David Cormier ba20a79c72 Send init commands when connection is successful
Initialization commands are sent when we are sure that
the password has been accepted and that the init has been
processed by the weechat relay
2014-02-17 21:19:34 -05:00

1022 lines
35 KiB

var weechat = angular.module('weechat', ['ngRoute', 'localStorage', 'weechatModels', 'plugins', 'ngSanitize', 'ngWebsockets', 'pasvaz.bindonce']);
weechat.filter('toArray', function () {
'use strict';
return function (obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Object)) {
return obj;
return Object.keys(obj).map(function (key) {
return Object.defineProperty(obj[key], '$key', { value: key });
weechat.filter('irclinky', ['$filter', function($filter) {
'use strict';
return function(text, target) {
if (!text) {
return text;
var linkiedText = $filter('linky')(text, target);
// This regex should be accurate enough. Theoretically, a bunch of other characters is allowed as well
// (ASCII except for NULL, BELL, CR, LF, ' ', ',', and ':') and a channel could in theory start with
// \![A-Z0-9]{5} and then have up to 45 other characters. I doubt anyone uses that.
// Not matching channels beginning with an "&" here because that would also match HTML encoded chars
// (e.g. ) -- if someone feels like modifying the regex to match these channels, but not the HTML
// character codes, please feel free to fix this)
var channelRegex = /(^|\s)([#+][a-z0-9-_]{1,49})/gmi;
// This is SUPER nasty, but ng-click does not work inside a filter, as the markup has to be $compiled first, which is not possible in filter afaik.
// Therefore, get the scope, fire the method, and $apply. Yuck. I sincerely hope someone finds a better way of doing this.
linkiedText = linkiedText.replace(channelRegex, '$1<a href="#" onclick="var $scope = angular.element(; $scope.openBuffer(\'$2\'); $scope.$apply();">$2</a>');
return linkiedText;
weechat.factory('handlers', ['$rootScope', 'models', 'plugins', function($rootScope, models, plugins) {
var handleBufferClosing = function(message) {
var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0];
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage);
var handleLine = function(line, initial, loadingMoreLines) {
var message = new models.BufferLine(line);
var buffer = models.getBuffer(message.buffer);
// Only react to line if its displayed
if (message.displayed) {
message = plugins.PluginManager.contentForMessage(message, $rootScope.visible);
if (initial) {
if ( && !initial && !loadingMoreLines) {
if (!initial && ! {
if (buffer.notify > 1 && _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_message') && !_.contains(message.tags, 'notify_none')) {
if ((buffer.notify !== 0 && message.highlight) || _.contains(message.tags, 'notify_private')) {
$rootScope.createHighlight(buffer, message);
var handleBufferLineAdded = function(message) {
message.objects[0].content.forEach(function(l) {
handleLine(l, false);
var handleBufferOpened = function(message) {
var bufferMessage = message.objects[0].content[0];
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferMessage);
var handleBufferTitleChanged = function(message) {
var obj = message.objects[0].content[0];
var buffer = obj.pointers[0];
var old = models.getBuffer(buffer);
old.fullName = obj.full_name;
old.title = obj.title;
old.number = obj.number;
var handleBufferRenamed = function(message) {
var obj = message.objects[0].content[0];
var buffer = obj.pointers[0];
var old = models.getBuffer(buffer);
old.fullName = obj.full_name;
old.shortName = obj.short_name;
* Handle answers to (lineinfo) messages
* (lineinfo) messages are specified by this client. It is request after bufinfo completes
var handleLineInfo = function(message, initial, loadingMoreLines) {
var lines = message.objects[0].content.reverse();
if (initial === undefined) initial = true;
lines.forEach(function(l) {
handleLine(l, initial, loadingMoreLines);
* Handle answers to hotlist request
var handleHotlistInfo = function(message) {
if (message.objects.length === 0) {
var hotlist = message.objects[0].content;
hotlist.forEach(function(l) {
var buffer = models.getBuffer(l.buffer);
// 1 is message
buffer.unread += l.count[1];
// 2 is ?
