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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A more recognizable notation for lifting. *)
Notation lift i t := (t.[ren(+i)]).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section Extras.
Context A `{Ids A, Rename A, Subst A, SubstLemmas A}.
Lemma up_ren:
forall xi,
ren (upren xi) = up (ren xi).
intros. autosubst.
Lemma upn_ren:
forall i xi,
ren (iterate upren i xi) = upn i (ren xi).
induction i; intros.
{ reflexivity. }
{ rewrite <- fold_up_upn. rewrite <- IHi. asimpl. reflexivity. }
Lemma plus_upn: (* close to [up_liftn] *)
forall i sigma,
(+i) >>> upn i sigma = sigma >> ren (+i).
induction i; intros.
{ rewrite iterate_0. autosubst. }
{ rewrite iterate_S. asimpl. rewrite IHi. autosubst. }
Lemma up_sigma_up_ren:
forall t i sigma,
t.[up sigma].[up (ren (+i))] = t.[up (ren (+i))].[upn (1 + i) sigma].
intros. asimpl. rewrite plus_upn. asimpl. reflexivity.
Lemma upn_k_sigma_x:
forall k sigma x,
x < k ->
upn k sigma x = ids x.
induction k; intros; asimpl.
{ omega. }
{ destruct x; asimpl.
{ eauto. }
{ rewrite IHk by omega. autosubst. }
Lemma push_substitution_last:
forall t v i,
t.[v .: ren (+i)] = t.[up (ren (+i))].[v/].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma push_substitution_last_up_hoist:
forall t v i j,
t.[up (v .: ren (+i))].[up (ren (+j))] =
t.[up (up (ren (+j + i)))].[up (lift j v .: ids)].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma lift_lift:
forall i j t,
lift i (lift j t) = lift (i + j) t.
intros. autosubst.
Lemma lift_upn:
forall t i sigma,
(lift i t).[upn i sigma] = lift i t.[sigma].
intros. asimpl.
erewrite plus_upn.
Lemma lift_up:
forall t sigma,
(lift 1 t).[up sigma] = lift 1 t.[sigma].
intros. change up with (upn 1). eapply lift_upn.
Lemma up_sigma_f:
forall (sigma : var -> A) (f : A -> A),
f (ids 0) = ids 0 ->
(forall i t, lift i (f t) = f (lift i t)) ->
up (sigma >>> f) = up sigma >>> f.
intros. f_ext. intros [|x]; asimpl; eauto.
Lemma upn_sigma_f:
forall (sigma : var -> A) (f : A -> A),
f (ids 0) = ids 0 ->
(forall i t, lift i (f t) = f (lift i t)) ->
forall i,
upn i (sigma >>> f) = upn i sigma >>> f.
induction i; intros.
{ reflexivity. }
{ do 2 rewrite <- fold_up_upn. rewrite IHi. erewrite up_sigma_f by eauto. reflexivity. }
Lemma upn_theta_sigma_ids:
forall theta sigma i,
theta >> sigma = ids ->
upn i theta >> upn i sigma = ids.
intros theta sigma i Hid.
rewrite up_comp_n.
rewrite Hid.
rewrite up_id_n.
Lemma up_theta_sigma_ids:
forall theta sigma,
theta >> sigma = ids ->
up theta >> up sigma = ids.
change up with (upn 1). eauto using upn_theta_sigma_ids.
Lemma scons_scomp:
forall (T : A) Gamma theta,
T.[theta] .: (Gamma >> theta) = (T .: Gamma) >> theta.
intros. autosubst.
(* BUG: the two sides of this equation are distinct, yet they are
printed identically. *)
forall v f,
v .: (ids >>> f) = (v .: ids) >>> f.
Fail reflexivity.
End Extras.
(* This incantation means that [eauto with autosubst] can use the tactic
[autosubst] to prove an equality. *)
Hint Extern 1 (_ = _) => autosubst : autosubst.
(* This incantation means that [eauto with autosubst] can use the lemmas
whose names are listed here. This is useful when an equality involves
metavariables, so the tactic [autosubst] fails. *)
Hint Resolve scons_scomp : autosubst.
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Require Import Coq.Logic.ClassicalUniqueChoice.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import AutosubstExtra.
Section Lemmas.
Context {A} `{Ids A, Rename A, Subst A, SubstLemmas A}.
(* The predicate [is_ren sigma] means that the substitution [sigma] is in fact
a renaming [ren xi]. *)
(* When stating a lemma that involves a renaming, it is preferable to use a
substitution [sigma], together with a hypothesis [is_ren sigma], rather
than request that [sigma] be of the form [ren xi]. This allows us to use
[obvious] to check that [sigma] is a renaming, whereas we would otherwise
have to manually rewrite [sigma] to the form [ren xi]. *)
Definition is_ren sigma :=
exists xi, sigma = ren xi.
(* One way of proving that [sigma] is a renaming is to prove that [sigma] maps
every variable [x] to a variable [y]. *)
Lemma prove_is_ren:
forall sigma,
(forall x y, ids x = ids y -> x = y) ->
(forall x, exists y, sigma x = ids y) ->
is_ren sigma.
(* This proof uses the axiom of unique choice. If one is willing to use
the stronger axiom of choice, then one can remove the hypothesis that
[ids] is injective. *)
intros ? Hinj Hxy.
assert (Hxi: exists xi : var -> var, forall x, sigma x = ids (xi x)).
{ eapply unique_choice with (R := fun x y => sigma x = ids y).
intros x. destruct (Hxy x) as [ y Heqy ]. exists y.
{ assumption. }
{ intros x' Heqx'. eapply Hinj. congruence. }
destruct Hxi as [ xi ? ].
exists xi.
f_ext; intros x. eauto.
(* Applying [up] or [upn i] to a renaming produces a renaming. *)
Lemma up_is_ren:
forall sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
is_ren (up sigma).
intros ? [ xi ? ]. subst. exists (upren xi).
erewrite <- up_ren by eauto with typeclass_instances. reflexivity.
Lemma upn_is_ren:
forall sigma i,
is_ren sigma ->
is_ren (upn i sigma).
intros ? ? [ xi ? ]. subst. exists (iterate upren i xi).
erewrite <- upn_ren by eauto with typeclass_instances. reflexivity.
(* Composing two renamings yields a renaming. *)
Lemma comp_is_ren:
forall sigma1 sigma2,
is_ren sigma1 ->
is_ren sigma2 ->
is_ren (sigma1 >> sigma2).
intros ? ? [ xi1 ? ] [ xi2 ? ]. subst. exists (xi1 >>> xi2). autosubst.
Lemma is_ren_ids:
is_ren ids.
exists id. autosubst.
End Lemmas.
Hint Unfold is_ren : is_ren obvious.
Hint Resolve up_is_ren upn_is_ren comp_is_ren is_ren_ids : is_ren obvious.
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@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusFreeVars.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusReduction.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A big-step call-by-value semantics. *)
Inductive bigcbv : term -> term -> Prop :=
| BigcbvValue:
forall v,
is_value v ->
bigcbv v v
| BigcbvApp:
forall t1 t2 u1 v2 v,
bigcbv t1 (Lam u1) ->
bigcbv t2 v2 ->
bigcbv u1.[v2/] v ->
bigcbv (App t1 t2) v
| BigcbvLet:
forall t1 t2 v1 v,
bigcbv t1 v1 ->
bigcbv t2.[v1/] v ->
bigcbv (Let t1 t2) v
Hint Constructors bigcbv : bigcbv.
(* The tactic [invert_bigcbv] looks for a hypothesis of the form [bigcbv t v]
and inverts it. *)
Ltac invert_bigcbv :=
pick bigcbv invert;
try solve [ false; eauto 3 with obvious ].
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If [bigcbv t v] holds, then [v] must be a value. *)
Lemma bigcbv_is_value:
forall t v,
bigcbv t v ->
is_value v.
induction 1; eauto.
Hint Resolve bigcbv_is_value : is_value obvious.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If [t] evaluates to [v] according to the big-step semantics,
then [t] reduces to [v] according to the small-step semantics. *)
Lemma bigcbv_star_cbv:
forall t v,
bigcbv t v ->
star cbv t v.
(* A detailed proof: *)
induction 1.
(* BigcbvValue *)
{ eapply star_refl. }
(* BigcbvApp *)
{ eapply star_trans. obvious.
eapply star_trans. obvious.
eapply star_step. obvious.
eauto. }
(* BigcbvLet *)
{ eapply star_trans. obvious.
eapply star_step. obvious.
eauto. }
(* A much shorter proof: *)
induction 1; eauto 6 with sequences obvious.
