Import files from m2 internship defense slides

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2018-10-26 15:42:37 +02:00
parent c2bef9c053
commit f2b188bd7a
22 changed files with 857 additions and 0 deletions

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img/call_stack.png Normal file

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\author[\slidecountline]{Théophile \textsc{Bastian} \\
\footnotesize{under the supervision of Francesco Zappa Nardelli}}
{Speeding up stack unwinding by compiling DWARF debug data}
\date{March\ --\ August 2018}
\institute{Team PARKAS, INRIA, Paris}
\text{Slides: } &\text{\url{}} \\
\text{Report: } &\text{\url{}}
\section{Stack unwinding data}
\begin{frame}[fragile]{We often use stack unwinding!}
\begin{lstlisting}[language=gdb, numbers=none, escapechar=|]
Program received signal SIGSEGV.
0x54625 in fct_b at segfault.c:5
5 printf("%l\n", *b);
|\pause| (gdb) backtrace
#0 0x54625 in fct_b at segfault.c:5
#1 0x54663 in fct_a at segfault.c:10
#2 0x54674 in main at segfault.c:14
|\pause| (gdb) frame 1
#1 0x54663 in fct_a at segfault.c:10
10 fct_b((int*) a);
|\pause| (gdb) print a
$1 = 84
\textbf{\Large How does it work?!}
\subsection{Stack frames and unwinding}
\begin{frame}{Call stack and registers}
How do we get the grandparent RA\@?
Isn't it as trivial as \texttt{pop()}?
\only<2>{We only have \reg{rsp} and \reg{rip}.}
\subsection{DWARF tables}
\begin{frame}{DWARF unwinding data}
\tt \footnotesize
l l l l l l
~LOC & CFA & rbx & rbp & r12 & r13 & r14 & r15 & ra \\
0084950 & rsp+8 & u & u & u & u & u & u & c-8 \\
0084952 & rsp+16 & u & u & u & u & u & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084954 & rsp+24 & u & u & u & u & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084956 & rsp+32 & u & u & u & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084958 & rsp+40 & u & u & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084959 & rsp+48 & u & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
\rowcolor{Aquamarine} 008495a & rsp+56 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084962 & rsp+64 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a19 & rsp+56 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a1d & rsp+48 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a1e & rsp+40 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a20 & rsp+32 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a22 & rsp+24 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a24 & rsp+16 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a26 & rsp+8 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
0084a30 & rsp+64 & c-56 & c-48 & c-40 & c-32 & c-24 & c-16 & c-8 \\
\hfill\includegraphics[height=3cm, angle=45, origin=c]{img/dwarf_logo}
\begin{frame}[t, fragile]{The real DWARF}
\begin{lstlisting}[numbers=none, language=]
00009b30 48 009b34 FDE cie=0000 pc=0084950..0084b37
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000084952
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 16
DW_CFA_offset: r15 (r15) at cfa-16
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000084954
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 24
DW_CFA_offset: r14 (r14) at cfa-24
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000084956
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 32
DW_CFA_offset: r13 (r13) at cfa-32
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000084958
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 40
DW_CFA_offset: r12 (r12) at cfa-40
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 1 to 0000000000084959
\item[\textbf{$\longrightarrow$}] \textbf{\alert{constructed} on-demand
by a \alert{Turing-complete bytecode}!}
\bf \fontsize{8cm}{1cm}\colorbox{white}{\alert{Slow!}}
\begin{frame}{Why does slow matter?}
\item{} After all, we're talking about \alert{debugging procedures} ran
by a \alert{human being} (slower than the machine).
\ldots{}or are we?
\pause{}\item{} Pretty much any \alert{program analysis tool}
\pause{}\item{} \alert{Profiling} with polling profilers
\pause{}\item{} \alert{Exception handling} in C++
\textbf{\Large{}Debug data is not only for debugging}
\section{Compiling stack unwinding data ahead-of-time}
\begin{frame}{Compilation overview}
\item Compiled to \alert{C code}
\item C code then \alert{compiled to native binary} (gcc)
\item[$\leadsto$] gcc optimisations for free
\item Compiled as \alert{separate \texttt{.so} files}, called \ehelfs{}
\item Morally a \alert{monolithic switch} on IPs
