Requires turning IrcUtils into an Angular service, because the global variable trick won't work with use strict. Reuse is still easily possible by removing the angular wrapping around it.
1226 lines
34 KiB
1226 lines
34 KiB
(function(exports) {//
'use strict';
* WeeChat protocol handling.
* This object parses messages and formats commands for the WeeChat
* protocol. It's independent from the communication layer and thus
* may be used with any network mechanism.
(function() {
var WeeChatProtocol = function() {
// specific parsing for each object type
this._types = {
'chr': this._getChar,
'int': this._getInt,
'str': this._getString,
'inf': this._getInfo,
'hda': this._getHdata,
'ptr': this._getPointer,
'lon': this._getStrNumber,
'tim': this._getTime,
'buf': this._getString,
'arr': this._getArray,
'htb': this._getHashTable,
'inl': function() {
// string value for some object types
this._typesStr = {
'chr': this._strDirect,
'str': this._strDirect,
'int': this._strToString,
'tim': this._strToString,
'ptr': this._strDirect
* WeeChat colors names.
WeeChatProtocol._weeChatColorsNames = [
* Style options names.
WeeChatProtocol._colorsOptionsNames = [
* Gets the default color.
* @return Default color
WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor = function() {
return {
type: 'weechat',
name: 'default'
* Gets the default attributes.
* @return Default attributes
WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes = function() {
return {
name: null,
override: {
'bold': false,
'reverse': false,
'italic': false,
'underline': false
* Gets the default style (default colors and attributes).
* @return Default style
WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultStyle = function() {
return {
fgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor(),
bgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor(),
attrs: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes()
* Clones a color object.
* @param color Color object to clone
* @return Cloned color object
WeeChatProtocol._cloneColor = function(color) {
var clone = {};
for (var key in color) {
clone[key] = color[key];
return clone;
* Clones an attributes object.
* @param attrs Attributes object to clone
* @return Cloned attributes object
WeeChatProtocol._cloneAttrs = function(attrs) {
var clone = {};
| =;
clone.override = {};
for (var attr in attrs.override) {
clone.override[attr] = attrs.override[attr];
return clone;
* Gets the name of an attribute from its character.
* @param ch Character of attribute
* @return Name of attribute
WeeChatProtocol._attrNameFromChar = function(ch) {
var chars = {
// WeeChat protocol
'*': 'b',
'!': 'r',
'/': 'i',
'_': 'u',
// some extension often used (IRC?)
'\x01': 'b',
'\x02': 'r',
'\x03': 'i',
'\x04': 'u'
if (ch in chars) {
return chars[ch];
return null;
* Gets an attributes object from a string of attribute characters.
* @param str String of attribute characters
* @return Attributes object (null if unchanged)
WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr = function(str) {
var attrs = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes();
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
var ch = str.charAt(i);
if (ch === '|') {
// means keep attributes, so unchanged
return null;
var attrName = WeeChatProtocol._attrNameFromChar(ch);
if (attrName !== null) {
attrs.override[attrName] = true;
return attrs;
* Gets a single color from a string representing its index (WeeChat and
* extended colors only, NOT colors options).
* @param str Color string (e.g., "05" or "00134")
* @return Color object
WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj = function(str) {
if (str.length === 2) {
var code = parseInt(str);
if (code > 16) {
// should never happen
return WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor();
} else {
return {
type: 'weechat',
name: WeeChatProtocol._weeChatColorsNames[code]
} else {
var codeStr = str.substring(1);
return {
type: 'ext',
name: parseInt(codeStr).toString()
* Gets colors and attributes of text element.
* See <>.