(* Conversely, if [t] reduces to [v] in the small-step semantics,
then [t] evaluates to [v] in the big-step semantics. *)
Lemma cbv_bigcbv_bigcbv:
forall t1 t2,
cbv t1 t2 ->
forall v,
bigcbv t2 v ->
bigcbv t1 v.
(* A detailed proof: *)
induction 1; intros; subst; try solve [ false; tauto ].
(* BetaV *)
{ econstructor; eauto with bigcbv. }
(* LetV *)
{ econstructor; eauto with bigcbv. }
(* AppL *)
{ invert_bigcbv. eauto with bigcbv. }
(* AppR *)
{ invert_bigcbv. eauto with bigcbv. }
(* LetL *)
{ invert_bigcbv. eauto with bigcbv. }
(* A shorter proof: *)
induction 1; intros; subst; try solve [ false; tauto
| econstructor; eauto with bigcbv
| invert_bigcbv; eauto with bigcbv
Lemma star_cbv_bigcbv:
forall t v,
star cbv t v ->
is_value v ->
bigcbv t v.
induction 1; eauto using cbv_bigcbv_bigcbv with bigcbv.
(* In conclusion, we have the following equivalence: *)
Theorem star_cbv_bigcbv_eq:
forall t v,
(star cbv t v /\ is_value v) <-> bigcbv t v.
split; intros; unpack;
eauto using star_cbv_bigcbv, bigcbv_star_cbv with is_value.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A big-step call-by-value semantics with explicit environments. *)
(* A closure is a pair of a term and an environment. A cvalue [cv] must be a
closure, as we have no other forms of values. An environment [e] is a list
of cvalues. *)
(* We break the mutual induction between [cvalue] and [cenv] by inlining the
definition of [cenv] into the definition of [cvalue]. *)
(* CVALUE *)
Inductive cvalue :=
| Clo: {bind term} -> list cvalue -> cvalue.
Definition cenv :=
list cvalue.
(* CVALUE *)
(* This dummy cvalue is passed below as an argument to [nth], but is really
irrelevant, as the condition [x < length e] ensures that the dummy cvalue
is never used. *)
Definition dummy_cvalue : cvalue :=
Clo (Var 0) nil.
(* The judgement [ebigcbv e t cv] means that, under the environment [e], the
term [t] evaluates to [cv]. *)
Inductive ebigcbv : cenv -> term -> cvalue -> Prop :=
| EBigcbvVar:
forall e x cv,
(* The variable [x] must be in the domain of [e]. *)
x < length e ->
(* This allows us to safely look up [e] at [x]. *)
cv = nth x e dummy_cvalue ->
ebigcbv e (Var x) cv
| EBigcbvLam:
forall e t,
(* The free variables of [t] must be less than or equal to [length e]. *)
(forall cv, fv (length (cv :: e)) t) ->
(* This allows us to build a closure that is indeed closed. *)
ebigcbv e (Lam t) (Clo t e)
| EBigcbvApp:
forall e e' t1 t2 u1 cv2 cv,
(* Evaluate [t1] to a closure, *)
ebigcbv e t1 (Clo u1 e') ->
(* evaluate [t2] to a value, *)
ebigcbv e t2 cv2 ->
(* and evaluate the function body, in a suitable environment. *)
ebigcbv (cv2 :: e') u1 cv ->
ebigcbv e (App t1 t2) cv
| EBigcbvLet:
forall e t1 t2 cv1 cv,
(* Evaluate [t1] to a value, *)
ebigcbv e t1 cv1 ->
(* and evaluate [t2] under a suitable environment. *)
ebigcbv (cv1 :: e) t2 cv ->
ebigcbv e (Let t1 t2) cv
Hint Constructors ebigcbv : ebigcbv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* To explain what the above semantics means, and to prove that it is
equivalent to the big-step semantics, we first define a function that
decodes a cvalue into a value. *)
(* Ideally, the function [decode] should be defined by the equation:
decode (Clo t e) = (Lam t).[decode_cenv e]
where the auxiliary function [decode_cenv] maps [decode] over the
environment [e], and converts the result to a substitution, that
is, a function of type [term -> term]:
decode_cenv e = fun x => nth x (map decode e) (decode dummy_cvalue)
The definitions below are a bit more awkward (as Coq does not support
mutual induction very well), but mean the same thing. *)
Definition dummy_value : term :=
Lam (Var 0).
Fixpoint decode (cv : cvalue) : term :=
match cv with
| Clo t e =>
(Lam t).[fun x => nth x (map decode e) dummy_value]
(* I am not even sure why this definition is accepted by Coq? *)
Definition decode_cenv e :=
fun x => nth x (map decode e) (decode dummy_cvalue).
(* The first equation in the above comment is satisfied, as shown by
the following lemma. The second equation in the above comment is
satisfied too, by definition. *)
Lemma decode_eq:
forall t e,
decode (Clo t e) = (Lam t).[decode_cenv e].
(* This equation is useful, too. *)
Lemma decode_cenv_Var_eq:
forall x e,
(Var x).[decode_cenv e] = decode (nth x e dummy_cvalue).
intros. asimpl. unfold decode_cenv. rewrite map_nth. eauto.
(* The tactic [decode] rewrites using the above two equations. *)
Hint Rewrite decode_eq decode_cenv_Var_eq : decode.
Ltac decode := autorewrite with decode in *.
(* We make [decode] opaque, so its definition is not unfolded by Coq. *)
Opaque decode.
(* [decode cv] is always a value. *)
Lemma is_value_decode:
forall cv,
is_value (decode cv).
intros. destruct cv. decode. asimpl. tauto.
Lemma is_value_decode_cenv:
forall x e,
is_value (Var x).[decode_cenv e].
intros. decode. eauto using is_value_decode.
Local Hint Resolve is_value_decode is_value_decode_cenv : is_value obvious.
(* A composition of two substitutions is the same thing as one substitution. *)
Lemma decode_cenv_cons:
forall t e cv,
t.[up (decode_cenv e)].[decode cv/] = t.[decode_cenv (cv :: e)].
intros. autosubst. (* wonderful *)
(* The tactic [nonvalue_eq_decode] closes a subgoal when there is a hypothesis
of the form [_ = decode_cenv e x], where the left-hand side of the equation
clearly is not a value. This is a contradiction. *)
Ltac nonvalue_eq_decode :=
match goal with
| heq: _ = decode_cenv ?e ?x |- _ =>
assert (hv: is_value (decode_cenv e x)); [
solve [ obvious ]
| rewrite <- heq in hv; false; is_value ]
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If [t] evaluates to [cv] under environment [e],
then, in the big-step semantics,
the term [t.[decode_cenv e]] evaluates to the value [decode cv]. *)
Lemma ebigcbv_bigcbv:
forall e t cv,
ebigcbv e t cv ->
bigcbv t.[decode_cenv e] (decode cv).
induction 1; intros; subst.
(* EBigcbvVar *)
{ decode. econstructor. obvious. }
(* EBigcbvLam *)
{ econstructor. obvious. }
(* EBigcbvApp *)
{ decode.
asimpl. econstructor; eauto.
asimpl. eauto. }
(* EBigcbvLet *)
{ asimpl. econstructor; eauto.
asimpl. eauto. }
(* A simplified corollary, where [t] is closed and is therefore evaluated
under the empty environment. *)
Lemma ebigcbv_bigcbv_nil:
forall t cv,
ebigcbv nil t cv ->
closed t ->
bigcbv t (decode cv).
replace t with t.[decode_cenv nil] by eauto using closed_unaffected.
eauto using ebigcbv_bigcbv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The converse statement: if in the big-step semantics, the term
[t.[decode_cenv e]] evaluates to the value [decode cv], then [t] evaluates
to [cv] under environment [e]. *)
(* This proof does not work (and, in fact, the statement is wrong). A failed
proof attempt reveals two problems... *)
Lemma bigcbv_ebigcbv_failed:
forall e t cv,
bigcbv t.[decode_cenv e] (decode cv) ->
ebigcbv e t cv.
inversion 1; intros; subst.
(* BigcbvValue *)
{ (* [t] must be a variable or a lambda-abstraction. *)
destruct t; [ | | false; is_value | false; is_value ].
(* Case: [t] is a variable. *)
{ econstructor.
(* Here, we have two subgoals, neither of which can be proved. *)
{ (* Problem 1: we are unable to prove [x < length e]. In order
to establish such a property, we would have to express the
hypothesis that the free variables of [t] are in the domain
of the environment [e]. And, for this hypothesis to be
inductive, we have to further require every closure in
the environment [e] to satisfy a similar condition. *)
admit. }
{ (* Problem 2: we have [decode cv1 = decode cv2], and the goal
is [cv1 = cv2]. This goal cannot be proved, as the function
[decode] is not injective: multiple closures represent the
same lambda-abstraction. *)
admit. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In order to fix the above failed statement, we need to express the
following well-formedness invariant: whenever a closure [Clo t e] is
constructed, the free variables of the term [t] are in the domain of the
environment [env], and, recursively, every value in [e] is well-formed. *)
Inductive wf_cvalue : cvalue -> Prop :=
| WfCvalue:
forall t e,
(forall cv, fv (length (cv :: e)) t) ->
wf_cenv e ->
wf_cvalue (Clo t e)
with wf_cenv : cenv -> Prop :=
| WfCenv:
forall e,
Forall wf_cvalue e ->
wf_cenv e.
