Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider a80db339f8 Use strict
Requires turning IrcUtils into an Angular service, because the global variable
trick won't work with use strict.
Reuse is still easily possible by removing the angular wrapping around it.
2014-09-07 16:55:18 +01:00

280 lines
10 KiB

(function() {
'use strict';
var weechat = angular.module('weechat');
['$rootScope', '$log', 'handlers', 'models', 'ngWebsockets', function($rootScope,
ngWebsockets) {
var protocol = new weeChat.Protocol();
// Takes care of the connection and websocket hooks
var connect = function (host, port, passwd, ssl, noCompression) {
var proto = ssl ? 'wss' : 'ws';
// If host is an IPv6 literal wrap it in brackets
if (host.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
host = "[" + host + "]";
var url = proto + "://" + host + ":" + port + "/weechat";
$log.debug('Connecting to URL: ', url);
var onopen = function () {
// Helper methods for initialization commands
var _initializeConnection = function(passwd) {
// This is not the proper way to do this.
// WeeChat does not send a confirmation for the init.
// Until it does, We need to "assume" that formatInit
// will be received before formatInfo
password: passwd,
compression: noCompression ? 'off' : 'zlib'
return ngWebsockets.send(
name: 'version'
var _requestHotlist = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: "hotlist:gui_hotlist(*)",
keys: []
var _requestBufferInfos = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
path: 'buffer:gui_buffers(*)',
keys: ['local_variables,notify,number,full_name,short_name,title']
var _requestSync = function() {
return ngWebsockets.send(
// First command asks for the password and issues
// a version command. If it fails, it means the we
// did not provide the proper password.
function() {
// Connection is successful
// Send all the other commands required for initialization
_requestBufferInfos().then(function(bufinfo) {
//XXX move to handlers?
var bufferInfos = bufinfo.objects[0].content;
// buffers objects
for (var i = 0; i < bufferInfos.length ; i++) {
var buffer = new models.Buffer(bufferInfos[i]);
// Switch to first buffer on startup
if (i === 0) {
_requestHotlist().then(function(hotlist) {
$"Connected to relay");
$rootScope.connected = true;
function() {
// Connection got closed, lets check if we ever was connected successfully
if (!$rootScope.waseverconnected) {
$rootScope.passwordError = true;
var onmessage = function() {
// If we recieve a message from WeeChat it means that
// password was OK. Store that result and check for it
// in the failure handler.
$rootScope.waseverconnected = true;
var onclose = function (evt) {
* Handles websocket disconnection
$"Disconnected from relay");
$rootScope.connected = false;
if (ssl && evt.code === 1006) {
// A password error doesn't trigger onerror, but certificate issues do. Check time of last error.
if (typeof $rootScope.lastError !== "undefined" && ( - $rootScope.lastError) < 1000) {
// abnormal disconnect by client, most likely ssl error
$rootScope.sslError = true;
var onerror = function (evt) {
* Handles cases when connection issues come from
* the relay.
$log.error("Relay error", evt);
$rootScope.lastError =;
if (evt.type === "error" && this.readyState !== 1) {
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
try {
'binaryType': "arraybuffer",
'onopen': onopen,
'onclose': onclose,
'onmessage': onmessage,
'onerror': onerror
} catch(e) {
$log.debug("Websocket caught DOMException:", e);
$rootScope.lastError =;
$rootScope.errorMessage = true;
$rootScope.securityError = true;
var disconnect = function() {
* Format and send a weechat message
* @returns the angular promise
var sendMessage = function(message) {
buffer: models.getActiveBuffer().fullName,
data: message
var sendCoreCommand = function(command) {
buffer: 'core.weechat',
data: command
var requestNicklist = function(bufferId, callback) {
bufferId = bufferId || null;
buffer: bufferId
).then(function(nicklist) {
if (callback !== undefined) {
var fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) {
$log.debug('Fetching ', numLines, ' lines');
var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
if (numLines === undefined) {
// Math.max(undefined, *) = NaN -> need a number here
numLines = 0;
// Calculate number of lines to fetch, at least as many as the parameter
numLines = Math.max(numLines, buffer.requestedLines * 2);
// Indicator that we are loading lines, hides "load more lines" link
$rootScope.loadingLines = true;
// Send hdata request to fetch lines for this particular buffer
return ngWebsockets.send(
// "0x" is important, otherwise it won't work
path: "buffer:0x" + + "/own_lines/last_line(-" + numLines + ")/data",
keys: []
).then(function(lineinfo) {
//XXX move to handlers?
// delete old lines and add new ones
var oldLength = buffer.lines.length;
// Whether to set the readmarker to the middle position
// Don't do that if we didn't get any more lines than we already had
var setReadmarker = (buffer.lastSeen >= 0) && (oldLength !== buffer.lines.length);
buffer.lines.length = 0;
// We need to set the number of requested lines to 0 here, because parsing a line
// increments it. This is needed to also count newly arriving lines while we're
// already connected.
buffer.requestedLines = 0;
// Count number of lines recieved
var linesReceivedCount = lineinfo.objects[0].content.length;
// Parse the lines
handlers.handleLineInfo(lineinfo, true);
if (setReadmarker) {
// Read marker was somewhere in the old lines - we don't need it any more,
// set it to the boundary between old and new. This way, we stay at the exact
// same position in the text through the scrollWithBuffer below
buffer.lastSeen = buffer.lines.length - oldLength - 1;
} else {
// We are currently fetching at least some unread lines, so we need to keep
// the read marker position correct
buffer.lastSeen -= oldLength;
// We requested more lines than we got, no more lines.
if (linesReceivedCount < numLines) {
buffer.allLinesFetched = true;
$rootScope.loadingLines = false;
// Scroll read marker to the center of the screen
return {
connect: connect,
disconnect: disconnect,
sendMessage: sendMessage,
sendCoreCommand: sendCoreCommand,
fetchMoreLines: fetchMoreLines,
requestNicklist: requestNicklist