buffer.unread += l.count[2];
// 3 is highlight
buffer.notification += l.count[3];
/* Since there is unread messages, we can guess
* what the last read line is and update it accordingly
var unreadSum = _.reduce(l.count, function(memo, num) { return memo + num; }, 0);
buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - 1 - unreadSum;
* Handle nicklist event
var handleNicklist = function(message) {
var nicklist = message.objects[0].content;
var group = 'root';
nicklist.forEach(function(n) {
var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]);
if ( === 1) {
var g = new models.NickGroup(n);
group =;
buffer.nicklist[group] = g;
} else {
var nick = new models.Nick(n);
buffer.addNick(group, nick);
* Handle nicklist diff event
var handleNicklistDiff = function(message) {
var nicklist = message.objects[0].content;
var group;
nicklist.forEach(function(n) {
var buffer = models.getBuffer(n.pointers[0]);
var d = n._diff;
if ( === 1) {
group =;
if (group === undefined) {
var g = new models.NickGroup(n);
buffer.nicklist[group] = g;
group =;
} else {
var nick = new models.Nick(n);
if (d === 43) { // +
buffer.addNick(group, nick);
} else if (d === 45) { // -
buffer.delNick(group, nick);
} else if (d === 42) { // *
buffer.updateNick(group, nick);
var eventHandlers = {
_buffer_closing: handleBufferClosing,
_buffer_line_added: handleBufferLineAdded,
_buffer_opened: handleBufferOpened,
_buffer_title_changed: handleBufferTitleChanged,
_buffer_renamed: handleBufferRenamed,
_nicklist: handleNicklist,
_nicklist_diff: handleNicklistDiff
$rootScope.$on('onMessage', function(event, message) {
if (_.has(eventHandlers, {
var handleEvent = function(event) {
if (_.has(eventHandlers, {
return {
handleEvent: handleEvent,
handleLineInfo: handleLineInfo,
handleHotlistInfo: handleHotlistInfo,
handleNicklist: handleNicklist
ngWebsockets) {
protocol = new weeChat.Protocol();
// Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks
var _formatForWs = function(message) {
* Formats a weechat message to be sent over
* the websocket.
message.replace(/[\r\n]+$/g, "").split("\n");
return message;
var _send = function(message) {
return ngWebsockets.send(_formatForWs(message));
var _sendAll = function(messages) {
for (var i in messages) {
messages[i] = _formatForWs(messages[i]);
return ngWebsockets.sendAll(messages);
var connect = function (host, port, passwd, ssl, noCompression) {
var proto = ssl ? 'wss' : 'ws';
var url = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/weechat";
var onopen = function () {
// Helper methods for initialization commands
var _initializeConnection = function(passwd) {
return ngWebsockets.sendAll([
password: passwd,
compression: noCompression ? 'off' : 'zlib'
name: 'version'
var _requestHotlist = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: "hotlist:gui_hotlist(*)",
keys: []
var _requestNicklist = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
var _requestBufferInfos = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: 'buffer:gui_buffers(*)',
keys: ['local_variables,notify,number,full_name,short_name,title']
var _requestSync = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
// First command asks for the password and issues
// a version command. If it fails, it means the we
// did not provide the proper password.
function() {
// Connection is successful
// Send all the other commands required for initialization
_requestBufferInfos().then(function(bufinfo) {
var bufferInfos = bufinfo.objects[0].content;
// buffers objects
for (var i = 0; i < bufferInfos.length ; i++) {
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferInfos[i]);
// Switch to first buffer on startup
if (i === 0) {
_requestHotlist().then(function(hotlist) {
_requestNicklist().then(function(nicklist) {
$"Connected to relay");
$rootScope.connected = true;
function() {
// Connection got closed, lets check if we ever was connected successfully
$rootScope.passwordError = true;
var onmessage = function(event) {
// If we recieve a message from WeeChat it means that
// password was OK. Store that result and check for it
// in the failure handler.
$rootScope.waseverconnected = true;
var onclose = function () {
* Handles websocket disconnection
$"Disconnected from relay");
$rootScope.connected = false;
var onerror = function (evt) {
* Handles cases when connection issues come from
* the relay.
