2022-07-09 09:56:28 +02:00

552 lines
22 KiB

from __future__ import annotations
import json
from sys import implementation
import unittest
from typing import Any
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch
import aiotools
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web, web_request
import aiohttp.test_utils
import nio
from diskcache import Cache
from matrix_alertbot.alertmanager import AlertmanagerClient
from matrix_alertbot.errors import (
class AbstractFakeAlertmanagerServer:
def __init__(self) -> None: = web.Application()
web.get("/api/v2/alerts", self.get_alerts),"/api/v2/silences", self.create_silence),
web.delete("/api/v2/silence/{silence}", self.delete_silence),
self.runner = web.AppRunner(
async def __aenter__(self) -> AbstractFakeAlertmanagerServer:
await self.start()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, *args: Any) -> None:
await self.stop()
async def start(self) -> None:
self.port = aiohttp.test_utils.unused_port()
await self.runner.setup()
site = web.TCPSite(self.runner, "localhost", self.port)
await site.start()
async def stop(self) -> None:
await self.runner.cleanup()
async def get_alerts(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
raise NotImplementedError
async def create_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
raise NotImplementedError
async def delete_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
raise NotImplementedError
class FakeAlertmanagerServer(AbstractFakeAlertmanagerServer):
async def get_alerts(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(
"fingerprint": "fingerprint1",
"labels": {"alertname": "alert1"},
"status": {"state": "active"},
"fingerprint": "fingerprint2",
"labels": {"alertname": "alert2"},
"status": {
"state": "suppressed",
"silencedBy": ["silence1", "silence2"],
async def create_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(
body=json.dumps({"silenceID": "silence1"}), content_type="application/json"
async def delete_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(status=200, content_type="application/json")
class FakeAlertmanagerServerWithoutAlert(AbstractFakeAlertmanagerServer):
async def get_alerts(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(body=json.dumps([]), content_type="application/json")
class FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorAlerts(AbstractFakeAlertmanagerServer):
async def get_alerts(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(status=500)
class FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorCreateSilence(FakeAlertmanagerServer):
async def create_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(status=500)
class FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorDeleteSilence(FakeAlertmanagerServer):
async def delete_silence(self, request: web_request.Request) -> web.Response:
return web.Response(status=500)
class AlertmanagerClientTestCase(unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase):
async def asyncSetUp(self) -> None:
self.fake_fingerprints = Mock(return_value=["fingerprint1", "fingerprint2"])
self.fake_cache = MagicMock(spec=Cache)
self.fake_cache.__getitem__ = self.fake_fingerprints
async def test_get_alerts_happy(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServer() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
alerts = await alertmanager.get_alerts()
"fingerprint": "fingerprint1",
"labels": {"alertname": "alert1"},
"status": {"state": "active"},
"fingerprint": "fingerprint2",
"labels": {"alertname": "alert2"},
"status": {
"state": "suppressed",
"silencedBy": ["silence1", "silence2"],
async def test_get_alerts_empty(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithoutAlert() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
alerts = await alertmanager.get_alerts()
self.assertEqual([], alerts)
async def test_get_alerts_raise_alertmanager_error(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorAlerts() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(AlertmanagerError):
await alertmanager.get_alerts()
async def test_get_alert_happy(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServer() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
alert = await alertmanager.get_alert("fingerprint1")
"fingerprint": "fingerprint1",
"labels": {"alertname": "alert1"},
"status": {"state": "active"},
async def test_get_alert_raise_alert_not_found(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithoutAlert() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(AlertNotFoundError):
await alertmanager.get_alert("fingerprint1")
async def test_get_alert_raise_alertmanager_error(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorAlerts() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(AlertmanagerError):
await alertmanager.get_alert("fingerprint1")
async def test_create_silence_happy(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServer() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
silence = await alertmanager.create_silence(
"fingerprint1", "1d", "user"
self.assertEqual("silence1", silence)
async def test_create_silence_raise_alert_not_found(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithoutAlert() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(AlertNotFoundError):
await alertmanager.create_silence("fingerprint1", "1d", "user")
async def test_create_silence_raise_alertmanager_error(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorCreateSilence() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
await alertmanager.get_alert("fingerprint1")
with self.assertRaises(AlertmanagerError):
await alertmanager.create_silence("fingerprint1", "1d", "user")
async def test_delete_silences_happy(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServer() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
silences = await alertmanager.delete_silences("fingerprint2")
self.assertEqual(["silence1", "silence2"], silences)
async def test_delete_silences_raise_silence_not_found(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServer() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(SilenceNotFoundError):
await alertmanager.delete_silences("fingerprint1")
async def test_delete_silences_raise_alert_not_found(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithoutAlert() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
with self.assertRaises(AlertNotFoundError):
await alertmanager.delete_silences("fingerprint2")
async def test_delete_silences_raise_alertmanager_error(self) -> None:
async with FakeAlertmanagerServerWithErrorDeleteSilence() as fake_alertmanager_server:
