcbv t).
split; eauto using pcbv_takahashi.
Lemma diamond_star_pcbv:
diamond (star pcbv).
eauto using diamond_pcbv, star_diamond.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parallel reduction preserves the property of being stuck and the property
of being irreducible. *)
Lemma pcbv_preserves_stuck:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
stuck t1 ->
stuck t2.
induction 1; intros; subst; try solve [ tauto ].
(* RedParBetaV *)
{ false. eapply stuck_irred; eauto 2 with obvious. }
(* RedPatLetV *)
{ false. eapply stuck_irred; eauto 2 with obvious. }
(* RedLam *)
{ inv stuck. }
(* RedAppLR *)
{ inv stuck.
{ assert (forall t, t2 <> Lam t).
{ do 2 intro. subst.
inv red; (* invert [pcbv _ (Lam _)] *)
try solve [ false; eauto 2 with obvious | false; congruence ]. }
eauto with stuck obvious. }
{ eauto with stuck. }
{ eauto with stuck obvious. }
(* RedLetLR *)
{ inv stuck.
eauto with stuck. }
Lemma pcbv_preserves_irred:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
irred cbv t1 ->
irred cbv t2.
intros t1 t2 ?.
rewrite !irred_cbv_characterization.
intuition eauto 2 using pcbv_preserves_stuck with obvious.
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@ -0,0 +1,679 @@
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import Relations.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
Require Import LambdaCalculusParallelReduction.
Require Import MyTactics.
(* This is an adaptation of the paper "A Simple Proof of Call-by-Value
Standardization", by Karl Crary (2009). We establish two main results:
First, parallel call-by-value reduction is adequate, i.e., is contained in
contextual equivalence: if [t1] parallel-reduces to [t2], then [t1] halts
if and only if [t2] halts (where halting is considered with respect to
ordinary call-by-value reduction, [cbv]).
Second, every call-by-value reduction sequence can be put in a standard
form, as defined by the predicate [stdred]. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* "Evaluation" in Crary's paper is [cbv] here. Parallel reduction in Crary's
paper is [pcbv] here. Internal parallel reduction, [ipcbv], is defined as
follows. It is a restricted version of parallel reduction: it is allowed to
act only under lambda, in the right-hand side of an application whose
left-hand side is not a value, and in the right-hand side of [Let]. *)
Inductive ipcbv : term -> term -> Prop :=
| IRedVar:
forall x,
ipcbv (Var x) (Var x)
| IRedLam:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
ipcbv (Lam t1) (Lam t2)
| IRedAppLRNonValue:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
~ is_value t1 ->
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv u1 u2 ->
ipcbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2)
| IRedAppLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
is_value t1 -> (* wlog; see [ipcbv_IRedAppLR] below *)
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
ipcbv u1 u2 ->
ipcbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2)
| IRedLetLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv u1 u2 ->
ipcbv (Let t1 u1) (Let t2 u2)
Local Hint Constructors ipcbv : red obvious.
(* [ipcbv] is a subset of [pcbv]. *)
Lemma ipcbv_subset_pcbv:
forall t1 t2,
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv t1 t2.
induction 1; obvious.
Local Hint Resolve ipcbv_subset_pcbv : red obvious.
(* The side condition [is_value t1] in [IRedAppLR] does not cause any loss
of expressiveness, as the previous rule covers the case where [t1] is
not a value. *)
Lemma ipcbv_IRedAppLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
ipcbv u1 u2 ->
ipcbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2).
intros. value_or_nonvalue t1; obvious.
Local Hint Resolve ipcbv_IRedAppLR : red obvious.
(* [ipcbv] is reflexive. *)
Lemma ipcbv_refl:
forall t,
ipcbv t t.
induction t; eauto using red_refl with obvious.
Local Hint Resolve ipcbv_refl.
(* [ipcbv] preserves values, both ways. *)
Lemma ipcbv_preserves_values:
forall v1 v2, ipcbv v1 v2 -> is_value v1 -> is_value v2.
induction 1; is_value.
Lemma ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed:
forall v1 v2, ipcbv v1 v2 -> is_value v2 -> is_value v1.
induction 1; is_value.
