Proof-read chapter 5 (staticdeps)

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Théophile Bastian 2024-09-01 16:05:21 +02:00
parent 9cfeddeef7
commit b5b0296102
10 changed files with 107 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ down into four categories:
For instance, in the kernel presented in the introduction of this chapter, the
first instruction (\lstxasm{add \%rax, \%rbx}) reads its first operand, the
register \reg{rax}, and both reads and write its second operand \reg{rbx}. The
register \reg{rax}, and both reads and writes its second operand \reg{rbx}. The
second \lstxasm{add} has the same behaviour. Thus, as \reg{rbx} is written at
line 1, and read at line 2, there is a read-after-write dependency between the
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ however, other channels.
As we saw in the introduction to this chapter, as well as in the previous
chapter, dependencies can also be \emph{memory-carried}, in more or less
straightforward ways, such as in the examples from
\autoref{lst:mem_carried_exn}, where the last line always depend on the first.
\autoref{lst:mem_carried_exn}, where the last line always depends on the first.
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ add -8(%rbx), %rcx\end{lstlisting}
lea 16(%rbx), %r10
add %rax, (%rbx)
lea 16(%rbx), %r10
add -16(%r10), %rcx\end{lstlisting}
\caption{Examples of memory-carried dependencies.}\label{lst:mem_carried_exn}
@ -94,27 +94,36 @@ with a large emphasis on memory-carried dependencies.
\paragraph{Presence of loops.} The previous examples were all pieces of
\emph{straight-line code} in which a dependency arose. However, many
dependencies are actually \emph{loop-carried}, such as those in
\autoref{lst:loop_carried_exn}. In \autoref{lst:loop_carried_exn:sumA}, line 2
depends on the previous iteration's line 2 as \reg{r10} is read, then written
back. In \autoref{lst:loop_carried_exn:quasiFibo}, line 3 depends on line 2 of
the same iteration; but line 2 alsp depends on line 3 two iterations ago by
reading \lstxasm{-16(\%rbx, \%r10)}.
# Compute sum(A), %rax points to A
add (%rax), %r10
add $8, %rax
jmp loop
\caption{Compute the sum of array \lstxasm{A}'s terms in \reg{r10}. \reg{rax} points to
# Compute B[i] = A[i] + B[i-2]
mov -16(%rbx, %r10), (%rbx, %r10)
add (%rax, %r10), (%rbx, %r10)
add $8, %r10
jmp loop
\caption{Examples of loop-carried dependencies.}\label{lst:loop_carried_exn}
\caption{Compute \lstxasm{B[i] = A[i] + B[i-2]}. \reg{rax} points to
\lstxasm{A}, \reg{rbx} points to \lstxasm{B}.}\label{lst:loop_carried_exn:quasiFibo}
\caption{Examples of loop-carried dependencies.}\label{lst:loop_carried_exn}

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@ -5,18 +5,20 @@ the actual data dependencies occurring throughout an execution. While such
analyzers are often too slow to use in practice, they can be used as a baseline
to evaluate static alternatives.
Due to its complexity, \gus{} is, however, ill-suited for the implementation of
a simple experiment if one is not already familiar with its codebase. For this
reason, we implement \depsim{}, a dynamic analysis tool based on top of
As it is a complex tool performing a wide range of analyses, \gus{} is,
however, unnecessarily complex to simply serve as a baseline. For the same
reason, it is also impractically slower than a simple dynamic analysis. For
this reason, we implement \depsim{}, a dynamic analysis tool based on top of
\valgrind{}, whose goal is to report dependencies encountered at runtime.
Most low-level developers and computer scientists know
\valgrind{}~\cite{tool:valgrind} as a memory
analysis tool, reporting bad memory accesses, memory leaks and the like.
However, this is only the \texttt{memcheck} tool built into \valgrind{}, while the
whole program is actually a binary instrumentation framework.
\valgrind{}~\cite{tool:valgrind} as a memory analysis tool, reporting bad
memory accesses, memory leaks and the like. However, this is only a small part
of \valgrind{} ---~the \texttt{memcheck} tool. The whole program is actually a
binary instrumentation framework, upon which the famous \texttt{memcheck} is
\valgrind{} supports a wide variety of platforms, including x86-64 and
ARM. However, at the time of the writing, it supports AVX2, but does not yet
@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ for some assembly code, independently of the Valgrind framework.
The tool we write to extract runtime-gathered dependencies, \depsim{}, is
The tool we wrote to extract runtime-gathered dependencies, \depsim{}, is
able to extract dependencies through both registers, memory and temporary
variables ---~in its intermediate representation, Valgrind keeps some values
assigned to temporary variables in static single-assignment (SSA) form.
@ -92,5 +94,5 @@ avoid excessive instrumentation slowdown.
We further annotate every write to the shadow memory with the timestamp at
which it occurred. Whenever a dependency should be added, we first check that
the dependency has not expired ---~that is, that it is not older than a given
threshold. This threshold is tunable for each run --~and may be set to infinity
threshold. This threshold is tunable for each run ---~and may be set to infinity
to keep every dependency.

