eh_elf sketch instead of "Compilation overview"

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-10-15 11:52:35 +02:00
parent ebb16df755
commit 5a4ca89246

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
@ -435,31 +436,52 @@ Segmentation fault.
\subsection{Compilation ahead-of-time}
\item Compiled to \alert{C code}
\item C code then \alert{compiled to native binary} (gcc)
\item[$\leadsto$] gcc optimisations for free
\item Compiled as \alert{separate \texttt{.so} files}, called \ehelfs{}
\item Morally a \alert{monolithic switch} on IPs
\item Each case contains assembly that computes a \alert{row of the
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={rectangle,thick,draw,scale=0.95}]
\node (dwarf) at (0, 0) {
The real code is optimised, but boils down to this.
\node (table) at (0.5\textwidth, -0.23\textheight) {
l l
LOC & CFA & rbx & rbp & ra \\
0084950 & rsp+8 & u & u & c-8 \\
0084952 & rsp+16 & u & u & c-8 \\
0084954 & rsp+24 & u & u & c-8 \\
0084956 & rsp+32 & u & u & c-8 \\
\node (csrc) at (0, -0.6\textheight) {
\node (ehelf) at (0.55\textwidth, -0.75\textheight) {
ELF file:
every node/.style={fill=white,rectangle},
every path/.style={draw=black,very thick}]
\only<2->{\path [->] (dwarf) -| node {runtime} (table);}
\path [->] (dwarf) edge node {ahead of time} (csrc);
\path [->] (csrc) -| node {gcc, AoT} (ehelf);