port = fake_alertmanager_server.port
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(
f"http://localhost:{port}", self.fake_cache
async with aiotools.closing_async(alertmanager) as alertmanager:
await alertmanager.get_alert("fingerprint1")
with self.assertRaises(AlertmanagerError):
await alertmanager.delete_silences("fingerprint2")
async def test_find_alert_happy(self) -> None:
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(f"http://localhost", self.fake_cache)
alert = alertmanager._find_alert(
"fingerprint1", [{"fingerprint": "fingerprint1"}]
self.assertEqual({"fingerprint": "fingerprint1"}, alert)
async def test_find_alert_raise_alert_not_found(self) -> None:
alertmanager = AlertmanagerClient(f"http://localhost", self.fake_cache)
with self.assertRaises(AlertNotFoundError):
alertmanager._find_alert("fingerprint2", [{"fingerprint": "fingerprint1"}])
# fake_session_get.assert_called_once_with("http://localhost:9093/api/v2/alerts")
# async def test_get_alerts_not_empty(self) -> None:
# alerts = await self.alertmanager.get_alerts()
# self.assertEqual(["alert1", "alert2"], alerts)
# # fake_session_get.assert_called_once_with("http://localhost:9093/api/v2/alerts")
# async def test_get_alerts_raise_alertmanager_error(self) -> None:
# with self.assertRaises(AlertmanagerError):
# await self.alertmanager.get_alerts()
# # fake_session_get.assert_called_once_with("http://localhost:9093/api/v2/alerts")
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command.Command, "_ack")
# async def test_process_ack_command(self, fake_ack: Mock) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "ack",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command.process()
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command.Command, "_unack")
# async def test_process_unack_command(self, fake_unack: Mock) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# for command_word in ("unack", "nack"):
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# command_word,
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command.process()
# # Check that we attempted to process the command
# fake_unack.assert_has_calls([call(), call()])
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command.Command, "_show_help")
# async def test_process_help_command(self, fake_help: Mock) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "help",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command.process()
# # Check that we attempted to process the command
# fake_help.assert_called_once()
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command.Command, "_unknown_command")
# async def test_process_unknown_command(self, fake_unknown: Mock) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command.process()
# # Check that we attempted to process the command
# fake_unknown.assert_called_once()
# async def test_ack_not_in_reply_without_duration(self) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# fake_message_event.sender = ""
# fake_message_event.body = ""
# fake_message_event.source = self.fake_source_not_in_reply
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "ack",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command._ack()
# # Check that we didn't attempt to create silences
# self.fake_alertmanager.create_silence.assert_not_called()
# self.fake_client.room_send.assert_not_called()
# async def test_ack_not_in_reply_with_duration(self) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# fake_message_event.sender = ""
# fake_message_event.body = ""
# fake_message_event.source = self.fake_source_not_in_reply
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "ack 2d",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command._ack()
# # Check that we didn't attempt to create silences
# self.fake_alertmanager.create_silence.assert_not_called()
# self.fake_client.room_send.assert_not_called()
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command, "send_text_to_room")
# async def test_ack_in_reply_without_duration(
# self, fake_send_text_to_room: Mock
# ) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# fake_message_event.sender = ""
# fake_message_event.body = ""
# fake_message_event.source = self.fake_source_in_reply
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "ack",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command._ack()
# # Check that we attempted to create silences
# self.fake_alertmanager.create_silence.assert_has_calls(
# list(
# call(
# fingerprint,
# "1d",
# fake_message_event.sender,
# )
# for fingerprint in self.fake_fingerprints.return_value
# )
# )
# fake_send_text_to_room.assert_called_once_with(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_room.room_id,
# "Created 2 silences with a duration of 1d.",
# )
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command, "send_text_to_room")
# async def test_ack_in_reply_with_duration(
# self, fake_send_text_to_room: Mock
# ) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# fake_message_event.sender = ""
# fake_message_event.body = ""
# fake_message_event.source = self.fake_source_in_reply
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "ack 2d",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command._ack()
# # Check that we attempted to create silences
# self.fake_alertmanager.create_silence.assert_has_calls(
# list(
# call(
# fingerprint,
# "2d",
# fake_message_event.sender,
# )
# for fingerprint in self.fake_fingerprints.return_value
# )
# )
# fake_send_text_to_room.assert_called_once_with(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_room.room_id,
# "Created 2 silences with a duration of 2d.",
# )
# @patch.object(matrix_alertbot.command, "send_text_to_room")
# async def test_unack_in_reply(self, fake_send_text_to_room: Mock) -> None:
# """Tests the callback for InviteMemberEvents"""
# # Tests that the bot attempts to join a room after being invited to it
# fake_message_event = Mock(spec=nio.RoomMessageText)
# fake_message_event.sender = ""
# fake_message_event.body = ""
# fake_message_event.source = self.fake_source_in_reply
# command = Command(
# self.fake_client,
# self.fake_cache,
# self.fake_alertmanager,
# self.fake_config,
# "unack",
# self.fake_room,
# fake_message_event,
# )
# await command._unack()
# # Check that we attempted to create silences
# self.fake_alertmanager.delete_silence.assert_has_calls(
# list(
# call(fingerprint) for fingerprint in self.fake_fingerprints.return_value
# )
# )
# fake_send_text_to_room.assert_called_with(
# self.fake_client, self.fake_room.room_id, "Removed 2 silences."
# )
if __name__ == "__main__":