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@ -1,28 +1,24 @@
\section{Static dependencies detection}\label{ssec:staticdeps_detection}
Depending on the type of dependencies considered, it is more or less difficult
to statically detect them.
Depending on their type, some dependencies are significantly harder to
statically detect than others.
\paragraph{Register-carried dependencies in straight-line code.} This case is
the easiest to statically detect, and is most often supported by code analyzers
---~for instance, \llvmmca{} supports it. The same strategy that was used to
dynamically find dependencies in \autoref{ssec:depsim} can still be used: a
shadow register file simply keeps track of which instruction last wrote each
\textbf{Register-carried dependencies}, when in straight-line code, can be
detected by keeping track of which instruction last wrote each register in a
\emph{shadow register file}. This is most often supported by code analyzers
---~for instance, \llvmmca{} and \uica{} support it.
\paragraph{Register-carried, loop-carried dependencies.} Loop-carried
dependencies can, to some extent, be detected the same way. As the basic block
is always assumed to be the body of an infinite loop, a straight-line analysis
can be performed on a duplicated kernel. This strategy is \eg{} adopted by
\osaca{}~\cite{osaca2} (§II.D).
Loop-carried dependencies can, to some extent, be detected the same way. As the
basic block is always assumed to be the body of an infinite loop, a
straight-line analysis can be performed on a duplicated kernel. This strategy
is \eg{} adopted by \osaca{}~\cite{osaca2} (§II.D). When dealing only with
register accesses, this strategy is always sufficient: as each iteration always
executes the same basic block, it is not possible for an instruction to depend
on another instruction two iterations earlier or more.
When dealing only with register accesses, this
strategy is always sufficient: as each iteration always executes the same basic
block, it is not possible for an instruction to depend on another instruction
two iterations earlier or more.
\paragraph{Memory-carried dependencies in straight-line code.} Memory
dependencies, however, are significantly harder to tackle. While basic
\textbf{Memory-carried dependencies}, however, are significantly harder to tackle. While basic
heuristics can handle some simple cases, in the general case two main
difficulties arise:
@ -41,12 +37,14 @@ difficulties arise:
Tracking memory-carried dependencies is, to the best of our knowledge, not done
in code analyzers, as our results in \autoref{chap:CesASMe} suggests.
\paragraph{Loop-carried, memory-carried dependencies.} While the strategy
previously used for register-carried dependencies is sufficient to detect
loop-carried dependencies from one occurrence to the next one, it is not
sufficient at all times when the dependencies tracked are memory-carried. For
instance, in the second example from \autoref{lst:loop_carried_exn}, an
instruction depends on another two iterations ago.
While the strategy previously used for register-carried dependencies is
sufficient to detect loop-carried dependencies from one occurrence to the next
one, it is not sufficient at all times when the dependencies tracked are
memory-carried. For instance, in the second example from
\autoref{lst:loop_carried_exn}, an instruction depends on another two
iterations ago.
Dependencies can reach arbitrarily old iterations of a loop: in this example,
\lstxasm{-8192(\%rbx, \%r10)} may be used to reach 1\,024 iterations back.
@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ necessarily \emph{relevant} from a performance analysis point of view. Indeed,
if an instruction $i_2$ depends on a result previously produced by an
instruction $i_1$, this dependency is only relevant if it is possible that
$i_1$ is not yet completed when $i_2$ is considered for issuing ---~else, the
result is already produced, and $i_2$ needs not wait to execute.
result is already produced, and $i_2$ needs never wait to execute.
The reorder buffer (ROB) of a CPU can be modelled as a sliding window of fixed
size over \uops{}. In particular, if a \uop{} $\mu_1$ is not yet retired, the