Lemma ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed_contrapositive:
forall v1 v2, ipcbv v1 v2 -> ~ is_value v1 -> ~ is_value v2.
induction 1; is_value.
Local Hint Resolve ipcbv_preserves_values ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed
Lemma star_ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed:
forall v1 v2, star ipcbv v1 v2 -> is_value v2 -> is_value v1.
induction 1; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve star_ipcbv_preserves_values_reversed.
(* Reverse internal parallel reduction preserves the property of being stuck
and (therefore) the property of being irreducible. *)
Lemma reverse_ipcbv_preserves_stuck:
forall t1 t2,
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
stuck t2 ->
stuck t1.
induction 1; inversion 1; subst; eauto with stuck.
{ false. obvious. }
{ false. obvious. }
{ eapply StuckApp; eauto.
do 2 intro; subst. inv ipcbv. congruence. }
Lemma reverse_star_ipcbv_preserves_stuck:
forall t1 t2,
star ipcbv t1 t2 ->
stuck t2 ->
stuck t1.
induction 1; eauto using reverse_ipcbv_preserves_stuck.
Lemma reverse_ipcbv_preserves_irred:
forall t1 t2,
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
irred cbv t2 ->
irred cbv t1.
do 3 intro. rewrite !irred_cbv_characterization.
intuition eauto 2 using reverse_ipcbv_preserves_stuck.
Local Hint Resolve
(star_implication (irred cbv))
(star_implication_reversed (irred cbv))
: irred.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Strong parallel reduction requires both (1) parallel reduction; and (2) a
decomposition as an ordinary call-by-value reduction sequence, followed
with an internal parallel reduction step. Our goal is to prove that strong
parallel reduction in fact coincides with parallel reduction, which means
that this decomposition always exists. *)
Inductive spcbv : term -> term -> Prop :=
| SPCbv:
forall t1 u t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
star cbv t1 u ->
ipcbv u t2 ->
spcbv t1 t2.
Local Hint Constructors spcbv.
(* By definition, [spcbv] is a subset of [pcbv]. *)
Lemma spcbv_subset_pcbv:
forall t1 t2,
spcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv t1 t2.
inversion 1; eauto.
Local Hint Resolve spcbv_subset_pcbv.
(* [spcbv] is reflexive. *)
Lemma spcbv_refl:
forall t,
spcbv t t.
econstructor; eauto using red_refl with sequences obvious.
Local Hint Resolve spcbv_refl.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The main series of technical lemmas begins here. *)
Lemma crarys_lemma2:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
spcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv u1 u2 ->
~ is_value t2 ->
spcbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2).
inversion 1; intros; subst. econstructor; obvious.
Lemma crarys_lemma3_App:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
spcbv t1 t2 ->
spcbv u1 u2 ->
spcbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2).
inversion 1; inversion 1; intros; subst.
value_or_nonvalue t2.
{ eauto 6 with obvious. }
{ eauto using crarys_lemma2. }
Lemma crarys_lemma3_Let:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
spcbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv u1 u2 ->
spcbv (Let t1 u1) (Let t2 u2).
inversion 1; intros; subst; obvious.
Lemma crarys_lemma4:
forall {u1 u2},
spcbv u1 u2 ->
is_value u1 ->
forall {t1 t2},
ipcbv t1 t2 ->
spcbv t1.[u1/] t2.[u2/].
induction 3; intros.
(* Var. *)
{ destruct x as [|x]; asimpl; eauto. }
(* Lam *)
{ rewrite !subst_lam. inv spcbv.
econstructor; eauto 11 with sequences obvious. (* slow *) }
(* App (nonvalue) *)
{ asimpl. eapply crarys_lemma2; obvious. eauto 9 with obvious. }
(* App *)
{ asimpl. eapply crarys_lemma3_App; obvious. }
(* Let *)
{ rewrite !subst_let.
eapply crarys_lemma3_Let; eauto 12 with obvious. }
Lemma crarys_lemma5:
forall {t1 t2 u1 u2},
spcbv t1 t2 ->
spcbv u1 u2 ->
is_value u1 ->
spcbv t1.[u1/] t2.[u2/].
intros _ _ u1 u2 [ t1 t t2 Hpcbvt Hstarcbv Hipcbv ] Hpcbvu Hvalue.
generalize (crarys_lemma4 Hpcbvu Hvalue Hipcbv).
inversion 1; subst.
econstructor; [| | obvious ].
