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@ -109,6 +109,55 @@ Fixpoint interp (inst: Instr) (mem: MemCpo) : MemCpo :=
end end
end. end.
Fixpoint nth_iterate (instr: Instr) (n: nat) : Instr :=
match n with
| 0 => skip
| S m => seq (nth_iterate instr m) instr
Definition satisfies_expr (mem: MemCpo) (expr: Expr) : Prop := match mem with
| CpoError _ => False
| CpoElem _ mem0 => (expr mem0 <> 0) % Z
Infix "|=e" := satisfies_expr (at level 32).
Definition expr_neg (expr: Expr) : Expr :=
fun mem => match expr mem with
| 0%Z => 1%Z
| _ => 0%Z
Lemma certain_termination_exists body guard mem :
interp (while guard body) mem <> MemError ->
exists n: nat,
interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) n) mem |=e expr_neg guard.
intros noError.
Lemma certain_termination_exists_minimal body guard mem :
interp (while guard body) mem <> MemError ->
exists n: nat,
(forall p: nat, p < n ->
interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) p) mem |=e guard)
/\ interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) n) mem |=e expr_neg guard.
intros not_error.
Lemma certain_termination body guard mem :
interp (while guard body) mem <> MemError ->
exists n: nat,
(interp (nth_iterate body n) mem) |=e (expr_neg guard)
/\ (forall p, p < n -> (interp (nth_iterate body p) mem) |=e guard)
/\ interp (while guard body) mem = interp (nth_iterate body n) mem.
intros notError.
elim (certain_termination_exists_minimal body guard mem).
intros n. intros [notBeforeN atN]. exists n.
(***** Validite, prouvabilite pour Hoare *************************************) (***** Validite, prouvabilite pour Hoare *************************************)
Definition Assert := Mem -> Prop. Definition Assert := Mem -> Prop.
@ -222,6 +271,46 @@ Proof.
- simpl. unfold assertImplLogical in impl. apply (impl m). apply conseq. - simpl. unfold assertImplLogical in impl. apply (impl m). apply conseq.
Qed. Qed.
Lemma interp_of_error (s: Instr):
interp s (MemError) = MemError.
unfold MemError. destruct s; cbv; trivial.
Lemma conseq_or_bottom_is_conseq (y: Assert) (m: Mem) :
conseq_or_bottom y (MemElem m) -> y m.
intros src; unfold conseq_or_bottom; simpl; trivial.
Lemma unfold_one_iter (s: Instr) (m: Mem) (n: nat):
interp (nth_iterate s (S n)) (MemElem m)
= interp s (interp (nth_iterate s n) (MemElem m)).
simpl; congruence.
Lemma error_leads_to_no_success s:
forall m, interp s MemError <> MemElem m.
intros mem. unfold interp; destruct s; simpl ;
unfold MemElem; unfold MemError; congruence.
Lemma Sn_noerror_n_noerror (n: nat) (s: Instr) (sMem: Mem) (m: Mem):
interp (nth_iterate s (S n)) (MemElem sMem) = MemElem m
-> exists m0, interp (nth_iterate s n) (MemElem sMem) = MemElem m0
/\ interp s (MemElem m0) = MemElem m.
intro HSn.
destruct (interp (nth_iterate s n) (MemElem sMem)) eqn:nRel.
- rewrite (unfold_one_iter s sMem n) in HSn.
rewrite nRel in HSn. apply error_leads_to_no_success in HSn.
elimtype False. apply HSn.
- exists m0; unfold MemElem. split.
* trivial.
* rewrite <- nRel; simpl. apply HSn.
Theorem hoare_provability_implies_consequence : Theorem hoare_provability_implies_consequence :
forall (pre: Assert), forall (s: Instr), forall (post: Assert), forall (pre: Assert), forall (s: Instr), forall (post: Assert),
@ -229,18 +318,18 @@ Theorem hoare_provability_implies_consequence :
-> ( |= [| pre |] s [| post |] ) % assert. -> ( |= [| pre |] s [| post |] ) % assert.
