Sebastien Bourdelin d6de5805a2 Handle wrong password. Fixes #4.
This commit introduces a way to handle wrong password.

The only way to know it is by sending an other message after the init
If we receive an answer to this second message id then we know we are
connected with the good password, otherwise we will received an onclose
event from the websocket.
2013-10-17 18:54:20 -04:00

505 lines
17 KiB

var weechat = angular.module('weechat', ['localStorage', 'weechatModels', 'plugins', 'ngSanitize']);
weechat.filter('toArray', function () {
'use strict';
return function (obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
return obj;
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {
return Object.defineProperty(obj[key], '$key', {__proto__: null, value: key});
weechat.factory('colors', [function($scope) {
return {
prepareCss: weeChat.color.prepareCss,
parse: weeChat.color.parse
weechat.factory('handlers', ['$rootScope', 'colors', 'models', 'plugins', function($rootScope, colors, models, plugins) {
var handleBufferClosing = function(message) {
var bufferMessage = message['objects'][0]['content'][0];
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage);
var handleLine = function(line, initial) {
var message = new models.BufferLine(line);
// Only react to line if its displayed
if(message.displayed) {
var buffer = models.getBuffer(message.buffer);
message = plugins.PluginManager.contentForMessage(message);
if ( {
if (!initial) {
if (! && !buffer.notify==0 && _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_message') && !_.contains(message.tags, 'notify_none')) {
if(!buffer.notify==0 && message.highlight || _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_private') ) {
$rootScope.createHighlight(buffer, message);
var handleBufferLineAdded = function(message) {
message['objects'][0]['content'].forEach(function(l) {
handleLine(l, false);
var handleBufferOpened = function(message) {
var bufferMessage = message['objects'][0]['content'][0];
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage);
var handleBufferTitleChanged = function(message) {
var obj = message['objects'][0]['content'][0];
var buffer = obj['pointers'][0];
var old = models.getBuffer(buffer);
old.fullName = obj['full_name'];
old.title = obj['title'];
old.number = obj['number'];
var handleBufferRenamed = function(message) {
var obj = message['objects'][0]['content'][0];
var buffer = obj['pointers'][0];
var old = models.getBuffer(buffer);
old.fullName = obj['full_name'];
old.shortName = obj['short_name'];
* Handle answers to (lineinfo) messages
* (lineinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is request after bufinfo completes
var handleLineInfo = function(message) {
var lines = message['objects'][0]['content'].reverse();
lines.forEach(function(l) {
handleLine(l, true);
* Handle answers to hotlist request
var handleHotlistInfo = function(message) {
var hotlist = message['objects'][0]['content'];
hotlist.forEach(function(l) {
var buffer = models.getBuffer(l.buffer);
// 1 is message
buffer.unread += l.count[1];
// 2 is ?
buffer.unread += l.count[2];
// 3 is highlight
buffer.notification += l.count[3];
/* Since there is unread messages, we can guess
* what the last read line is and update it accordingly
var unreadSum = _.reduce(l.count, function(memo, num){ return memo + num; }, 0);
buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - 1 - unreadSum;
var handleEvent = function(event) {
if (_.has(eventHandlers, event['id'])) {
var eventHandlers = {
_buffer_closing: handleBufferClosing,
_buffer_line_added: handleBufferLineAdded,
_buffer_opened: handleBufferOpened,
_buffer_title_changed: handleBufferTitleChanged,
_buffer_renamed: handleBufferRenamed
return {
handleEvent: handleEvent,
handleLineInfo: handleLineInfo,
handleHotlistInfo: handleHotlistInfo
weechat.factory('connection', ['$q', '$rootScope', '$log', '$store', 'handlers', 'colors', 'models', function($q, $rootScope, $log, storage, handlers, colors, models) {
protocol = new weeChat.Protocol();
var websocket = null;
var callbacks = {}
var currentCallBackId = 0;
var doSendWithCallback = function(message) {
var defer = $q.defer();
callbacks[++currentCallBackId] = {
time: new Date,
cb: defer
callBackIdString = "(" + currentCallBackId + ")";
doSend(callBackIdString + " " + message);
return defer.promise;
// Sanitizes messages to be sent to the weechat relay
var doSend = function(message) {
msgs = message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, "").split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
$log.log('=' + msgs[i] + '=');
$rootScope.commands.push("SENT: " + msgs[i]);
// Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks
var connect = function (host, port, passwd, ssl) {
var proto = ssl ? 'wss':'ws';
websocket = new WebSocket(proto+"://" + host + ':' + port + "/weechat");
websocket.binaryType = "arraybuffer"
websocket.onopen = function (evt) {
$"Connected to relay");
// First message must be an init request
// with the password
password: passwd,
compression: 'off'
// password is bad until the next message
// received proven the otherwise.
$rootScope.passwordError = true;
// We are asking for the weechat version here
// to avoid two problems :
// - If the version is below 0.4.2, we will have a bug
// with websocket.
// - If the user password is wrong, we will be disconneted
// at this step.
name: 'version',
})).then(function(message) {
// If we have received this message
// that means the user password is good.
$rootScope.passwordError = false;
// Parse the version info message to retrieve
// the current weechat version.
var version = message['objects'][0]['content']['value'];
$rootScope.version = version;
}).then(function() {
path: 'buffer:gui_buffers(*)',
keys: ['local_variables,notify,number,full_name,short_name,title']
})).then(function(message) {
$"Parsing bufinfo");