{ eauto 11 with obvious. }
{ eauto using star_red_subst with sequences obvious. }
Lemma crarys_lemma6:
forall {t1 t2},
pcbv t1 t2 ->
spcbv t1 t2.
induction 1; try solve [ tauto ]; subst.
(* RedParBetaV *)
{ match goal with hv: is_value _ |- _ =>
generalize (crarys_lemma5 IHred1 IHred2 hv)
inversion 1; subst.
econstructor; obvious.
eauto with sequences obvious. }
(* RedParLetV *)
{ match goal with hv: is_value _ |- _ =>
generalize (crarys_lemma5 IHred1 IHred2 hv)
inversion 1; subst.
econstructor; obvious.
eauto with sequences obvious. }
(* RedVar *)
{ obvious. }
(* RedLam *)
{ clear IHred. eauto with sequences obvious. }
(* RedAppLR *)
{ eauto using crarys_lemma3_App. }
(* RedLetLR *)
{ eauto using crarys_lemma3_Let. }
(* A reformulation of Lemma 6. We can now forget about [spcbv]. *)
Lemma crarys_main_lemma:
forall t1 t2,
pcbv t1 t2 ->
exists t, star cbv t1 t /\ ipcbv t t2.
intros ? ? H.
generalize (crarys_lemma6 H); inversion 1; subst.
Lemma crarys_main_lemma_plus:
cbv pcbv
(plus cbv) ipcbv.
unfold commutation22. intros ? ? Hstarcbv ? Hpcbv.
forward1 crarys_main_lemma.
eauto with sequences.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Postponement. *)
Lemma crarys_lemma7:
ipcbv cbv
cbv pcbv.
Local Ltac ih7 :=
match goal with IH: forall u, cbv _ u -> _, h: cbv _ _ |- _ =>
generalize (IH _ h)
end; intros (?&?&?).
unfold commutation22.
induction 1; intros; subst;
try solve [ false; eauto 2 with obvious ].
(* IRedAppLRNonValue *)
{ invert_cbv. ih7. obvious. }
(* IRedAppLR *)
{ (* [t1] and [t2] are values. *)
clear IHipcbv1.
(* Case: [u1] and [u2] are values. (Case 5 in Crary's proof.) *)
{ assert (is_value u1). { obvious. }
inv ipcbv.
eexists; split.
{ eapply RedBetaV; obvious. }
{ eauto 7 with obvious. }
(* Case: [u1] and [u2] are nonvalues. (Case 4 in Crary's proof.) *)
{ ih7. eexists; split; obvious. }
(* IRedLetLR *)
{ invert_cbv.
(* Case: [t1] and [t2] are values. *)
{ eexists; split; eauto 8 with obvious. }
(* Case: [t1] and [t2] are nonvalues. *)
{ ih7. eexists; split; obvious. }
(* Internal parallel reduction commutes with reduction, as follows. *)
Lemma crarys_lemma8_plus:
ipcbv cbv
(plus cbv) ipcbv.
eauto using crarys_lemma7, crarys_main_lemma_plus,
Lemma crarys_lemma8:
ipcbv cbv
(star cbv) ipcbv.
eauto using crarys_lemma8_plus, commutation22_variance with sequences.
Lemma crarys_lemma8b_plus:
ipcbv (plus cbv)
(plus cbv) ipcbv.
eauto using commute_R_Splus, crarys_lemma8_plus.
Lemma crarys_lemma8b:
ipcbv (star cbv)
(star cbv) ipcbv.
eauto using commute_R_Sstar, crarys_lemma8.
