Théophile Bastian 7bc7921fc3 Add IfZero in the syntax + placeholders
Also add (* TODO ifzero *) all around as placeholders
2018-02-16 00:19:44 +01:00

56 lines
1.6 KiB

open Error
(* The source calculus. *)
module S = RawLambda
(* The target calculus. *)
module T = Lambda
(* Environments map strings to atoms. *)
module Env =
(* [bind env x] creates a fresh atom [a] and extends the environment [env]
with a mapping of [x] to [a]. *)
let bind env x =
let a = Atom.fresh x in
Env.add x a env, a
let rec cook_term env {; S.value } =
match value with
| S.Var x ->
begin try
T.Var (Env.find x env)
with Not_found ->
error place "Unbound variable: %s" x
| S.Lam (x, t) ->
let env, x = bind env x in
T.Lam (T.NoSelf, x, cook_term env t)
| S.App (t1, t2) ->
T.App (cook_term env t1, cook_term env t2)
| S.Lit i ->
T.Lit i
| S.BinOp (t1, op, t2) ->
T.BinOp (cook_term env t1, op, cook_term env t2)
| S.Print t ->
T.Print (cook_term env t)
| S.Let (S.NonRecursive, x, t1, t2) ->
let t1 = cook_term env t1 in
let env, x = bind env x in
let t2 = cook_term env t2 in
T.Let (x, t1, t2)
| S.Let (S.Recursive, f, { S.value = S.Lam (x, t1); _ }, t2) ->
let env, f = bind env f in
let x, t1 =
let env, x = bind env x in
x, cook_term env t1
let t2 = cook_term env t2 in
T.Let (f, T.Lam (T.Self f, x, t1), t2)
| S.Let (S.Recursive, _, {; _ }, _) ->
error place "the right-hand side of 'let rec' must be a lambda-abstraction"
| S.IfZero (expr, tIf, tElse) ->
T.IfZero (cook_term env expr, cook_term env tIf, cook_term env tElse)
let cook_term t =
cook_term Env.empty t