(* The following trivial lemmas (which repeat the definition) are provided as
hints for [eauto with wf_cvalue]. *)
Lemma use_wf_cvalue_1:
forall t e cv,
wf_cvalue (Clo t e) ->
fv (length (cv :: e)) t.
inversion 1; eauto.
Lemma use_wf_cvalue_2:
forall t e,
wf_cvalue (Clo t e) ->
wf_cenv e.
inversion 1; eauto.
Lemma prove_wf_cenv_nil:
wf_cenv nil.
econstructor. eauto.
Lemma prove_wf_cenv_cons:
forall cv e,
wf_cvalue cv ->
wf_cenv e ->
wf_cenv (cv :: e).
inversion 2; intros; subst.
econstructor; eauto.
Hint Resolve
use_wf_cvalue_1 use_wf_cvalue_2 prove_wf_cenv_nil prove_wf_cenv_cons
: wf_cvalue.
(* The following lemma states that the invariant is preserved by [ebigcbv].
That is, if the term [t] is successfully evaluated in the well-formed
environment [e] to a cvalue [cv], then [cv] is well-formed. *)
Lemma ebigcbv_wf_cvalue:
forall e t cv,
ebigcbv e t cv ->
wf_cenv e ->
wf_cvalue cv.
induction 1; intros; subst.
(* EBigcbvVar *)
{ pick wf_cenv invert. rewrite Forall_forall in *. eauto using nth_In. }
(* EBigcbvLam *)
{ econstructor; eauto. }
(* EBigcbvApp *)
{ eauto 6 with wf_cvalue. }
(* EBigcbvLet *)
{ eauto 6 with wf_cvalue. }
Hint Resolve ebigcbv_wf_cvalue : wf_cvalue.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We can now make an amended statement: if in the big-step semantics, the
term [t.[decode_cenv e]] evaluates to a value [v], if the environment [e]
is well-formed, and if the free variables of [t] are in the domain of [e],
then under environment [e] the term [t] evaluates to some cvalue [cv] such
that [decode cv] is [v]. *)
Lemma bigcbv_ebigcbv:
forall te v,
bigcbv te v ->
forall t e,
te = t.[decode_cenv e] ->
fv (length e) t ->
wf_cenv e ->
exists cv,
ebigcbv e t cv /\ decode cv = v.
induction 1; intros; subst.
(* BigcbvValue *)
{ (* [t] must be a variable or a lambda-abstraction. *)
destruct t; [ | | false; is_value | false; is_value ]; fv.
(* Case: [t] is a variable. *)
{ eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. decode. eauto. }
(* Case: [t] is a lambda-abstraction. *)
{ eexists; split. econstructor; eauto. reflexivity. }
(* BigcbvApp *)
{ (* [t] must be an application. *)
destruct t;
match goal with h: _ = _ |- _ => asimpl in h end;
[ nonvalue_eq_decode | false; congruence | | false; congruence ].
fv. unpack.
(* The equality [App _ _ = App _ _] can be simplified. *)
injections. subst.
(* Exploit two of the induction hypotheses (forward). *)
edestruct IHbigcbv1; eauto. unpack. clear IHbigcbv1.
edestruct IHbigcbv2; eauto. unpack. clear IHbigcbv2.
(* If [decode cv] is [Lam _], then [cv] must be a closure. This should
be a lemma. Because (here) every cvalue is a closure, it is trivial. *)
match goal with h: decode ?cv = Lam _ |- _ =>
destruct cv as [ t' e' ];
rewrite decode_eq in h;
asimpl in h;
injections; subst
(* Now, exploit the third induction hypothesis (forward). *)
edestruct IHbigcbv3; eauto using decode_cenv_cons with wf_cvalue.
unpack. clear IHbigcbv3.
(* The result follows. *)
eauto with ebigcbv.
(* BigcbvLet *)
{ (* [t] must be a [Let] construct. *)
destruct t;
match goal with h: _ = _ |- _ => asimpl in h end;
[ nonvalue_eq_decode | false; congruence | false; congruence | ].
fv. unpack.
injections. subst.
(* Exploit the induction hypotheses (forward). *)
edestruct IHbigcbv1; eauto. unpack. clear IHbigcbv1.
edestruct IHbigcbv2; eauto using decode_cenv_cons with wf_cvalue.
unpack. clear IHbigcbv2.
(* The result follows. *)
eauto with ebigcbv.
(* A simplified corollary, where [t] is closed and is therefore evaluated
under the empty environment. *)
Lemma bigcbv_ebigcbv_nil:
forall t v,
bigcbv t v ->
closed t ->
exists cv,
ebigcbv nil t cv /\ decode cv = v.
intros. eapply bigcbv_ebigcbv; eauto with wf_cvalue.
rewrite closed_unaffected by eauto. reflexivity.
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@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
(* This technical lemma states that the renaming [lift 1] is injective. *)
Lemma lift_inj_Var:
forall t x,
lift 1 t = Var (S x) <-> t = Var x.
split; intros.
{ eauto using lift_inj. }
{ subst. eauto. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [fv k t] means that the free variables of the term [t] are
contained in the semi-open interval [0..k). *)
Definition fv k t :=
t.[upn k (ren (+1))] = t.
(* The predicate [fv] is characterized by the following lemmas. *)
Lemma fv_Var_eq:
forall k x,
fv k (Var x) <-> x < k.
unfold fv. asimpl. induction k; intros.
(* Base case. *)
{ asimpl. split; intros; false.
{ unfold ids, Ids_term in *. injections. omega. }
{ omega. }
(* Step. *)
{ destruct x; asimpl.
{ split; intros. { omega. } { reflexivity. } }
rewrite lift_inj_Var. rewrite IHk. omega. }
Lemma fv_Lam_eq:
forall k t,
fv k (Lam t) <-> fv (S k) t.
unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros.
{ injections. eauto. }
{ unpack. congruence. }
Lemma fv_App_eq:
forall k t1 t2,
fv k (App t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv k t2.
unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros.
{ injections. eauto. }
{ unpack. congruence. }
Lemma fv_Let_eq:
forall k t1 t2,
fv k (Let t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv (S k) t2.
unfold fv. intros. asimpl. split; intros.
{ injections. eauto. }
{ unpack. congruence. }
Hint Rewrite fv_Var_eq fv_Lam_eq fv_App_eq fv_Let_eq : fv.
(* The tactic [fv] uses the above lemmas as rewriting rules. *)
Ltac fv :=
autorewrite with fv in *.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [closed t] means that the term [t] is closed, that is, [t]
has no free variables. *)
Definition closed :=
fv 0.
(* [closed t] is equivalent to [lift 1 t = t]. *)
Lemma closed_eq:
forall t,
closed t <-> lift 1 t = t.
unfold closed, fv. asimpl. tauto.
(* The following lemmas allow decomposing a closedness hypothesis.
Because [closed] is not an inductive notion, there is no lemma
for [Lam] and for the right-hand side of [Let]. *)
Lemma closed_Var:
forall x,
~ closed (Var x).
unfold closed; intros; fv. omega.
Lemma closed_AppL:
forall t1 t2,
closed (App t1 t2) ->
closed t1.
unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto.
Lemma closed_AppR:
forall t1 t2,
closed (App t1 t2) ->
closed t2.
unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto.
Lemma closed_LetL:
forall t1 t2,
closed (Let t1 t2) ->
closed t1.
unfold closed; intros; fv. tauto.
Hint Resolve closed_Var closed_AppL closed_AppR closed_LetL : closed.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If the free variables of the term [t] are below [k], then [t] is unaffected
by a substitution of the form [upn k sigma]. *)
Lemma fv_unaffected:
forall t k sigma,
fv k t ->
t.[upn k sigma] = t.
induction t; intros; fv; unpack; asimpl;
try solve [ eauto using upn_k_sigma_x with typeclass_instances
| f_equal; eauto ].
(* If the term [t] is closed, then [t] is unaffected by any substitution. *)
Lemma closed_unaffected:
forall t sigma,
closed t ->
t.[sigma] = t.
intros. eapply fv_unaffected with (k := 0). eauto.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
Require Import Option.
Require Import List.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusFreeVars.