Proof. Proof.
intros pre instr post. intros deduction. intros pre instr post. intros deduction.
induction deduction; intros mem preInMem; simpl. induction deduction; intros mem preInMem.
- exact preInMem. - exact preInMem.
- trivial. - simpl; trivial.
- exact preInMem. - exact preInMem.
- apply (weaken_in_conseq post' post (interp s (MemElem mem)) H0). - apply (weaken_in_conseq post' post (interp s (MemElem mem)) H0).
apply IHdeduction. apply H. exact preInMem. apply IHdeduction. apply H. exact preInMem.
- destruct (interp s1 (MemElem mem)) eqn:mRel. - simpl; destruct (interp s1 (MemElem mem)) eqn:mRel.
admit. * fold MemError. rewrite (interp_of_error s2); simpl; trivial.
apply (IHdeduction2 m). unfold hoare_consequence in IHdeduction1. * apply (IHdeduction2 m). unfold hoare_consequence in IHdeduction1.
specialize IHdeduction1 with mem as IH1_mem. specialize IHdeduction1 with mem as IH1_mem.
rewrite mRel in IH1_mem. apply IH1_mem. assumption. rewrite mRel in IH1_mem. apply IH1_mem. assumption.
- destruct (expr mem =? 0)%Z eqn:branchEqn. - simpl; destruct (expr mem =? 0)%Z eqn:branchEqn.
* apply (IHdeduction2 mem). unfold assertOfExpr. * apply (IHdeduction2 mem). unfold assertOfExpr.
unfold assertAnd. split. unfold assertAnd. split.
+ assumption. + assumption.
@ -249,3 +338,60 @@ Proof.
unfold assertAnd. split. unfold assertAnd. split.
+ assumption. + assumption.
+ rewrite <- Z.eqb_eq. congruence. + rewrite <- Z.eqb_eq. congruence.
- unfold conseq_or_bottom.
destruct (interp (while expr sBody) (MemElem mem)) eqn:interpRel.
* trivial.
* elim (certain_termination sBody expr (MemElem mem)).
intros n. intros [lastIter [notLastIter isWhile] ].
rewrite isWhile in interpRel.
apply conseq_or_bottom_is_conseq. unfold MemElem.
rewrite <- interpRel.
induction n; simpl.
{ assumption. }
{ elim (Sn_noerror_n_noerror n sBody mem m interpRel).
intros memN [relMemN stepMemN].
specialize (IHdeduction memN) as IHmem.
rewrite stepMemN in IHmem.
rewrite relMemN.
rewrite relMemN in IHn.
rewrite stepMemN.
apply IHmem.
unfold assertAnd; split.
{ admit. }
{ unfold assertOfExpr.
specialize (notLastIter n).
rewrite relMemN in notLastIter.
unfold satisfies_expr in notLastIter; simpl in notLastIter.
apply notLastIter. unfold trivial. }
+ unfold assertNot; unfold assertOfExpr. rewrite interpRel in lastIter.
unfold satisfies_expr in lastIter.
unfold expr_neg in lastIter.
destruct (expr m); simpl; congruence.
+ rewrite interpRel; unfold MemError; congruence.
(***** Weakest precondition **************************************************)
Fixpoint wp (instr: Instr) (cond: Assert) : Assert := match instr with
| skip =>
| abort =>
| assign x expr =>
cond [[ x <- expr expr ]]
| seq s1 s2 =>
wp s1 (wp s2 cond)
| ifelse guard sIf sElse =>
(assertOfExpr guard -> wp sIf cond
/\ (~ (assertOfExpr guard) -> wp sElse cond)) % assert
| while guard body => assertTop
Theorem wp_correctness (instr: Instr) (post: Assert) :
( |= [| wp instr post |] instr [| post |] ) % assert.
(* TODO *)