Expose new Coq files.
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 2031 additions and 26 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import MyTactics. (* TEMPORARY *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@ -167,3 +168,5 @@ Hint Extern 1 (_ = _) => autosubst : autosubst.
metavariables, so the tactic [autosubst] fails. *)
metavariables, so the tactic [autosubst] fails. *)
Hint Resolve scons_scomp : autosubst.
Hint Resolve scons_scomp : autosubst.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import AutosubstExtra. (* just for [upn_ren] *)
Require Import MyTactics. (* TEMPORARY *)
(* This file defines the construction [eos x t], which can be understood as
an end-of-scope mark for [x] in the term [t]. *)
(* It also defines the single-variable substitution t.[u // x], which is the
substitution of [u] for [x] in [t]. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section EOS.
Context {A} `{Ids A, Rename A, Subst A, SubstLemmas A}.
(* The substitution [Var 0 .: Var 1 .: ... .: Var (x-1) .: Var (x+1) .: ...]
does not have [Var x] in its codomain. Thus, applying this substitution
to a term [t] can be understood as an end-of-scope construct: it means
``end the scope of [x] in [t]''. We write [eos x t] for this construct.
It is also known as [adbmal]: see Hendriks and van Oostrom,
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-45085-6_11 *)
(* There are at least two ways of defining the above substitution. One way
is to define it in terms of AutoSubst combinators: *)
Definition eos_var x : var -> var :=
(iterate upren x (+1)).
Definition eos x t :=
t.[ren (eos_var x)].
Lemma eos_eq:
forall x t,
t.[upn x (ren (+1))] = eos x t.
intros. unfold eos, eos_var. erewrite upn_ren by tc. reflexivity.
(* Another way is to define directly as a function of type [var -> var]. *)
Definition lift_var x : var -> var :=
fun y => if le_gt_dec x y then 1 + y else y.
(* The two definitions coincide: *)
Lemma upren_lift_var:
forall x,
upren (lift_var x) = lift_var (S x).
intros. f_ext; intros [|y].
{ reflexivity. }
{ simpl. unfold lift_var, var. dblib_by_cases; omega. }
Lemma eos_var_eq_lift_var:
eos_var = lift_var.
(* An uninteresting proof. *)
f_ext; intros x.
unfold eos_var.
induction x.
{ reflexivity. }
{ rewrite iterate_S.
rewrite IHx.
rewrite upren_lift_var.
reflexivity. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [eos] enjoys certain commutation laws. *)
(* Ending the scope of variable [k], then the scope of variable [s], is the
same as first ending the scope of variable [1 + s], then ending the scope
of variable [k]. This holds provided [k <= s] is true, i.e., [k] is the
most recently-introduced variable.*)
Lemma lift_var_lift_var:
forall k s,
k <= s ->
lift_var s >>> lift_var k = lift_var k >>> lift_var (S s).
(* By case analysis. *)
intros. f_ext; intros x. asimpl.
unfold lift_var, var. dblib_by_cases; omega.
Lemma eos_eos:
forall k s t,
k <= s ->
eos k (eos s t) = eos (1 + s) (eos k t).
intros. unfold eos. asimpl.
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
rewrite lift_var_lift_var by eauto.
(* What about the case where [k] is the least recently-introduced variable?
It is obtained by symmetry, of course. *)
Lemma eos_eos_reversed:
forall k s t,
k >= s + 1 ->
eos k (eos s t) = eos s (eos (k - 1) t).
replace k with (1 + (k - 1)) by omega.
rewrite <- eos_eos by omega.
replace (1 + (k - 1) - 1) with (k - 1) by omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Single-variable substitutions. *)
(* [subst_var u x] is the substitution of [u] for [x]. *)
(* We give a direct definition of it as a function of type [var -> term],
defined by cases. I don't know if it could also be nicely defined in
terms of the basic combinators of de Bruijn algebra. Note that the
candidate definition [upn x (t .: ids)] is WRONG when [x > 0]. *)
Definition subst_var (u : A) (x y : var) : A :=
match lt_eq_lt_dec y x with
| inleft (left _) => ids y
| inleft (right _) => u
| inright _ => ids (y - 1)
(* A nice notation: [t.[u // x]] is the substitution of [u] for [x] in [t]. *)
Notation "t .[ u // x ]" := (subst (subst_var u x) t)
(at level 2, u at level 200, left associativity,
format "t .[ u // x ]") : subst_scope.
(* The following laws serve as sanity checks: we got the definition right. *)
Lemma subst_var_miss_1:
forall x y u,
y < x ->
(ids y).[u // x] = ids y.
intros. asimpl. unfold subst_var. dblib_by_cases. reflexivity.
Lemma subst_var_match:
forall x u,
(ids x).[ u // x ] = u.
intros. asimpl. unfold subst_var. dblib_by_cases. reflexivity.
Lemma subst_var_miss_2:
forall x y u,
x < y ->
(ids y).[u // x] = ids (y - 1).
intros. asimpl. unfold subst_var. dblib_by_cases. reflexivity.
(* In the special case where [x] is 0, the substitution [t // 0] can also
be written [t/], which is an AutoSubst notation for [t .: ids]. *)
Lemma subst_var_0:
forall t u,
t.[u // 0] = t.[u/].
intros. f_equal. clear t.
f_ext. intros [|x].
{ reflexivity. }
{ unfold subst_var. simpl. f_equal. omega. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A cancellation law: substituting for a variable [x] that does not occur in
[t] yields just [t]. In other words, a substitution for [x] vanishes when
it reaches [eos x _]. *)
(* In informal syntax, this lemma would be written:
t[u/x] = t
under the hypothesis that x does not occur free in t.
In de Bruijn style, the statement is just as short, and does not have a
side condition. Instead, it requires an explicit [eos x _] to appear at the
root of the term to which the substitution is applied; this may require
rewriting before this lemma can be applied. *)
Lemma subst_eos:
forall x t u,
(eos x t).[u // x] = t.
(* Again, let's simplify this first. *)
unfold eos. asimpl.
(* Aha! We can forget about [t], and focus on proving that two
substitutions are equal. To do so, it is sufficient that
their actions on a variable [y] are the same. *)
rewrite <- subst_id.
f_equal. clear t.
f_ext. intro y.
(* The proof is easy if we replace [eos_var] with [lift_var]. *)
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var. simpl.
unfold subst_var, lift_var. dblib_by_cases; f_equal; omega.
(* The above property allows us to prove that [eos x _] is injective.
Indeed, it has an inverse, namely [u // x], where [u] is arbitrary. *)
Lemma eos_injective:
forall x t1 t2,
eos x t1 = eos x t2 ->
t1 = t2.
pose (u := t1). (* dummy *)
erewrite <- (subst_eos x t1 u).
erewrite <- (subst_eos x t2 u).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* More commutation laws. *)
Lemma eos_subst_1:
forall k s t u,
k <= s ->
eos k (t.[u // s]) = (eos k t).[eos k u // s + 1].
intros. unfold eos. asimpl. f_equal. clear t.
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
f_ext. intros y.
unfold subst_var, lift_var.
dblib_by_cases; asimpl; dblib_by_cases; solve [ eauto | f_equal; omega ].
Lemma eos_subst_2:
forall k s t u,
s <= k ->
eos k (t.[u // s]) = (eos (k + 1) t).[eos k u // s].
intros. unfold eos. asimpl. f_equal. clear t.