var bufferInfos = message['objects'][0]['content'];
// buffers objects
for (var i = 0; i < bufferInfos.length ; i++) {
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferInfos[i]);
// Switch to first buffer on startup
if (i == 0) {
}).then(function() {
$"Parsing lineinfo");
path: "buffer:gui_buffers(*)/own_lines/last_line(-"+storage.get('lines')+")/data",
keys: []
})).then(function(hdata) {
}).then(function() {
$"Requesting hotlist");
path: "hotlist:gui_hotlist(*)",
keys: []
})).then(function(hdata) {
}).then(function() {
// here we are really connected !
$rootScope.connected = true;
websocket.onclose = function (evt) {
$"Disconnected from relay");
$rootScope.connected = false;
if ($rootScope.passwordError == true) {
$"wrong password");
websocket.onmessage = function (evt) {
message = protocol.parse(
if (_.has(callbacks, message['id'])) {
var promise = callbacks[message['id']];
} else {
$rootScope.commands.push("RECV: " + + " TYPE:" + evt.type) ;
websocket.onerror = function (evt) {
// on error it means the connection problem
// come from the relay not from the password.
$rootScope.passwordError = false;
if (evt.type == "error" && websocket.readyState != 1) {
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
$log.error("Relay error " +;
this.websocket = websocket;
var disconnect = function() {
var sendMessage = function(message) {
buffer: models.getActiveBuffer()['fullName'],
data: message
return {
send: doSend,
connect: connect,
disconnect: disconnect,
sendMessage: sendMessage
weechat.controller('WeechatCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$store', '$timeout', '$log', 'models', 'connection', function ($rootScope, $scope, $store, $timeout, $log, models, connection, testService) {
// Request notification permission
Notification.requestPermission(function (status) {
$'Notification permission status:',status);
if (Notification.permission !== status) {
Notification.permission = status;
if(window.webkitNotifications != undefined) {
if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED
$'Notification permission status:', window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() == 0);
$rootScope.$on('activeBufferChanged', function() {
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
$rootScope.pageTitle = ab.shortName + ' | ' + ab.title;
$rootScope.$on('notificationChanged', function() {
var notifications = _.reduce(models.model.buffers, function(memo, num) { return (memo||0) + num.notification;});
if (notifications > 0 ) {
$scope.favico = new Favico({
}else {
var unread = _.reduce(models.model.buffers, function(memo, num) { return (memo||0) + num.unread;});
$scope.favico = new Favico({
bgColor : '#5CB85C',
textColor : '#ff0',
$scope.buffers = models.model.buffers;
$scope.activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer
$rootScope.commands = []
$rootScope.models = models;
$rootScope.buffer = []
$store.bind($scope, "host", "localhost");
$store.bind($scope, "port", "9001");
$store.bind($scope, "proto", "weechat");
$store.bind($scope, "password", "");
$store.bind($scope, "ssl", false);
$store.bind($scope, "lines", "40");
// TODO checkbox for saving password or not?
// $scope.password = "";
// Save setting for displaying only buffers with unread messages
$store.bind($scope, "onlyUnread", false);
// Save setting for not showing timestamp
$store.bind($scope, "notimestamp", false);
$scope.setActiveBuffer = function(key) {
$rootScope.scrollToBottom = function() {
// FIXME doesn't work if the settimeout runs without a short delay
// 300 ms seems to do the trick but creates a noticable flickr
var scroll = function() {
var readmarker = document.getElementById('readmarker');
if(readmarker) {
window.scroll(0, document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight);
$timeout(scroll, 300);
$scope.sendMessage = function() {
$scope.command = "";
$scope.connect = function() {
connection.connect($, $scope.port, $scope.password, $scope.ssl);
$scope.disconnect = function() {
/* Function gets called from bufferLineAdded code if user should be notified */
$rootScope.createHighlight = function(buffer, message) {
var messages = "";
message.content.forEach(function(part) {
if (part.text != undefined)
messages += part.text + " ";
var title = buffer.fullName;
var content = messages;
var timeout = 15*1000;
$'Displaying notification:buffer:',buffer,',message:',message,',with timeout:',timeout);
var notification = new Notification(title, {body:content, icon:'img/favicon.png'});
// Cancel notification automatically
notification.onshow = function() {
setTimeout(function() { notification.close() }, timeout);
$scope.hasUnread = function(buffer) {
// if search is set, return every buffer
if($ && $ != "") {
return true;
if($scope.onlyUnread) {
// Always show current buffer in list
if (models.getActiveBuffer() == buffer) {
return true;
return buffer.unread > 0;
return true;
$rootScope.switchToActivityBuffer = function() {
// Find next buffer with activity and switch to it
for(i in $scope.buffers) {
var buffer = $scope.buffers[i];
if(buffer.notification > 0) {
}else if(buffer.unread > 0) {
$scope.handleKeyPress = function($event) {
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
if ($event.altKey && (code > 47 && code < 58)) {
if (code == 48) {
code = 58;
var bufferNumber = code - 48;
var activeBuffer = models.getBufferByIndex(bufferNumber);
if (activeBuffer) {
//log('keypress', $event.charCode, $event.altKey);
// Handle alt-a
if($event.altKey && (code == 97 || code == 65)) {
return true;
// Handle ctrl-g
if($event.ctrlKey && (code == 103 || code == 71)) {
return true;
$scope.handleSearchBoxKey = function($event) {
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
// Handle escape
if(code == 27) {
$ = '';
} // Handle enter
else if (code == 13) {
// TODO Switch to first matching buffer and reset query
$ = '';