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@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ performance}\label{ssec:staticdeps:rob_proof}
for the subtrace $\left(I_r\right)_{p < r < p'}$.
\begin{theorem}[Long distance dependencies]\label{thm.longdist}
There exists $R \in \nat$, only dependent of microarchitectural parameters,
such that the presence or absence of a dependency between two instructions
that are separated by at least $R-1$ other \uops{} has no impact on the
performance of this kernel.
\begin{theorem}[Long distance dependencies]\label{thm.longdist} Given a kernel
$\kerK$, there exists $R \in \nat$, only dependent of microarchitectural
parameters, such that the presence or absence of a dependency between two
instructions that are separated by at least $R-1$ other \uops{} has no
impact on the performance of this kernel.
More formally, let $\kerK$ be a kernel of $n$ instructions. Let $(I_p)_{p
\in \nat}$ be the trace of $\kerK$'s instructions executed in a loop. For
@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ the reorder buffer.
It contains only decoded \uops{}.
Let us denote $i_d$ the \uop{} at position $d$ in the reorder buffer.
Assume $i_d$ just got decoded.
We have that for every $q$ and $q'$ in $[0,R)$:
\nopagebreak{}As the buffer is a circular FIFO, we have that for every $q$
and $q'$ in
(q-d-1) \% R<(q'-d-1) \% R\
\iff \ i_q \text{ was decoded before } i_{q'}
@ -45,7 +48,8 @@ buffer}:
\begin{postulate}[Full reorder buffer]
Let us denote by $i_d$ the \uop{} that just got decoded.
The reorder buffer is said to be full if for $q=(d+1) \% R$, \uop{} $i_q$ is not retired yet.
The reorder buffer is said to be \emph{full} if for $q=(d+1) \% R$, \uop{}
$i_q$ is not retired yet.
If the reorder buffer is full, then instruction decoding is stalled.
@ -58,10 +62,10 @@ To prove the theorem above, we need to state that any two in-flight \uops{} are
For any instruction $I_p$, we denote as $Q_p$ the range of indices such that
$(i_q)_{q\in Q_p}$ are the \uops{} obtained from the decoding of $I_p$.
Note that in practice, we may not have $\bigcup{}_p Q_p = [0, n)$, as \eg{}
branch mispredictions may introduce unwanted \uops{} in the pipeline. However,
as the worst case for the lemma below occurs when no such ``spurious'' \uops{}
are present, we may safely ignore such occurrences.
Note that in practice, it is possible that we do not have $\bigcup{}_p Q_p =
[0, n)$, as \eg{} branch mispredictions may introduce unwanted \uops{} in the
pipeline. However, as the worst case for the lemma below occurs when no such
``spurious'' \uops{} are present, we may safely ignore such occurrences.
\begin{lemma}[Distance of in-flight \uops{}]
For any pair of instructions $(I_p,I_{p'})$, and two corresponding \uops{},

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@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
The static analyzer we present, \staticdeps{}, only aims to tackle the
difficulty~\ref{memcarried_difficulty_arith} mentioned above: tracking
dependencies across arbitrarily complex pointer arithmetic.
difficulty~(\ref{memcarried_difficulty_arith}) mentioned in
\autoref{ssec:staticdeps_detection}: tracking dependencies across arbitrarily
complex pointer arithmetic.
To do so, \staticdeps{} works at the basic-block level, unrolled enough times
to fill the reorder buffer as detailed above; this way, arbitrarily
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ two arbitrary expressions can be costly.
\caption{The \staticdeps{} algorithm}\label{alg:staticdeps}
Instead, we use an heuristic based on random values. We consider the set $\calR
Instead, we use a heuristic based on random values. We consider the set $\calR
= \left\{0, 1, \ldots, 2^{64}-1\right\}$ of values representable by a 64-bits
unsigned integer; we extend this set to $\bar\calR = \calR \cup \{\bot\}$,
where $\bot$ denotes an invalid value. We then proceed as previously for