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
f_ext. intros y.
unfold subst_var, lift_var.
dblib_by_cases; asimpl; dblib_by_cases; solve [ eauto | f_equal; omega ].
Lemma subst_subst:
forall t k v s w,
k <= s ->
t.[w // k].[v // s] =
t.[eos k v // 1 + s].[w.[v // s] // k].
(* First, get rid of [t]. It is sufficient to consider the action of
these substitutions at a variable [y]. *)
intros. asimpl. f_equal. clear t. f_ext. intros y.
(* Replace [eos_var] with [lift_var], whose definition is more direct. *)
unfold eos. rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
(* Then, use brute force (case analysis) to prove that the goal holds. *)
unfold subst_var. simpl.
dblib_by_cases; asimpl; dblib_by_cases;
(* This case analysis yields 5 cases, of which 4 are trivial... *)
(* ... thus, one case remains. *)
(* Now get rid of [v]. It is again sufficient to consider the action
of these substitutions at a variable [z]. *)
replace v with v.[ids] at 1 by autosubst.
f_equal. f_ext. intros z. simpl.
(* Again, use brute force. *)
unfold lift_var. dblib_by_cases; f_equal. unfold var. omega.
(* Not really proud of this proof. *)
Lemma pun_1:
forall t x,
(eos x t).[ ids x // x + 1 ] = t.
(* First, get rid of [t]. It is sufficient to consider the action of
these substitutions at a variable [y]. *)
intros. unfold eos. asimpl.
replace t with t.[ids] at 2 by autosubst.
f_equal. clear t. f_ext. intros y.
(* Replace [eos_var] with [lift_var], whose definition is more direct. *)
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
(* Then, use brute force (case analysis) to prove that the goal holds. *)
simpl. unfold subst_var, lift_var. dblib_by_cases; f_equal; unfold var; omega.
Lemma pun_2:
forall t x,
(eos (x + 1) t).[ ids x // x ] = t.
(* First, get rid of [t]. It is sufficient to consider the action of
these substitutions at a variable [y]. *)
intros. unfold eos. asimpl.
replace t with t.[ids] at 2 by autosubst.
f_equal. clear t. f_ext. intros y.
(* Replace [eos_var] with [lift_var], whose definition is more direct. *)
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var.
(* Then, use brute force (case analysis) to prove that the goal holds. *)
simpl. unfold subst_var, lift_var. dblib_by_cases; f_equal; unfold var; omega.
End EOS.
(* Any notations defined in the above section must now be repeated. *)
Notation "t .[ u // x ]" := (subst (subst_var u x) t)
(at level 2, u at level 200, left associativity,
format "t .[ u // x ]") : subst_scope.
(* The tactic [subst_var] attempts to simplify applications of [subst_var]. *)
Ltac subst_var :=
first [
rewrite subst_var_miss_1 by omega
| rewrite subst_var_match by omega
| rewrite subst_var_miss_2 by omega
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyTactics. (* TEMPORARY *)
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import Autosubst_EOS. (* [eos_var] *)
(* Environments are sometimes represented as finite lists. This file
provides a few notions that helps deal with this representation. *)
Section Env.
Context {A} `{Ids A, Rename A, Subst A, SubstLemmas A}.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The function [env2subst default], where [default] is a default value,
converts an environment (a finite list) to a substitution (a total
function). *)
Definition env2subst (default : A) (e : list A) (x : var) : A :=
nth x e default.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [env_ren_comp e xi e'] means (roughly) that the environment [e] is equal to
the composition of the renaming [xi] and the environment [e'], that is,
[e = xi >>> e']. We also explicitly require the environments [e] and [e']
to have matching lengths, up to [xi], as this is *not* a consequence of
the other premise. *)
Inductive env_ren_comp : list A -> (var -> var) -> list A -> Prop :=
| EnvRenComp:
forall e xi e',
(forall x, x < length e -> xi x < length e') ->
(forall x default, nth x e default = nth (xi x) e' default) ->
env_ren_comp e xi e'.
(* A reformulation of the second premise in the above definition. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_eq:
forall e xi e',
(forall default, env2subst default e = xi >>> env2subst default e') <->
(forall x default, nth x e default = nth (xi x) e' default).
unfold env2subst. split; intros h; intros.
{ change (nth x e default) with ((fun x => nth x e default) x).
rewrite h. reflexivity. }
{ f_ext; intro x. eauto. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Initialization: [e = id >>> e]. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_id:
forall e,
env_ren_comp e (fun x => x) e.
econstructor; eauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The relation [e = xi >>> e'] can be taken under a binder, as follows. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_up:
forall e xi e' v,
env_ren_comp e xi e' ->
env_ren_comp (v :: e) (upren xi) (v :: e').
inversion 1; intros; subst; econstructor;
intros [|x]; intros; simpl in *; eauto with omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* One element can be prepended to [e'], provided [xi] is adjusted. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_prepend:
forall e xi e' v,
env_ren_comp e xi e' ->
env_ren_comp e (xi >>> (+1)) (v :: e').
inversion 1; intros; subst.
econstructor; intros; simpl; eauto with omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A consequence of [env_ren_comp_id] and [env_ren_comp_prepend]. The renaming
(+1) will eat away the first entry in [v :: e]. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_plus1:
forall e v,
env_ren_comp e (+1) (v :: e).
econstructor; intros; simpl; eauto with omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* More generally, the renaming [eos_var x], which means that [x] goes out of
scope, will eat away the entry at index [x] in [e1 ++ v :: e2]. *)
Lemma env_ren_comp_eos_var:
forall x e1 v e2,
x = length e1 ->
env_ren_comp (e1 ++ e2) (eos_var x) (e1 ++ v :: e2).
rewrite eos_var_eq_lift_var. unfold lift_var.
econstructor; intros y; dblib_by_cases.
{ rewrite app_length in *. simpl. omega. }
{ rewrite app_length in *. simpl. omega. }
{ do 2 (rewrite app_nth2 by omega).
replace (1 + y - length e1) with (1 + (y - length e1)) by omega.
reflexivity. }
{ do 2 (rewrite app_nth1 by omega).
reflexivity. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
End Env.
Hint Resolve
: env_ren_comp.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
Require Import Omega.
Require Import Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Import AutosubstExtra.
Require Import Autosubst_EOS.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Class IdsLemmas (term : Type) {Ids_term : Ids term} := {
(* The identity substitution is injective. *)
forall x y,
ids x = ids y ->
x = y
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Section FreeVars.
{A : Type}
{Ids_A : Ids A}
{Rename_A : Rename A}
{Subst_A : Subst A}
{IdsLemmas_A : IdsLemmas A}
{SubstLemmas_A : SubstLemmas A}.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A reformulation of [ids_inj]. *)
Lemma ids_inj_False:
forall x y,
ids x = ids y ->
x <> y ->
assert (x = y). { eauto using ids_inj. }
unfold var in *.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [fv k t] means that the free variables of the term [t] are
contained in the semi-open interval [0..k). *)
Definition fv k t :=
t.[upn k (ren (+1))] = t.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [closed t] means that the term [t] is closed, that is, [t]
has no free variables. *)
Definition closed :=
fv 0.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This technical lemma states that the renaming [+1] is injective. *)
Lemma lift_inj_ids:
forall t x,
t.[ren (+1)] = ids (S x) <-> t = ids x.
split; intros.
{ eapply lift_inj. autosubst. }
{ subst. autosubst. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This lemma characterizes the meaning of [fv k] when applied to a variable. *)
Lemma fv_ids_eq:
forall k x,
fv k (ids x) <-> x < k.
unfold fv. induction k; intros.
