Add parameter --remote

Allows to offload the heavy steps (the compilation .c -> .o) to some
remote server
This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2018-05-07 15:49:22 +02:00
parent afe2d0b7c7
commit 9aa74ad1f7

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import subprocess
import re
import tempfile
import argparse
from collections import namedtuple
DWARF_ASSEMBLY_BIN = os.path.join(
@ -69,13 +70,69 @@ def gen_dw_asm_c(obj_path, out_path, dwarf_assembly_args):
def gen_eh_elf(obj_path, out_dir=None, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
def do_remote(remote, command, send_files=None, retr_files=None):
def ssh_do(cmd_args, working_directory=None):
cmd = ['ssh', remote]
if working_directory:
cmd += ['cd', working_directory, '&&']
cmd += cmd_args
return subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('utf-8').strip()
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return None
def ssh_copy(what, where, is_upload):
if is_upload:
where = '{}:{}'.format(remote, where)
what = '{}:{}'.format(remote, what)
subprocess.check_output(['scp', what, where])
TransferredFile = namedtuple('TransferredFile', 'local remote')
def interpret_transferred_file(descr):
if type(descr) == type(''):
return TransferredFile(descr, descr)
if os.path.isdir(descr[1]):
to = os.path.join(descr[1], descr[0])
to = descr[1]
return TransferredFile(descr[0], to)
# Create temp dir
tmp_dir = ssh_do(['mktemp', '-d'])
# Upload `send_files`
for f in send_files:
dest = tmp_dir+'/'
ssh_copy(f, dest, is_upload=True)
# Do whatever must be done
output = ssh_do(command, working_directory=tmp_dir)
# Download `retr_files`
for f in map(interpret_transferred_file, retr_files):
src = os.path.join(tmp_dir, f.local)
ssh_copy(src, f.remote, is_upload=False)
# Remove temp dir
ssh_do(['rm', '-rf', tmp_dir])
return output
def gen_eh_elf(obj_path, args, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
''' Generate the eh_elf corresponding to `obj_path`, saving it as
`out_dir/$(basename obj_path)` (or in the current working
directory if out_dir is None) '''
if out_dir is None:
if args.output is None:
out_dir = '.'
out_dir = args.output
if dwarf_assembly_args is None:
dwarf_assembly_args = []
@ -103,6 +160,17 @@ def gen_eh_elf(obj_path, out_dir=None, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
# Compile it into a .o
print("\tCompiling into .o…")
o_path = os.path.join(compile_dir, (out_base_name + '.o'))
if args.remote:
remote_out = do_remote(
'-o', out_base_name + '.o',
'-c', out_base_name + '.c',
'-O3', '-fPIC'],
retr_files=[(out_base_name + '.o', o_path)])
call_rc = 1 if remote_out is None else 0
call_rc =
[C_BIN, '-o', o_path, '-c', c_path, '-O3', '-fPIC'])
if call_rc != 0:
@ -116,17 +184,15 @@ def gen_eh_elf(obj_path, out_dir=None, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
raise Exception("Failed to compile to a .so file")
def gen_all_eh_elf(obj_path, out_dir=None, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
def gen_all_eh_elf(obj_path, args, dwarf_assembly_args=None):
''' Call `gen_eh_elf` on obj_path and all its dependencies '''
if out_dir is None:
out_dir = '.'
if dwarf_assembly_args is None:
dwarf_assembly_args = []
deps = elf_so_deps(obj_path)
for dep in deps:
gen_eh_elf(dep, out_dir, dwarf_assembly_args)
gen_eh_elf(dep, args, dwarf_assembly_args)
def process_args():
@ -144,6 +210,9 @@ def process_args():
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', metavar="path",
help=("Save the generated objects at the given path "
"instead of the current working directory"))
parser.add_argument('--remote', metavar='ssh_args',
help=("Execute the heavyweight commands on the remote "
"machine, using `ssh ssh_args`."))
switch_generation_policy = \
@ -173,7 +242,7 @@ def main():
for obj in args.object:
args.gen_func(obj, args.output, dwarf_assembly_opts)
args.gen_func(obj, args, dwarf_assembly_opts)
if __name__ == "__main__":