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2017-12-13 14:04:28 +01:00
module K = Constant
open Common
(* This pretty-printer based on: http:/ /
* Many cases are omitted from this bare-bones C grammar; hopefully, to be extended. *)
type type_spec =
| Int of Constant.width
| Void
| Named of ident
| Struct of ident option * declaration list option
(** Note: the option allows for zero-sized structs (GCC's C, C++) but as
* of 2017/05/14 we never generate these. *)
| Union of ident option * declaration list
| Enum of ident option * ident list
(** not encoding all the invariants here *)
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]
and storage_spec =
| Typedef
| Extern
| Static
and declarator_and_init =
declarator * init option
and declarator_and_inits =
declarator_and_init list
and declarator =
| Ident of ident
| Pointer of declarator
| Array of declarator * expr
| Function of calling_convention option * declarator * params
and expr =
| Op1 of K.op * expr
| Op2 of K.op * expr * expr
| Index of expr * expr
| Deref of expr
| Address of expr
| Member of expr * expr
| MemberP of expr * expr
| Assign of expr * expr
(** not covering *=, +=, etc. *)
| Call of expr * expr list
| Name of ident
| Cast of type_name * expr
| Literal of string
| Constant of K.t
| Bool of bool
| Sizeof of expr
| SizeofType of type_spec
| CompoundLiteral of type_name * init list
| MemberAccess of expr * ident
| MemberAccessPointer of expr * ident
| InlineComment of string * expr * string
| Type of type_name
(** note: these two not in the C grammar *)
(** this is a WILD approximation of the notion of "type name" in C _and_ a hack
* because there's the invariant that the ident found at the bottom of the
* [declarator] is irrelevant... *)
and type_name =
type_spec * declarator
and params =
(* No support for old syntax, e.g. K&R, or [void f(void)]. *)
param list
and param =
(** Also approximate. *)
type_spec * declarator
and declaration =
type_spec * storage_spec option * declarator_and_inits
and ident =
and init =
| InitExpr of expr
| Designated of designator * init
| Initializer of init list
and designator =
| Dot of ident
| Bracket of int
(** Note: according to http:/ /,
* declarations can only be part of a compound statement... we do not enforce
* this invariant via the type [stmt], but rather check it at runtime (see
* [mk_compound_if]), as the risk of messing things up, naturally. *)
type stmt =
| Compound of stmt list
| DeclStmt of declaration
| Expr of expr
| If of expr * stmt
| IfElse of expr * stmt * stmt
| While of expr * stmt
| For of declaration_or_expr * expr * expr * stmt
| Return of expr option
| Switch of expr * (expr * stmt) list * stmt
(** the last component is the default statement *)
| Break
| Comment of string
(** note: this is not in the C grammar *)
and program =
declaration_or_function list
and comment =
and declaration_or_function =
| Decl of comment list * declaration
| Function of comment list * bool * declaration * stmt
(** [stmt] _must_ be a compound statement; boolean is inline *)
and declaration_or_expr = [
| `Decl of declaration
| `Expr of expr
| `Skip
[@@deriving show { with_path = false }]