Lemma crarys_lemma8b_plus_star:
(star ipcbv) (plus cbv)
(plus cbv) (star ipcbv).
eapply commute_Rstar_Splus.
eauto using crarys_lemma8b_plus, commutation22_variance with sequences.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Bifurcation. *)
(* A sequence of parallel reduction steps can be reformulated as a sequence
of ordinary reduction steps, followed with a sequence of internal parallel
reduction steps. *)
Lemma crarys_lemma9:
forall t1 t2,
star pcbv t1 t2 ->
exists t,
star cbv t1 t /\ star ipcbv t t2.
induction 1.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ unpack.
forward1 crarys_main_lemma.
forward2 crarys_lemma8b.
eauto with sequences. }
(* The following result does not seem to explicitly appear in Crary's paper. *)
Lemma pcbv_cbv_commutation1:
(star pcbv) cbv
(plus cbv) (star pcbv).
intros t1 t2 ? t3 ?.
forward1 crarys_lemma9.
assert (plus cbv t2 t3). { eauto with sequences. }
forward2 crarys_lemma8b_plus_star.
eauto 6 using ipcbv_subset_pcbv, star_covariant with sequences.
Lemma pcbv_cbv_commutation:
(star pcbv) (plus cbv)
(plus cbv) (star pcbv).
eauto using pcbv_cbv_commutation1, commute_R_Splus.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The notion of "reducing (in zero or more steps) to a value" is the same
under [pcbv] and under [cbv]. *)
Lemma equiconvergence:
forall t v,
star pcbv t v ->
is_value v ->
exists v',
star cbv t v' /\ is_value v'.
intros. forward1 crarys_lemma9. eauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* "Adequacy of reduction". In Crary's terminology, "reduction" is the
compatible closure of "evaluation", and "evaluation" is [cbv]. A
relation is adequate iff it is contained in contextual equivalence. *)
(* The adequacy theorem. (Crary's lemma 10.) *)
Theorem pcbv_adequacy:
forall t1 t2,
star pcbv t1 t2 ->
(halts cbv t1) <-> (halts cbv t2).
(* Case: [t1] reduces to an irreducible term [u1]. *)
{ intros (u1&?&?).
(* [t1] reduces via [pcbv*] to both [u1] and [t2], so they must both
reduce via [pcbv*] to some common term [u]. *)
assert (star pcbv t1 u1). { eauto using star_covariant, cbv_subset_pcbv. }
forward2 diamond_star_pcbv.
(* The reduction of [t2] to [u] can be bifurcated. That is, [t2] first
reduces via [cbv*], then via [ipbcv], to [u]. *)
forward1 crarys_lemma9.
(* Because [pcbv] and [ipcbv] (reversed) both preserve irreducibility,
this establishes that [t2] halts. *)
eexists. split; eauto with irred.
(* Case: [t2] reduces to an irreducible term [u2]. *)
{ intros (u2&?&?).
(* Therefore, [t1] reduces via [pcbv*] to [u2]. *)
assert (star pcbv t1 u2).
{ eauto using cbv_subset_pcbv, star_covariant with sequences. }
(* This reduction can be bifurcated. That is, [t1] first reduces via
[cbv*], then via [ipcbv], to [u2]. *)
forward1 crarys_lemma9.
(* Because [ipcbv] (reversed) preserves irreducibility, this proves
that [t1] halts. *)
eexists. split; eauto with irred.
(* The previous result implies that [pcbv] and [star pcbv] are contained in
contextual equivalence. We do not establish this result, because we do
not need it, and we have not defined contextual equivalence. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Preservation of divergence. *)
(* If we have an infinite [cbv] reduction sequence with [pcbv] steps in it,
then we have an infinite [cbv] reduction sequence. *)
Lemma pcbv_preserves_divergence:
forall t,
infseq (composition (plus cbv) pcbv) t ->
infseq cbv t.
intros ? Hinfseq.
(* We generalize the statement slightly by allowing any number of initial
[pcbv] steps from [t] to [u] before finding an infinite reduction sequence
out of [u]. *)
eapply infseq_coinduction_principle with (P := fun t =>
exists u, star pcbv t u /\ infseq (composition (plus cbv) pcbv) u
); [| eauto with sequences ].