$log.error("Relay error" +;
if (evt.type === "error" && this.readyState !== 1) {
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
protocol.setId = function(id, message) {
return '(' + id + ') ' + message;
'binaryType': "arraybuffer",
'onopen': onopen,
'onclose': onclose,
'onmessage': onmessage,
'onerror': onerror,
var disconnect = function() {
* Format and send a weechat message
* @returns the angular promise
var sendMessage = function(message) {
buffer: models.getActiveBuffer().fullName,
data: message
var sendCoreCommand = function(command) {
buffer: 'core.weechat',
data: command
var fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) {
var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
// Calculate number of lines to fetch, at least as many as the parameter
numLines = Math.max(numLines, buffer.requestedLines * 2);
// Indicator that we are loading lines, hides "load more lines" link
$rootScope.loadingLines = true;
// Send hdata request to fetch lines for this particular buffer
// "0x" is important, otherwise it won't work
path: "buffer:0x" + + "/own_lines/last_line(-" + numLines + ")/data",
keys: []
).then(function(lineinfo) {
// delete old lines and add new ones
var oldLength = buffer.lines.length;
buffer.lines.length = 0;
buffer.requestedLines = 0;
handlers.handleLineInfo(lineinfo, false, true);
// Advance read marker by number of newly loaded lines
buffer.lastSeen += buffer.lines.length - oldLength;
$rootScope.loadingLines = false;
// Scroll read marker to the center of the screen
return {
connect: connect,
disconnect: disconnect,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
sendCoreCommand: sendCoreCommand,
fetchMoreLines: fetchMoreLines
weechat.controller('WeechatCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$store', '$timeout', '$log', 'models', 'connection', function ($rootScope, $scope, $store, $timeout, $log, models, connection) {
if (window.Notification) {
// Request notification permission
Notification.requestPermission(function (status) {
$'Notification permission status:',status);
if (Notification.permission !== status) {
Notification.permission = status;
$rootScope.countWatchers = function () {
var root = $(document.getElementsByTagName('body'));
var watchers = [];
var f = function (element) {
if ('$scope')) {
angular.forEach($scope.$$watchers, function (watcher) {
angular.forEach(element.children(), function (childElement) {
if (window.webkitNotifications !== undefined) {
if (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0) { // 0 is PERMISSION_ALLOWED
$'Notification permission status:', window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0);
// Check for firefox & app installed
if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) {
navigator.mozApps.getSelf().onsuccess = function _onAppReady(evt) {
var app =;
if (app) {
$scope.isinstalled = true;
} else {
$scope.isinstalled = false;
} else {
$scope.isinstalled = false;
$rootScope.$on('activeBufferChanged', function() {
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
if (ab.requestedLines < $scope.lines) {
// buffer has not been loaded, but some lines may already be present if they arrived after we connected
$rootScope.pageTitle = ab.shortName + ' | ' + ab.title;
// If user wants to sync hotlist with weechat
// we will send a /buffer bufferName command every time
// the user switches a buffer. This will ensure that notifications
// are cleared in the buffer the user switches to
if ($scope.hotlistsync && ab.fullName) {
connection.sendCoreCommand('/buffer ' + ab.fullName);
// Clear search term on buffer change
$ = '';
// Check if we should show nicklist or not
$scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist();
$scope.favico = new Favico({animation: 'none'});
$rootScope.$on('notificationChanged', function() {
var notifications = _.reduce(models.model.buffers, function(memo, num) { return (parseInt(memo)||0) + num.notification;});
if (typeof notifications !== 'number') {
if (notifications > 0) {
$scope.favico.badge(notifications, {
bgColor: '#d00',
textColor: '#fff'
} else {
var unread = _.reduce(models.model.buffers, function(memo, num) { return (parseInt(memo)||0) + num.unread;});
if (unread === 0) {
} else {
$scope.favico.badge(unread, {
bgColor: '#5CB85C',