(* Base case. *)
{ asimpl. split; intros; elimtype False.
{ eauto using ids_inj_False. }
{ omega. }
(* Step. *)
{ destruct x; asimpl.
{ split; intros. { omega. } { reflexivity. } }
{ rewrite lift_inj_ids.
rewrite <- id_subst.
rewrite IHk. omega. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A simplification lemma. *)
Lemma fv_lift:
forall k i t,
fv (k + i) t.[ren (+i)] <-> fv k t.
unfold fv. intros. asimpl.
rewrite Nat.add_comm.
rewrite <- upn_upn.
erewrite plus_upn by eauto.
rewrite <- subst_comp.
split; intros.
{ eauto using lift_injn. }
{ f_equal. eauto. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If [t] has at most [n - 1] free variables,
and if [x] is inserted among them,
then we get [eos x t],
which has at most [n] free variables. *)
Lemma fv_eos:
forall x n t,
x < n ->
fv (n - 1) t ->
fv n (eos x t).
unfold fv. intros x n t ? ht.
rewrite eos_eq in ht.
rewrite eos_eq.
rewrite eos_eos_reversed by omega. (* nice! *)
rewrite ht.
Lemma fv_eos_eq:
forall x n t,
x < n ->
fv n (eos x t) <->
fv (n - 1) t.
unfold fv. intros x n t ?.
rewrite eos_eq.
rewrite eos_eq.
rewrite eos_eos_reversed by omega. (* nice! *)
split; intros h.
{ eauto using eos_injective. }
{ rewrite h. reflexivity. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A substitution [sigma] is regular if and only if, for some [j], for
sufficiently large [x], [sigma x] is [x + j]. *)
Definition regular (sigma : var -> A) :=
exists i j,
ren (+i) >> sigma = ren (+j).
Lemma regular_ids:
regular ids.
exists 0. exists 0. autosubst.
Lemma regular_plus:
forall i,
regular (ren (+i)).
intros. exists 0. exists i. autosubst.
Lemma regular_upn:
forall n sigma,
regular sigma ->
regular (upn n sigma).
intros ? ? (i&j&hsigma).
exists (n + i). eexists (n + j).
replace (ren (+(n + i))) with (ren (+i) >> ren (+n)) by autosubst.
rewrite <- scompA.
rewrite up_liftn.
rewrite scompA.
rewrite hsigma.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If the free variables of the term [t] are below [k], then [t] is unaffected
by a substitution of the form [upn k sigma]. *)
(* Unfortunately, in this file, where the definition of type [A] is unknown, I
am unable to establish this result for arbitrary substitutions [sigma]. I
am able to establish it for *regular* substitutions, where The proof is somewhat interesting, so it is given here, even
though, once the definition of the type [A] is known, a more direct proof,
without a regularity hypothesis, can usually be given. *)
(* An intermediate result states that, since [upn k (ren (+1))] does not
affect [t], then (by iteration) neither does [upn k (ren (+j))]. *)
Lemma fv_unaffected_lift:
forall j t k,
fv k t ->
t.[upn k (ren (+j))] = t.
induction j as [| j ]; intros t k ht.
{ asimpl. rewrite up_id_n. autosubst. }
{ replace (ren (+S j)) with (ren (+1) >> ren (+j)) by autosubst.
rewrite <- up_comp_n.
replace (t.[upn k (ren (+1)) >> upn k (ren (+j))])
with (t.[upn k (ren (+1))].[upn k (ren (+j))]) by autosubst.
rewrite ht.
rewrite IHj by eauto.
eauto. }
(* There follows that a substitution of the form [upn k sigma], where [sigma]
is regular, does not affect [t]. The proof is slightly subtle but very
short. The previous lemma is used twice. *)
Lemma fv_unaffected_regular:
forall k t sigma,
fv k t ->
regular sigma ->
t.[upn k sigma] = t.
intros k t sigma ? (i&j&hsigma).
rewrite <- (fv_unaffected_lift i t k) at 1 by eauto.
asimpl. rewrite up_comp_n.
rewrite hsigma.
rewrite fv_unaffected_lift by eauto.
(* A corollary. *)
Lemma closed_unaffected_regular:
forall t sigma,
closed t ->
regular sigma ->
t.[sigma] = t.
unfold closed. intros.
rewrite <- (upn0 sigma).
eauto using fv_unaffected_regular.
(*One might also wish to prove a result along the following lines:
forall t k sigma1 sigma2,
fv k t ->
(forall x, x < k -> sigma1 x = sigma2 x) ->
t.[sigma1] = t.[sigma2].
I have not yet investigated how this could be proved. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If some term [t] has free variables under [j], then it also has free
variables under [k], where [j <= k]. *)
Lemma fv_monotonic:
forall j k t,
fv j t ->
j <= k ->
fv k t.
intros. unfold fv.
replace k with (j + (k - j)) by omega.
rewrite <- upn_upn.
eauto using fv_unaffected_regular, regular_upn, regular_plus.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* These little lemmas may be occasionally useful. *)
Lemma use_fv_length_cons:
forall A (x : A) (xs : list A) n t,
(forall x, fv (length (x :: xs)) t) ->
n = length xs ->
fv (n + 1) t.
intros. subst.
replace (length xs + 1) with (length (x :: xs)) by (simpl; omega).
Lemma prove_fv_length_cons:
forall A (x : A) (xs : list A) n t,
n = length xs ->
fv (n + 1) t ->
fv (length (x :: xs)) t.
intros. subst.
replace (length (x :: xs)) with (length xs + 1) by (simpl; omega).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [closed t] is equivalent to [t.[ren (+1)] = t]. *)
Lemma closed_eq:
forall t,
closed t <-> t.[ren (+1)] = t.
unfold closed, fv. asimpl. tauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A variable is not closed. *)
Lemma closed_ids:
forall x,
~ closed (ids x).
unfold closed, fv. intros. asimpl. intro.
eauto using ids_inj_False.
End FreeVars.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [fv] is intended to use a number of lemmas as rewriting rules.
The hint database [fv] can be extended with language-specific lemmas. *)
Hint Rewrite @fv_ids_eq @fv_lift @fv_eos_eq : fv.
Ltac fv :=
autorewrite with fv in *;
eauto with typeclass_instances.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A hint database to prove goals of the form [~ (closed _)] or [closed _]. *)
Hint Resolve closed_ids : closed.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Hint Resolve regular_ids regular_plus regular_upn : regular.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyList.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import LambdaCalculusSyntax.
Require Import LambdaCalculusFreeVars.
Require Import LambdaCalculusValues.
Require Import LambdaCalculusBigStep.
Require Import MetalSyntax.
Require Import MetalBigStep.
(* This file contains a definition of closure conversion and a proof of
semantic preservation. Closure conversion is a transformation of the
lambda-calculus into a lower-level calculus, nicknamed Metal, where
lambda-abstractions must be closed. *)
(* The definition is slightly painful because we are using de Bruijn indices.
