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Throughout this whole document, the following non-standard notations are used.
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\begin{tabular}{c p{0.65\columnwidth} >{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{0.15\columnwidth}}
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\textbf{Notation} & \textbf{Meaning} & \textbf{(See also)} \\
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& Reciprocal throughput of $\kerK$, in cycles per occurrence of
& §\ref{def:cyc_kerK} \\
& Measured reciprocal throughput of $\kerK$, over $n$ iterations of
$\kerK$. When there is no ambiguity and $n$ is sufficiently large,
we often write $\cyc{\kerK}$ instead.
& §\ref{def:cycmes_kerK} \\
& Reciprocal throughput of $\kerK$ if it was only limited by the
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CPU's backend.
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& §\ref{def:cycB} \\
& Reciprocal throughput of $\kerK$ if it was only limited by the
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CPU's frontend.
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& §\ref{def:cycF} \\
& Number of cycles of a kernel $\kerK$.
& §\ref{def:ker_cycles} \\
& $\kerK$ repeated $n$ times.
& §\ref{not:kerK_N} \\
& Instructions Per Cycle in the execution of the kernel $\kerK$, in
steady state, averaged.
& §\ref{def:ipc} \\
& Number of \uops{} the instruction $i$ is decoded into. This can
be extended to a kernel: $\mucount{}\kerK$.
& §\ref{def:mucount} \\
& Kendall's $\tau$ coefficient of correlation.
& §\ref{ssec:palmed_eval_metrics}, \cite{kendalltau} \\
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