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
\State{} \textbf{Assert} address \neq{}
\State{} \textbf{Assert} address \neq{} $\bot$
\If{address \not\in{} shadow\_memory}
\State{} shadow\_memory[address] $\gets$ \Call{fresh}{}
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
\Comment{likewise, without dependency tracking}
\State{} \ldots \Comment{Likewise, without dependency tracking}
@ -36,13 +36,13 @@
\State{} \Return{} \Call{read\_memory}{addr}
\ElsIf{expr == IntegerArithmeticOp(operator, op1, …, opN)}
\If{\Call{expr\_value}{op\_i} == for any i}
\State{} \Return{}
\If{\Call{expr\_value}{op\_i} == $\bot$ for any i}
\State{} \Return{} $\bot$
\State\Return{} semantics(operator)(\Comment{provided by Valgrind's Vex}
\State\Return{} semantics(operator)(\Comment{Provided by Valgrind's Vex}
\State{} \quad \Call{expr\_value}{op1}, …, \Call{expr\_value}{opN})
\Return{} $\bot$
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
\State{} shadow\_register[reg] \gets{} \Call{expr\_value}{rhs}
\ElsIf{lhs == Memory(addr\_expr)}
\State{} addr \gets{} \Call{expr\_value}{addr\_expr}
\State{} last\_wrote\_at[addr] \gets{}(cur\_iter, cur\_instruction)
\State{} shadow\_memory[addr] <- \Call{expr\_value}{rhs}
\State{} last\_wrote\_at[addr] \gets{} (cur\_iter, cur\_instruction)
\State{} shadow\_memory[addr] \gets{} \Call{expr\_value}{rhs}

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@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ analyzers.
\subsection{Enriching \uica{}'s model}
To estimate the real gain in performance debugging scenarios, however, we
integrate \staticdeps{} into \uica{}.
To estimate the real gain in performance debugging scenarios, we integrate
\staticdeps{} into \uica{}.
There is, however, a discrepancy between the two tools: while \staticdeps{}
works at the assembly instruction level, \uica{} works at the \uop{} level. In
@ -233,11 +233,11 @@ for the \staticdeps{} analysis.
We bridge this gap in a conservative way: whenever two instructions $i_1, i_2$
are found to be dependant, we add a dependency between each couple $\mu_1 \in
i_1, \mu_2 \in i_2$. This approximation is thus pessimistic, and should predict
execution times biased towards a slower computation kernel. A finer model, or a
finer (conservative) filtering of which \uops{} must be considered dependent
---~\eg{} a memory dependency can only come from a memory-related \uop{}~---
may enhance the accuracy of our integration.
i_1, \mu_2 \in i_2$. This approximation is thus largely pessimistic, and should
predict execution times biased towards a slower computation kernel. A finer
model, or a finer (conservative) filtering of which \uops{} must be considered
dependent ---~\eg{} a memory dependency can only come from a memory-related
\uop{}~--- may enhance the accuracy of our integration.

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@ -17,8 +17,10 @@ context} pointed out in the previous chapter.
Our evaluation of \staticdeps{} against a dynamic analysis baseline,
\depsim{}, shows that it only finds about 60\,\% of the existing dependencies.
We however enrich \uica{} with \staticdeps{}, and find that it performs on the
\depsim{}, shows that it finds between 95\,\% and 98\,\% of the existing
dependencies, depending on the metric used, giving us good confidence in the
reliability of \staticdeps{}.
We further enrich \uica{} with \staticdeps{}, and find that it performs on the
full \cesasme{}'s dataset as well as \uica{} alone on the pruned dataset of
\cesasme{}, removing memory-carried bottlenecks. From this, we conclude that
\staticdeps{} is very successful at finding the data dependencies through

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@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ create a full analyzer implementing this idea, such as what we did with \palmed{
for backend models, or such as \uica{}'s implementation, focusing on frontend
In hindsight, we advocate for the emergence of such a modular code analyzer.
It would maybe not be as convenient or well-integrated as ``production-ready''
code analyzers, such as \llvmmca{} ---~which is packaged for Debian. It could,
however, greatly simplify the academic process of trying a new idea on any of
the three main models, by decorrelating them. It would also ease the
comparative evaluation of those ideas, while eliminating many of the discrepancies
between experimental setups that make an actual comparison difficult ---~the
reason that prompted us to make \cesasme{} in \autoref{chap:CesASMe}. Indeed,
with such a modular tool, it would be easy to run the same experiment, in the
same conditions, while only changing \eg{} the frontend model but keeping a
well-tried backend model.
In hindsight, we advocate for the emergence of such a modular code analyzer. It
would maybe not be as convenient or well-integrated as ``production-ready''
code analyzers, such as \llvmmca{} ---~which is officially packaged for Debian.
It could, however, greatly simplify the academic process of trying a new idea
on any of the three main models, by decorrelating them. It would also ease the
comparative evaluation of those ideas, while eliminating many of the
discrepancies between experimental setups that make an actual comparison
difficult ---~the reason that prompted us to make \cesasme{} in
\autoref{chap:CesASMe}. Indeed, with such a modular tool, it would be easy to
run the same experiment, in the same conditions, while only changing \eg{} the
frontend model but keeping a well-tried backend model.

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@ -88,6 +88,7 @@