(That said, it is likely that using named variables would be painful too,
just in other ways.) One important pattern that we follow is that, as soon
as a variable [x] is no longer useful, we use [eos x _] to make it go out
of scope. Following this pattern is not just convenient -- it is actually
necessary. *)
(* The main transformation function, [cc], has type [nat -> term -> metal]. If
[t] is a source term with [n] free variables, then [cc n t] is its image
under the transformation. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The auxiliary function [cc_lam n cct] defines the transformation of
the body of a lambda-abstraction. This auxiliary function must be isolated
because it is used twice, once within [cc], and once within [cc_value]. *)
(* The parameter [n] is supposed to be the number of free variables of the
lambda-abstraction, and the parameter [cct] is the body of the transformed
lambda-abstraction. That is, [cct] is expected to be later instantiated
with [cc (n + 1) t], where [t] is the body of the source
lambda-abstraction. *)
(* The term [cc_lam n cct] has just one free variable, namely 0, which
represents the formal parameter of the transformed lambda-abstraction. This
parameter is expected to be a pair [(clo, x)], where [clo] is the closure
and [x] is the formal parameter of the source lambda-abstraction. *)
(* In nominal / informal syntax, the code would be roughly:
let (clo, x) = _ in
let x_1, ..., x_n = pi_1 clo, ..., pi_n clo in
(* We use meta-level [let] bindings, such as [let clo_x := 0 in ...].
These bindings generate no Metal code -- they should not be confused
with Metal [MLet] bindings. They are just a notational convenience. *)
Definition cc_lam (n : nat) (cct : metal) : metal :=
(* Let us refer to variable 0 as [clo_x]. *)
let clo_x := 0 in
(* Initially, the variable [clo_x] is bound to a pair of [clo] and [x].
Decompose this pair, then let [clo_x] go out of scope. *)
MLetPair (* clo, x *) (MVar clo_x) (
let clo_x := clo_x + 2 in
eos clo_x (
(* Two variables are now in scope, namely [clo] and [x]. *)
let clo := 1 in
let x := 0 in
(* Now, bind [n] variables, informally referred to as [x_1, ..., x_n],
to the [n] tuple projections [pi_1 clo, ..., pi_n clo]. Then, let
[clo] go out of scope, as it is no longer needed. *)
MMultiLet 0 (MProjs n (MVar clo)) (
let clo := n + clo in
let x := n + x in
eos clo (
(* We need [x] to correspond to de Bruijn index 0. Currently, this is
not the case. So, rebind a new variable to [x], and let the old [x]
go out of scope. (Yes, this is a bit subtle.) We use an explicit
[MLet] binding, but in principle, could also use a substitution. *)
MLet (MVar x) (
let x := 1 + x in
eos x (
(* We are finally ready to enter the transformed function body. *)
(* [cc] is the main transformation function. *)
Fixpoint cc (n : nat) (t : term) : metal :=
match t with
| Var x =>
(* A variable is mapped to a variable. *)
MVar x
| Lam t =>
(* A lambda-abstraction [Lam t] is mapped to a closure, that is, a tuple
whose 0-th component is a piece of code (a closed lambda-abstraction)
and whose remaining [n] components are the [n] variables numbered 0,
1, ..., n-1. *)
MTuple (
MLam (cc_lam n (cc (n + 1) t)) ::
MVars n
| App t1 t2 =>
(* A function application is transformed into a closure invocation. *)
(* Bind [clo] to the closure produced by the (transformed) term [t1]. *)
MLet (cc n t1) (
let clo := 0 in
(* Bind [code] to the 0-th component of this closure. *)
MLet (MProj 0 (MVar clo)) (
let clo := 1 + clo in
let code := 0 in
(* Apply the function [code] to a pair of the closure and the value
produced by the (transformed) term [t2]. Note that both [clo] and
[code] must go out of scope before referring to [t2]. This could
be done in one step by applying the renaming [(+2)], but we prefer
to explicitly use [eos] twice, for greater clarity. *)
(MVar code)
(MVar clo)
(eos clo (eos code (cc n t2)))
| Let t1 t2 =>
(* A local definition is translated to a local definition. *)
MLet (cc n t1) (cc (n + 1) t2)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In order to prove that the above program transformation is sound (that is,
semantics-preserving), we must relate the values computed by the source
program with the values computed by the target program. Fortunately, the
relation is simple. (It is, in fact, a function.) The image of a source
closure [Clo t e] under the translation is a closure, represented as a
tuple, whose 0-th component is a lambda-abstraction -- the translation
of [Lam t] -- and whose remaining [n] components are the translation of
the environment [e]. *)
Fixpoint cc_cvalue (cv : cvalue) : mvalue :=
match cv with
| Clo t e =>
let n := length e in
MVTuple (
MVLam (cc_lam n (cc (n + 1) t)) ::
map cc_cvalue e
(* The translation of environments is defined pointwise. *)
Definition cc_cenv e :=
map cc_cvalue e.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This lemma and hint increase the power of the tactic [length]. *)
Lemma length_cc_env:
forall e,
length (cc_cenv e) = length e.
intros. unfold cc_cenv. length.
Hint Rewrite length_cc_env : length.
(* In this file, we allow [eauto with omega] to use the tactic [length]. *)
Local Hint Extern 1 (_ = _ :> nat) => length : omega.
Local Hint Extern 1 (lt _ _) => length : omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now check two purely syntactic properties of the transformation. First,
if the source program [t] has [n] free variables, then the transformed
program [cc n t] has [n] free variables, too. Second, in the transformed
program, every lambda-abstraction is closed. *)
(* These proofs are "easy" and "routine", but could have been fairly lengthy
and painful if we had not set up appropriate lemmas and tactics, such as
[fv], beforehand. *)
Lemma fv_cc_lam:
forall m n t,
fv (S n) t ->
1 <= m ->
fv m (cc_lam n t).
intros. unfold cc_lam. fv; length. repeat split;
eauto using fv_monotonic with omega.
{ eapply fv_MProjs. fv. omega. }
Lemma fv_cc:
forall t n1 n2,
fv n2 t ->
n1 = n2 ->
fv n1 (cc n2 t).
induction t; intros; subst; simpl; fv; unpack;
repeat rewrite Nat.add_1_r in *;
repeat split; eauto using fv_monotonic, fv_cc_lam with omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The following lemmas help reorganize our view of the environment. They are
typically used just before applying the lemma [mbigcbv_eos], that is, when
a variable [x] is about to go out of scope. We then want to organize the
environment so that it has the shape [e1 ++ mv :: e2], where the length of
[e1] is [x], so [mv] is the value that is dropped, and the environment
afterwards is [e1 ++ e2]. *)
Local Lemma access_1:
forall {A} xs (x0 x : A),
x0 :: x :: xs = (x0 :: nil) ++ x :: xs.
Local Lemma access_2:
forall {A} xs (x0 x1 x : A),
x0 :: x1 :: x :: xs = (x0 :: x1 :: nil) ++ x :: xs.
Local Lemma access_n_plus_1:
forall {A} xs (x : A) ys,
xs ++ x :: ys = (xs ++ x :: nil) ++ ys.
intros. rewrite <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now establish a (forward) semantic preservation statement: if under
environment [e] the source term [t] computes the value [cv], then under
the translation of [e], the translation of [t] computes the translation
of [cv]. *)
(* The proof is fairly routine and uninteresting; it is just a matter of
checking that everything works as expected. A crucial point that helps
keep the proof manageable is that we have defined auxiliary evaluation
lemmas for tuples, projections, [MMultiLet], and so on. *)
(* Although the proof is not "hard", it would be difficult to do by hand, as
it is quite deep and one must keep track of many details, such as the shape
of the runtime environment at every program point -- that is, which de
Bruijn index is bound to which value. An off-by-one error in a de Bruijn
index, or a list that is mistakenly reversed, would be difficult to detect
in a handwritten proof. Machine assistance is valuable in this kind of
exercise. *)
Theorem semantic_preservation:
forall e t cv,
ebigcbv e t cv ->
forall n,
n = length e ->
mbigcbv (cc_cenv e) (cc n t) (cc_cvalue cv).
induction 1; intros; simpl.