* @param txt Text element
* @return Colors, attributes and plain text of this text element:
* fgColor: Foreground color (null if unchanged)
* bgColor: Background color (null if unchanged)
* attrs: Attributes (null if unchanged)
* text: Plain text element
WeeChatProtocol._getStyle = function(txt) {
var matchers = [
// color option
// STD
regex: /^(\d{2})/,
fn: function(m) {
var ret = {};
var optionCode = parseInt(m[1]);
if (optionCode > 43) {
// should never happen
return {
fgColor: null,
bgColor: null,
attrs: null
var optionName = WeeChatProtocol._colorsOptionsNames[optionCode];
ret.fgColor = {
type: 'option',
name: optionName
ret.bgColor = WeeChatProtocol._cloneColor(ret.fgColor);
ret.attrs = {
name: optionName,
override: {}
return ret;
// ncurses pair
// EXT
regex: /^@(\d{5})/,
fn: function(m) {
// unimplemented case
return {
fgColor: null,
bgColor: null,
attrs: null
// foreground color with F
// "F" + (A)STD
// "F" + (A)EXT
regex: /^F(?:([*!\/_|]*)(\d{2})|@([\x01\x02\x03\x04*!\/_|]*)(\d{5}))/,
fn: function(m) {
var ret = {
bgColor: null
if (m[2]) {
ret.attrs = WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr(m[1]);
ret.fgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[2]);
} else {
ret.attrs = WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr(m[3]);
ret.fgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[4]);
return ret;
// background color (no attributes)
// "B" + STD
// "B" + EXT
regex: /^B(\d{2}|@\d{5})/,
fn: function(m) {
return {
fgColor: null,
bgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[1]),
attrs: null
// foreground, background (+ attributes)
// "*" + (A)STD + "," + STD
// "*" + (A)STD + "," + EXT
// "*" + (A)EXT + "," + STD
// "*" + (A)EXT + "," + EXT
regex: /^\*(?:([\x01\x02\x03\x04*!\/_|]*)(\d{2})|@([\x01\x02\x03\x04*!\/_|]*)(\d{5})),(\d{2}|@\d{5})/,
fn: function(m) {
var ret = {};
if (m[2]) {
ret.attrs = WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr(m[1]);
ret.fgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[2]);
} else {
ret.attrs = WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr(m[3]);
ret.fgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[4]);
ret.bgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[5]);
return ret;
// foreground color with * (+ attributes) (fall back, must be checked before previous case)
// "*" + (A)STD
// "*" + (A)EXT
regex: /^\*([\x01\x02\x03\x04*!\/_|]*)(\d{2}|@\d{5})/,
fn: function(m) {
return {
fgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getColorObj(m[2]),
bgColor: null,
attrs: WeeChatProtocol._attrsFromStr(m[1])
// emphasis
// "E"
regex: /^E/,
fn: function(m) {
var ret = {};
ret.fgColor = {
type: 'option',
name: 'emphasis'
ret.bgColor = WeeChatProtocol._cloneColor(ret.fgColor);
ret.attrs = {
name: 'emphasis',
override: {}
return ret;
// parse
var ret = {
fgColor: null,
bgColor: null,
attrs: null,
text: txt
matchers.some(function(matcher) {
var m = txt.match(matcher.regex);
if (m) {
ret = matcher.fn(m);
ret.text = txt.substring(m[0].length);
return true;
return false;
return ret;
* Transforms a raw text into an array of text elements with integrated
* colors and attributes.
* @param rawText Raw text to transform
* @return Array of text elements
WeeChatProtocol.rawText2Rich = function(rawText) {
/* This is subtle, but JavaScript adds the token to the output list
* when it's surrounded by capturing parentheses.
var parts = rawText.split(/(\x19|\x1a|\x1b|\x1c)/);
// no colors/attributes
if (parts.length === 1) {
return [
attrs: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes(),
fgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor(),
bgColor: WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor(),
text: parts[0]
// find the style of every part
var curFgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor();
var curBgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor();
var curAttrs = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes();
var curSpecialToken = null;
var curAttrsOnlyFalseOverrides = true;
return {
if (p.length === 0) {
return null;
var firstCharCode = p.charCodeAt(0);
var firstChar = p.charAt(0);
if (firstCharCode >= 0x19 && firstCharCode <= 0x1c) {
// special token
if (firstCharCode === 0x1c) {
// always reset colors
curFgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor();
curBgColor = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultColor();
if (curSpecialToken !== 0x19) {
// also reset attributes
curAttrs = WeeChatProtocol._getDefaultAttributes();
curSpecialToken = firstCharCode;
return null;
var text = p;
if (curSpecialToken === 0x19) {
// get new style
var style = WeeChatProtocol._getStyle(p);
// set foreground color if changed
if (style.fgColor !== null) {
curFgColor = style.fgColor;
// set background color if changed
if (style.bgColor !== null) {
curBgColor = style.bgColor;
// set attibutes if changed
if (style.attrs !== null) {
curAttrs = style.attrs;
// set plain text
text = style.text;
} else if (curSpecialToken === 0x1a || curSpecialToken === 0x1b) {
// set/reset attribute
var orideVal = (curSpecialToken === 0x1a);
// set attribute override if we don't have to keep all of them
if (firstChar !== '|') {
var orideName = WeeChatProtocol._attrNameFromChar(firstChar);
if (orideName) {
// known attribute
curAttrs.override[orideName] = orideVal;
text = p.substring(1);
// reset current special token
curSpecialToken = null;
// if text is empty, don't bother returning it
if (text.length === 0) {
return null;
/* As long as attributes are only false overrides, without any option
* name, it's safe to remove them.
if (curAttrsOnlyFalseOverrides && === null) {
var allReset = true;
for (var attr in curAttrs.override) {
if (curAttrs.override[attr]) {
allReset = false;
if (allReset) {
curAttrs.override = {};
} else {
curAttrsOnlyFalseOverrides = false;
// parsed text element
return {
fgColor: WeeChatProtocol._cloneColor(curFgColor),
bgColor: WeeChatProtocol._cloneColor(curBgColor),
attrs: WeeChatProtocol._cloneAttrs(curAttrs),
text: text
}).filter(function(p) {
return p !== null;
* Unsigned integer array to string.
