
157 lines
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\author{Théophile \textsc{Bastian}}
\title[Tracing Compilation by Abstract Interpretation]
{Tracing Compilation by Abstract Interpretation \\
{\small{}S. Dissegna, F. Logozzo, F. Ranzato}}
\date{March 7, 2018}
Slides: \url{} \\
Article: \url{}
\section{Just-In-Time compilation}
\begin{frame}{Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation}
\item Dynamic languages: \alert{hard to compile} (rely on runtime)
\item Yet \alert{ubiquitous}: javascript, python, \ldots
\item Idea: compile \alert{at runtime} the \alert{most used} program
\item Used in browsers (JS), PyPy (Python), most JVMs (Java), \ldots
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.6, fill=GreenYellow]
\fill (-8, 0) rectangle (-4, 2)
node[pos=.5] {Source code};
\fill (-2, 0) rectangle (2, 2)
node[pos=.5] {Byte code};
\fill (4, 0) rectangle (8, 2)
node[pos=.5, align=center] {Byte/machine\\code};
\draw[->, line width=2] (-4,1) -- (-2,1);
\draw[->, line width=2] (2,1) -- (4,1);
\node [rotate=60, anchor=west] at (-3.75, 1.1) {Bytecode compiler};
\node [rotate=60, anchor=west] at (2.25, 1.1) {JIT compiler};
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1] (0, 2) -- (0, 4);
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1, dotted] (0, 0) -- (0, 2);
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1] (0, -0.2) -- (0, 0);
\node [rotate=90, anchor=south, RubineRed] at (-0.1, 3) {Offline};
\node [rotate=-90, anchor=south, RubineRed] at (0.1, 3) {Runtime};
\begin{frame}{How is it done?}
\item (In most cases) strong \alert{interaction} interpreter
$\leftrightarrow$ JIT compiler
\item \textit{Article claim}: mostly done using \alert{hot paths}
within loops (in a single function); most speedup is \alert{type
\item Hot path: path \alert{used $\geq N$ times} at runtime in
a \alert{given} (abstract) \alert{store state}
\item \alert{Wrong}. But, heh, we'll deal with it nevertheless. \\
{\small (Inlining, translation to machine code, global
optimizations, lock elimination, non-volatile-write
elimination/propagation, \ldots)}
\section{Study setup}
\begin{frame}{Study objectives}
\begin{frame}{Studied language}
\section{Abstract interpretation}
\begin{frame}{AbsInt hot path extraction}
\begin{frame}{Value type specialization}
\section{Correctness proof}
\begin{frame}{Correctness proof sketch}
\column{.8 \textwidth}
\item Opens the way for AbsInt formalism in JIT
\item Provides an (implemented?) framework for JIT study
\item Overly restrictive in JIT features, pretends otherwise
\item Unusably small toy language
\item Absurdly hard to read toy language
\item Proof \wrt{} some $\alpha$ which is not
\textit{that much} realistic
\column{.2 \textwidth}