Ignore ghost subroutines for clang

A ghost subroutine is a subroutine having, in the IR representation, no
content. At clang -O0, some might be generated, eg.

foo_addr        nop

which translates to Empty in BIL.
This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-04-05 10:25:34 +02:00
parent 6c18d9f537
commit 344ac84ef3
1 changed files with 22 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,15 @@ let opt_addr_of_blk_elt = function
| `Jmp jmp -> opt_addr_of jmp
| `Phi phi -> opt_addr_of phi
let is_ghost_sub sub =
(** Check whether the subroutine has content *)
let is_ghost_block blk =
BStd.Blk.elts blk
|> BStd.Seq.is_empty
let blk_seq = BStd.Term.enum BStd.blk_t sub in
BStd.Seq.for_all blk_seq ~f:is_ghost_block
let entrypoint_address blk =
(** Find the first instruction address in the current block.
Return None if no instruction has address. *)
@ -746,8 +755,12 @@ let of_prog prog next_instr_graph : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a program *)
let fold_step accu sub =
(match is_ghost_sub sub with
| true -> accu
| false ->
let subroutine_data = process_sub sub next_instr_graph in
StrMap.add (BStd.Sub.name sub) subroutine_data accu
| InvalidSub -> accu
| Inconsistent tid ->
@ -767,9 +780,13 @@ let build_sub_ranges prog: (memory_address) AddrMap.t =
easy fast access to a member (cf Map.S.find_first) *)
let fold_subroutine accu sub =
(match is_ghost_sub sub with
| true -> accu
| false ->
let first_addr = int64_addr_of sub in
let last_addr = find_last_addr sub in
AddrMap.add first_addr (last_addr) accu
let subroutines = BStd.Term.enum BStd.sub_t prog in