\item Each case contains assembly that computes a \alert{row of the
\begin{frame}{Compilation example: original C, DWARF}
\begin{frame}[shrink]{Compilation example: generated C}
\subsection{Compilation Strategy}
\begin{frame}{Compilation choices}
\textbf{In order to keep the compiler \alert{simple} and \alert{easily
testable}, the whole DWARF5 instruction set is not supported.}
\item Focus on \alert{x86\_64}
\item Focus on unwinding return address \\
$\leadsto$ \textit{Allows building a backtrace}
\item \alert{suitable for perf, not for gdb}
\item Only supports \alert{unwinding registers}: \reg{rip}, \reg{rsp},
\reg{rbp}, \reg{rbx}
\item Supports the \alert{wide majority} ($> 99.9\%$) of instructions
\item Among \alert{4000} randomly sampled filed, only \alert{24}
containing unsupported instructions
\begin{frame}{Interface: libunwind}
\item \alert{libunwind}: \textit{de facto} standard library for
\item Relies on DWARF
\item \texttt{libunwind-eh\_elf}: alternative implementation using
\item[$\leadsto$] \alert{alternative implementation} of libunwind,
almost plug-and-play for existing projects!
\item[$\leadsto$] It is \alert{easy} to use \ehelfs{}: just
link against the right library!
\begin{frame}{Size optimisation: outlining}
\item This \alert{works}, but \alert{takes space}: about \alert{7 times
larger in size} than regular DWARF\@.
\item DWARF optimisation strategy: \alert{alter previous row}. \\
Causes slowness: we cannot do that.
\item Remark: a lot of lines appear often.
\item[$\leadsto$] \textbf{\emph{outline} them!}
\item On libc, $20\,827$ rows $\rightarrow$ $302$ outlined ($1.5\,\%$)
\item Turn the big switch into a binary search \alert{if/else tree}
$\leadsto$ only \textbf{2.5 times bigger than DWARF}
\begin{frame}{Example with outlining}
\subsection{A word on formalization}
\begin{frame}[t]{A word on formalization}
\item First task: \alert{writing semantics} for DWARF, written as
mapping to C code.
\item DWARF5 specification: \alert{plain English}, no proper semantics
\item Compiled code is in substance equivalent to semantics
\item What remains to prove is mostly \alert{simple or classic
\includegraphics[width=0.8\linewidth, angle=10]{img/dw_spec.png}
\begin{frame}{Benchmarking requirements}
\item Thousands of samples (single unwind: $10\,\mu{}s$)
\item Interesting enough program to unwind: nested functions, complex
\item Mitigate caching: don't always unwind from the \emph{same} point
\item Yet be fair: don't always unwind from totally different places
\item Distribute evenly: if possible, also from within libraries
\begin{frame}{perf instrumentation}
\textbf{\alert{perf} is the state-of-the-art polling profiler for Linux.}
\item{} used to get readings of the time spent in each function
\item{} works by regularly stopping the program, unwinding its stack,
then aggregating the gathered data
\textbf{Instrumenting perf matches all the requirements!}
\item{} \alert{Plug \ehelfs{} into perf}: use \ehelfs{} instead of
DWARF to unwind the stack
\item{} Implement \alert{unwinding performance counters} inside perf
\item{} Use perf on \alert{hackbench}, a kernel stress-test program
\item Small program
\item Lots of calls
\item Relies on libc, libpthread
\begin{frame}{Time performance}
\begin{tabular}{l r r r r r}
\thead{Unwinding method} & \thead{Frames \\ unwound}
& \thead{Tot.\ time \\ ($\mu s$)}
& \thead{Avg. \\ time / frame \\ ($ns$)}
& \thead{Time \\ ratio} \\
& 23506 % Frames unwound
& 14837 % Total time
& 631 % Avg time
& 1
\prog{libunwind}, \alert{cached}
& 27058 % Frames unwound
& 441601 % Total time
& 16320 % Avg time
& \alert{25.9}
\prog{libunwind}, \alert{uncached}
& 27058 % Frames unwound
& 671292 % Total time
& 24809 % Avg time
& \alert{39.3}
\begin{frame}{Space performance}
\begin{tabular}{r r r r r r}
& \thead{\% of binary size}
& \thead{Growth factor} \\
& 21.88 & 2.41 \\
& 43.71 & 2.19 \\
& 22.09 & 2.97 \\
& 93.87 & 4.99 \\
& 22.81 & \alert{2.44} \\
\begin{frame}{What next?}
\item Implement a release-ready, packageable, easy to use version of
perf with \ehelfs{} and submit it for inclusion
\item{} Measure \alert{C++ exceptions overhead} precisely in common
\item{} Implement \alert{\ehelfs{}} support for \alert{C++ runtime}
exception handling, and other systems where unwinding is a
performance bottleneck
\item \alert{Outlining} was effective for
compactness\ldots{} Try outlining DWARF bytecode\@?
\textbf{Slides: } &\text{\url{}} \\
\textbf{Report: } &\text{\url{}}

