Peter Elmers febbb3ffdb Re-implement click to join functionality.
Clicking channel names to join broke because of angular issue 9515.
Reimplement the functionality by binding the scope.openBuffer method to
the window and calling it from an onclick handler for channel name
2015-06-11 09:10:23 -07:00

766 lines
29 KiB

(function() {
'use strict';
var weechat = angular.module('weechat', ['ngRoute', 'localStorage', 'weechatModels', 'plugins', 'IrcUtils', 'ngSanitize', 'ngWebsockets', 'ngTouch'], ['$compileProvider', function($compileProvider) {
// hacky way to be able to find out if we're in debug mode
weechat.compileProvider = $compileProvider;
weechat.config(['$compileProvider', function ($compileProvider) {
// hack to determine whether we're executing the tests
if (typeof(it) === "undefined" && typeof(describe) === "undefined") {
weechat.controller('WeechatCtrl', ['$rootScope', '$scope', '$store', '$timeout', '$log', 'models', 'connection', 'notifications', 'utils', 'settings',
function ($rootScope, $scope, $store, $timeout, $log, models, connection, notifications, utils, settings) {
window.openBuffer = function(channel) {
$scope.command = '';
$scope.themes = ['dark', 'light'];
'theme': 'dark',
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 9001,
'ssl': (window.location.protocol === "https:"),
'savepassword': false,
'autoconnect': false,
'nonicklist': utils.isMobileUi(),
'noembed': true,
'onlyUnread': false,
'hotlistsync': true,
'orderbyserver': true,
'useFavico': true,
'showtimestamp': true,
'showtimestampSeconds': false,
'fontsize': '14px',
'fontfamily': (utils.isMobileUi() ? 'sans-serif' : 'Inconsolata, Consolas, Monaco, Ubuntu Mono, monospace'),
'readlineBindings': false,
'enableJSEmoji': (utils.isMobileUi() ? false : true),
'enableMathjax': false,
$scope.settings = settings;
// From: by StackOverflow user "plantian"
$rootScope.countWatchers = function () {
var q = [$rootScope], watchers = 0, scope;
while (q.length > 0) {
scope = q.pop();
if (scope.$$watchers) {
watchers += scope.$$watchers.length;
if (scope.$$childHead) {
if (scope.$$nextSibling) {
$scope.isinstalled = (function() {
// Check for firefox & app installed
if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) {
navigator.mozApps.getSelf().onsuccess = function _onAppReady(evt) {
var app =;
if (app) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
// Detect page visibility attributes
(function() {
// Sadly, the page visibility API still has a lot of vendor prefixes
if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Chrome >= 33, Firefox >= 18, Opera >= 12.10, Safari >= 7
$scope.documentHidden = "hidden";
$scope.documentVisibilityChange = "visibilitychange";
} else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") { // 13 <= Chrome < 33
$scope.documentHidden = "webkitHidden";
$scope.documentVisibilityChange = "webkitvisibilitychange";
} else if (typeof document.mozHidden !== "undefined") { // 10 <= Firefox < 18
$scope.documentHidden = "mozHidden";
$scope.documentVisibilityChange = "mozvisibilitychange";
} else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") { // IE >= 10
$scope.documentHidden = "msHidden";
$scope.documentVisibilityChange = "msvisibilitychange";
// Enable debug mode if "?debug=1" or "?debug=true" is set
(function() {'&').forEach(function(f) {
var segs = f.split('=');
if (segs[0] === "debug" && ["true", "1"].indexOf(segs[1]) != -1) {
$rootScope.debugMode = true;
// If we haven't reloaded yet, do an angular reload with debug infos
// store whether this has happened yet in a GET parameter
if ($rootScope.debugMode && !weechat.compileProvider.debugInfoEnabled()) {
$rootScope.isWindowFocused = function() {
if (typeof $scope.documentHidden === "undefined") {
// Page Visibility API not supported, assume yes
return true;
} else {
var isHidden = document[$scope.documentHidden];
return !isHidden;
if (typeof $scope.documentVisibilityChange !== "undefined") {
document.addEventListener($scope.documentVisibilityChange, function() {
if (!document[$scope.documentHidden]) {
// We just switched back to the glowing-bear window and unread messages may have
// accumulated in the active buffer while the window was in the background
var buffer = models.getActiveBuffer();
// This can also be triggered before connecting to the relay, check for null (not undefined!)