Require Import LambdaCalculusBigStep.
(* We now wish to define an interpreter for the lambda-calculus. In other
words, whereas [ebigcbv] is a relation, we now wish to define a function
[interpret] whose graph is the relation [ebigcbv]. *)
(* At the moment, our lambda-calculus is pure (every value is a function)
so the interpreter cannot encounter a runtime error. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We might naively wish to write the following code, which Coq rejects,
because this function is not obviously terminating. (Exercise: which
recursive call is the culprit?) Indeed, an interpreter for the untyped
lambda-calculus does not always terminate: there are lambda-terms whose
evaluation diverges. (Exercise: exhibit a term that reduces to itself
in one or more reduction steps. Prove in Coq that this is the case.) *)
Fail Fixpoint interpret (e : cenv) (t : term) : cvalue :=
match t with
| Var x =>
nth x e dummy_cvalue
(* dummy is used when x is out of range *)
| Lam t =>
Clo t e
| App t1 t2 =>
let cv1 := interpret e t1 in
let cv2 := interpret e t2 in
match cv1 with Clo u1 e' =>
interpret (cv2 :: e') u1
| Let t1 t2 =>
let cv1 := interpret e t1 in
interpret (cv1 :: e) t2
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* There are several potential solutions to the above problem. One solution
would be to write code in (some implementation of) the partiality monad.
(See Dagand's lectures.) The solution proposed here is to parameterize
the function [interpret] with a natural integer [n], which serves as an
amount of "fuel" (or "effort") that we are willing to invest before we
give up. Thus, termination becomes obvious. The downside is that the
interpreter can now fail (which means "not enough fuel"). Fortunately,
given enough fuel, every terminating term can be evaluated. *)
(* For Coq to accept the following definition, the fuel [n] must decrease at
every recursive call. We might wish to be more precise and somehow explain
that [n] needs to decrease only at the third recursive call in the case of
[App]lications. That would require defining a lexicographic ordering on the
pair [n, t], arguing that this ordering is well-founded, and defining
[interpret] by well-founded recursion. This can be done in Coq but is more
complicated, so (here) not worth the trouble. *)
Fixpoint interpret (n : nat) e t : option cvalue :=
match n with
| 0 => None (* not enough fuel *)
| S n =>
match t with
| Var x => Some (nth x e dummy_cvalue)
| Lam t => Some (Clo t e)
| App t1 t2 =>
interpret n e t1 >>= fun cv1 =>
interpret n e t2 >>= fun cv2 =>
match cv1 with Clo u1 e' =>
interpret n (cv2 :: e') u1
| Let t1 t2 =>
interpret n e t1 >>= fun cv1 =>
interpret n (cv1 :: e) t2
end end.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The interpreter is correct with respect to the big-step semantics. *)
Lemma interpret_ebigcbv:
forall n e t cv,
interpret n e t = Some cv ->
fv (length e) t ->
wf_cenv e ->
ebigcbv e t cv.
(* The definition of [interpret] is by induction on [n], so this proof
must be by induction on [n] as well. *)
induction n; destruct t; simpl; intros;
fv; unpack; injections; subst;
try solve [ congruence ].
(* Var *)
{ econstructor; eauto. }
(* Lam *)
{ econstructor; eauto. }
(* App *)
{ repeat invert_bind_Some.
(* Every cvalue is a closure. Name the components of the closure
obtained by interpreting [t1]. *)
match goal with h: interpret _ _ t1 = Some ?cv |- _ =>
destruct cv as [ t' e' ]
(* The goal follows. *)
econstructor; eauto 11 with wf_cvalue. }
(* Let *)
{ invert_bind_Some.
econstructor; eauto with wf_cvalue. }
(* A simplified corollary, where [t] is closed and is therefore evaluated
under the empty environment, and where we conclude with a [bigcbv]
judgement. *)
Lemma interpret_bigcbv_nil:
forall n t cv,
interpret n nil t = Some cv ->
closed t ->
bigcbv t (decode cv).
eauto using ebigcbv_bigcbv_nil, interpret_ebigcbv with wf_cvalue.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The interpreter is monotonic with respect to the amount of fuel that is
provided: the more fuel, the better (that is, the more defined the result). *)
Lemma interpret_monotonic:
forall n1 n2 e t,
n1 <= n2 ->
less_defined (interpret n1 e t) (interpret n2 e t).
(* This series of tactics get rid of the easy cases: *)
induction n1; destruct t; simpl; intros;
(* [less_defined None _] is always true. *)
eauto with less_defined;
(* If [S n1 <= n2], then [n2] must be a successor. *)
(destruct n2; [ omega |]); simpl;
(* [less_defined] is reflexive. *)
eauto with less_defined.
(* Two more complex cases remain, namely [App] and [Let]. Probably
the proof could be further automated, but I did not try. *)
(* App *)
{ eapply prove_less_defined_bind.
{ eauto using le_S_n. }
{ intros _ [ t' e' ]. (* destruct the closure produced by [t1] *)
eapply prove_less_defined_bind; eauto using le_S_n. }
(* Let *)
{ eauto 6 using le_S_n with less_defined. }
(* A reformulation. *)
Lemma interpret_monotonic_corollary:
forall n1 n2 e t cv,
interpret n1 e t = Some cv ->
n1 <= n2 ->
interpret n2 e t = Some cv.
generalize interpret_monotonic. unfold less_defined. eauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The interpreter is complete with respect to the big-step semantics
[ebigcbv]. That is, given enough fuel, and given a term whose value is
[cv], it will compute [cv]. *)
Lemma ebigcbv_interpret:
forall e t cv,
ebigcbv e t cv ->
exists n,
interpret n e t = Some cv.
(* We can see, in the proof, that the necessary amount of fuel, [n], is
the height of the derivation of the judgement [ebigcbv e t cv].
Indeed, at every [App] or [Let] node, we count 1 plus the maximum
amount of fuel required by our children. *)
induction 1; intros; subst.
(* EBigcbvVar *)
{ exists 1. eauto. }
(* EBigcbvLam *)
{ exists 1. eauto. }
(* EBigcbvApp *)
{ destruct IHebigcbv1 as [ n1 ? ].
destruct IHebigcbv2 as [ n2 ? ].
destruct IHebigcbv3 as [ n3 ? ].
eexists (S (max (max n1 n2) n3)). simpl.
eauto 6 using prove_bind_Some, interpret_monotonic_corollary with omega. }
(* EBigcbvLet *)
{ destruct IHebigcbv1 as [ n1 ? ].
destruct IHebigcbv2 as [ n2 ? ].
eexists (S (max n1 n2)). simpl.
eauto using prove_bind_Some, interpret_monotonic_corollary with omega. }
(* The interpreter is complete with respect to the big-step semantics
[bigcbv]. That is, given enough fuel, and given a term [t] whose value is
[v], it will compute a cvalue [cv] which decodes to [v]. We state this in
the case where [t] is closed and is therefore evaluated under the empty
environment. *)
Lemma bigcbv_interpret_nil:
forall t v,
bigcbv t v ->
closed t ->
exists n cv,
interpret n nil t = Some cv /\ decode cv = v.
edestruct bigcbv_ebigcbv_nil; eauto. unpack.
edestruct ebigcbv_interpret; eauto.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,619 @@
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusFreeVars.
(* We give a symbolic name to each reduction rule. *)
Inductive rule :=
| RuleBetaV (* reduction of a beta-v redex: (\x.t) v *)
| RuleLetV (* reduction of a let-v redex: let x = v in t *)
| RuleBeta (* reduction of a beta redex: (\x.t) u *)
| RuleLet (* reduction of a let redex: let x = u in t *)
| RuleParBetaV (* reduction of a beta-v redex and reduction in both sides *)
| RuleParLetV (* reduction of a let redex and reduction in both sides *)
| RuleVar (* no reduction *)
| RuleLam (* reduction in [Lam _] *)
| RuleAppL (* reduction in [App _ u] *)
| RuleAppVR (* reduction in [App v _], if [v] is a value *)
| RuleAppLR (* reduction in both sides of [App _ _] *)
| RuleLetL (* reduction in [Let _ u] *)
| RuleLetR (* reduction in [Let t _] *)
| RuleLetLR (* reduction in both sides of [Let _ _] *).
(* A mask is a set of rules. *)
Definition mask :=
rule -> Prop.