src/fib7/fib7.bin Executable file

Binary file not shown.

src/fib7/fib7.c Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include <stdio.h>
void fib7() {
int fibo[8];
fibo[0] = 1;
fibo[1] = 1;
for(int pos = 2; pos < 8; ++pos)
fibo[pos] =
fibo[pos - 1]
+ fibo[pos - 2];
printf("%d\n", fibo[7]);
int main(void) {
return 0;

src/fib7/fib7.cfde Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
CFA ra
void fib7() { 0x615 rsp+8 c-8
int fibo[8]; 0x620 rsp+48 c-8
fibo[0] = 1;
fibo[1] = 1;
printf("%d\n", fibo[7]);
0x659 rsp+8 c-8

View file

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
unwind_context_t _eh_elf(
unwind_context_t ctx, uintptr_t pc)
unwind_context_t out_ctx;
switch(pc) {
case 0x615 ... 0x618:
out_ctx.rsp = ctx.rsp + 8; =
*((uintptr_t*)(out_ctx.rsp - 8));
out_ctx.flags = 3u;
return out_ctx;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
unwind_context_t _eh_elf(
unwind_context_t ctx, uintptr_t pc)
unwind_context_t out_ctx;
if(pc < 0x619) { ... }
else {
if(pc < 0x659) { // IP=0x619 ... 0x658
goto _factor_1;
out_ctx.rsp = ctx.rsp + (48); = *((uintptr_t*)(out_ctx.rsp + (-8)));
out_ctx.flags = 3u;
return out_ctx;

src/fib7/fib7.fde Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
[...] FDE [...] pc=615..65a
0000000000000615 rsp+8 c-8
0000000000000619 rsp+48 c-8
0000000000000659 rsp+8 c-8

src/fib7/fib7.raw_fde Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
[...] FDE [...] pc=615..65a
DW_CFA_def_cfa: r7 (rsp) ofs 8
DW_CFA_offset: r16 (rip) at cfa-8
DW_CFA_advance_loc: 4 to 0619
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 48
DW_CFA_advance_loc1: 64 to 0659
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 8

src/fib7/fib7.s Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
0000000000000615 <fib7>:
615: sub $0x28,%rsp ; Alloc stack
619: movl $0x1,(%rsp) ; fibo[0]
620: movl $0x1,0x4(%rsp) ; fibo[1]
628: mov %rsp,%rax ; BEGIN FOR
62b: lea 0x18(%rax),%rcx
62f: mov (%rax),%edx
631: add 0x4(%rax),%edx
634: mov %edx,0x8(%rax)
637: add $0x4,%rax
63b: cmp %rcx,%rax
63e: jne 62f <fib7+0x1a> ; END FOR
640: mov 0x1c(%rsp),%esi
644: lea 0xb9(%rip),%rdi
64b: mov $0x0,%eax
650: callq 520 <printf@plt>
655: add $0x28,%rsp ; Restore rsp
659: retq

src/fib7/ Executable file

Binary file not shown.

