
98 lines
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\author{Théophile \textsc{Bastian}}
\title[Tracing Compilation by Abstract Interpretation]
{Tracing Compilation by Abstract Interpretation \\
{\small{}S. Dissegna, F. Logozzo, F. Ranzato}}
\date{March 7, 2018}
Slides: \url{} \\
Article: \url{}
\section{Just-In-Time compilation}
\begin{frame}{Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation}
\item Dynamic languages: \alert{hard to compile} (rely on runtime)
\item Yet \alert{ubiquitous}: javascript, python, \ldots
\item Idea: compile \alert{at runtime} the \alert{most used} program
\item Used in browsers (JS), PyPy (Python), most JVMs (Java), \ldots
\begin{tikzpicture}[xscale=0.6, fill=GreenYellow]
\fill (-8, 0) rectangle (-4, 2)
node[pos=.5] {Source code};
\fill (-2, 0) rectangle (2, 2)
node[pos=.5] {Byte code};
\fill (4, 0) rectangle (8, 2)
node[pos=.5, align=center] {Byte/machine\\code};
\draw[->, line width=2] (-4,1) -- (-2,1);
\draw[->, line width=2] (2,1) -- (4,1);
\node [rotate=60, anchor=west] at (-3.75, 1.1) {Bytecode compiler};
\node [rotate=60, anchor=west] at (2.25, 1.1) {JIT compiler};
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1] (0, 2) -- (0, 4);
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1, dotted] (0, 0) -- (0, 2);
\draw[RubineRed, line width=1] (0, -0.2) -- (0, 0);
\node [rotate=90, anchor=south, RubineRed] at (-0.1, 3) {Offline};
\node [rotate=-90, anchor=south, RubineRed] at (0.1, 3) {Runtime};
\begin{frame}{How is it done?}
\item (In most cases) strong \alert{interaction} interpreter
$\leftrightarrow$ JIT compiler
\item \textit{Article claim}: mostly done using \alert{hot paths}
within loops (in a single function); most speedup is \alert{type
\item Hot path: path \alert{used $\geq N$ times} at runtime in
a \alert{given} (abstract) \alert{store state}
\item \alert{Wrong}. But, heh, we'll deal with it nevertheless. \\
{\small (Inlining, translation to machine code, global
optimizations, lock elimination, non-volatile-write
elimination/propagation, \ldots)}