Progress towards proved wp with option Assert
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@ -441,30 +441,16 @@ Qed.
(***** Weakest precondition **************************************************)
Fixpoint wp (instr: Instr) (condOpt: option Assert) : option Assert :=
match condOpt with
| None => None
| Some cond => match instr with
| skip =>
Some cond
| abort =>
Some assertTop
| assign x expr =>
Some (cond [[ x <- expr expr ]])
| seq s1 s2 =>
wp s1 (wp s2 condOpt)
| ifelse guard sIf sElse =>
match (wp sIf condOpt, wp sElse condOpt) with
| (None, _) | (_, None) => None
| (Some wpIf, Some wpElse) =>
Some (
((assertOfExpr guard -> wpIf)
/\ (~ (assertOfExpr guard) -> wpElse)) % assert)
| while guard body =>
Fixpoint wp (instr: Instr) (cond: Assert) : Assert := match instr with
| skip => cond
| abort => assertTop
| assign x expr => (cond [[ x <- expr expr ]])
| seq s1 s2 => wp s1 (wp s2 cond)
| ifelse guard sIf sElse =>
((assertOfExpr guard -> wp sIf cond)
/\ (~ (assertOfExpr guard) -> wp sElse cond)) % assert
| while guard body => assertBot
Lemma assertImplElim {a b: Assert} :
forall (m: Mem), (assertImpl a b) m -> a m -> b m.
@ -482,40 +468,25 @@ Proof.
unfold assertImplLogical. intros mem x. assumption.
Definition whatever_or_none (whatever: Assert -> Instr -> Assert -> Prop)
(pre: option Assert) (instr: Instr) (post: option Assert) : Prop :=
match (pre, post) with
| (Some _, None) => False
| (None, _) => True
| (Some pre0, Some post0) => whatever pre0 instr post0
Definition provable_or_none := whatever_or_none hoare_provability.
Notation "|-opt [| pre |] instr [| post |]" :=
(provable_or_none pre instr post) (at level 30) : assert.
Definition consequence_or_none := whatever_or_none hoare_consequence.
Notation "|=opt [| pre |] instr [| post |]" :=
(consequence_or_none pre instr post) (at level 30) : assert.
Lemma postnone_is_okay {instr post}:
(forall post0, (|-opt [|wp instr (Some post0)|] instr [|Some post0|])%assert)
-> (|-opt [|wp instr post|] instr [|post|])%assert.
Lemma preBottomIsCorrect {instr post}:
(|= [|assertBot|] instr [|post|]) % assert.
intros prf. destruct post.
- apply prf.
- unfold provable_or_none; unfold whatever_or_none.
unfold wp; destruct instr; trivial.
unfold hoare_consequence. intros mem.
unfold assertBot.
intros F; exfalso; exact F.
Theorem wp_correctness_provable (instr: Instr) :
forall post, ( |-opt [| wp instr post |] instr [| post |] ) % assert.
Theorem wp_correctness (instr: Instr):
forall post, ( |= [| wp instr post |] instr [| post |] ) % assert.
induction instr; intros post; apply postnone_is_okay; intros post0.
* apply (H_skip post0).
* apply (H_abort assertTop post0).
* apply (H_assign post0 v e).
* remember (wp instr2 (Some post0)) as mid eqn:midRel.
induction instr; intros post.
* apply hoare_provability_implies_consequence.
apply (H_skip post).
* apply hoare_provability_implies_consequence.
apply (H_abort assertTop post).
* apply hoare_provability_implies_consequence. apply (H_assign post v e).
* apply hoare_provability_implies_consequence.
remember (wp instr2 (Some post)) as mid eqn:midRel.
remember (wp instr1 mid) as pre eqn:preRel.
simpl; rewrite <- midRel; rewrite <- preRel.
specialize IHinstr2 with (Some post0) as IHpost.
@ -530,7 +501,8 @@ Proof.
- unfold provable_or_none in IHmid; unfold whatever_or_none in IHmid.
exfalso. apply IHmid.
- unfold whatever_or_none; trivial.
* specialize IHinstr1 with (Some post0);
* apply hoare_provability_implies_consequence.
specialize IHinstr1 with (Some post0);
specialize IHinstr2 with (Some post0).
destruct (wp instr1 (Some post0)) as [preIf | ] eqn:preIfRel;
destruct (wp instr2 (Some post0)) as [preElse | ] eqn:preElseRel.
@ -568,7 +540,7 @@ Proof.
rewrite preIfRel; trivial.
- unfold provable_or_none; simpl; rewrite preElseRel;
rewrite preIfRel; trivial.
* unfold wp; unfold provable_or_none; unfold whatever_or_none; trivial.
* unfold wp. apply preBottomIsCorrect.
Lemma provable_opt_implies_provable {pre instr post} :
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