Simon Sapin ea4de99e89 Fix Ctrl+W when the cursor follows a space.
This key binding does "Delete from cursor to previous space".
When the text before the cursor was `some example`,
it would find the space after "some" and delete "example".
When hitting Ctrl+W *again*, it would find the same space again…
and delete nothing.

This changes the code to ignore trailing spaces before the cursor
for the purspose of finding the previous space,
so that something (if at all possible) is always deleted.
2017-05-05 21:44:40 +02:00

519 lines
23 KiB

(function() {
'use strict';
var weechat = angular.module('weechat');
weechat.directive('inputBar', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'directives/input.html',
scope: {
inputId: '@inputId',
command: '=command'
controller: ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$element', '$log', 'connection', 'imgur', 'models', 'IrcUtils', 'settings', 'utils', function($rootScope,
$element, //XXX do we need this? don't seem to be using it
connection, //XXX we should eliminate this dependency and use signals instead
utils) {
// Expose utils to be able to check if we're on a mobile UI
$scope.utils = utils;
// E.g. Turn :smile: into the unicode equivalent
$scope.inputChanged = function() {
$scope.command = emojione.shortnameToUnicode($scope.command);
* Returns the input element
$scope.getInputNode = function() {
return document.querySelector('textarea#' + $scope.inputId);
$scope.hideSidebar = function() {
$scope.completeNick = function() {
// input DOM node
var inputNode = $scope.getInputNode();
// get current caret position
var caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
// get current active buffer
var activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
// Empty input makes $scope.command undefined -- use empty string instead
var input = $scope.command || '';
// complete nick
var nickComp = IrcUtils.completeNick(input, caretPos, $scope.iterCandidate,
activeBuffer.getNicklistByTime(), ':');
// remember iteration candidate
$scope.iterCandidate = nickComp.iterCandidate;
// update current input
$scope.command = nickComp.text;
// update current caret position
setTimeout(function() {
inputNode.setSelectionRange(nickComp.caretPos, nickComp.caretPos);
}, 0);
$rootScope.insertAtCaret = function(toInsert) {
// caret position in the input bar
var inputNode = $scope.getInputNode(),
caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
var prefix = $scope.command.substring(0, caretPos),
suffix = $scope.command.substring(caretPos, $scope.command.length);
// Add spaces if missing
if (prefix.length > 0 && prefix[prefix.length - 1] !== ' ') {
prefix += ' ';
if (suffix.length > 0 && suffix[0] !== ' ') {
suffix = ' '.concat(suffix);
$scope.command = prefix + toInsert + suffix;
setTimeout(function() {
var pos = $scope.command.length - suffix.length;
inputNode.setSelectionRange(pos, pos);
// force refresh?
}, 0);
$scope.uploadImage = function($event, files) {
// Send image url after upload
var sendImageUrl = function(imageUrl) {
// Send image
if(imageUrl !== undefined && imageUrl !== '') {
if(typeof files !== "undefined" && files.length > 0) {
// Loop through files
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
// Process image
imgur.process(files[i], sendImageUrl);
// Send the message to the websocket
$scope.sendMessage = function() {
//XXX Use a signal here
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
// It's undefined early in the lifecycle of the program.
// Don't send empty commands
if($scope.command !== undefined && $scope.command !== '') {
// log to buffer history
// Split the command into multiple commands based on line breaks
_.each($scope.command.split(/\r?\n/), function(line) {
// Ask before a /quit
if (line === '/quit' || line.indexOf('/quit ') === 0) {
if (!window.confirm("Are you sure you want to quit WeeChat? This will prevent you from connecting with Glowing Bear until you restart WeeChat on the command line!")) {
// skip this line
// Check for /clear command
if ($scope.command === '/buffer clear' || $scope.command === '/c') {
$log.debug('Clearing lines');
// Check against a list of commands that opens a new
// buffer and save the name of the buffer so we can
// also automatically switch to the new buffer in gb
var opencommands = ['/query', '/join', '/j', '/q'];
var spacepos = $scope.command.indexOf(' ');
var firstword = $scope.command.substr(0, spacepos);
var index = opencommands.indexOf(firstword);
if (index >= 0) {
var queryName = $scope.command.substring(spacepos + 1);
// Cache our queries so when a buffer gets opened we can open in UI
// Empty the input after it's sent
$scope.command = '';
// New style clearing requires this, old does not
if (models.version[0] >= 1) {
$rootScope.addMention = function(prefix) {
// Extract nick from bufferline prefix
var nick = prefix[prefix.length - 1].text;
var newValue = $scope.command || ''; // can be undefined, in that case, use the empty string
var addColon = newValue.length === 0;
if (newValue.length > 0) {
// Try to determine if it's a sequence of nicks
var trimmedValue = newValue.trim();
if (trimmedValue.charAt(trimmedValue.length - 1) === ':') {
// get last word
var lastSpace = trimmedValue.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1;
var lastWord = trimmedValue.slice(lastSpace, trimmedValue.length - 1);
var nicklist = models.getActiveBuffer().getNicklistByTime();
// check against nicklist to see if it's a list of highlights
for (var index in nicklist) {
if (nicklist[index].name === lastWord) {
// It's another highlight!
