Add correctness proof sketch (1)

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Théophile Bastian 2018-03-04 23:50:05 +01:00
parent 8f03d4acd2
commit c319c28c53

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
@ -351,7 +352,33 @@
\section{Correctness proof}
\begin{frame}{Correctness proof sketch}
\item Idea: define (cf. Cousot) correctness of transformation as
\alert{observational equivalence} of source and transformed
programs \alert{\wrt{} some abstraction} $\alpha:
\powerset(\traces) \to \powerset(\stores^\ast)$.
\item That is, if $\alpha$ derives the abstraction, $\tracesOf$
extracts the program traces and $Tr$ transforms it, we want
\[ \alpha(\tracesOf(P)) = \alpha(\tracesOf(Tr(P))) \]
\item Heavy but safe: $\alpha = \alpha_{sc}$, \alert{store changes}
sc(s_1 s_2 \sigma) := \left\{
\begin{array}{l l}
St(s_1) \cdot sc(s_2 \sigma), &
St(s_1) \neq St(s_2) \\
sc(s_2 \sigma), &
St(s_1) = St(s_2)
\item Lighter: same, but only at \alert{loop entry/exit points}
\begin{frame}{Correctness proof sketch, trace extraction}
\begin{frame}{Correctness proof sketch, type specialization}
@ -375,8 +402,8 @@
\item Absurdly \alert{hard to read} toy language
\item Proof \wrt{} some $\alpha$ which is not
\textit{that} realistic
\item Please, stop claiming every line or two that your paper is
better than Guo and Palsberg's
\item Please, stop claiming every line or two that your paper
is better than Guo and Palsberg's