* @param uia Unsigned integer array
* @return Decoded string
WeeChatProtocol._uia2s = function(uia) {
if(!uia.length || uia[0] === 0) return "";
try {
var encodedString = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, uia),
decodedString = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString));
return decodedString;
} catch (exception) {
// Replace all non-ASCII bytes with "?" if the string couldn't be
// decoded as UTF-8.
var s = "";
for (var i = 0, n = uia.length; i < n; i++) {
s += uia[i] < 0x80 ? String.fromCharCode(uia[i]) : "?";
return s;
* Merges default parameters with overriding parameters.
* @param defaults Default parameters
* @param override Overriding parameters
* @return Merged parameters
WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams = function(defaults, override) {
for (var v in override) {
defaults[v] = override[v];
return defaults;
* Formats a command.
* @param id Command ID (null for no ID)
* @param name Command name
* @param parts Command parts
* @return Formatted command string
WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd = function(id, name, parts) {
var cmdIdName;
var cmd;
cmdIdName = (id !== null) ? '(' + id + ') ' : '';
cmdIdName += name;
cmd = parts.join(' ');
cmd += '\n';
cmd.replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, "").split("\n");
return cmd;
* Formats an init command.
* @param params Parameters:
* password: password (optional)
* compression: compression ('off' or 'zlib') (optional)
* @return Formatted init command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatInit = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
password: null,
compression: 'zlib'
var keys = [];
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
keys.push('compression=' + params.compression);
if (params.password !== null) {
keys.push('password=' + params.password);
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(null, 'init', parts);
* Formats an hdata command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* path: hdata path (mandatory)
* keys: array of keys (optional)
* @return Formatted hdata command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatHdata = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null,
keys: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
if (params.keys !== null) {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'hdata', parts);
* Formats an info command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* name: info name (mandatory)
* @return Formatted info command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatInfo = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'info', parts);
* Formats a nicklist command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* buffer: buffer name (optional)
* @return Formatted nicklist command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatNicklist = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null,
buffer: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
if (params.buffer !== null) {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'nicklist', parts);
* Formats an input command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* buffer: target buffer (mandatory)
* data: input data (mandatory)
* @return Formatted input command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatInput = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'input', parts);
* Formats a sync or a desync command.
* @param params Parameters (see _formatSync and _formatDesync)
* @return Formatted sync/desync command string
WeeChatProtocol._formatSyncDesync = function(cmdName, params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null,
buffers: null,
options: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
if (params.buffers !== null) {
if (params.options !== null) {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, cmdName, parts);
* Formats a sync command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* buffers: array of buffers to sync (optional)
* options: array of options (optional)
* @return Formatted sync command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatSync = function(params) {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatSyncDesync('sync', params);
* Formats a desync command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* buffers: array of buffers to desync (optional)
* options: array of options (optional)
* @return Formatted desync command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatDesync = function(params) {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatSyncDesync('desync', params);
* Formats a test command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* @return Formatted test command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatTest = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'test', parts);
* Formats a quit command.
* @return Formatted quit command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatQuit = function() {
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(null, 'quit', []);
* Formats a ping command.
* @param params Parameters:
* id: command ID (optional)
* args: array of custom arguments (optional)
* @return Formatted ping command string
WeeChatProtocol.formatPing = function(params) {
var defaultParams = {
id: null,
args: null
var parts = [];
params = WeeChatProtocol._mergeParams(defaultParams, params);
if (params.args !== null) {
parts.push(params.args.join(' '));
return WeeChatProtocol._formatCmd(, 'ping', parts);
WeeChatProtocol.prototype = {
* Warns that message parsing is not implemented for a
* specific type.
* @param type Message type to display
_warnUnimplemented: function(type) {
console.log('Warning: ' + type + ' message parsing is not implemented');
* Reads a 3-character message type token value from current
* set data.
* @return Type
_getType: function() {
var t = this._getSlice(3);
if (!t) {
return null;
return WeeChatProtocol._uia2s(new Uint8Array(t));
* Runs the appropriate read routine for the specified message type.
* @param type Message type
* @return Data value
_runType: function(type) {
var cb = this._types[type];
var boundCb = cb.bind(this);
return boundCb();
* Reads a "number as a string" token value from current set data.
