Implement and prove wps

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Théophile Bastian 2017-12-07 20:00:36 +01:00
parent c161437c7f
commit 4f15160760

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
(***** Partie 1 : definition de While ****************************************)
Require Import ZArith.BinInt.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import Omega.
Import Z.
@ -584,5 +585,72 @@ Proof.
apply wp_correctness_provable.
(***** Assertions syntaxiques******** ****************************************)
Inductive SynAssert : Type:=
| ATop: SynAssert
| ABot: SynAssert
| ANeg: SynAssert -> SynAssert
| AAnd: SynAssert -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| AOr: SynAssert -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| AImplies: SynAssert -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| AExpr: Expr -> SynAssert
| AForall: Var -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| AExists: Var -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| ASubstZ: Var -> Z -> SynAssert -> SynAssert
| ASubstE: Var -> Expr -> SynAssert -> SynAssert.
Fixpoint aInterp (src: SynAssert): Assert :=
fun (mem: Mem) => match src with
| ATop => True
| ABot => False
| ANeg x => ~ (aInterp x mem)
| AAnd x y => (aInterp x mem) /\ (aInterp y mem)
| AOr x y => (aInterp x mem) \/ (aInterp y mem)
| AImplies x y => (~ (aInterp x mem)) \/ (aInterp y mem)
| AExpr exp => exp mem <> 0%Z
| AForall v x => forall (z: Z), aInterp x (mem [v <- z])
| AExists v x => exists (z: Z), aInterp x (mem [v <- z])
| ASubstZ v z x => aInterp x (mem [v <- z])
| ASubstE v e x => aInterp x (mem [v <- (e mem)])
Fixpoint wps (instr: Instr) (asser: SynAssert) : SynAssert := match instr with
| skip => asser
| abort => ATop
| assign x expr => ASubstE x expr asser
| seq s1 s2 => wps s1 (wps s2 asser)
| ifelse guard sIf sElse =>
(AImplies (AExpr guard) (wps sIf asser))
(AImplies (ANeg (AExpr guard)) (wps sElse asser))
| while guard body => ABot
Lemma aInterpConsistent (instr: Instr):
forall post, aInterp (wps instr post) = wp instr (aInterp post).
induction instr; intros post; simpl; trivial.
* (* sequence *)
rewrite <- (IHinstr2 post).
rewrite (IHinstr1 (wps instr2 post)).
* (* if/else *)
rewrite <- (IHinstr2 post).
rewrite <- (IHinstr1 post).
unfold assertAnd; unfold assertImpl; unfold assertOfExpr; unfold assertOr;
unfold assertNot; simpl.
apply functional_extensionality; intros mem; simpl. congruence.
Theorem wps_correctness (instr: Instr):
forall post,
( |= [| aInterp (wps instr post) |] instr [| aInterp post |] ) % assert.
intro post.
rewrite (aInterpConsistent instr).
apply wp_correctness.
(* vim: ts=2 sw=2