(* A generic small-step reduction semantics, parameterized with a mask. *)
Inductive red (mask : mask) : term -> term -> Prop :=
| RedBetaV:
forall t v u,
mask RuleBetaV ->
is_value v ->
t.[v/] = u ->
red mask (App (Lam t) v) u
| RedLetV:
forall t v u,
mask RuleLetV ->
is_value v ->
t.[v/] = u ->
red mask (Let v t) u
| RedBeta:
forall t1 t2 u,
mask RuleBeta ->
t1.[t2/] = u ->
red mask (App (Lam t1) t2) u
| RedLet:
forall t1 t2 u,
mask RuleLet ->
t2.[t1/] = u ->
red mask (Let t1 t2) u
| RedParBetaV:
forall t1 v1 t2 v2 u,
mask RuleParBetaV ->
is_value v1 ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask v1 v2 ->
t2.[v2/] = u ->
red mask (App (Lam t1) v1) u
| RedParLetV:
forall t1 t2 v1 v2 u,
mask RuleParLetV ->
is_value v1 ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask v1 v2 ->
t2.[v2/] = u ->
red mask (Let v1 t1) u
| RedVar:
forall x,
mask RuleVar ->
red mask (Var x) (Var x)
| RedLam:
forall t1 t2,
mask RuleLam ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask (Lam t1) (Lam t2)
| RedAppL:
forall t1 t2 u,
mask RuleAppL ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask (App t1 u) (App t2 u)
| RedAppVR:
forall v u1 u2,
mask RuleAppVR ->
is_value v ->
red mask u1 u2 ->
red mask (App v u1) (App v u2)
| RedAppLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
mask RuleAppLR ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask u1 u2 ->
red mask (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2)
| RedLetL:
forall t1 t2 u,
mask RuleLetL ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask (Let t1 u) (Let t2 u)
| RedLetR:
forall t u1 u2,
mask RuleLetR ->
red mask u1 u2 ->
red mask (Let t u1) (Let t u2)
| RedLetLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
mask RuleLetLR ->
red mask t1 t2 ->
red mask u1 u2 ->
red mask (Let t1 u1) (Let t2 u2)
Hint Constructors red : red obvious.
(* The following mask defines the call-by-value reduction semantics. *)
Definition cbv_mask rule :=
match rule with
| RuleBetaV (* reduction of a beta-v redex: (\x.t) v *)
| RuleLetV (* reduction of a let-v redex: let x = v in t *)
| RuleAppL (* reduction in [App _ u] *)
| RuleAppVR (* reduction in [App v _], if [v] is a value *)
| RuleLetL (* reduction in [Let _ u] *)
=> True
| _ => False
Notation cbv := (red cbv_mask).
(* The following mask defines the call-by-name reduction semantics. *)
Definition cbn_mask rule :=
match rule with
| RuleBeta (* reduction of a beta redex: (\x.t) v *)
| RuleLet (* reduction of a let redex: let x = v in t *)
| RuleAppL (* reduction in [App _ u] *)
=> True
| _ => False
Notation cbn := (red cbn_mask).
(* The parallel by-value reduction semantics allows beta-v reductions under
arbitrary contexts, including under lambda-abstractions. Furthermore, it
allows parallel reductions (and allows no reduction at all). *)
Definition pcbv_mask rule :=
match rule with
| RuleParBetaV (* reduction of a beta redex and reduction in both sides *)
| RuleParLetV (* reduction of a let redex and reduction in both sides *)
| RuleVar (* no reduction *)
| RuleLam (* reduction in [Lam _] *)
| RuleAppLR (* reduction in both sides of [App _ _] *)
| RuleLetLR (* reduction in both sides of [Let _ _] *)
=> True
| _ => False
Notation pcbv := (red pcbv_mask).
(* The tactic [obvious] should be able to prove goals of the form
[red mask t1 t2], where [mask] is a known mask. *)
Hint Extern 1 (cbv_mask _) => (simpl; tauto) : red obvious.
Hint Extern 1 (cbn_mask _) => (simpl; tauto) : red obvious.
Hint Extern 1 (pcbv_mask _) => (simpl; tauto) : red obvious.
Goal cbv (Let (App (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0)) (Var 0)) (Let (Var 0) (Var 0)).
Proof. obvious. Qed.
Goal cbv (Let (Var 0) (Var 0)) (Var 0).
Proof. obvious. Qed.
Goal cbn (Let (Var 0) (Var 0)) (Var 0).
Proof. obvious. Qed.
let id := Lam (Var 0) in
let t := (Let (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0)) in
cbn (App id t) t.
Proof. simpl. obvious. Qed.
Goal pcbv (App (App (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0)) (App (Lam (Var 0)) (Var 0)))
(App (Var 0) (Var 0)).
eauto 8 with obvious.
(* The tactic [step] applies to a goal of the form [star (red mask) t1 t2]. It
causes the term [t1] to take one step of reduction towards [t1'], turning
the goal into [star (red mask) t1' t2]. *)
Ltac step :=
eapply star_step; [ obvious |].
(* The tactic [finished] applies to a goal of the form [star (red mask) t1 t2].
It turns the goal into [t1 = t2]. *)
Ltac finished :=
eapply star_refl_eq.
(* The tactic [invert_cbv] inverts a hypothesis of the form [cbv t1 t2]. *)
Ltac invert_cbv :=
pick (red cbv_mask) invert;
try solve [ false; eauto 3 with obvious ].
Ltac invert_star_cbv :=
pick (star cbv) invert.
Ltac invert_cbn :=
pick (red cbn_mask) invert;
try solve [ false; eauto 3 with obvious ].
(* If the following four rules are enabled, then reduction is reflexive. *)
Lemma red_refl:
forall mask : mask,
mask RuleVar ->
mask RuleLam ->
mask RuleAppLR ->
mask RuleLetLR ->
forall t,
red mask t t.
induction t; eauto with red.
(* [RuleBetaV] and [RuleLetV] are special cases of [RuleParBetaV] and
[RuleParLetV], hence are admissible in parallel call-by-value reduction. *)
Lemma pcbv_RedBetaV:
forall t v u,
is_value v ->
t.[v/] = u ->
pcbv (App (Lam t) v) u.
eauto using red_refl with obvious.
Lemma pcbv_RedLetV:
forall t v u,
is_value v ->
t.[v/] = u ->
pcbv (Let v t) u.
eauto using red_refl with obvious.
(* Sequences of reduction, [star cbv], can be carried out under a context. *)
Lemma star_cbv_AppL:
forall t1 t2 u,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
star cbv (App t1 u) (App t2 u).
induction 1; eauto with sequences obvious.
Lemma star_pcbv_AppL:
forall t1 t2 u,
star pcbv t1 t2 ->
star pcbv (App t1 u) (App t2 u).
induction 1; eauto using red_refl with sequences obvious.
Lemma plus_pcbv_AppL:
forall t1 t2 u,
plus pcbv t1 t2 ->
plus pcbv (App t1 u) (App t2 u).
induction 1.
econstructor; [ | eauto using star_pcbv_AppL ].
eapply RedAppLR; eauto using red_refl with obvious.
Lemma star_cbv_AppR:
forall t u1 u2,
is_value t ->
star cbv u1 u2 ->
star cbv (App t u1) (App t u2).
induction 2; eauto with sequences obvious.
Hint Resolve star_cbv_AppL star_pcbv_AppL plus_pcbv_AppL star_cbv_AppR : red obvious.
Lemma star_cbv_AppLR:
forall t1 t2 u1 u2,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
star cbv u1 u2 ->
is_value t2 ->
star cbv (App t1 u1) (App t2 u2).
eauto with sequences obvious.
Lemma star_cbv_LetL:
forall t1 t2 u,
star cbv t1 t2 ->
star cbv (Let t1 u) (Let t2 u).
induction 1; eauto with sequences obvious.
Hint Resolve star_cbv_AppLR star_cbv_LetL : red obvious.
(* Reduction commutes with substitutions of values for variables. (This
includes renamings.) This is true of every reduction strategy, with
the proviso that if [RuleVar] is enabled, then [RuleLam], [RuleAppLR]
and [RuleLetLR] must be enabled as well, so that reduction is reflexive. *)
Lemma red_subst:
forall mask : mask,
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleLam) ->
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleAppLR) ->
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleLetLR) ->
forall t1 t2,
red mask t1 t2 ->
forall sigma,
is_value_subst sigma ->
red mask t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma].
induction 4; simpl; intros; subst;
try solve [ econstructor; solve [ eauto with is_value | autosubst ]].
(* Case: [Var] *)
{ eauto using red_refl. }
Lemma star_red_subst:
forall mask : mask,
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleLam) ->
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleAppLR) ->
(mask RuleVar -> mask RuleLetLR) ->
forall t1 t2 sigma,
star (red mask) t1 t2 ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
star (red mask) t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma].
induction 4; eauto using red_subst with sequences.
(* Call-by-value reduction is contained in parallel call-by-value. *)
Lemma cbv_subset_pcbv:
forall t1 t2,
cbv t1 t2 ->
pcbv t1 t2.
induction 1; try solve [ tauto ]; eauto using red_refl with red.