src/unwind_context.c Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
typedef struct {
uint8_t flags; // State (registers filled, error)
uintptr_t rip, rsp, rbp, rbx; // Registers' values
} unwind_context_t;

texlib/common.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%% Common, non-specific useful commands
\newcommand{\set}[1]{\left\{ #1 \right\}}
\newcommand{\card}[1]{\left\vert{} #1 \right\vert}
\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left\vert{} #1 \right\vert}
\newcommand{\tnhead}[2]{\multicolumn{1}{#1}{#2}} % Table neutral head
\newcommand{\spaced}[2]{\hspace{#1} #2 \hspace{#1}}

texlib/my_listings.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
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{á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1
{Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1
{à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1
{À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
{ä}{{\"a}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
{Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1
{â}{{\^a}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {î}{{\^i}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1
{Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
{œ}{{\oe}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1 {æ}{{\ae}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1
{ű}{{\H{u}}}1 {Ű}{{\H{U}}}1 {ő}{{\H{o}}}1 {Ő}{{\H{O}}}1
{ç}{{\c c}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1 {å}{{\r a}}1 {Å}{{\r A}}1
{€}{{\EUR}}1 {£}{{\pounds}}1 {¬}{{$\lnot$}}1 {∞}{{$\infty$}}1

texlib/report.bib Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
title = {DWARF Debugging Information Format version 5},
organization = {DWARF Debugging Information Format Committee},
author = {DWARF5},
url = {},
year = {2017},
title = {ISO/IEC 9899:2011},
organization = {International Organization for Standardization},
author = {C11},
title = {System V Application Binary Interface, AMD64
url = {},
title = {Libunwind webpage},
url = {},
title={Exploiting the Hard-Working DWARF: Trojan and Exploit Techniques with No Native Executable Code.},
author={Oakley, James and Bratus, Sergey},
title={C++ exception handling},
author={De Dinechin, Christophe},
journal={IEEE Concurrency},
title={Exception handling for C++},
author={Koening, Andrew and Stroustrup, Bjarne},
journal={Journal of Object-Oriented Programming},
publisher={SIGS Publications},
title={Exceptions in C with Longjmp and Setjmp},
author={Nidito, Francesco},
author={Zhang, Yanmin},
author = {Xuejun Yang and
Yang Chen and
Eric Eide and
John Regehr},
title = {Finding and understanding bugs in {C} compilers},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd {ACM} {SIGPLAN} Conference on Programming
Language Design and Implementation, {PLDI} 2011, San Jose, CA, USA,
June 4-8, 2011},
pages = {283--294},
year = {2011},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/pldi/2011},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/1993498.1993532},
timestamp = {Mon, 05 Jun 2017 12:39:37 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
title={Dynamically diagnosing type errors in unsafe code},
author={Kell, Stephen},
journal={ACM SIGPLAN Notices},

texlib/specific.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
%% Specific commands for this project
{\tnhead{l}{\hspace{-5ex}$\reg{rsp} #1$ \hspace{2em}}}
%% DWARF semantics
\newcommand{\semI}[2]{{\left\llbracket{} #1 \right\rrbracket}^\intermedlang_{#2}}
\newcommand{\semC}[1]{{\left\llbracket{} #1 \right\rrbracket}^{C}}
\newcommand{\semR}[1]{{\left\llbracket{} #1 \right\rrbracket}^{R}}
\newcommand{\eqspace}{\quad = \quad}

texlib/todo.sty Normal file
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