(* We have to show that, under this hypothesis, we are able to take one step
of [cbv] out of [t] and reach a term that satisfies this hypothesis again. *)
clear dependent t. intros t (u&?&hInfSeq).
pick infseq invert.
pick @composition invert. unpack.
(* Out of [t], we have [pcbv* . cbv+ . pcbv ...]. *)
(* Thus, we have [cbv+ . pcbv* . pcbv ...]. *)
forward2 pcbv_cbv_commutation.
(* Thus, we have [cbv . pcbv* ...]. *)
pick plus invert.
(* We are happy. *)
eexists. split; [ eauto |].
eexists. split; [| eauto ].
eauto 6 using cbv_subset_pcbv, star_covariant with sequences.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The final result in Crary's paper is a standardization theorem for
call-by-value reduction. The theorem states that any sequence of parallel
reduction steps can be put in a "standard" form, as defined by the relation
[stdred] below. *)
Inductive stdred : term -> term -> Prop :=
| StdNil:
forall t,
stdred t t
| StdCons:
forall t1 t2 t3,
cbv t1 t2 ->
stdred t2 t3 ->
stdred t1 t3
| StdLam:
forall t1 t2,
stdred t1 t2 ->
stdred (Lam t1) (Lam t2)
| StdApp:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
stdred t1 u1 ->
stdred t2 u2 ->
stdred (App t1 t2) (App u1 u2)
| StdLet:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
stdred t1 u1 ->
stdred t2 u2 ->
stdred (Let t1 t2) (Let u1 u2)
Hint Constructors stdred : stdred.
(* A couple of more flexible constructors for [stdred]. *)
Lemma star_cbv_subset_stdred:
forall t1 t2,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
stdred t1 t2.
induction 1; eauto with stdred.
Lemma StdConsStar:
forall t1 t2 t3,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
stdred t2 t3 ->
stdred t1 t3.
induction 1; eauto with stdred.
Hint Resolve star_cbv_subset_stdred StdConsStar : stdred.
(* The following four lemmas analyze a reduction sequence of the form [star
ipcbv t1 t2], where the head constructor of the term [t2] is known. In
every case, it can be concluded that the term [t1] exhibits the same head
constructor. *)
Lemma star_ipcbv_into_Var:
forall {t1 t2}, star ipcbv t1 t2 ->
forall {x}, t2 = Var x -> t1 = Var x.
induction 1; intros; subst.
{ eauto. }
{ forward (IHstar _ eq_refl). inv ipcbv. eauto. }
Lemma star_ipcbv_into_Lam:
forall {t1 t2}, star ipcbv t1 t2 ->
forall {u2}, t2 = Lam u2 ->
exists u1, t1 = Lam u1 /\ star pcbv u1 u2.
induction 1; intros; subst.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward (IHstar _ eq_refl). inv ipcbv. eauto with sequences. }
Lemma star_ipcbv_into_App:
forall {t1 t2}, star ipcbv t1 t2 ->
forall {t21 t22}, t2 = App t21 t22 ->
exists t11 t12,
t1 = App t11 t12 /\ star pcbv t11 t21 /\ star pcbv t12 t22.
induction 1; intros; subst.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward (IHstar _ _ eq_refl). inv ipcbv;
eauto 9 using ipcbv_subset_pcbv with sequences. }
Lemma star_ipcbv_into_Let:
forall {t1 t2}, star ipcbv t1 t2 ->
forall {t21 t22}, t2 = Let t21 t22 ->
exists t11 t12,
t1 = Let t11 t12 /\ star ipcbv t11 t21 /\ star pcbv t12 t22.
induction 1; intros; subst.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward (IHstar _ _ eq_refl). inv ipcbv. eauto 9 with sequences. }
Ltac star_ipcbv_into :=
pick (star ipcbv) ltac:(fun h => first [
forward (star_ipcbv_into_Var h eq_refl)
| forward (star_ipcbv_into_Lam h eq_refl)
| forward (star_ipcbv_into_App h eq_refl)
| forward (star_ipcbv_into_Let h eq_refl)
(* The standardization theorem. (Crary's lemma 12.) *)
Theorem cbv_standardization:
forall t2 t1,
star pcbv t1 t2 ->
stdred t1 t2.
induction t2; intros;
forward1 crarys_lemma9;
eauto 8 using ipcbv_subset_pcbv, star_covariant with stdred.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
Require Import Coq.Setoids.Setoid.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
(* This file offers a few definitions and tactics that help deal with
relations and commutative diagrams. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section Relations.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types R S : A -> A -> Prop.