(* Case: [Var]. Nothing much to say; apply the evaluation rule and
check that its side conditions hold. *)
{ econstructor.
{ length. }
{ subst cv.
erewrite (nth_indep (cc_cenv e)) by length.
unfold cc_cenv. rewrite map_nth. eauto. }
(* Case: [Lam]. We have to check that a transformed lambda-abstraction
(as per [cc]) evaluates to a transformed closure (as per [cc_value]).
This is fairly easy. *)
{ subst. econstructor.
(* The code component. We must check that it is closed. *)
{ econstructor.
assert (fv (length e + 1) t).
{ eapply (use_fv_length_cons _ dummy_cvalue); eauto. }
unfold closed. fv. eauto using fv_cc_lam, fv_cc with omega. }
(* The remaining components. *)
{ eapply MBigcbvTuple.
rewrite <- length_cc_env. eauto using MBigcbvVars. }
(* Case: [App]. This is where most of the action takes place. We must
essentially "execute" the calling sequence and check that it works
as expected. *)
{ (* Evaluate the first [Let], which binds a variable [clo] to the closure. *)
econstructor. { eauto. }
(* Evaluate the second [Let], which projects the code out of the closure,
and binds the variable [code]. *)
{ econstructor; [| eauto ].
econstructor; simpl; eauto with omega. }
(* We are now looking at a function application. Evaluate in turn the function,
its actual argument, and the call itself. *)
(* The function. *)
{ econstructor; simpl; eauto with omega. }
(* Its argument. *)
{ econstructor.
{ econstructor; simpl; eauto with omega. }
{ (* Skip two [eos] constructs. *)
rewrite access_1. eapply mbigcbv_eos; [ simpl | length ].
eapply mbigcbv_eos with (e1 := nil); [ simpl | length ].
eauto. }
(* The call itself. Here, we step into a transformed lambda-abstraction, and
we begin studying how it behaves when executed. *)
unfold cc_lam at 2.
(* Evaluate [MLetPair], which binds [clo] and [x]. *)
eapply MBigcbvLetPair.
{ econstructor; simpl; eauto with omega. }
(* Skip [eos]. *)
rewrite access_2. eapply mbigcbv_eos; [ simpl | eauto ].
(* Evaluate [MMultiLet]. *)
eapply MBigcbvMultiLetProjs.
{ econstructor; simpl; eauto with omega. }
{ length. }
(* Skip [eos]. *)
rewrite access_n_plus_1. eapply mbigcbv_eos; [| length ].
rewrite app_nil_r, Nat.add_0_r.
(* Evaluate the new binding of [x]. *)
{ econstructor.
{ length. }
{ rewrite app_nth by (rewrite map_length; omega). simpl. eauto. }
(* Skip [eos]. *)
rewrite app_comm_cons. eapply mbigcbv_eos; [ rewrite app_nil_r | length ].
(* Evaluate the function body. *)
eauto with omega. }
(* Case: [Let]. Immediate. *)
{ econstructor; eauto with omega. }
@ -14,12 +14,6 @@ Qed.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [fv k t] means that the free variables of the term [t] are
contained in the semi-open interval [0..k). *)
Definition fv k t :=
t.[upn k (ren (+1))] = t.
(* The predicate [fv] is characterized by the following lemmas. *)
(* The predicate [fv] is characterized by the following lemmas. *)
Lemma fv_Var_eq:
Lemma fv_Var_eq:
@ -67,28 +61,8 @@ Qed.
Hint Rewrite fv_Var_eq fv_Lam_eq fv_App_eq fv_Let_eq : fv.
Hint Rewrite fv_Var_eq fv_Lam_eq fv_App_eq fv_Let_eq : fv.
(* The tactic [fv] uses the above lemmas as rewriting rules. *)
Ltac fv :=
autorewrite with fv in *.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The predicate [closed t] means that the term [t] is closed, that is, [t]
has no free variables. *)
Definition closed :=
fv 0.
(* [closed t] is equivalent to [lift 1 t = t]. *)
Lemma closed_eq:
forall t,
closed t <-> lift 1 t = t.
unfold closed, fv. asimpl. tauto.
(* The following lemmas allow decomposing a closedness hypothesis.
(* The following lemmas allow decomposing a closedness hypothesis.
Because [closed] is not an inductive notion, there is no lemma
Because [closed] is not an inductive notion, there is no lemma
for [Lam] and for the right-hand side of [Let]. *)
for [Lam] and for the right-hand side of [Let]. *)
@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ Require Import MyTactics.
Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Export AutosubstExtra.
Require Export AutosubstExtra.
Require Export Autosubst_IsRen.
Require Export Autosubst_IsRen.
(* Require Export Autosubst_EOS. *)
Require Export Autosubst_FreeVars.
(* The syntax of the lambda-calculus. *)
(* The syntax of the lambda-calculus. *)
@ -18,6 +20,9 @@ Instance Rename_term : Rename term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_term : Subst term. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.
Instance SubstLemmas_term : SubstLemmas term. derive. Qed.
Instance IdsLemmas_term : IdsLemmas term.
Proof. econstructor. intros. injections. eauto. Qed.
(* If the image of [t] through a substitution is a variable, then [t] must
(* If the image of [t] through a substitution is a variable, then [t] must
itself be a variable. *)
itself be a variable. *)
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyList.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Import Sequences.
Require Import MetalSyntax.
Require Import Autosubst_Env.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A big-step call-by-value semantics with explicit environments. *)
(* Because every lambda-abstraction is closed, no closures are involved:
a lambda-abstraction evaluates to itself. Thus, an mvalue [mv] must be
either a (closed) lambda-abstraction or a pair of mvalues. *)
Inductive mvalue :=
| MVLam : {bind metal} -> mvalue
| MVPair : mvalue -> mvalue -> mvalue.
Definition dummy_mvalue : mvalue :=
MVLam (MVar 0).
(* An environment [e] is a list of mvalues. *)
Definition menv :=
list mvalue.
(* The judgement [mbigcbv e t mv] means that, under the environment [e], the
term [t] evaluates to [mv]. *)
Inductive mbigcbv : menv -> metal -> mvalue -> Prop :=
| MBigcbvVar:
forall e x mv,
(* The variable [x] must be in the domain of [e]. *)
x < length e ->
(* This allows us to safely look up [e] at [x]. *)
mv = nth x e dummy_mvalue ->
mbigcbv e (MVar x) mv
| MBigcbvLam:
forall e t,
(* The lambda-abstraction must have no free variables. *)
closed (MLam t) ->
mbigcbv e (MLam t) (MVLam t)
| MBigcbvApp:
forall e t1 t2 u1 mv2 mv,
(* Evaluate [t1] to a lambda-abstraction, *)
mbigcbv e t1 (MVLam u1) ->
(* evaluate [t2] to a value, *)
mbigcbv e t2 mv2 ->
(* and evaluate the function body in a singleton environment. *)
mbigcbv (mv2 :: nil) u1 mv ->
mbigcbv e (MApp t1 t2) mv
| MBigcbvLet:
forall e t1 t2 mv1 mv,
(* Evaluate [t1] to a value, *)
mbigcbv e t1 mv1 ->
(* and evaluate [t2] under a suitable environment. *)
mbigcbv (mv1 :: e) t2 mv ->
mbigcbv e (MLet t1 t2) mv
| MBigcbvPair:
forall e t1 t2 mv1 mv2,
(* Evaluate each component to a value, *)
mbigcbv e t1 mv1 ->
mbigcbv e t2 mv2 ->
(* and construct a pair. *)
mbigcbv e (MPair t1 t2) (MVPair mv1 mv2)
| MBigcbvPi:
forall e i t mv1 mv2 mv,
(* Evaluate [t] to a pair value, *)
mbigcbv e t (MVPair mv1 mv2) ->
(* and project out the desired component. *)
mv = match i with 0 => mv1 | _ => mv2 end ->
mbigcbv e (MPi i t) mv
Hint Constructors mbigcbv : mbigcbv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A reformulation of the evaluation rule for variables. *)
Lemma MBigcbvVarExact:
forall e1 mv e2 x,
x = length e1 ->
mbigcbv (e1 ++ mv :: e2) (MVar x) mv.
