A bit more.

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2016-08-12 18:12:53 +01:00
parent 579bcc3451
commit 5a5e8df5ff
2 changed files with 66 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
% Copycat
\newcommand{\CC}{{\rm C\!\!\!C}}

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@ -692,18 +692,13 @@ We can now equip \llccs{} with denotational semantics, interpreting the
language as strategies as defined in figure~\ref{fig:llccs:interp}.
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth} \begin{align*}
\seman{x^A} &\eqdef \cc_{\seman{A}} \\
\seman{x^A} &\eqdef \cc_{\seman{A}} &
\seman{A \linarrow B} &\eqdef \seman{A}^\perp \parallel \seman{B} \\
\seman{t^{A \linarrow B}~u^{A}} &\eqdef
\cc_{A \linarrow B} \strComp \left( \seman{t} \parallel \seman{u}
\right) \\
\seman{\lambda x^A \cdot t} &\eqdef \seman{t}
\end{align*} \end{minipage} \hfill
\begin{minipage}[t]{0.45\textwidth} \begin{align*}
\seman{\alpha} &\eqdef \ominus \\
\seman{A \linarrow B} &\eqdef \seman{A}^\perp \parallel \seman{B} \\
\seman{\lambda x^A \cdot t} &\eqdef \seman{t} \\
\seman{P \parallel Q} &\eqdef \left(
\begin{tikzpicture}[baseline, scale=0.8]
\node (4) at (0,0.65) [draw=green,ellipse] {call $P$};
@ -797,10 +792,69 @@ language as strategies as defined in figure~\ref{fig:llccs:interp}.
\caption{\llccs{} interpretation as strategies}\label{fig:llccs:interp}
A lot of these interpretations is what was expected: $\proc$ and $\chan$ have
the same interpretation as presented before, $1$ is interpreted as the game
playing \textit{done} while $0$ does not, the arrow is the type introduced for
A variable is represented by a \emph{copycat} of its type, to keep a version of
the variable in the environment, reflecting the judgement $x:A \vdash x:A$.
Same goes for the abstraction: the typing rule states that given a term
verifying $\Gamma, x:A \vdash t:B$, we should obtain a term verifying $\Gamma
\vdash \lambda x^A \cdot t : A \linarrow B$. The only thing we have to do is to
``move'' $x$ from the environment to the term, which is transcribed by the
associativity of $\parallel$. In the application, one can notice that the
copycat wires up perfectly $\seman{t} \parallel \seman{u}$: the version of $x$
from the environment of $t$ is connected to $u$, and the output of $t$ is
connected to the output of the term.
In the representation above, the drawn strategies are organized in columns: for
instance, the strategy involved in $\seman{P \parallel Q}$ has type $P^\perp
\parallel P^\perp \parallel P$. Each column of events stands for one of those
games, in this order.
\todo{A bit more structure}
The previous interpretation is \emph{adequate} with the operational
semantics, that is
\[ \forall P \textit{ st. } \vdash P : \proc,~
\left(P \Downarrow\right) \iff \left(\seman{P} = \seman{1}\right) \]
\begin{definition}[Evaluation in a context]
For $l$ a list of channels and $P$ a term, the evaluation of $P$ in the
context $l$, $\seman{P}_l$, is defined by induction by $\seman{P}_{[]}
\eqdef \seman{P}$ and $\seman{P}_{h::t} \eqdef \seman{(\nu h)P}_t$.
\begin{definition}[valid contexts]
The \emph{valid contexts} for a reduction $P \redarrow{x} Q$, $\validctx_{P
\redarrow{x} Q}$, is the set of lists of channels such that, for each list
\item $\forall a:\chan \in \freevars(P)~\st~\bar{a} \in \freevars(P),~
a \in l \text{ or } \bar{a} \in l$;
\item if $x = a : \chan$, $a \not\in l$;
\item $\forall a : \chan,~a \in l \implies \bar{a} \not\in l$.
This result is mostly a consequence of the following lemma:
$\forall P \redarrow{x} Q, \forall l \in \validctx_{P \redarrow{x} Q}$,
\item if $x = \tau$, then $\seman{P}_l = \seman{Q}_l$;
\item if $x = a: \chan$, then \qtodo{what?}
\section{Implementation of deterministic concurrent games}