183 lines
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183 lines
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Require Export Omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [false] replaces the current goal with [False]. *)
Ltac false :=
elimtype False.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [tc] is a shortcut for [eauto with typeclass_instances]. For some reason,
it is often necessary to use [rewrite ... by tc]. *)
Ltac tc :=
eauto with typeclass_instances.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [obvious] does nothing by default, but can be extended with hints
so as to solve relatively easy goals -- e.g., proving that a term is a value,
proving a size inequality, proving that a substitution is a renaming, etc.
These predicates are sometimes interrelated (e.g., size is preserved by
renamings; the property of being a value is preserved by renamings) so it
would be counterproductive to distinguish several hint databases. *)
Create HintDb obvious.
Ltac obvious :=
eauto with obvious typeclass_instances.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [pick R k] picks a hypothesis [h] whose statement is an
application of the inductive predicate [R], and passes [h] to the (Ltac)
continuation [k]. *)
Ltac pick R k :=
match goal with
| h: R _ |- _ => k h
| h: R _ _ |- _ => k h
| h: R _ _ _ |- _ => k h
| h: R _ _ _ _ |- _ => k h
| h: R _ _ _ _ _ |- _ => k h
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [invert h] case-analyzes the hypothesis [h], whose statement
should be an application of an inductive predicate. *)
Ltac invert h :=
inversion h; clear h; try subst.
(* The tactic [inv R] looks for a hypothesis [h] whose statement is an
application of the inductive predicate [R], and case-analyzes this
hypothesis. *)
Ltac inv R :=
pick R invert.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [unpack] decomposes conjunctions and existential quantifiers
in the hypotheses. Then, it attempts to perform substitutions, if possible. *)
Ltac unpack :=
repeat match goal with
| h: _ /\ _ |- _ =>
destruct h
| h: exists _, _ |- _ =>
destruct h
try subst.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The tactic [forward H] introduces the term [H] as a new hypothesis, and
unpacks it (if necessary). *)
Ltac forward H :=
generalize H; intro; unpack.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [push h] moves the hypothesis [h] into the goal. *)
Ltac push h :=
generalize h; clear h.
(* [ltac_Mark] and [ltac_mark] are dummies. They are used as sentinels by
certain tactics, to mark a position in the context or in the goal. *)
Inductive ltac_Mark : Type :=
| ltac_mark : ltac_Mark.
(* [push_until_mark] moves all hypotheses from the context into the goal,
starting from the bottom and stopping as soon as a mark (that is, a
hypothesis of type [ltac_Mark]) is reached. The mark is thrown away. The
tactic fails if no mark appears in the context. *)
Ltac push_until_mark :=
match goal with h: ?T |- _ =>
match T with
| ltac_Mark => clear h
| _ => push h; push_until_mark
end end.
(** [pop_until_mark] moves all hypotheses from the goal into the context,
until a hypothesis of type [ltac_Mark] is reached. The mark is thrown
away. The tactic fails if no mark appears in the goal. *)
Ltac pop_until_mark :=
match goal with
| |- (ltac_Mark -> _) => intros _
| _ => intro; pop_until_mark
Ltac injections :=
(* Place an initial mark, so as to not disturb the goal. *)
generalize ltac_mark;
(* Look at every equality hypothesis. *)
repeat match goal with
| h: _ = _ |- _ =>
(* Try to apply the primitive tactic [injection] to this hypothesis.
If this succeeds, clear [h] and replace it with the results of
[injection]. Another mark is used for this purpose. If this fails,
just push [h] into the goal, as we do not wish to see it any more. *)
first [
generalize ltac_mark; injection h; clear h; pop_until_mark
| push h ]
(* Pop all of the hypotheses that have been set aside above. *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The following incantation means that [eauto with omega] can solve a goal
of the form [_ < _]. The tactic [zify] is a preprocessor which increases
the number of goals that [omega] can accept; e.g., it expands away [min]
and [max]. *)
Hint Extern 1 (le _ _) => (zify; omega) : omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A little extra help for [eauto with omega]. *)
Lemma arith_le_SS: forall x y, x < y -> S x < S y.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Lemma arith_SS_le: forall x y, S x < S y -> x < y.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Hint Resolve arith_le_SS arith_SS_le : omega.
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* [dblib_by_cases] simplifies goals in which a decidable integer comparison
appears. *)
Ltac dblib_intro_case_clear :=
let h := fresh in
intro h; case h; clear h.
Ltac dblib_inspect_cases :=
match goal with
| |- context [le_gt_dec ?n ?n'] =>
case (le_gt_dec n n')
| h: context [le_gt_dec ?n ?n'] |- _ =>
revert h; case (le_gt_dec n n'); intro h
| |- context [eq_nat_dec ?n ?n'] =>
case (eq_nat_dec n n')
| h: context [eq_nat_dec ?n ?n'] |- _ =>
revert h; case (eq_nat_dec n n'); intro h
| |- context [(lt_eq_lt_dec ?n ?n')] =>
case (lt_eq_lt_dec n n'); [ dblib_intro_case_clear | idtac ]
| h: context [(lt_eq_lt_dec ?n ?n')] |- _ =>
revert h; case (lt_eq_lt_dec n n'); [ dblib_intro_case_clear | idtac ]; intro h
Ltac dblib_by_cases :=
repeat dblib_inspect_cases; try solve [ intros; elimtype False; omega ]; intros.