if (buffer !== null) {
buffer.unread = 0;
buffer.notification = 0;
// Trigger title and favico update
// the unread badge in the bufferlist doesn't update if we don't do this
}, false);
$rootScope.$on('activeBufferChanged', function(event, unreadSum) {
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
// Discard surplus lines. This is done *before* lines are fetched because that saves us the effort of special handling for the
// case where a buffer is opened for the first time ;)
var minRetainUnread = ab.lines.length - unreadSum + 5; // do not discard unread lines and keep 5 additional lines for context
var surplusLines = ab.lines.length - (2 * $scope.lines_per_screen + 10); // retain up to 2*(screenful + 10) + 10 lines because magic numbers
var linesToRemove = Math.min(minRetainUnread, surplusLines);
if (linesToRemove > 0) {
ab.lines.splice(0, linesToRemove); // remove the lines from the buffer
ab.requestedLines -= linesToRemove; // to ensure that the correct amount of lines is fetched should more be requested
ab.lastSeen -= linesToRemove; // adjust readmarker
ab.allLinesFetched = false; // we just removed lines, so we don't have all of them. re-enable "fetch more lines"
$scope.bufferlines = ab.lines;
$scope.nicklist = ab.nicklist;
// Send a request for the nicklist if it hasn't been loaded yet
if (!ab.nicklistRequested()) {
connection.requestNicklist(ab.fullName, function() {
$scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist();
// Scroll after nicklist has been loaded, as it may break long lines
} else {
// Check if we should show nicklist or not
$scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist();
if (ab.requestedLines < $scope.lines_per_screen) {
// buffer has not been loaded, but some lines may already be present if they arrived after we connected
// try to determine how many lines to fetch
var numLines = $scope.lines_per_screen + 10; // that's (a screenful plus 10 lines) plus 10 lines, just to be safe
if (unreadSum > numLines) {
// request up to 4*(screenful + 10 lines)
numLines = Math.min(4*numLines, unreadSum);
// Update initial scroll position
// Most relevant when first connecting to properly initalise
function() {
$timeout(function() {
var bl = document.getElementById("bufferlines");
var lastScrollHeight = bl.scrollHeight;
var scrollHeightObserver = function() {
if (bl) {
var newScrollHeight = bl.scrollHeight;
if (newScrollHeight !== lastScrollHeight) {
lastScrollHeight = newScrollHeight;
setTimeout(scrollHeightObserver, 500);
bl.onscroll = _.debounce(function() {
}, 80);
setTimeout(scrollHeightObserver, 500);
$scope.notifications = notifications.unreadCount('notification');
$scope.unread = notifications.unreadCount('unread');
$timeout(function() {
// Clear search term on buffer change
$ = '';
if (!utils.isMobileUi()) {
// This needs to happen asynchronously to prevent the enter key handler
// of the input bar to be triggered on buffer switch via the search.
