First attempt to implement CPS naively

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Théophile Bastian 2018-01-17 17:15:23 +01:00
parent 3b5c4cb996
commit 6619941770

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@ -3,5 +3,67 @@ module S = Lambda
(* The target calculus. *) (* The target calculus. *)
module T = Tail module T = Tail
let cps_term (t : S.term) : T.term = exception NotValue (** <- Raised when trying to use a non-value term as such *)
assert false
let freshId =
(** Generates a fresh variable name string *)
let cId = ref 0 in
(fun () ->
incr cId ;
(string_of_int !cId))
let freshWithPrefix pre =
Atom.fresh (pre ^ (freshId ()))
let freshBlockVar () = freshWithPrefix "bl_"
let freshVar () = freshWithPrefix "v_"
let letCont name varName body next =
(** Allocates a block for a continuation, then runs [next] *)
T.LetBlo(name, T.Lam(T.NoSelf, [varName], body), next)
let rec cps_value (t: S.term) : T.value = match t with
| S.Var v -> T.VVar v
| S.Lit v -> T.VLit v
| S.BinOp (l, op, r) -> T.VBinOp (cps_value l, op, cps_value r)
| S.Let _ | S.Lam _ | S.App _ | S.Print _ -> raise NotValue
let cps_value_as_term (t: S.term) (cont: T.variable): T.term =
T.TailCall(T.vvar cont, [cps_value t])
let rec cps_term_inner (t: S.term) (cont: T.variable)
: T.term = match t with
| S.Var _ -> cps_value_as_term t cont
| S.Lit _ -> cps_value_as_term t cont
| S.BinOp _ -> cps_value_as_term t cont
| S.Lam (self, var, term) ->
let fName = freshBlockVar ()
and innerCont = freshBlockVar () in
T.Lam(self, [var; innerCont], cps_term_inner term innerCont),
T.TailCall(T.vvar cont, T.vvars [fName]))
| S.App (f, x) ->
let xCont = freshBlockVar ()
and fCont = freshBlockVar () in
let xVal = freshVar ()
and fVal = freshVar () in
letCont fCont fVal (T.TailCall(T.vvar fVal, T.vvars [xVal; cont])) @@
letCont xCont xVal (cps_term_inner f fCont) @@
cps_term_inner x xCont
| S.Print term ->
let curCont = freshBlockVar ()
and termVal = freshVar () in
letCont curCont termVal (
T.Print(T.vvar termVal,
T.TailCall(T.vvar cont, T.vvars [termVal])))
(cps_term_inner term curCont)
| S.Let (var, value, next) ->
let curCont = freshBlockVar () in
letCont curCont var (cps_term_inner next cont) @@
cps_term_inner value curCont
let cps_term (t: S.term): T.term =
(** Entry point. Transforms a [Lambda] term into a [Tail] term, applying a
* continuation-passing-style transformation. *)
let exitBlock = freshBlockVar () in
letCont exitBlock (freshVar ()) T.Exit @@
cps_term_inner t exitBlock