(* Composition of relations. *)
Definition composition R S a c :=
exists b, R a b /\ S b c.
(* Transposition of relations. *)
Definition transpose R a b :=
R b a.
(* Inclusion of relations. *)
Definition inclusion R S :=
forall a b, R a b -> S a b.
(* A typical (square) commutative diagram, where the composition [R; S] can be
replaced with the composition [S; R]. This notion can be stated in several
equivalent ways; see [commutation22_eq] and [commutation22_reverse]. *)
Definition commutation22 R S S' R' :=
forall a1 b1,
R a1 b1 ->
forall b2,
S b1 b2 ->
exists a2,
S' a1 a2 /\ R' a2 b2.
(* A typical diamond diagram, where a divergence [R | S] is resolved
via [S' | R']. *)
Definition diamond22 R S R' S' :=
forall a1 b1,
R a1 b1 ->
forall a2,
S a1 a2 ->
exists b2,
R' a2 b2 /\ S' b1 b2.
Definition diamond R :=
diamond22 R R R R.
End Relations.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [forward1 lemma] applies [lemma], forwards, to a hypothesis
found in the context. The lemma must have one hypothesis. *)
Ltac forward1 lemma :=
match type of lemma with
| (forall _ _, ?R _ _ -> _) =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR); intro
| (forall _, ?R _ _ -> _) =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ hR); intro
(* The tactic [forward2 lemma] applies [lemma], forwards, to two hypotheses
found in the context. The lemma must be a commutation lemma or a diamond
lemma, as defined above. *)
Ltac forward2 lemma :=
match type of lemma with
| (forall a1 b1, ?R a1 b1 -> forall b2, ?S b1 b2 -> _) =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1, hS: S ?b1 ?b2 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR _ hS); intro
| commutation22 ?R ?S _ _ =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1, hS: S ?b1 ?b2 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR _ hS); intro
| (forall a1 b1, ?R a1 b1 -> forall a2, ?S a1 a2 -> _) =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1, hS: S ?a1 ?a2 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR _ hS); intro
| diamond22 ?R ?S _ _ =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1, hS: S ?a1 ?a2 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR _ hS); intro
| diamond ?R =>
match goal with hR: R ?a1 ?b1, hS: R ?a1 ?a2 |- _ =>
generalize (lemma _ _ hR _ hS); intro
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section RelationLemmas.
Context {A : Type}.
Implicit Types R S : A -> A -> Prop.
(* Inclusion of relations is transitive. *)
Lemma inclusion_transitive:
forall R S T,
inclusion R S ->
inclusion S T ->
inclusion R T.
unfold inclusion. eauto.
(* [star] is covariant with respect to inclusion. *)
Lemma star_covariant_inclusion:
forall R S,
inclusion R S ->
inclusion (star R) (star S).
unfold inclusion. eauto using star_covariant.
(* If [R] is reflexive and transitive, then [star R] is [R]. *)
Lemma star_of_reflexive_transitive_relation:
forall {A} (R : A -> A -> Prop),
(forall a, R a a) ->
(forall a b c, R a b -> R b c -> R a c) ->
inclusion (star R) R.
intros. induction 1; eauto.
(* Thus, [star (star R)] is [star R]. *)
Lemma inclusion_star_star:
forall {A} (R : A -> A -> Prop),
inclusion (star (star R)) (star R).
eapply star_of_reflexive_transitive_relation; eauto with sequences.
(* Composition is associative. *)
Lemma composition_assoc_direct:
forall R S T,
(composition R (composition S T))
(composition (composition R S) T).
unfold inclusion, composition. intros. unpack. eauto.