textColor: '#ff0'
$scope.buffers = models.model.buffers;
$scope.activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer;
$rootScope.waseverconnected = false;
$rootScope.models = models;
$rootScope.buffer = [];
$rootScope.iterCandidate = null;
$store.bind($scope, "host", "localhost");
$store.bind($scope, "port", "9001");
$store.bind($scope, "proto", "weechat");
$store.bind($scope, "ssl", false);
$store.bind($scope, "savepassword", false);
if ($scope.savepassword) {
$store.bind($scope, "password", "");
// Save setting for displaying only buffers with unread messages
$store.bind($scope, "onlyUnread", false);
// Save setting for not showing timestamp
$store.bind($scope, "notimestamp", false);
// Save setting for syncing hotlist
$store.bind($scope, "hotlistsync", true);
// Save setting for displaying nicklist
$store.bind($scope, "nonicklist", false);
// Save setting for displaying embeds
$store.bind($scope, "noembed", false);
// Save setting for channel ordering
$store.bind($scope, "orderbyserver", false);
// Save setting for displaying embeds in rootScope so it can be used from service
$rootScope.visible = $scope.noembed === false;
// If we are on mobile chhange some defaults
// We use 968 px as the cutoff, which should match the value in glowingbear.css
if (document.body.clientWidth < 968) {
$scope.nonicklist = true;
$scope.noembed = true;
$scope.notimestamp = true;
// Watch model and update show setting when it changes
$scope.$watch('noembed', function() {
$rootScope.visible = $scope.noembed === false;
// Watch model and update channel sorting when it changes
$scope.$watch('orderbyserver', function() {
$rootScope.predicate = $scope.orderbyserver ? 'serverSortKey' : 'number';
$rootScope.predicate = $scope.orderbyserver ? 'serverSortKey' : 'number';
$scope.setActiveBuffer = function(bufferId, key) {
return models.setActiveBuffer(bufferId, key);
$scope.openBuffer = function(bufferName) {
var fullName = models.getActiveBuffer().fullName;
fullName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + bufferName; // substitute the last part
if (!$scope.setActiveBuffer(fullName, 'fullName')) {
var command = 'join';
if (['#', '&', '+', '!'].indexOf(bufferName.charAt(0)) < 0) { // these are the characters a channel name can start with (RFC 2813-2813)
command = 'query';
connection.sendMessage('/' + command + ' ' + bufferName);
// Calculate number of lines to fetch
$scope.lines = function() {
var lineHeight = document.querySelector(".bufferline").clientHeight;
// I would have used document.querySelector("#bufferlines").clientHeight and added 5 to the total result, but that provides incorrect values on mobile
var areaHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
return Math.ceil(areaHeight/lineHeight);
$rootScope.loadingLines = false;
$scope.fetchMoreLines = function() {
$rootScope.scrollWithBuffer = function(nonIncremental) {
// First, get scrolling status *before* modification
// This is required to determine where we were in the buffer pre-change
var bl = document.getElementById('bufferlines');
var sVal = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight;
var scroll = function() {
var sTop = bl.scrollTop;
// Determine if we want to scroll at all
// Give the check 3 pixels of slack so you don't have to hit
// the exact spot. This fixes a bug in some browsers
if ((nonIncremental && sTop < sVal) || (Math.abs(sTop - sVal) < 3)) {
var readmarker = document.querySelector(".readmarker");
if (nonIncremental && readmarker) {
// Switching channels, scroll to read marker
bl.scrollTop = readmarker.offsetTop - readmarker.parentElement.scrollHeight + readmarker.scrollHeight;
} else {
// New message, scroll with buffer (i.e. to bottom)
bl.scrollTop = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight;
// Here be scrolling dragons
$timeout(scroll, 100);
$timeout(scroll, 300);
$timeout(scroll, 500);
$scope.connect = function() {
connection.connect($, $scope.port, $scope.password, $scope.ssl);
$scope.disconnect = function() {
$scope.install = function() {
if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) {
var request = navigator.mozApps.install('');
request.onsuccess = function () {
$scope.isinstalled = true;
// Save the App object that is returned
var appRecord = this.result;
// Start the app.