(* Under call-by-value, values do not reduce. *)
Lemma values_do_not_reduce:
forall t1 t2,
cbv t1 t2 ->
~ is_value t1.
inversion 1; is_value.
Hint Resolve values_do_not_reduce : is_value obvious.
Hint Extern 1 (False) => (eapply values_do_not_reduce) : is_value obvious.
Lemma is_value_irred:
forall v,
is_value v ->
irred cbv v.
intros. intro. obvious.
Hint Resolve is_value_irred : irred obvious.
(* Under every strategy, the property of being a value is preserved by
reduction. *)
Lemma values_are_stable:
forall mask v1 v2,
red mask v1 v2 ->
is_value v1 ->
is_value v2.
induction 1; is_value.
Lemma nonvalues_are_stable:
forall mask v1 v2,
red mask v1 v2 ->
~ is_value v2 ->
~ is_value v1.
induction 1; is_value.
Hint Resolve values_are_stable nonvalues_are_stable : is_value obvious.
(* [cbv] is deterministic. *)
Lemma cbv_deterministic:
forall t t1,
cbv t t1 ->
forall t2,
cbv t t2 ->
t1 = t2.
(* Induction over [cbv t t1]. *)
induction 1; try solve [ tauto ]; intros; subst;
(* Invert the second hypothesis, [cbv t t2]. The fact that values do not
reduce is used to eliminate some cases. *)
(* The result follows. *)
f_equal; eauto.
(* Inversion lemmas for [irred]. *)
Lemma invert_irred_cbv_App_1:
forall t u,
irred cbv (App t u) ->
irred cbv t.
intros. eapply irred_irred; obvious.
Lemma invert_irred_cbv_App_2:
forall t u,
irred cbv (App t u) ->
is_value t ->
irred cbv u.
intros. eapply irred_irred; obvious.
Lemma invert_irred_cbv_App_3:
forall t u,
irred cbv (App t u) ->
is_value t ->
is_value u ->
forall t', t <> Lam t'.
intros ? ? Hirred. repeat intro. subst.
eapply Hirred. obvious.
Lemma invert_irred_cbv_Let_1:
forall t u,
irred cbv (Let t u) ->
irred cbv t.
intros. eapply irred_irred; obvious.
Lemma invert_irred_cbv_Let_2:
forall t u,
irred cbv (Let t u) ->
~ is_value t.
intros ? ? Hirred ?. eapply Hirred. obvious.
Hint Resolve
: irred.
(* An analysis of irreducible terms for call-by-value reduction. A stuck
term is either an application [v1 v2] where [v1] is not a function or
a stuck term in an evaluation context. *)
Inductive stuck : term -> Prop :=
| StuckApp:
forall v1 v2,
is_value v1 ->
is_value v2 ->
(forall t, v1 <> Lam t) ->
stuck (App v1 v2)
| StuckAppL:
forall t u,
stuck t ->
stuck (App t u)
| StuckAppR:
forall v u,
is_value v ->
stuck u ->
stuck (App v u)
| StuckLetL:
forall t u,
stuck t ->
stuck (Let t u).
Hint Constructors stuck : stuck.
(* To go wrong is to reduce to a stuck term. *)
Definition goes_wrong t :=
exists t', star cbv t t' /\ stuck t'.
(* A stuck term cannot be a value. *)
Lemma stuck_nonvalue:
forall t,
stuck t ->
~ is_value t.
induction 1; is_value.
(* Every stuck term is irreducible. *)
Ltac prove_irred_cbv :=
do 2 intro; invert_cbv.
Lemma stuck_irred:
forall t,
stuck t ->
irred cbv t.
induction 1; prove_irred_cbv; try solve [
eauto using irreducible_terms_do_not_reduce
| eapply stuck_nonvalue; obvious
(* StuckApp *)
{ congruence. }
Hint Resolve stuck_irred : irred obvious.
(* Every irreducible term either is a value or is stuck. *)
Lemma irred_cbv_is_value_or_stuck:
forall t,
irred cbv t ->
is_value t \/ stuck t.
induction t; intro Hirred;
try solve [ is_value ]; right.
(* App *)
{ assert (H1: irred cbv t1). { eauto with irred. }
destruct (IHt1 H1); [| eauto with stuck ].
assert (H2: irred cbv t2). { eauto with irred. }
destruct (IHt2 H2); [| eauto with stuck ].
eapply StuckApp; eauto using invert_irred_cbv_App_3. }
(* Let *)
{ assert (H: irred cbv t). { eauto with irred. }
destruct (IHt H); [| eauto with stuck ].
assert (~ is_value t). { eauto with irred. }
tauto. }
(* The converse is true as well. *)
Lemma irred_cbv_characterization:
forall t,
irred cbv t <->
is_value t \/ stuck t.
{ eauto using irred_cbv_is_value_or_stuck. }
{ intuition eauto with irred. }
(* A closed value must be a lambda-abstraction. *)
Lemma closed_value:
forall v,
is_value v ->
closed v ->
exists t, v = Lam t.
intros. destruct v as [| t | | ]; try solve [ false; is_value ].
{ false. eapply closed_Var. eauto. }
{ exists t. eauto. }
(* A stuck term cannot be closed. *)
Lemma stuck_closed:
forall t,
stuck t ->
closed t ->
induction 1; intros; eauto with closed.
(* StuckApp *)
{ assert (ht1: exists t1, v1 = Lam t1).
{ eauto using closed_value with closed. }
destruct ht1 as (?&?). subst v1. congruence. }
(* Under call-by-value, every closed term either reduces or is a value. *)
Lemma cbv_progress:
forall t,
closed t ->
is_value t \/ exists u, cbv t u.
Local Ltac ih IH :=
destruct IH as [| [ ? ? ]]; [ eauto with closed | | obvious ].
(* We give a direct proof, but the result also follows from
[irred_cbv_is_value_or_stuck] and [stuck_closed]. *)
induction t as [| | t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 | t1 IHt1 t2 IHt2 ];
try solve [ left; obvious ]; right.
(* App *)
{ ih IHt1.
ih IHt2.
destruct (closed_value t1) as [ u1 ? ]; eauto with closed; subst t1.
(* Let *)
{ ih IHt1. obvious. }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
Require Import Coq.Wellfounded.Inverse_Image.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Export AutosubstExtra.
Require Export Autosubst_IsRen.
(* The syntax of the lambda-calculus. *)
Inductive term :=
| Var (x : var)
| Lam (t : {bind term})
| App (t1 t2 : term)
| Let (t1 : term) (t2 : {bind term})
Instance Ids_term : Ids term. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.
(* If the image of [t] through a substitution is a variable, then [t] must
itself be a variable. *)
Lemma subst_is_var:
forall t sigma x,
t.[sigma] = ids x ->
exists y,
t = ids y.
intros ? ? ? Heq. destruct t; compute in Heq; solve [ eauto | congruence ].
(* The identity substitution [ids] is injective. *)
Lemma inj_ids:
forall x y,
ids x = ids y ->
x = y.
intros ? ? Heq. compute in Heq. congruence.
(* If the composition of two substitutions [sigma1] and [sigma2] is the
identity substitution, then [sigma1] must be a renaming. *)
Lemma ids_implies_is_ren:
forall sigma1 sigma2,
sigma1 >> sigma2 = ids ->
is_ren sigma1.
intros ? ? Hid.
eapply prove_is_ren; [ eapply inj_ids | intros x ].
eapply subst_is_var with (sigma := sigma2) (x := x).
rewrite <- Hid. reflexivity.
Hint Resolve ids_implies_is_ren : is_ren obvious.
(* The size of a term. *)
Fixpoint size (t : term) : nat :=
match t with
| Var _ => 0
| Lam t => 1 + size t
| App t1 t2
| Let t1 t2 => 1 + size t1 + size t2
(* The size of a term is preserved by renaming. *)
Lemma size_renaming:
forall t sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
size t.[sigma] = size t.
induction t; intros sigma Hsigma; asimpl;
repeat (match goal with h: forall sigma, _ |- _ => rewrite h by obvious; clear h end);
try reflexivity.
(* [Var] *)
{ destruct Hsigma as [ xi ? ]. subst. reflexivity. }
(* The [size] function imposes a well-founded ordering on terms. *)
Lemma smaller_wf:
well_founded (fun t1 t2 => size t1 < size t2).
eauto using wf_inverse_image, lt_wf.
(* The tactic [size_induction] facilitates proofs by induction on the
size of a term. The following lemmas are used in the construction
of this tactic. *)
Lemma size_induction_intro:
forall (P : term -> Prop),
(forall n t, size t < n -> P t) ->
(forall t, P t).
eauto. (* just instantiate [n] with [size t + 1] *)
Lemma size_induction_induction:
forall (P : term -> Prop),
(forall n, (forall t, size t < n -> P t) -> (forall t, size t < S n -> P t)) ->
(forall n t, size t < n -> P t).
intros P IH. induction n; intros.
