Remove a few admitted points for certain_termination

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Théophile Bastian 2017-12-08 03:17:55 +01:00
parent 3888b62c6a
commit b9fcc3f5ee
1 changed files with 66 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -76,6 +76,12 @@ Axiom find_lub_correct:
is_chain chain -> is_lub_of chain (find_lub chain).
Arguments find_lub_correct {T} {chain} _.
Axiom lub_is_first_correct:
forall (T: Type), forall (n: nat), forall (chain: Sequence (cpo T)),
is_chain chain
-> chain n = CpoError T
-> chain (S n) <> CpoError T
-> find_lub chain = chain (S n).
(***** Interpretation ********************************************************)
Definition subst: Mem -> Var -> Z -> Mem :=
@ -160,6 +166,55 @@ Proof.
intros not_error.
Lemma unfold_one_iter (s: Instr) (m: Mem) (n: nat):
interp (nth_iterate s (S n)) (MemElem m)
= interp s (interp (nth_iterate s n) (MemElem m)).
simpl; congruence.
Lemma bool_prop_contradict {x: Z}:
(x <> 0)%Z -> (x =? 0)%Z = true -> False.
intros diff equ. apply diff.
unfold eqb in equ; destruct x; simpl; trivial;
exfalso; apply (Bool.Bool.diff_false_true); assumption.
Lemma before_n_useless_guard {body guard n mem}:
(forall p, p < n
-> (interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) p) mem) |=e guard)
-> forall p, p <= n ->
(interp (nth_iterate body p) mem)
= (interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) p) mem).
intros matchGuard p infN.
induction p.
- unfold nth_iterate; trivial.
- assert (p < n). omega. assert (p <= n). omega.
apply IHp in H0 as IHp0.
destruct mem eqn:mRel; [simpl; trivial | ].
fold MemElem; rewrite (unfold_one_iter body m p);
rewrite (unfold_one_iter (ifonly guard body) m p).
fold MemElem in IHp0; rewrite IHp0.
remember (interp (nth_iterate body p) (MemElem m))
as stepMem eqn:stepMemRel.
remember (interp (nth_iterate (ifonly guard body) p) (MemElem m))
as fancyStepMem eqn:fancyStepMemRel.
specialize matchGuard with p.
apply matchGuard in H as matchGuardP.
fold MemElem in matchGuardP.
rewrite <- fancyStepMemRel in matchGuardP.
rewrite <- IHp0 in matchGuardP.
destruct fancyStepMem.
* destruct body; simpl; trivial.
* unfold satisfies_expr in matchGuardP.
destruct (guard m0 =? 0)%Z eqn:guardRel.
+ rewrite IHp0 in matchGuardP.
exfalso; apply (bool_prop_contradict matchGuardP guardRel).
+ unfold ifonly; simpl; rewrite guardRel; congruence.
Lemma certain_termination assert body guard mem :
interp (while assert guard body) mem <> MemError ->
exists n: nat,
@ -168,9 +223,17 @@ Lemma certain_termination assert body guard mem :
/\ interp (while assert guard body) mem = interp (nth_iterate body n) mem.
intros notError.
elim (certain_termination_exists_minimal assert body guard mem).
intros n. intros [notBeforeN atN]. exists n.
destruct (certain_termination_exists_minimal assert body guard mem) as [n];
destruct H as [beforeN atN].
exists n.
split; [|split].
- assert (n <= n). omega. rewrite (before_n_useless_guard beforeN n H).
- intros p infN. assert (p <= n). omega.
rewrite (before_n_useless_guard beforeN p H ).
apply beforeN; trivial.
- admit.
(***** Validite, prouvabilite pour Hoare *************************************)
@ -297,13 +360,6 @@ Proof.
intros src; unfold conseq_or_bottom; simpl; trivial.
Lemma unfold_one_iter (s: Instr) (m: Mem) (n: nat):
interp (nth_iterate s (S n)) (MemElem m)
= interp s (interp (nth_iterate s n) (MemElem m)).
simpl; congruence.
Lemma error_leads_to_no_success s:
forall m, interp s MemError <> MemElem m.