intros. econstructor.
{ length. }
{ rewrite app_nth by eauto. reflexivity. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We now examine how the big-step semantics interacts with renamings.
We prove that if (roughly) the equation [e = xi >>> e'] holds then
evaluating [t.[xi]] under [e'] is the same as evaluating [t] under
[e]. *)
Lemma mbigcbv_ren:
forall e t mv,
mbigcbv e t mv ->
forall e' xi,
env_ren_comp e xi e' ->
mbigcbv e' t.[ren xi] mv.
induction 1; intros;
try solve [ asimpl; eauto with env_ren_comp mbigcbv ].
(* MVar *)
{ pick @env_ren_comp invert.
econstructor; eauto. }
(* MLam *)
{ rewrite closed_unaffected by eauto.
eauto with mbigcbv. }
(* As a special case, evaluating [eos x t] under an environment of the form
[e1 ++ mv :: e2], where length of [e1] is [x] (so [x] is mapped to [mv])
is the same as evaluating [t] under [e1 ++ e2]. The operational effect
of the end-of-scope mark [eos x _] is to delete the value stored at index
[x] in the evaluation environment. *)
Lemma mbigcbv_eos:
forall e1 e2 x t mv mw,
mbigcbv (e1 ++ e2) t mw ->
x = length e1 ->
mbigcbv (e1 ++ mv :: e2) (eos x t) mw.
intros. eapply mbigcbv_ren; eauto with env_ren_comp.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Evaluation rules for (simulated) tuples. *)
Fixpoint MVTuple mvs :=
match mvs with
| nil =>
MVLam (MVar 0)
| mv :: mvs =>
MVPair mv (MVTuple mvs)
Lemma MBigcbvTuple:
forall e ts mvs,
(* Evaluate every component to a value, *)
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) ts mvs ->
(* and construct a tuple. *)
mbigcbv e (MTuple ts) (MVTuple mvs).
induction 1; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
{ unfold closed. fv. }
Lemma MBigcbvProj:
forall i e t mvs mv,
i < length mvs ->
(* Evaluate [t] to a tuple value, *)
mbigcbv e t (MVTuple mvs) ->
(* and project out the desired component. *)
mv = nth i mvs dummy_mvalue ->
mbigcbv e (MProj i t) mv.
(* By induction on [i]. In either case, [mvs] cannot be an empty list. *)
induction i; intros; (destruct mvs as [| mv0 mvs ]; [ false; simpl in *; omega |]).
(* Base case. *)
{ econstructor; eauto. }
(* Step case. *)
{ assert (i < length mvs). { length. }
simpl. eauto with mbigcbv. }
Lemma MBigcbvLetPair:
forall e t u mv mv1 mv2,
mbigcbv e t (MVPair mv1 mv2) ->
mbigcbv (mv2 :: mv1 :: e) u mv ->
mbigcbv e (MLetPair t u) mv.
unfold MLetPair. eauto 6 using mbigcbv_ren, env_ren_comp_plus1 with mbigcbv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Evaluation rules for [MMultiLet]. *)
Local Lemma Forall2_mbigcbv_plus1:
forall ts mvs e i mv,
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) (map (fun t : metal => lift i t) ts) mvs ->
Forall2 (mbigcbv (mv :: e)) (map (fun t : metal => lift (i + 1) t) ts) mvs.
induction ts as [| t ts]; simpl; intros;
pick Forall2 invert; econstructor; eauto.
replace (lift (i + 1) t) with (lift 1 (lift i t)) by autosubst.
eauto using mbigcbv_ren, env_ren_comp_plus1.
Lemma MBigcbvMultiLet:
forall ts e i u mvs mv,
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) (map (fun t => lift i t) ts) mvs ->
mbigcbv (rev mvs ++ e) u mv ->
mbigcbv e (MMultiLet i ts u) mv.
induction ts; simpl; intros; pick Forall2 invert.
{ eauto. }
{ pick mbigcbv ltac:(fun h => rewrite rev_cons_app in h).
econstructor; eauto using Forall2_mbigcbv_plus1. }
Lemma MBigcbvMultiLet_0:
forall ts e u mvs mv,
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) ts mvs ->
mbigcbv (rev mvs ++ e) u mv ->
mbigcbv e (MMultiLet 0 ts u) mv.
intros. eapply MBigcbvMultiLet.
{ asimpl. rewrite map_id. eauto. }
{ eauto. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An evaluation rule for [MVars]. *)
Lemma MBigcbvVars_preliminary:
forall e2 e1 e x n,
e = e1 ++ e2 ->
x = length e1 ->
n = length e2 ->
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) (map MVar (seq x n)) e2.
induction e2 as [| mv e2 ]; intros; subst; econstructor.
{ eauto using MBigcbvVarExact. }
{ eapply IHe2 with (e1 := e1 ++ mv :: nil).
{ rewrite <- app_assoc. reflexivity. }
{ length. }
{ eauto. }
Lemma MBigcbvVars:
forall e,
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) (MVars (length e)) e.
unfold MVars, nats. intros.
eapply MBigcbvVars_preliminary with (e1 := nil); eauto.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An evaluation rule for [MProjs]. If the term [t] evaluates to a tuple whose
components numbered 1, ..., n are collected in the list [mvs1], then the
family of terms [MProjs n t] evaluates to the family of values [rev mvs1]. *)
Lemma MBigcbvProjs:
forall n e t mv mvs1 mvs2,
mbigcbv e t (MVTuple (mv :: mvs1 ++ mvs2)) ->
length mvs1 = n ->
Forall2 (mbigcbv e) (MProjs n t) (rev mvs1).
(* This result is "obvious" but requires some low-level work. *)
unfold MProjs. induction n; intros.
(* Case: [n] is zero. Then, [mvs1] must be [nil]. The result follows. *)
{ destruct mvs1; [| false; simpl in *; omega ].
econstructor. }
(* Case: [n] is nonzero. Then, the list [mvs1] must be nonempty. *)
assert (hmvs1: mvs1 <> nil).
{ intro. subst. simpl in *. omega. }
(* So, this list has one element at the end. Let us write this list in the
form [mvs1 ++ mv1]. *)
destruct (exists_last hmvs1) as (hd&mv1&?). subst mvs1. clear hmvs1.
generalize dependent hd; intro mvs1; intros.
