
155 lines
4.2 KiB

%token<string> IDENT
%token<int> INTLITERAL
%token<RawLambda.binop> MULOP ADDOP
%token EOF
%start<RawLambda.term> entry
open RawLambda
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A toplevel phrase is just a term. *)
t = any_term EOF
{ t }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The syntax of terms is stratified as follows:
atomic_term -- unambiguously delimited terms
application_term -- n-ary applications of atomic terms
multiplicative_term -- built using multiplication & division
additive_term -- built using addition & subtraction
any_term -- everything
A [match/with/end] construct is terminated with an [end] keyword, as in Coq,
so it is an atomic term. *)
| LPAREN t = any_term RPAREN
{ t.value }
| x = IDENT
{ Var x }
{ Lit i }
| t = atomic_term_
{ t }
| t1 = placed(application_term_) t2 = placed(atomic_term_)
{ App (t1, t2) }
| PRINT t2 = placed(atomic_term_)
{ Print t2 }
%inline multiplicative_term_:
t = left_associative_level(application_term_, MULOP, mkbinop)
{ t }
%inline additive_term_:
t = left_associative_level(multiplicative_term_, ADDOP, mkbinop)
{ t }
| t = additive_term_
{ t }
| FUN x = IDENT ARROW t = any_term
{ Lam (x, t) }
| LET mode = recursive x = IDENT EQ t1 = any_term IN t2 = any_term
{ Let (mode, x, t1, t2) }
%inline any_term:
t = placed(any_term_)
{ t }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An infix-left-associative-operator level in a hierarchy of arithmetic
expressions. *)
(* [basis] is the next lower level in the hierarchy.
[op] is the category of binary operators.
[action] is a ternary sequencing construct. *)
left_associative_level(basis, op, action):
| t = basis
| t = action(
left_associative_level(basis, op, action),
{ t }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A ternary sequence whose semantic action builds a [BinOp] node. *)
%inline mkbinop(term1, op, term2):
t1 = placed(term1) op = op t2 = placed(term2)
{ BinOp (t1, op, t2) }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A [let] construct carries an optional [rec] annotation. *)
| REC { Recursive }
| { NonRecursive }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A term is annotated with its start and end positions, for use in error
messages. *)
%inline placed(X):
x = X
{ { place = ($startpos, $endpos); value = x } }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In a right-flexible list, the last delimiter is optional, i.e., [delim] can
be viewed as a terminator or a separator, as desired. *)
(* There are several ways of expressing this. One could say it is either a
separated list or a terminated list; this works if one uses right recursive
lists. Or, one could say that it is a separated list followed with an
optional delimiter; this works if one uses a left-recursive list. The
following formulation is direct and seems most natural. It should lead to
the smallest possible automaton. *)
right_flexible_list(delim, X):
| (* nothing *)
{ [] }
| x = X
{ [x] }
| x = X delim xs = right_flexible_list(delim, X)
{ x :: xs }
(* In a left-flexible list, the first delimiter is optional, i.e., [delim] can
be viewed as an opening or as a separator, as desired. *)
(* Again, there are several ways of expressing this, and again, I suppose the
following formulation is simplest. It is the mirror image of the above
definition, so it is naturally left-recursive, this time. *)
reverse_left_flexible_list(delim, X):
| (* nothing *)
{ [] }
| x = X
{ [x] }
| xs = reverse_left_flexible_list(delim, X) delim x = X
{ x :: xs }
%inline left_flexible_list(delim, X):
xs = reverse_left_flexible_list(delim, X)
{ List.rev xs }