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(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The type of lambda-terms, in de Bruijn's representation. *)
type var = int (* a de Bruijn index *)
type term =
| Var of var
| Lam of (* bind: *) term
| App of term * term
| Let of (* bind: *) term * term
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [lift_ i k] represents the substitution [upn i (ren (+k))]. Its effect is to
add [k] to every variable that occurs free in [t] and whose index is at
least [i]. *)
let rec lift_ i k (t : term) : term =
match t with
| Var x ->
if x < i then t else Var (x + k)
| Lam t ->
Lam (lift_ (i + 1) k t)
| App (t1, t2) ->
App (lift_ i k t1, lift_ i k t2)
| Let (t1, t2) ->
Let (lift_ i k t1, lift_ (i + 1) k t2)
(* [lift k t] adds [k] to every variable that occurs free in [t]. *)
let lift k t =
lift_ 0 k t
(* [subst i sigma] represents the substitution [upn i sigma]. *)
let rec subst_ i (sigma : var -> term) (t : term) : term =
match t with
| Var x ->
if x < i then t else lift i (sigma (x - i))
| Lam t ->
Lam (subst_ (i + 1) sigma t)
| App (t1, t2) ->
App (subst_ i sigma t1, subst_ i sigma t2)
| Let (t1, t2) ->
Let (subst_ i sigma t1, subst_ (i + 1) sigma t2)
(* [subst sigma t] applies the substitution [sigma] to the term [t]. *)
let subst sigma t =
subst_ 0 sigma t
(* A singleton substitution [u .: ids]. *)
let singleton (u : term) : var -> term =
function 0 -> u | x -> Var (x - 1)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Recognizing a value. *)
let is_value = function
| Var _
| Lam _ ->
| App _ ->
| Let _ ->
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An auxiliary function: the [map] function for the type [_ option]. *)
(* We name this function [in_context] because we use it below to perform
reduction under an evaluation context. *)
let in_context f ox =
match ox with
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Stepping in call-by-value. *)
(* This is a naive, direct implementation of the call-by-value reduction
relation, following Plotkin's formulation. The function [step t] returns
[Some t'] if and only if the relation [cbv t t'] holds, and returns [None]
if no such term [t'] exists. *)
let rec step (t : term) : term option =
match t with
| Lam _ | Var _ -> None
(* Plotkin's BetaV *)
| App (Lam t, v) when is_value v ->
Some (subst (singleton v) t)
(* Plotkin's AppL *)
| App (t, u) when not (is_value t) ->
in_context (fun t' -> App (t', u)) (step t)
(* Plotkin's AppVR *)
| App (v, u) when is_value v ->
in_context (fun u' -> App (v, u')) (step u)
(* All cases covered already, but OCaml cannot see it. *)
| App (_, _) ->
assert false
| Let (t, u) when not (is_value t) ->
in_context (fun t' -> Let (t', u)) (step t)
| Let (v, u) when is_value v ->
Some (subst (singleton v) u)
| Let (_, _) ->
assert false
let rec eval (t : term) : term =
match step t with
| None ->
| Some t' ->
eval t'
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A naive, substitution-based big-step interpreter. *)
exception RuntimeError
let rec eval (t : term) : term =
match t with
| Lam _ | Var _ -> t
| Let (t1, t2) ->
let v1 = eval t1 in
eval (subst (singleton v1) t2)
| App (t1, t2) ->
let v1 = eval t1 in
let v2 = eval t2 in
match v1 with
| Lam u1 -> eval (subst (singleton v2) u1)
| _ -> raise RuntimeError
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A term printer. *)
open Printf
let rec print f = function
| Var x ->
fprintf f "(Var %d)" x
| Lam t ->
fprintf f "(Lam %a)" print t
| App (t1, t2) ->
fprintf f "(App %a %a)" print t1 print t2
| Let (t1, t2) ->
fprintf f "(Let %a %a)" print t1 print t2
let print t =
fprintf stdout "%a\n" print t
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Test. *)
let id =
Lam (Var 0)
let idid =
App (id, id)
let () =
match step idid with
| None ->
assert false
| Some reduct ->
print reduct
let () =
print (eval idid)
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