(* Simplify. *)
rewrite rev_unit.
rewrite <- app_assoc in *.
rewrite app_length in *.
assert (length mvs1 = n). { length. }
simpl map.
(* The list heads. *)
{ eapply MBigcbvProj; eauto.
{ length. }
{ replace (n + 1) with (S n) by omega. simpl.
rewrite app_nth by omega.
reflexivity. }
(* The list tails. *)
{ eauto. }
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* An evaluation rule for the combination of [MMultiLet] and [MProjs]. If the
term [t] evaluates to a tuple whose components are [mv :: mvs], and if [n]
is the length of [mvs], then evaluating [MMultiLet 0 (MProjs n t) u] in an
environment [e] leads to evaluating [u] in environment [mvs ++ e]. *)
Lemma MBigcbvMultiLetProjs:
forall e t mvs u mv mw n,
mbigcbv e t (MVTuple (mv :: mvs)) ->
length mvs = n ->
mbigcbv (mvs ++ e) u mw ->
mbigcbv e (MMultiLet 0 (MProjs n t) u) mw.
eapply MBigcbvMultiLet_0.
{ eapply MBigcbvProjs with (mvs2 := nil); [ rewrite app_nil_r |]; eauto. }
{ rewrite rev_involutive. eauto. }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyList.
Require Import MyTactics.
Require Export Autosubst.Autosubst.
Require Export AutosubstExtra.
Require Export Autosubst_EOS.
Require Export Autosubst_FreeVars.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Metal is a lambda-calculus where every lambda-abstractions must be closed.
It is equipped with pairs and projections. It is intended to serve as the
target of closure conversion. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Syntax. *)
Inductive metal :=
| MVar : var -> metal
| MLam : {bind metal} -> metal
| MApp : metal -> metal -> metal
| MLet : metal -> {bind metal} -> metal
| MPair : metal -> metal -> metal
| MPi : nat -> metal -> metal
Instance Ids_metal : Ids metal. derive. Defined.
Instance Rename_metal : Rename metal. derive. Defined.
Instance Subst_metal : Subst metal. derive. Defined.
Instance SubstLemmas_metal : SubstLemmas metal. derive. Qed.
Instance IdsLemmas_metal : IdsLemmas metal.
Proof. econstructor. intros. injections. eauto. Qed.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We equip the calculus with pairs, instead of general tuples, because
this makes life in Coq simpler -- we would otherwise have an occurrence
of [list metal] in the definition of [metal], and would need to ask for
a custom induction scheme. *)
(* Instead, we simulate tuples using nested pairs. This would of course be
inefficient in real life, but fur our purposes, should be fine. *)
Fixpoint MTuple ts :=
match ts with
| nil =>
(* A dummy value serves as the tail. *)
MLam (MVar 0)
| t :: ts =>
MPair t (MTuple ts)
Fixpoint MProj i t :=
match i with
| 0 =>
(* Take the left pair component. *)
MPi 0 t
| S i =>
(* Take the right pair component and continue. *)
MProj i (MPi 1 t)
Definition MLetPair t u :=
MLet (* x_0 = *) (MPi 0 t) (
MLet (* x_1 = *) (MPi 1 (lift 1 t))
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [MMultiLet 0 ts u] is a sequence of [MLet] bindings. [n] variables, where
[n] is [length ts], are bound to the terms [ts] in the term [u]. The
recursive structure of the definition is such that the *last* term in the
list [ts] is bound *last*, hence is referred to as variable 0 in [u]. *)
Fixpoint MMultiLet i ts u :=
match ts with
| nil =>
| t :: ts =>
MLet (lift i t) (MMultiLet (i + 1) ts u)
(* The auxiliary parameter [i] in [MMultiLet i ts u] is required for the
recursive definition to go through, but, as far as the end user is
concerned, is not very useful. It can be eliminated as follows. *)
Lemma MMultiLet_ij:
forall ts delta i j u,
i + delta = j ->
MMultiLet j ts u = MMultiLet i (map (fun t => lift delta t) ts) u.
induction ts; intros; simpl; eauto.
{ asimpl. congruence. }
{ erewrite IHts. eauto. omega. }
Lemma MMultiLet_i0:
forall i ts u,
MMultiLet i ts u = MMultiLet 0 (map (fun t => lift i t) ts) u.
eauto using MMultiLet_ij with omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [MVars n] is the list [MVar 0, ..., MVar (n-1)]. *)
Definition MVars (n : nat) : list metal :=
map MVar (nats n).
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [MProjs n t] is the list [MProj n t, ..., MProj 1 t]. *)
Definition MProjs (n : nat) (t : metal) :=
map (fun i => MProj (i + 1) t) (rev_nats n).
(* This list has length [n]. *)
Lemma length_MProjs:
forall n t,
length (MProjs n t) = n.
unfold MProjs. intros. rewrite map_length, length_rev_nats. eauto.
Hint Rewrite length_MProjs : length.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Substitution (boilerplate lemmas). *)
Lemma subst_MVar:
forall x sigma,
(MVar x).[sigma] = sigma x.
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MLam:
forall t sigma,
(MLam t).[sigma] = MLam t.[up sigma].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MApp:
forall t1 t2 sigma,
(MApp t1 t2).[sigma] = MApp t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MLet:
forall t1 t2 sigma,
(MLet t1 t2).[sigma] = MLet t1.[sigma] t2.[up sigma].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MPair:
forall t1 t2 sigma,
(MPair t1 t2).[sigma] = MPair t1.[sigma] t2.[sigma].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MPi:
forall i t sigma,
(MPi i t).[sigma] = MPi i t.[sigma].
intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MTuple:
forall ts sigma,
(MTuple ts).[sigma] = MTuple (map (subst sigma) ts).
induction ts; intros; asimpl; [ | rewrite IHts ]; reflexivity.
Lemma subst_MProj:
forall n t sigma,
(MProj n t).[sigma] = MProj n t.[sigma].
induction n; intros; asimpl; [ | rewrite IHn ]; autosubst.
Lemma subst_MLetPair:
forall t u sigma,
(MLetPair t u).[sigma] = MLetPair t.[sigma] u.[upn 2 sigma].
unfold MLetPair. intros. autosubst.
Lemma subst_MMultiLet:
forall ts i u sigma,
(MMultiLet i ts u).[upn i sigma] =
MMultiLet i (map (subst sigma) ts) u.[upn (length ts) (upn i sigma)].
induction ts; intros; asimpl; f_equal.
{ erewrite plus_upn by tc. eauto. }
{ rewrite IHts.
repeat erewrite upn_upn by tc.
do 3 f_equal. omega. }
Lemma subst_MMultiLet_0:
forall ts u sigma,
(MMultiLet 0 ts u).[sigma] =
MMultiLet 0 (map (subst sigma) ts) u.[upn (length ts) sigma].
change sigma with (upn 0 sigma) at 1.
eapply subst_MMultiLet.
Lemma subst_MVars:
forall n sigma,
map (subst sigma) (MVars n) = map sigma (nats n).
intros. unfold MVars. rewrite map_map. reflexivity.
Lemma subst_MProjs:
forall n t sigma,
map (subst sigma) (MProjs n t) = MProjs n t.[sigma].
unfold MProjs. induction n; intros; simpl; eauto.
rewrite subst_MProj, IHn. eauto.