alert('Installation successful!');
request.onerror = function () {
// Display the error information from the DOMError object
alert('Install failed, error: ' +;
} else {
alert('Sorry. Only supported in Firefox v26+');
/* Function gets called from bufferLineAdded code if user should be notified */
$rootScope.createHighlight = function(buffer, message) {
var messages = "";
message.content.forEach(function(part) {
if (part.text !== undefined) {
messages += part.text + " ";
var title = buffer.fullName;
var content = messages;
var timeout = 15*1000;
$'Displaying notification:buffer:',buffer,',message:',message,',with timeout:',timeout);
var notification = new Notification(title, {body:content, icon:'img/favicon.png'});
// Cancel notification automatically
notification.onshow = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, timeout);
$scope.hasUnread = function(buffer) {
// if search is set, return every buffer
if ($ && $ !== "") {
return true;
if ($scope.onlyUnread) {
// Always show current buffer in list
if (models.getActiveBuffer() === buffer) {
return true;
return buffer.unread > 0 || buffer.notification > 0;
return true;
// Watch model and update show setting when it changes
$scope.$watch('nonicklist', function() {
$scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist();
$scope.showNicklist = false;
// Utility function that template can use to check if nicklist should
// be displayed for current buffer or not
// is called on buffer switch
$scope.updateShowNicklist = function() {
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
if (!ab) {
return false;
// Check if option no nicklist is set
if ($scope.nonicklist) {
return false;
// Use flat nicklist to check if empty
if (ab.flatNicklist().length === 0) {
return false;
return true;
$rootScope.switchToActivityBuffer = function() {
// Find next buffer with activity and switch to it
var sortedBuffers = _.sortBy($scope.buffers, 'number');
var i, buffer;
for (i in sortedBuffers) {
buffer = sortedBuffers[i];
if (buffer.notification > 0) {
for (i in sortedBuffers) {
buffer = sortedBuffers[i];
if(buffer.unread > 0) {
$scope.handleSearchBoxKey = function($event) {
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
// Handle escape
if (code === 27) {
$ = '';
} // Handle enter
else if (code === 13) {
// TODO Switch to first matching buffer and reset query
$ = '';
// Prevent user from accidentally leaving the page
window.onbeforeunload = function(event) {
function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'index.html',
controller: 'WeechatCtrl'
weechat.directive('plugin', function() {
* Plugin directive
* Shows additional plugin content
return {
templateUrl: 'directives/plugin.html',
scope: {
plugin: '=data',
controller: function($scope) {
$scope.displayedContent = "";
$scope.hideContent = function() {
$scope.plugin.visible = false;
$scope.showContent = function() {
* Shows the plugin content.
* displayedContent is bound to the DOM.
* Actual plugin content is only fetched when
* content is shown.
$scope.displayedContent = $scope.plugin.content;
$scope.plugin.visible = true;
// Scroll embed content into view
var scroll = function() {
var embed = document.querySelector(".embed_" + $scope.plugin.$$hashKey);
if (embed) {
setTimeout(scroll, 100);
weechat.directive('inputBar', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'directives/input.html',
controller: function($rootScope,
models) {
// Focuses itself when active buffer is changed
$rootScope.$on('activeBufferChanged', function() {
$scope.completeNick = function() {
// input DOM node
var inputNode = document.getElementById('sendMessage');
// get current input
var inputText = inputNode.value;
// get current caret position
var caretPos = inputNode.selectionStart;
// create flat array of nicks
var activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
// complete nick
var nickComp = IrcUtils.completeNick(inputText, caretPos,
$scope.iterCandidate, activeBuffer.flatNicklist(), ':');
// remember iteration candidate
$scope.iterCandidate = nickComp.iterCandidate;
// update current input
$scope.command = nickComp.text;
// update current caret position
inputNode.setSelectionRange(nickComp.caretPos, nickComp.caretPos);
// Send the message to the websocket
$scope.sendMessage = function() {
$scope.command = models.getActiveBuffer().addToHistory($scope.command); // log to buffer history
// Handle key presses in the input bar
$scope.handleKeyPress = function($event) {
// don't do anything if not connected
if (!$rootScope.connected) {
return true;
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
// any other key than Tab resets nick completion iteration
var tmpIterCandidate = $scope.iterCandidate;
$scope.iterCandidate = null;
// Left Alt+[0-9] -> jump to buffer
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && (code > 47 && code < 58)) {
if (code === 48) {
code = 58;
var bufferNumber = code - 48;
var activeBuffer = models.getBufferByIndex(bufferNumber);
if (activeBuffer) {
// Tab -> nick completion
if (code === 9 && !$event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey) {
$scope.iterCandidate = tmpIterCandidate;
return true;
// Left Alt+n -> toggle nicklist
if ($event.altKey && !$event.ctrlKey && code === 78) {
$scope.nonicklist = !$scope.nonicklist;
return true;
// Alt+A -> switch to buffer with activity
if ($event.altKey && (code === 97 || code === 65)) {
return true;
// Alt+L -> focus on input bar
if ($event.altKey && (code === 76 || code === 108)) {
var inputNode = document.getElementById('sendMessage');
inputNode.setSelectionRange(inputNode.value.length, inputNode.value.length);
return true;
// Escape -> disconnect
if (code === 27) {
return true;
// Ctrl+G -> focus on buffer filter input
if ($event.ctrlKey && (code === 103 || code === 71)) {
return true;
// Arrow up -> go up in history
if (code === 38) {
$scope.command = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryUp($scope.command);
return true;
// Arrow down -> go down in history
if (code === 40) {
$scope.command = models.getActiveBuffer().getHistoryDown($scope.command);
return true;