{ false. eapply Nat.nlt_0_r. eauto. }
{ eauto. }
Lemma size_induction:
forall (P : term -> Prop),
(forall n, (forall t, size t < n -> P t) -> (forall t, size t < S n -> P t)) ->
(forall t, P t).
intros P IH.
eapply size_induction_intro.
eapply size_induction_induction.
Ltac size_induction :=
(* We assume the goal is of the form [forall t, P t]. *)
intro t; pattern t;
match goal with |- ?P t =>
simpl; eapply (@size_induction P); clear
intros n IH t Htn.
(* The goal should now be of the form [P t]
with a hypothesis [IH: (forall t, size t < n -> P t]
and a hypothesis [Htn: size t < S n]. *)
(* The tactic [size] proves goals of the form [size t < n]. The tactic
[obvious] is also extended to prove such goals. *)
Hint Extern 1 (size ?t.[?sigma] < ?n) =>
rewrite size_renaming by obvious
: size obvious.
Hint Extern 1 (size ?t < ?n) =>
simpl in *; omega
: size obvious.
Ltac size :=
eauto with size.
(* The following is a direct proof of [smaller_wf]. We do not use any
preexisting lemmas, and end the proof with [Defined] instead of [Qed],
so as to make the proof term transparent. Also, we avoid the tactic
[omega], which produces huge proof terms. This allows Coq to compute
with functions that are defined by well-founded recursion. *)
Lemma smaller_wf_transparent:
well_founded (fun t1 t2 => size t1 < size t2).
unfold well_founded. size_induction.
constructor; intros u Hu.
eapply IH. eapply lt_S_n. eapply le_lt_trans; eauto.
(* The following lemmas can be useful in situations where the tactic
[asimpl] performs too much simplification. *)
Lemma subst_var:
forall x sigma,
(Var x).[sigma] = sigma x.
Lemma subst_lam:
forall t sigma,
(Lam t).[sigma] = Lam (t.[up sigma]).
Lemma subst_app:
forall t1 t2 sigma,
(App t1 t2).[sigma] = App t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma].
Lemma subst_let:
forall t1 t2 sigma,
(Let t1 t2).[sigma] = Let t1.[sigma] t2.[up sigma].
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Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
(* The syntactic subcategory of values is decidable. *)
Definition if_value {A} (t : term) (a1 a2 : A) : A :=
match t with
| Var _ | Lam _ => a1
| _ => a2
Definition is_value (t : term) :=
if_value t True False.
Hint Extern 1 (is_value _) => (simpl; tauto) : is_value obvious.
(* A term either is or is not a value. *)
Lemma value_or_nonvalue:
forall t,
is_value t \/ ~ is_value t.
destruct t; simpl; eauto.
(* Simplification rules for [if_value]. *)
Lemma if_value_value:
forall A v (a1 a2 : A),
is_value v ->
if_value v a1 a2 = a1.
destruct v; simpl; tauto.
Lemma if_value_nonvalue:
forall A t (a1 a2 : A),
~ is_value t ->
if_value t a1 a2 = a2.
destruct t; simpl; tauto.
(* The syntactic subcategory of values is preserved by renamings. *)
Lemma is_value_renaming:
forall v xi,
is_value v ->
is_value v.[ren xi].
destruct v; simpl; eauto.
Lemma is_nonvalue_renaming:
forall v xi,
~ is_value v ->
~ is_value v.[ren xi].
destruct v; simpl; eauto.
Hint Resolve is_value_renaming is_nonvalue_renaming : is_value obvious.
Ltac is_value :=
eauto with is_value.
(* The tactic [not_a_value] can be used to prove that the current case
is impossible, because we have a hypothesis of the form [~ is_value v],
where [v] clearly is a value. *)
Ltac not_a_value :=
solve [ false; is_value ].
Ltac if_value :=
repeat first [ rewrite if_value_value by is_value |
rewrite if_value_nonvalue by is_value ].
(* The tactic [value_or_nonvalue t] creates two cases: either [t] is a value,
or it isn't. *)
Ltac value_or_nonvalue t :=
destruct (value_or_nonvalue t);
(* The tactic [value_or_app_or_let] creates three cases: either [t] is a value,
or it is an application, or it is a [let] construct. *)
Ltac value_or_app_or_let t :=
value_or_nonvalue t; [|
destruct t as [ ? | ? | t1 t2 | t1 t2 ]; [ not_a_value | not_a_value | |]
(* In principle, we should not fix the names [t1] and [t2] here,
as it might cause name clashes. *)
(* The predicate [is_value_subst sigma] holds if every term in the
codomain of the substitution [sigma] is a value. *)
Definition is_value_subst (sigma : var -> term) :=
forall x, is_value (sigma x).
Lemma is_value_subst_ids:
is_value_subst ids.
intros x. is_value.
Lemma is_value_subst_cons:
forall v sigma,
is_value v ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_value_subst (v .: sigma).
intros. intros [|x]; is_value.
Definition is_value_subst_up:
forall sigma,
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_value_subst (up sigma).
intros sigma h. intros [|x]; asimpl.
{ simpl. eauto. }
{ is_value. }
Definition is_value_subst_upn:
forall sigma i,
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_value_subst (upn i sigma).
induction i; intros; asimpl.
{ eauto. }
{ rewrite <- fold_up_upn. eauto using is_value_subst_up. }
Lemma is_value_subst_renaming:
forall sigma i,
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_value_subst (sigma >> ren (+i)).
intros. intro x. asimpl. is_value.
Hint Resolve is_value_subst_up is_value_subst_upn is_value_subst_renaming
: is_value obvious.
Lemma values_are_preserved_by_value_substitutions:
forall v sigma,
is_value v ->
is_value_subst sigma ->
is_value v.[sigma].
destruct v; simpl; intros; eauto with is_value.
Lemma nonvalues_are_preserved_by_substitutions:
forall t sigma,
~ is_value t ->
~ is_value t.[sigma].
destruct t; simpl; tauto.
Hint Resolve
: is_value obvious.
Lemma is_ren_is_value_subst:
forall sigma,
is_ren sigma ->
is_value_subst sigma.
intros ? [ xi ? ]. subst. eauto with is_value.
Hint Resolve is_ren_is_value_subst : is_value obvious.
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(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The [bind] combinator of the option monad. *)
Definition bind {A B} (f : option A) (k : A -> option B) : option B :=
match f with
| None =>
| Some a =>
k a
(* The standard syntactic sugar for [bind]. [f >>= k] can be read as ``first
do [f]; then, if successful, with the result of [f], do [k]''. *)
Notation "f >>= k" := (bind f k) (at level 55).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* These lemmas help prove an equation of the form [f >>= k = b]. *)
Lemma prove_bind_None:
forall {A B} {f} {k : A -> option B},
f = None ->
f >>= k = None.
intros. subst. eauto.
Lemma prove_bind_Some:
forall {A B} {f} {k : A -> option B} {a b},
f = Some a ->
k a = b ->
f >>= k = b.
intros. subst. eauto.
(* This lemma helps exploit an equation of the form [f >>= k = Some b]. *)
Lemma invert_bind_Some:
forall {A B} {f} {k : A -> option B} {b},
f >>= k = Some b ->
exists a, f = Some a /\ k a = Some b.
destruct f; simpl; intros.
{ eauto. }
{ congruence. }
Ltac invert_bind_Some :=
match goal with
h: ?f >>= _ = Some _ |- _ =>
let heq := fresh in
generalize (invert_bind_Some h); clear h; intros (?&?&h)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The standard ordering on options, where [None] is less defined then
everything, and every element of the form [Some a] is less defined
than itself only. *)
Definition less_defined {A} (o1 o2 : option A) :=
forall a, o1 = Some a -> o2 = Some a.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This lemma exploits an assertion of the form [less_defined (Some _) _]. *)
Lemma invert_less_defined_Some:
forall {A} {a : A} {o : option A},
less_defined (Some a) o ->
Some a = o.
unfold less_defined. intros. symmetry. eauto.
Ltac invert_less_defined :=
match goal with
| h: less_defined (Some _) _ |- _ =>
generalize (invert_less_defined_Some h); clear h; intro h
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* These lemmas help prove assertions of the form [less_defined _ _]. *)
Lemma prove_less_defined_None:
forall {A} {o : option A},
less_defined None o.
unfold less_defined. intros. congruence.
Lemma reflexive_less_defined:
forall {A} {o : option A},
less_defined o o.
unfold less_defined. eauto.