newValue = newValue.slice(0, newValue.lastIndexOf(':')) + ' ';
addColon = true;
// Add a space before the nick if there isn't one already
// Last char might have changed above, so re-check
if (newValue.charAt(newValue.length - 1) !== ' ') {
newValue += ' ';
// Add highlight to nicklist
newValue += nick;
if (addColon) {
newValue += ': ';
$scope.command = newValue;
// Handle key presses in the input bar
$rootScope.handleKeyPress = function($event) {
// don't do anything if not connected
if (!$rootScope.connected) {
return true;
var inputNode = $scope.getInputNode();
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
// A KeyboardEvent property representing the physical key that was pressed, ignoring the keyboard layout and ignoring whether any modifier keys were active.
// Not supported in Edge or Safari at the time of writing this, but supported in Firefox and Chrome.
var key = $event.code;
// Safari doesn't implement DOM 3 input events yet as of 8.0.6
var altg = $event.getModifierState ? $event.getModifierState('AltGraph') : false;
// Mac OSX behaves differntly for altgr, so we check for that
if (altg) {
// We don't handle any anything with altgr
return false;
// reset quick keys display
$rootScope.showQuickKeys = false;
// any other key than Tab resets nick completion iteration
var tmpIterCandidate = $scope.iterCandidate;
$scope.iterCandidate = null;
// Left Alt+[0-9] -> jump to buffer
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && (code > 47 && code < 58) && settings.enableQuickKeys) {
if (code === 48) {
code = 58;
var bufferNumber = code - 48 - 1 ;
var activeBufferId;
// quick select filtered entries
if (($scope.$ || $scope.$parent.onlyUnread) && $scope.$parent.filteredBuffers.length) {
var filteredBufferNum = $scope.$parent.filteredBuffers[bufferNumber];
if (filteredBufferNum !== undefined) {
activeBufferId = [filteredBufferNum.number,];
} else {
// Map the buffers to only their numbers and IDs so we don't have to
// copy the entire (possibly very large) buffer object, and then sort
// the buffers according to their WeeChat number
var sortedBuffers =, function(buffer) {
return [buffer.number,];
}).sort(function(left, right) {
// By default, Array.prototype.sort() sorts alphabetically.
// Pass an ordering function to sort by first element.
return left[0] - right[0];
activeBufferId = sortedBuffers[bufferNumber];
if (activeBufferId) {
// Tab -> nick completion
if (code === 9 && !$event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey) {
$scope.iterCandidate = tmpIterCandidate;
return true;
// Left Alt+n -> toggle nicklist
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && code === 78) {
return true;
// Alt+A -> switch to buffer with activity
if ($event.altKey && (code === 97 || code === 65)) {
return true;
// Alt+Arrow up/down -> switch to prev/next adjacent buffer
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && (code === 38 || code === 40)) {
var direction = code - 39;
return true;
// Alt+L -> focus on input bar
if ($event.altKey && (code === 76 || code === 108)) {
inputNode.setSelectionRange($scope.command.length, $scope.command.length);
return true;
// Alt+< -> switch to previous buffer
if ($event.altKey && (code === 60 || code === 226 || key === "IntlBackslash")) {
var previousBuffer = models.getPreviousBuffer();
if (previousBuffer) {
return true;
// Double-tap Escape -> disconnect
if (code === 27) {
// Check if a modal is visible. If so, close it instead of disconnecting
var modals = document.querySelectorAll('.gb-modal');
for (var modalId = 0; modalId < modals.length; modalId++) {
if (modals[modalId].getAttribute('data-state') === 'visible') {
modals[modalId].setAttribute('data-state', 'hidden');
return true;
if (typeof $scope.lastEscape !== "undefined" && ( - $scope.lastEscape) <= 500) {
// Double-tap
$scope.lastEscape =;
return true;
// Alt+G -> focus on buffer filter input
if ($event.altKey && (code === 103 || code === 71)) {
if (!$scope.$parent.isSidebarVisible()) {
setTimeout(function() {
return true;
// Alt-h -> Toggle all as read
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && code === 72) {
var buffers = models.getBuffers();
_.each(buffers, function(buffer) {
buffer.unread = 0;
buffer.notification = 0;
var caretPos;
// Arrow up -> go up in history
if ($event.type === "keydown" && code === 38 && document.activeElement === inputNode) {
caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
if ($scope.command.slice(0, caretPos).indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
return false;
$scope.command = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryUp($scope.command);
// Set cursor to last position. Need 0ms timeout because browser sets cursor
// position to the beginning after this key handler returns.