// Otherwise its current contents would be sent to the new buffer
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
// Do this part last since it's not important for the UI
if (settings.hotlistsync && ab.fullName) {
$rootScope.favico = new Favico({animation: 'none'});
$scope.notifications = notifications.unreadCount('notification');
$scope.unread = notifications.unreadCount('unread');
$rootScope.$on('notificationChanged', function() {
$scope.notifications = notifications.unreadCount('notification');
$scope.unread = notifications.unreadCount('unread');
if (settings.useFavico && $rootScope.favico) {
$rootScope.$on('relayDisconnect', function() {
// Reset title
$rootScope.pageTitle = '';
$rootScope.notificationStatus = '';
$scope.connectbutton = 'Connect';
$scope.connectbutton = 'Connect';
$scope.getBuffers = models.getBuffers.bind(models);
$scope.bufferlines = {};
$scope.nicklist = {};
$scope.activeBuffer = models.getActiveBuffer;
$rootScope.connected = false;
$rootScope.waseverconnected = false;
$rootScope.userdisconnect = false;
$rootScope.reconnecting = false;
$rootScope.models = models;
$rootScope.iterCandidate = null;
if (settings.savepassword) {
$scope.$watch('password', function() {
settings.password = $scope.password;
settings.addCallback('password', function(password) {
$scope.password = password;
$scope.password = settings.password;
} else {
settings.password = '';
// Check if user decides to save password, and copy it over
settings.addCallback('savepassword', function(newvalue) {
if (settings.savepassword) {
// Init value in settings module
settings.setDefaults({'password': $scope.password});
settings.password = $scope.password;
$rootScope.wasMobileUi = false;
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
$rootScope.wasMobileUi = true;
if (!settings.fontfamily) {
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
settings.fontfamily = 'sans-serif';
} else {
settings.fontfamily = "Inconsolata, Consolas, Monaco, Ubuntu Mono, monospace";
$scope.isSidebarVisible = function() {
return document.getElementById('content').getAttribute('sidebar-state') === 'visible';
$scope.showSidebar = function() {
document.getElementById('sidebar').setAttribute('data-state', 'visible');
document.getElementById('content').setAttribute('sidebar-state', 'visible');
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
// de-focus the input bar when opening the sidebar on mobile, so that the keyboard goes down
_.each(document.getElementsByTagName('textarea'), function(elem) {
$rootScope.hideSidebar = function() {
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
document.getElementById('sidebar').setAttribute('data-state', 'hidden');
document.getElementById('content').setAttribute('sidebar-state', 'hidden');
settings.addCallback('autoconnect', function(autoconnect) {
if (autoconnect && !$rootScope.connected && !$rootScope.sslError && !$rootScope.securityError && !$rootScope.errorMessage) {
// toggle sidebar (if on mobile)
$scope.toggleSidebar = function() {
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
if ($scope.isSidebarVisible()) {
} else {
// Open and close panels while on mobile devices through swiping
$scope.openNick = function() {
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
if (settings.nonicklist) {
settings.nonicklist = false;
$scope.closeNick = function() {
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
if (!settings.nonicklist) {
settings.nonicklist = true;
// Watch model and update channel sorting when it changes
settings.addCallback('orderbyserver', function(orderbyserver) {
$rootScope.predicate = orderbyserver ? 'serverSortKey' : 'number';
settings.addCallback('useFavico', function(useFavico) {
// this check is necessary as this is called on page load, too
if (!$rootScope.connected) {
if (useFavico) {
} else {
// To prevent unnecessary loading times for users who don't
// want MathJax, load it only if the setting is enabled.
// This also fires when the page is loaded if enabled.
settings.addCallback('enableMathjax', function(enabled) {
if (enabled && !$rootScope.mathjax_init) {
// Load MathJax only once
$rootScope.mathjax_init = true;
(function () {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], script;
script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/x-mathjax-config";
script[(window.opera ? "innerHTML" : "text")] =
"MathJax.Hub.Config({\n" +
" tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$$','$$'], ['\\\\(','\\\\)']], displayMath: [['\\\\[','\\\\]']] },\n" +
script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.src = "//";
// Inject theme CSS
settings.addCallback('theme', function(theme) {
// Unload old theme
var oldThemeCSS = document.getElementById("themeCSS");
if (oldThemeCSS) {
// Load new theme
(function() {
var elem = document.createElement("link");
elem.rel = "stylesheet";
elem.href = "css/themes/" + theme + ".css"; = "screen"; = "themeCSS";
// Update font family when changed
settings.addCallback('fontfamily', function(fontfamily) {
utils.changeClassStyle('favorite-font', 'fontFamily', fontfamily);
// Update font size when changed
settings.addCallback('fontsize', function(fontsize) {
utils.changeClassStyle('favorite-font', 'fontSize', fontsize);
$scope.setActiveBuffer = function(bufferId, key) {
// If we are on mobile we need to collapse the menu on sidebar clicks
// We use 968 px as the cutoff, which should match the value in glowingbear.css
if (utils.isMobileUi()) {
// Clear the hotlist for this buffer, because presumable you have read
// the messages in this buffer before you switched to the new one
// this is only needed with new type of clearing since in the old
// way WeeChat itself takes care of that part
if (parseInt(models.version.charAt(0)) >= 1) {
return models.setActiveBuffer(bufferId, key);
$scope.openBuffer = function(bufferName) {
var fullName = models.getActiveBuffer().fullName;
fullName = fullName.substring(0, fullName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + bufferName; // substitute the last part
if (!$scope.setActiveBuffer(fullName, 'fullName')) {
var command = 'join';
if (['#', '&', '+', '!'].indexOf(bufferName.charAt(0)) < 0) { // these are the characters a channel name can start with (RFC 2813-2813)
command = 'query';
connection.sendMessage('/' + command + ' ' + bufferName);
//XXX this does not belong here (or does it?)