Lemma composition_assoc_reverse:
forall R S T,
(composition (composition R S) T)
(composition R (composition S T)).
unfold inclusion, composition. intros. unpack. eauto.
(* Composition is covariant. *)
Lemma composition_covariant:
forall R1 R2 S1 S2,
inclusion R1 R2 ->
inclusion S1 S2 ->
inclusion (composition R1 S1) (composition R2 S2).
unfold inclusion, composition. intros. unpack. eauto.
(* A commutative diagram can be stated in terms of inclusion of relations. *)
Lemma commutation22_eq:
forall R S S' R',
commutation22 R S S' R' <->
inclusion (composition R S) (composition S' R').
intros. unfold commutation22, inclusion, composition.
split; intros; unpack.
{ forward2 H. eauto. }
{ eauto. }
(* Thus, two commutative diagrams can be glued. *)
Lemma commutation22_transitive:
forall R S S' R' S'' R'',
commutation22 R S S' R' ->
commutation22 S' R' S'' R'' ->
commutation22 R S S'' R''.
intros. rewrite !commutation22_eq in *.
eauto using inclusion_transitive.
(* A commutation diagram can also be stated with its two hypotheses in reverse
order. This can be useful, e.g. when the diagram must be established by
induction on the second hypothesis. *)
Lemma commutation22_reverse:
forall R S S' R',
commutation22 R S S' R' <->
forall b1 b2,
S b1 b2 ->
forall a1,
R a1 b1 ->
exists a2,
S' a1 a2 /\ R' a2 b2
unfold commutation22. split; eauto.
(* [commutation22 R S S' R'] is contravariant in [R] and [S] and
covariant in [S'] and [R']. *)
Lemma commutation22_variance:
forall R1 S1 S'1 R'1 R2 S2 S'2 R'2,
commutation22 R1 S1 S'1 R'1 ->
(forall a b, R2 a b -> R1 a b) ->
(forall a b, S2 a b -> S1 a b) ->
(forall a b, S'1 a b -> S'2 a b) ->
(forall a b, R'1 a b -> R'2 a b) ->
commutation22 R2 S2 S'2 R'2.
do 8 intro. intros Hcomm. do 4 intro. intros a1 b1 ? b2 ?.
assert (R1 a1 b1). { eauto. }
assert (S1 b1 b2). { eauto. }
forward2 Hcomm. eauto.
(* If [S] can move left through [R], giving rise to (zero or more) [S'],
then [star S] can move left through [R] in the same manner. Think of
many [S] sheep jumping right-to-left above one [R] barrier. *)
(* If [R S ] rewrites to [S'* R]
then [R S*] rewrites to [S'* R]. *)
(* If desired, [star S'] could be replaced in this statement with any
reflexive and transitive relation. *)
Lemma commute_R_Sstar:
forall {R S S'},
(star S') R
R (star S)
(star S') R.
intros ? ? ? Hdiagram.
rewrite commutation22_reverse.
induction 1; intros.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward2 Hdiagram.
forward1 IHstar.
eauto with sequences. }
(* An analogous result, with [plus] instead of [star]. *)
(* If [R S ] rewrites to [S'+ R]
then [R S+] rewrites to [S'+ R]. *)
(* If desired, [plus S'] could be replaced in this statement with any
transitive relation. *)
Lemma commute_R_Splus:
forall {R S S'},
(plus S') R
R (plus S)
(plus S') R.
intros ? ? ? Hcomm.
rewrite commutation22_reverse.
induction 1 using plus_ind_direct; intros.