setTimeout(function() {
if ($scope.command) {
inputNode.setSelectionRange($scope.command.length, $scope.command.length);
}, 0);
return true;
// Arrow down -> go down in history
if ($event.type === "keydown" && code === 40 && document.activeElement === inputNode) {
caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
if ($scope.command.slice(caretPos).indexOf("\n") !== -1) {
return false;
$scope.command = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryDown($scope.command);
// We don't need to set the cursor to the rightmost position here, the browser does that for us
return true;
// Enter to submit, shift-enter for newline
if (code == 13 && !$event.shiftKey && document.activeElement === inputNode) {
return true;
var bufferlines = document.getElementById("bufferlines");
var lines;
var i;
// Page up -> scroll up
if ($event.type === "keydown" && code === 33 && document.activeElement === inputNode && !$event.ctrlKey && !$event.altKey && !$event.shiftKey) {
if (bufferlines.scrollTop === 0) {
if (!$rootScope.loadingLines) {
return true;
lines = bufferlines.querySelectorAll("tr");
for (i = lines.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ((lines[i].offsetTop-bufferlines.scrollTop)<bufferlines.clientHeight/2) {
return true;
// Page down -> scroll down
if ($event.type === "keydown" && code === 34 && document.activeElement === inputNode && !$event.ctrlKey && !$event.altKey && !$event.shiftKey) {
lines = bufferlines.querySelectorAll("tr");
for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if ((lines[i].offsetTop-bufferlines.scrollTop)>bufferlines.clientHeight/2) {
return true;
// Some readline keybindings
if (settings.readlineBindings && $event.ctrlKey && !$event.altKey && !$event.shiftKey && document.activeElement === inputNode) {
// get current caret position
caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
// Ctrl-a
if (code == 65) {
inputNode.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
// Ctrl-e
} else if (code == 69) {
inputNode.setSelectionRange($scope.command.length, $scope.command.length);
// Ctrl-u
} else if (code == 85) {
$scope.command = $scope.command.slice(caretPos);
setTimeout(function() {
inputNode.setSelectionRange(0, 0);
// Ctrl-k
} else if (code == 75) {
$scope.command = $scope.command.slice(0, caretPos);
setTimeout(function() {
inputNode.setSelectionRange($scope.command.length, $scope.command.length);
// Ctrl-w
} else if (code == 87) {
var trimmedValue = $scope.command.slice(0, caretPos);
var lastSpace = trimmedValue.replace(/ +$/, '').lastIndexOf(' ') + 1;
$scope.command = $scope.command.slice(0, lastSpace) + $scope.command.slice(caretPos, $scope.command.length);
setTimeout(function() {
inputNode.setSelectionRange(lastSpace, lastSpace);
} else {
return false;
return true;
// Alt key down -> display quick key legend
if ($event.type === "keydown" && code === 18 && !$event.ctrlKey && !$event.shiftKey && settings.enableQuickKeys) {
$rootScope.showQuickKeys = true;
$rootScope.handleKeyRelease = function($event) {
// Alt key up -> remove quick key legend
if ($event.keyCode === 18) {
if ($rootScope.quickKeysTimer !== undefined) {
$rootScope.quickKeysTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if ($rootScope.showQuickKeys) {
$rootScope.showQuickKeys = false;
delete $rootScope.quickKeysTimer;
}, 1000);
return true;
$scope.handleCompleteNickButton = function($event) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
return true;