// Calculate number of lines to fetch
$scope.calculateNumLines = function() {
var bufferlineElements = document.querySelectorAll(".bufferline");
var lineHeight = 0, idx = 0;
while (lineHeight === 0 && idx < bufferlineElements.length) {
lineHeight = bufferlineElements[idx++].clientHeight;
var areaHeight = document.querySelector("#bufferlines").clientHeight;
// Fetch 10 lines more than theoretically needed so that scrolling up will correctly trigger the loading of more lines
// Also, some lines might be hidden, so it's probably better to have a bit of buffer there
var numLines = Math.ceil(areaHeight/lineHeight + 10);
$scope.lines_per_screen = numLines;
// get animationframe method
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame;
// Recalculate number of lines on resize
window.addEventListener("resize", _.debounce(function() {
// Recalculation fails when not connected
if ($rootScope.connected) {
// Show the sidebar if switching away from mobile view, hide it when switching to mobile
// Wrap in a condition so we save ourselves the $apply if nothing changes (50ms or more)
if ($scope.wasMobileUi && !utils.isMobileUi()) {
$scope.wasMobileUi = utils.isMobileUi();
// if we're scrolled to the bottom, scroll down to the same position after the resize
// most common use case: opening the keyboard on a mobile device
if ($rootScope.bufferBottom) {
var rescroll = function(){
$timeout(rescroll, 500);
}, 100));
$rootScope.loadingLines = false;
$scope.fetchMoreLines = function(numLines) {
if (!numLines) {
numLines = $scope.lines_per_screen;
return connection.fetchMoreLines(numLines);
$rootScope.updateBufferBottom = function(bottom) {
var eob = document.getElementById("end-of-buffer");
var bl = document.getElementById('bufferlines');
if (bottom) {
$rootScope.bufferBottom = eob.offsetTop <= bl.scrollTop + bl.clientHeight;
$rootScope.scrollWithBuffer = function(scrollToReadmarker, moreLines) {
// First, get scrolling status *before* modification
// This is required to determine where we were in the buffer pre-change
var bl = document.getElementById('bufferlines');
var sVal = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight;
var scroll = function() {
var sTop = bl.scrollTop;
// Determine if we want to scroll at all
// Give the check 3 pixels of slack so you don't have to hit
// the exact spot. This fixes a bug in some browsers
if (((scrollToReadmarker || moreLines) && sTop < sVal) || (Math.abs(sTop - sVal) < 3)) {
var readmarker = document.querySelector(".readmarker");
if (scrollToReadmarker && readmarker) {
// Switching channels, scroll to read marker
bl.scrollTop = readmarker.offsetTop - readmarker.parentElement.scrollHeight + readmarker.scrollHeight;
} else if (moreLines) {
// We fetched more lines but the read marker is still out of view
// Keep the scroll position constant
bl.scrollTop = bl.scrollHeight - bl.clientHeight - sVal;
} else {
// New message, scroll with buffer (i.e. to bottom)
var eob = document.getElementById("end-of-buffer");
// Here be scrolling dragons
$scope.connect = function() {
$rootScope.sslError = false;
$rootScope.securityError = false;
$rootScope.errorMessage = false;
$rootScope.bufferBottom = true;
$scope.connectbutton = 'Connecting ...';
connection.connect(, settings.port, $scope.password, settings.ssl);
$scope.disconnect = function() {
$scope.connectbutton = 'Connect';
$scope.reconnect = function() {
var bufferId = models.getActiveBuffer().id;
connection.attemptReconnect(bufferId, 3000);
//XXX this is a bit out of place here, either move up to the rest of the firefox install code or remove
$scope.install = function() {
if (navigator.mozApps !== undefined) {
// Find absolute url with trailing '/' or '/index.html' removed
var base_url = location.protocol + '//' + +
location.pathname.replace(/\/(index\.html)?$/, '');
var request = navigator.mozApps.install(base_url + '/manifest.webapp');
request.onsuccess = function () {
$scope.isinstalled = true;
// Save the App object that is returned
var appRecord = this.result;
// Start the app.