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ <> _) => congruence : congruence.
Lemma prove_less_defined_bind:
forall {A B} {f1 f2 : option A} {k1 k2 : A -> option B},
less_defined f1 f2 ->
(f1 <> None -> forall a, less_defined (k1 a) (k2 a)) ->
less_defined (f1 >>= k1) (f2 >>= k2).
intros. destruct f1; simpl in *.
(* Case: [f1] is [Some _]. *)
{ invert_less_defined. subst. simpl. eauto with congruence. }
(* Case: [f1] is [None]. *)
{ eauto using prove_less_defined_None. }
Hint Resolve
prove_less_defined_None reflexive_less_defined prove_less_defined_bind
: less_defined.
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(** A library of relation operators defining sequences of transitions
and useful properties about them. Originally by Xavier Leroy, with
some improvements and additions by François Pottier. *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Variable A: Type.
Implicit Types R S : A -> A -> Prop.
Implicit Types P : A -> Prop.
(** Zero, one or several transitions: reflexive, transitive closure of [R]. *)
Inductive star R : A -> A -> Prop :=
| star_refl:
forall a,
star R a a
| star_step:
forall a b c,
R a b -> star R b c -> star R a c.
Hint Constructors star.
Lemma star_refl_eq:
forall R a b, a = b -> star R a b.
intros. subst. eauto.
Lemma star_one:
forall R a b, R a b -> star R a b.
Lemma star_trans:
forall R a b, star R a b ->
forall c, star R b c -> star R a c.
induction 1; eauto.
Lemma star_covariant:
forall R S,
(forall a b, R a b -> S a b) ->
(forall a b, star R a b -> star S a b).
induction 2; eauto.
(* If [R] preserves some property [P], then [star R] preserves [P]. *)
Lemma star_implication:
forall P R,
(forall a1 a2, R a1 a2 -> P a1 -> P a2) ->
(forall a1 a2, star R a1 a2 -> P a1 -> P a2).
induction 2; eauto.
(* The same implication holds in the reverse direction (right to left). *)
Lemma star_implication_reversed:
forall P R,
(forall a1 a2, R a1 a2 -> P a2 -> P a1) ->
(forall a1 a2, star R a1 a2 -> P a2 -> P a1).
induction 2; eauto.
(** One or several transitions: transitive closure of [R]. *)
Inductive plus R: A -> A -> Prop :=
| plus_left:
forall a b c,
R a b -> star R b c -> plus R a c.
Hint Constructors plus.
Lemma plus_one:
forall R a b, R a b -> plus R a b.
Lemma plus_star:
forall R a b, plus R a b -> star R a b.
inversion 1; eauto.
Lemma plus_covariant:
forall R S,
(forall a b, R a b -> S a b) ->
(forall a b, plus R a b -> plus S a b).
induction 2; eauto using star_covariant.
(* A direct induction principle for [plus]: when [plus R a b] holds,
either there is just one step, or there is one, followed with more. *)
Lemma plus_ind_direct:
forall R P : A -> A -> Prop,
(forall a b, R a b -> P a b) ->
(forall a b c, R a b -> plus R b c -> P b c -> P a c) ->
forall a b, plus R a b -> P a b.
intros ? ? Hone Hmore a c Hplus. destruct Hplus as [ ? b ? hR hRStar ].
generalize b c hRStar a hR.
clear b c hRStar a hR.
induction 1; eauto.
Lemma plus_star_trans:
forall R a b c, plus R a b -> star R b c -> plus R a c.
inversion 1; eauto using star_trans.
Lemma star_plus_trans:
forall R a b c, star R a b -> plus R b c -> plus R a c.
inversion 1; inversion 1; eauto using star_trans.
Lemma plus_trans:
forall R a b c, plus R a b -> plus R b c -> plus R a c.
eauto using plus_star_trans, plus_star.
Lemma plus_right:
forall R a b c, star R a b -> R b c -> plus R a c.
eauto using star_plus_trans.
(** Absence of transitions. *)
Definition irred R a :=
forall b, ~ R a b.
Definition halts R a :=
exists b, star R a b /\ irred R b.
(** Infinitely many transitions. *)
CoInductive infseq R : A -> Prop :=
| infseq_step:
forall a b,
R a b -> infseq R b -> infseq R a.
(** Properties of [irred]. *)
Lemma irred_irred:
forall R t1 u1,
irred R t1 ->
(forall u2, R u1 u2 -> exists t2, R t1 t2) ->
irred R u1.
unfold irred. intros ? ? ? Hirred Himpl u2 Hu2.
destruct (Himpl _ Hu2) as [ t2 Ht2 ].
eapply Hirred. eauto.
Lemma irreducible_terms_do_not_reduce:
forall R a b, irred R a -> R a b -> False.
unfold irred, not. eauto.
(** Coinduction principles to show the existence of infinite sequences. *)
Lemma infseq_coinduction_principle:
forall R P,
(forall a, P a -> exists b, R a b /\ P b) ->
forall a, P a -> infseq R a.
intros ? ? Hstep. cofix COINDHYP; intros a hPa.
destruct (Hstep a hPa) as (?&?&?).
econstructor; eauto.
Lemma infseq_coinduction_principle_2:
forall R P a,
P a ->
(forall a, P a -> exists b, plus R a b /\ P b) ->
infseq R a.
intros ? ? ? ? Hinv.
apply infseq_coinduction_principle with
(P := fun a => exists b, star R a b /\ P b).
(* Proof that the invariant is preserved. *)
{ clear dependent a.
intros a (b&hStar&hPb).
inversion hStar; subst.
{ destruct (Hinv b hPb) as [c [hPlus ?]].
inversion hPlus; subst. eauto. }
{ eauto. }
(* Proof that the invariant initially holds. *)
{ eauto. }
Lemma infseq_plus:
forall R a,
infseq (plus R) a ->
infseq R a.
intros. eapply infseq_coinduction_principle_2
with (P := fun a => infseq (plus R) a).
{ eauto. }
clear dependent a. intros a hInfSeq.
destruct hInfSeq. eauto.
(** An example of use of [infseq_coinduction_principle]. *)
Lemma infseq_alternate_characterization:
forall R a,
(forall b, star R a b -> exists c, R b c) ->
infseq R a.
intros R. apply infseq_coinduction_principle.
intros a Hinv. destruct (Hinv a); eauto.
Lemma infseq_covariant:
forall R S,
(forall a b, R a b -> S a b) ->
forall a, infseq R a -> infseq S a.
intros. eapply infseq_coinduction_principle
with (P := fun a => infseq R a); [| eauto ].
clear dependent a. intros a hInfSeq.
destruct hInfSeq. eauto.
(** A sequence either is infinite or stops on an irreducible term.
This property needs excluded middle from classical logic. *)
Require Import Classical.
Lemma infseq_or_finseq:
forall R a,
infseq R a \/ halts R a.
destruct (classic (forall b, star R a b -> exists c, R b c)).
{ left. eauto using infseq_alternate_characterization. }
{ right.
destruct (not_all_ex_not _ _ H) as [b Hb].
destruct (imply_to_and _ _ Hb).
unfold halts, irred, not. eauto. }
(** Additional properties for deterministic transition relations. *)
Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
Hypothesis R_determ: forall a b c, R a b -> R a c -> b = c.
Ltac R_determ :=
match goal with h1: R ?a ?b1, h2: R ?a ?b2 |- _ =>
assert (b1 = b2); [ eauto | subst ]
(** Uniqueness of transition sequences. *)
Lemma star_star_inv:
forall a b, star R a b -> forall c, star R a c -> star R b c \/ star R c b.
induction 1; inversion 1; intros; subst; try R_determ; eauto.
Lemma finseq_unique:
forall a b b',
star R a b -> irred R b ->
star R a b' -> irred R b' ->
b = b'.
unfold irred, not.
intros ? ? ? Hab Hirred Hab' Hirred'.
destruct (star_star_inv Hab Hab') as [ Hbb' | Hbb' ];
inversion Hbb'; subst;
solve [ eauto | elimtype False; eauto ].
Lemma infseq_star_inv:
forall a b, star R a b -> infseq R a -> infseq R b.
induction 1; inversion 1; intros; try R_determ; eauto.
Lemma infseq_finseq_excl:
forall a b,
star R a b -> irred R b -> infseq R a -> False.
unfold irred, not. intros.
assert (h: infseq R b). { eauto using infseq_star_inv. }
inversion h. eauto.
Lemma infseq_halts_excl:
forall a,
halts R a -> infseq R a -> False.
intros ? (?&?&?). eauto using infseq_finseq_excl.
Hint Resolve star_refl star_step star_one star_trans plus_left plus_one
plus_star plus_star_trans star_plus_trans plus_right: sequences.
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