* @return Number as a string
_getStrNumber: function() {
var len = this._getByte();
var str = this._getSlice(len);
return WeeChatProtocol._uia2s(new Uint8Array(str));
* Returns the passed object.
* @param obj Object
* @return Passed object
_strDirect: function(obj) {
return obj;
* Calls toString() on the passed object and returns the value.
* @param obj Object to call toString() on
* @return String value of object
_strToString: function(obj) {
return obj.toString();
* Gets the string value of an object representing the message
* value for a specified type.
* @param obj Object for which to get the string value
* @param type Message type
* @return String value of object
_objToString: function(obj, type) {
var cb = this._typesStr[type];
var boundCb = cb.bind(this);
return boundCb(obj);
* Reads an info token value from current set data.
* @return Info object
_getInfo: function() {
var info = {};
info.key = this._getString();
info.value = this._getString();
return info;
* Reads an hdata token value from current set data.
* @return Hdata object
_getHdata: function() {
var self = this;
var paths;
var count;
var objs = [];
var hpath = this._getString();
var keys = this._getString().split(',');
paths = hpath.split('/');
count = this._getInt();
keys = {
return key.split(':');
function runType() {
var tmp = {};
tmp.pointers = {
return self._getPointer();
keys.forEach(function(key) {
tmp[key[0]] = self._runType(key[1]);
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return objs;
* Reads a pointer token value from current set data.
* @return Pointer value
_getPointer: function() {
return this._getStrNumber();
* Reads a time token value from current set data.
* @return Time value (Date)
_getTime: function() {
var str = this._getStrNumber();
return new Date(parseInt(str, 10) * 1000);
* Reads an integer token value from current set data.
* @return Integer value
_getInt: function() {
var parsedData = new Uint8Array(this._getSlice(4));
return ((parsedData[0] & 0xff) << 24) |
((parsedData[1] & 0xff) << 16) |
((parsedData[2] & 0xff) << 8) |
(parsedData[3] & 0xff);
* Reads a byte from current set data.
* @return Byte value (integer)
_getByte: function() {
var parsedData = new Uint8Array(this._getSlice(1));
return parsedData[0];
* Reads a character token value from current set data.
* @return Character (string)
_getChar: function() {
return this._getByte();
* Reads a string token value from current set data.
* @return String value
_getString: function() {
var l = this._getInt();
if (l > 0) {
var s = this._getSlice(l);
var parsedData = new Uint8Array(s);
return WeeChatProtocol._uia2s(parsedData);
return "";
* Reads a message header from current set data.
* @return Header object
_getHeader: function() {
var len = this._getInt();
var comp = this._getByte();
return {
length: len,
compression: comp
* Reads a message header ID from current set data.
* @return Message ID (string)
_getId: function() {
return this._getString();
* Reads an arbitrary object token from current set data.
* @return Object value
_getObject: function() {
var self = this;
var type = this._getType();
if (type) {
return {
type: type,
content: self._runType(type)
* Reads an hash table token from current set data.
* @return Hash table
_getHashTable: function() {
var self = this;
var typeKeys, typeValues, count;
var dict = {};
typeKeys = this._getType();
typeValues = this._getType();
count = this._getInt();
for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
var key = self._runType(typeKeys);
var keyStr = self._objToString(key, typeKeys);
var value = self._runType(typeValues);
dict[keyStr] = value;
return dict;
* Reads an array token from current set data.
* @return Array
_getArray: function() {
var self = this;
var type;
var count;
var values;
type = this._getType();
count = this._getInt();
values = [];
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
return values;
* Reads a specified number of bytes from current set data.
* @param length Number of bytes to read
* @return Sliced array
_getSlice: function(length) {
if (this.dataAt + length > this._data.byteLength) {
return null;
var slice = this._data.slice(this._dataAt, this._dataAt + length);
this._dataAt += length;
return slice;
* Sets the current data.
* @param data Current data
_setData: function(data) {
this._data = data;
* Add the ID to the previously formatted command
* @param id Command ID
* @param command previously formatted command
setId: function(id, command) {
return '(' + id + ') ' + command;
* Parses a WeeChat message.
* @param data Message data (ArrayBuffer)
* @return Message value
parse: function(data, optionsValues) {
var self = this;
this._dataAt = 0;
var header = this._getHeader();
if (header.compression) {
var raw = new Uint8Array(data, 5); // skip first five bytes (header, 4B size, 1B compression flag)
var inflate = new Zlib.Inflate(raw);
var plain = inflate.decompress();
this._dataAt = 0; // reset position in data, as the header is not part of the decompressed data
var id = this._getId();
var objects = [];
var object = this._getObject();
while (object) {
object = self._getObject();
var msg = {
header: header,
id: id,
objects: objects
return msg;
exports.Protocol = WeeChatProtocol;
})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? this.weeChat = {} : exports);