Fix moving boxes in Example slide (§2)

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2018-11-06 12:52:05 +01:00
parent 31587ff8bb
commit f0d2f6bca5
1 changed files with 54 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -345,14 +345,7 @@ $1 = 84
\tblrowval{\hspace{-2ex}<{\bf foo}>:}{}{\textbf{CFA}}{\textbf{ra}}
\rowonly<3>{\tblhl{}} \tblrowval{push}{\%r15}{rsp+8}{c-8}
\rowonly<4>{\tblhl{}} \tblrowval{push}{\%r14}{rsp+16}{c-8}
@ -363,36 +356,62 @@ $1 = 84
\rowonly<9>{\tblhl{}} \tblrowval{cmp}{\$0x1,\%edi}{rsp+160}{c-8}%
\only<-8> {
\only<3>{\blknote{Upon function call, \alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp})} (ABI)}}
\only<4>{\blknote{\texttt{push} decreases \reg{rsp} by 8: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 8)}}}
\only<5>{\blknote{and again: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 16)}}}
\only<6>{\blknote{This \texttt{mov} leaves \reg{rsp} untouched: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 16)}}}
\only<7>{\blknote{The unwinding table can actually be seen as\\
an \alert{abstract interpretation} of the code\ldots}}
\only<8>{\blknote{\ldots and thus, for a given run, be
\alert{re-computed for verification}}}
\only<3>{Upon function call, \alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp})} (ABI)}
\only<4>{\texttt{push} decreases \reg{rsp} by 8: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 8)}}
\only<5>{and again: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 16)}}
\only<6>{This \texttt{mov} leaves \reg{rsp} untouched: %
\alert{ra = *(\reg{rsp} + 16)}}
\only<7>{The unwinding table can actually be seen as\\
an \alert{abstract interpretation} of the code\ldots}
\only<8>{\ldots and thus, for a given run, be
\alert{re-computed for verification}}
\only<9>{\blklnote{If, within an execution,
\item ra = \texttt{*(0xFFFF1098)}
\item \reg{rsp} = \texttt{0xFFFF1000}
We can \alert{evaluate both expressions} and \alert{compare}
\only<9-> {
\only<9>{\blklnote{If, within an execution,
\item ra = \texttt{*(0xFFFF1098)}
\item \reg{rsp} = \texttt{0xFFFF1000}
We can \alert{evaluate both expressions} and \alert{compare}
\begin{frame}{Dynamic validation}