Staticdeps: speedup analysis
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 2774 additions and 1 deletions
@ -241,4 +241,76 @@ require a dependencies analysis.
\subsection{Analysis speed}
The main advantage of a static analysis of dependencies over a dynamic one is
its execution time ---~we should expect from \staticdeps{} an analysis time far
lower than \depsim{}'s.
To assess this, we evaluate on the same \cesasme{} kernels four data sequences:
\item{}\label{messeq:depsim} the execution time of \depsim{} on each of
\cesasme{}'s kernels;
\item{}\label{messeq:staticdeps_one} the execution time of \staticdeps{} on
each of the basic blocks of each of \cesasme{}'s kernels;
\item{}\label{messeq:staticdeps_sum} for each of those kernels, the sum of
the execution times of \staticdeps{} on the kernel's constituting basic
\item{}\label{messeq:staticdeps_speedup} for each basic block of each of
\cesasme{}'s kernels, \staticdeps' speedup \wrt{} \depsim{}, that is,
\depsim{}'s execution time divided by \staticdeps{}'.
As \staticdeps{} is likely to be used at the scale of a basic block, we argue
that the sequence~(\ref{messeq:staticdeps_one}) is more relevant than
sequence~(\ref{messeq:staticdeps_sum}); however, the latter might be seen as
more fair, as one run of \depsim{} yields dependencies of all of the kernel's
constituting basic blocks.
\captionof{figure}{Statistical distribution of \staticdeps{} and \depsim{} run times
on \cesasme{}'s kernels --~log y scale}\label{fig:staticdeps_cesasme_runtime_boxplot}
\captionof{figure}{Statistical distribution of \staticdeps{}' speedup over \depsim{} on \cesasme{}'s kernels}\label{fig:staticdeps_cesasme_speedup_boxplot}
\begin{tabular}{l r r r r}
\textbf{Sequence} & \textbf{Average} & \textbf{Median} & \textbf{Q1} & \textbf{Q3} \\
Seq.\ (\ref{messeq:depsim}) --~\depsim{}
& 18083 ms & 17645 ms & 17080 ms & 18650 ms \\
Seq.\ (\ref{messeq:staticdeps_sum}) --~\staticdeps{} (sum)
& 2307 ms & 677 ms & 557 ms & 2700 ms \\
Seq.\ (\ref{messeq:staticdeps_one}) --~\staticdeps{} (single)
& 529 ms & 545 ms & 425 ms & 588 ms \\
Seq.\ (\ref{messeq:staticdeps_speedup}) --~speedup
& $\times$36.1 & $\times$33.5 & $\times$30.1 &
$\times$41.7 \\
\caption{Statistical distribution of \staticdeps{} and \depsim{} run times
and speedup on \cesasme{}'s kernels}\label{table:staticdeps_cesasme_time_eval}
We plot the statistical distribution of these series in
\autoref{fig:staticdeps_cesasme_runtime_boxplot} and
\autoref{fig:staticdeps_cesasme_speedup_boxplot}, and give numerical data for
some statistical indicators in \autoref{table:staticdeps_cesasme_time_eval}. We
note that \staticdeps{} is 30 to 40 times faster than \depsim{}. Furthermore,
\staticdeps{} is written in Python, more as a proof-of-concept than as
production-ready software; meanwhile, \depsim{} is written in C on top of
\valgrind{}, an efficient, production-ready software. We expect that with
optimization efforts, and a rewrite in a compiled language, the speedup would
reach two to three orders of magnitude.
@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
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