(* Case: one step. *)
{ forward2 Hcomm. eauto. }
(* Case: more than one step. *)
{ forward2 Hcomm.
forward1 IHplus.
eauto with sequences. }
(* If [S] can move left through [R], giving rise to (zero or more) [S],
then [S] can move left through [star R]. Think of many [S] sheep jumping
right-to-left above many [R] barriers. *)
(* If [R S ] rewrites to [S* R ]
then [R* S*] rewrites to [S* R*]. *)
Lemma commute_Rstar_Sstar:
forall {R S},
(star S) R
(star R) (star S)
(star S) (star R).
intros ? ? Hdiagram.
induction 1; intros.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward1 IHstar.
forward2 (commute_R_Sstar Hdiagram).
eauto with sequences. }
(* If [R S] rewrites to [S+ R ]
then [R* S] rewrites to [S+ R*]. *)
Lemma commute_Rstar_S:
forall {R S},
(plus S) R
(star R) S
(plus S) (star R).
intros ? ? Hdiagram.
induction 1; intros.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward1 IHstar.
forward2 (commute_R_Splus Hdiagram).
eauto with sequences. }
(* If [R S ] rewrites to [S+ R ]
then [R* S+] rewrites to [S+ R*]. *)
Lemma commute_Rstar_Splus:
forall {R S},
(plus S) R
(star R) (plus S)
(plus S) (star R).
intros ? ? Hdiagram.
assert (Hdiagram2:
(star R) (star S)
(star S) (star R)
{ eapply commute_Rstar_Sstar.
eauto using commutation22_variance with sequences. }
(* We have [R* S+]. *)
induction 2; intros.
(* We have [R* S S*]. *)
forward2 (commute_Rstar_S Hdiagram).
(* We have [S+ R* S*]. *)
forward2 Hdiagram2.
(* We have [S+ S* R*]. *)
eauto with sequences.
(* [transpose] is involutive. *)
Lemma transpose_transpose:
forall R,
transpose (transpose R) = R.
reflexivity. (* it's just eta-expansion *)
(* [diamond22] can be viewed as an instance of [commutation22]. *)
Lemma diamond22_as_commutation22:
forall R S R' S',
diamond22 R S R' S' <->
commutation22 (transpose R) S S' (transpose R').
unfold diamond22, commutation22. split; intros H; intros.
{ unfold transpose in *. forward2 H. eauto. }
{ assert (transpose R b1 a1). { eauto. }
forward2 H. eauto. }
Lemma commutation22_as_diamond22:
forall R S R' S',
commutation22 R S S' R' <->
diamond22 (transpose R) S (transpose R') S'.
rewrite diamond22_as_commutation22.
rewrite !transpose_transpose. tauto.
(* [diamond22 is symmetric. *)
Lemma diamond22_symmetric:
forall R S R' S',
diamond22 R S R' S' ->
diamond22 S R S' R'.
intros ? ? ? ? Hcon.
unfold diamond22. intros.
forward2 Hcon. eauto.
(* If [R] is diamond, then [star R] is diamond. *)
Lemma star_diamond_left:
forall R R' S,
diamond22 R S R' S ->
diamond22 (star R) S (star R') S.
intros R R' S Hcon. induction 1; intros.
{ eauto with sequences. }
{ forward2 Hcon. forward1 IHstar. eauto with sequences. }
Lemma star_diamond_right:
forall R S S',
diamond22 R S R S' ->
diamond22 R (star S) R (star S').
eauto using star_diamond_left, diamond22_symmetric.
Lemma star_diamond_both:
forall R S,
diamond22 R S R S ->
diamond22 (star R) (star S) (star R) (star S).
eauto using star_diamond_left, star_diamond_right.
Lemma star_diamond:
forall R,
diamond R ->
diamond (star R).
unfold diamond. eauto using star_diamond_both.
(* If, through a simulation diagram, a step of [R] in the source is
translated to (at least) one step of [R'] in the target, then
divergence in the source implies divergence in the target. *)
Lemma infseq_simulation:
forall R R' S,
diamond22 R S R' S ->
forall a,
infseq R a ->
forall b,
S a b ->
infseq R' b.
eapply infseq_coinduction_principle
with (P := fun b => exists a, S a b /\ infseq R a); [| eauto ].
clear dependent a. clear b. intros b (a&?&?).
pick infseq invert.
pick @diamond22 forward2.
eauto with sequences.
Lemma infseq_simulation_plus:
forall R R' S,
diamond22 R S (plus R') S ->
forall a,
infseq R a ->
forall b,
S a b ->
infseq R' b.
eauto using infseq_simulation, infseq_plus.
End RelationLemmas.
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