alert('Installation successful!');
request.onerror = function () {
// Display the error information from the DOMError object
alert('Install failed, error: ' +;
} else {
alert('Sorry. Only supported in Firefox v26+');
$scope.showModal = function(elementId) {
document.getElementById(elementId).setAttribute('data-state', 'visible');
$scope.closeModal = function($event) {
function closest(elem, selector) {
var matchesSelector = elem.matches || elem.webkitMatchesSelector || elem.mozMatchesSelector || elem.msMatchesSelector;
while (elem) {
if (, selector)) return elem;
else elem = elem.parentElement;
closest($, '.gb-modal').setAttribute('data-state', 'hidden');
$scope.toggleAccordion = function(event) {
var target =;
target.setAttribute('data-state', target.getAttribute('data-state') === 'active' ? 'collapsed' : 'active');
// Hide all other siblings
var siblings = target.parentNode.children;
for (var childId in siblings) {
var child = siblings[childId];
if (child.nodeType === 1 && child !== target) {
child.setAttribute('data-state', 'collapsed');
//XXX what do we do with this?
$scope.hasUnread = function(buffer) {
// if search is set, return every buffer
if ($ && $ !== "") {
return true;
if (settings.onlyUnread) {
// Always show current buffer in list
if (models.getActiveBuffer() === buffer) {
return true;
// Always show core buffer in the list (issue #438)
if (buffer.fullName === "core.weechat") {
return true;
return buffer.unread > 0 || buffer.notification > 0;
return true;
// Watch model and update show setting when it changes
settings.addCallback('nonicklist', function() {
$scope.showNicklist = $scope.updateShowNicklist();
// restore bottom view
if ($rootScope.connected && $rootScope.bufferBottom) {
}, 500);
$scope.showNicklist = false;
// Utility function that template can use to check if nicklist should
// be displayed for current buffer or not
// is called on buffer switch
$scope.updateShowNicklist = function() {
var ab = models.getActiveBuffer();
if (!ab) {
return false;
// Check if option no nicklist is set
if (settings.nonicklist) {
return false;
// Check if nicklist is empty
if (ab.isNicklistEmpty()) {
return false;
return true;
//XXX not sure whether this belongs here
$rootScope.switchToActivityBuffer = function() {
// Find next buffer with activity and switch to it
var sortedBuffers = _.sortBy($scope.getBuffers(), 'number');
var i, buffer;
// Try to find buffer with notification
for (i in sortedBuffers) {
buffer = sortedBuffers[i];
if (buffer.notification > 0) {
return; // return instead of break so that the second for loop isn't executed
// No notifications, find first buffer with unread lines instead
for (i in sortedBuffers) {
buffer = sortedBuffers[i];
if (buffer.unread > 0) {
// Helper function since the keypress handler is in a different scope
$rootScope.toggleNicklist = function() {
settings.nonicklist = !settings.nonicklist;
$scope.handleSearchBoxKey = function($event) {
// Support different browser quirks
var code = $event.keyCode ? $event.keyCode : $event.charCode;
// Handle escape
if (code === 27) {
$ = '';
} // Handle enter
else if (code === 13) {
if ($scope.filteredBuffers.length > 0) {
$ = '';
// Prevent user from accidentally leaving the page
window.onbeforeunload = function(event) {
if ($scope.command !== null && $scope.command !== '') {
// Chrome requires this
// Firefox does not show the site provides message
event.returnValue = "Any unsent input will be lost. Are you sure that you want to quit?";
} else {
if ($rootScope.connected) {
function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/', {
templateUrl: 'index.html',
controller: 'WeechatCtrl'