Describe types, values, rough semantics

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Théophile Bastian 2018-03-04 17:39:18 +01:00
parent ef87d28135
commit 7ad40c8cf3
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
\newcommand{\state}[2]{\langle{} #1, #2 \rangle{}}
@ -163,6 +167,59 @@
\begin{frame}{Types, rough semantics}
\hspace*{-1em}\textbf{Types \& values}
\item $\values\,:=\,\relset \cup \set{a, \ldots, z}^\ast$
\item Types: Int, String, Undef, $\emptyset$, $\Omega$
\item Undef: error type
\node (E) at (0, 0) {$\emptyset$};
\node (I) at (-1.5, 1) {Int};
\node (S) at (0, 1) {String};
\node (U) at (1.5, 1) {Undef};
\node (T) at (0, 2) {$\Omega$};
\draw[->] (E) -- (I);
\draw[->] (E) -- (S);
\draw[->] (E) -- (U);
\draw[<-] (T) -- (I);
\draw[<-] (T) -- (S);
\draw[<-] (T) -- (U);
\item Type-dependant $+$:
\item $+_{String}$: concatenation
\item $+_{Int}$: usual $+$
\item $+_{Str, Int}$: yields Undef
\stores &:= \vars \to \values & \rho \\
\states &:= \commands \times \stores & \state{C}{\rho} \\
\traces &:= \states^\ast
\section{Abstract interpretation}
\begin{frame}{AbsInt hot path extraction}