Hint Rewrite
subst_MVar subst_MLam subst_MApp subst_MLet subst_MPair subst_MPi
subst_MTuple subst_MProj subst_MLetPair
subst_MMultiLet subst_MMultiLet_0
subst_MVars subst_MProjs
: subst.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Free variables (boilerplate lemmas). *)
Lemma fv_MVar:
forall x k,
fv k (MVar x) <-> x < k.
eauto using fv_ids_eq.
Ltac prove_fv :=
unfold fv; intros; asimpl;
split; intros; unpack; [ injections | f_equal ]; eauto.
Lemma fv_MLam:
forall t k,
fv k (MLam t) <-> fv (k + 1) t.
Lemma fv_MApp:
forall t1 t2 k,
fv k (MApp t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv k t2.
Lemma fv_MLet:
forall t1 t2 k,
fv k (MLet t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv (k + 1) t2.
Lemma fv_MPair:
forall t1 t2 k,
fv k (MPair t1 t2) <-> fv k t1 /\ fv k t2.
Lemma fv_MPi:
forall i t k,
fv k (MPi i t) <-> fv k t.
Hint Rewrite fv_MVar fv_MLam fv_MApp fv_MLet fv_MPair fv_MPi : fv.
Lemma fv_MTuple:
forall k ts,
fv k (MTuple ts) <-> Forall (fv k) ts.
induction ts; simpl; intros; fv; split; intros; unpack.
{ econstructor. }
{ omega. }
{ rewrite IHts in *. econstructor; eauto. }
{ rewrite IHts in *. pick Forall invert. eauto. }
Lemma fv_MProj:
forall k n t,
fv k (MProj n t) <-> fv k t.
induction n; intros; simpl; [ | rewrite IHn ]; fv; tauto.
Lemma fv_MLetPair:
forall k t u,
fv k (MLetPair t u) <-> fv k t /\ fv (k + 2) u.
intros. unfold MLetPair. fv; tc.
replace (k + 1 + 1) with (k + 2) by omega.
Local Lemma MLet_inj:
forall t1 u1 t2 u2,
MLet t1 u1 = MLet t2 u2 <-> t1 = t2 /\ u1 = u2.
split; intros; injections; unpack; subst; eauto.
Local Lemma cons_cons_eq:
forall {A} (x1 x2 : A) xs1 xs2,
x1 :: xs1 = x2 :: xs2 <->
x1 = x2 /\ xs1 = xs2.
split; intros; injections; unpack; subst; eauto.
Local Lemma MMultiLet_inj:
forall ts1 u1 ts2 u2 i,
length ts1 = length ts2 ->
MMultiLet i ts1 u1 = MMultiLet i ts2 u2 <->
ts1 = ts2 /\ u1 = u2.
induction ts1; destruct ts2; intros; simpl;
try solve [ false; simpl in *; omega ].
{ tauto. }
{ rewrite MLet_inj.
rewrite lift_injn_eq.
rewrite IHts1 by (simpl in *; omega).
rewrite cons_cons_eq.
tauto. }
Local Lemma map_inj:
forall {A} (f : A -> A) xs,
map f xs = xs <->
Forall (fun x => f x = x) xs.
induction xs; simpl; intros; split; intros; eauto using Forall;
{ econstructor; tauto. }
{ pick Forall invert. f_equal; tauto. }
Lemma fv_MMultiLet_0:
forall ts u k,
fv k (MMultiLet 0 ts u) <->
Forall (fv k) ts /\ fv (k + length ts) u.
intros. unfold fv.
autorewrite with subst.
rewrite MMultiLet_inj by eauto using map_length.
rewrite upn_upn, Nat.add_comm.
rewrite map_inj.
Lemma fv_MVars:
forall n,
Forall (fv n) (MVars n) <->
split; [ eauto | intros _ ].
unfold MVars, nats.
eapply Forall_map.
eapply Forall_seq; intros.
fv. omega.
Lemma fv_MProjs:
forall k n t,
fv k t -> (* not an equivalence, as [k] could be zero *)
Forall (fv k) (MProjs n t).
unfold MProjs. induction n; simpl; intros;
econstructor; [ rewrite fv_MProj |]; eauto.
Hint Rewrite
fv_MTuple fv_MProj fv_MLetPair fv_MMultiLet_0
(* not fv_MProjs *)
: fv.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The following lemma is analogous to [fv_unaffected_regular], except it does
not have a regularity hypothesis, which makes it more pleasant to use. It is
proved by induction on terms, which is why we are unable to prove it in a
generic setting. *)
Lemma fv_unaffected:
forall t k sigma,
fv k t ->
t.[upn k sigma] = t.
induction t; intros; fv; unpack; asimpl; repeat rewrite Nat.add_1_r in *;
try solve [ eauto using upn_k_sigma_x with typeclass_instances
| f_equal; eauto ].
(* A corollary. *)
Lemma closed_unaffected:
forall t sigma,
closed t ->
t.[sigma] = t.
unfold closed. intros.
rewrite <- (upn0 sigma).
eauto using fv_unaffected.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
Require Import List.
Require Import MyTactics.
(* A few random additions to the [List] module, which is woefully incomplete. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma rev_cons_app:
forall {A} (x : A) xs ys,
rev (x :: xs) ++ ys = rev xs ++ x :: ys.
intros. simpl. rewrite <- app_assoc. reflexivity.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Lemma length_nil:
forall A,
length (@nil A) = 0.
Lemma length_cons:
forall A (x : A) xs,
length (x :: xs) = 1 + length xs.
Hint Rewrite length_nil length_cons app_length map_length : length.
Ltac length :=
autorewrite with length in *;
try omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* We have [app_nth1] and [app_nth2], but the following lemma, which can be
viewed as a special case of [app_nth2], is missing. *)
Lemma app_nth:
forall {A} (xs ys : list A) x n,
n = length xs ->
nth n (xs ++ ys) x = nth 0 ys x.
rewrite app_nth2 by omega.
replace (n - length xs) with 0 by omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [rev_nats n] is the semi-open interval (n, 0], counted down. *)
(* It could also be defined as [rev (seq 0 n)], but a direct definition
is easier to work with, as it is immediately amenable to proofs by
induction. *)
Fixpoint rev_nats (n : nat) : list nat :=
match n with
| 0 =>
| S n =>
n :: rev_nats n
(* [nats n] is the semi-open interval [0, n), counted up. *)
Definition nats (n : nat) : list nat :=
seq 0 n.
(* These sequences have length [n]. *)
Lemma length_rev_nats:
forall n,
length (rev_nats n) = n.
induction n; intros; simpl; [| rewrite IHn ]; eauto.
Lemma length_nats:
forall n,
length (nats n) = n.
unfold nats. intros. eauto using seq_length.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A few basic lemmas about [Forall]. *)
Lemma Forall_map:
forall A B (f : A -> B) (P : B -> Prop) xs,
Forall (fun x => P (f x)) xs ->
Forall P (map f xs).
induction 1; intros; subst; simpl; econstructor; eauto.
Lemma Forall_app:
forall A (P : A -> Prop) xs ys,
Forall P xs ->
Forall P ys ->
Forall P (xs ++ ys).
induction 1; intros; subst; simpl; eauto.
Lemma Forall_rev:
forall A (P : A -> Prop) xs,
Forall P xs ->
Forall P (rev xs).
induction 1; intros; subst; simpl; eauto using Forall_app.
Lemma Forall_seq:
forall (P : nat -> Prop) len start,
(forall i, start <= i < start + len -> P i) ->
Forall P (seq start len).
induction len; intros; simpl; econstructor; eauto with omega.
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