Parse objdump output + test code

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-09-27 16:38:31 +02:00
parent c54547dad9
commit 8038a92e89
3 changed files with 187 additions and 6 deletions

dune Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
(include_subdirs unqualified)
(name test_objdump)
(libraries linksem))

View file

@ -27,11 +27,14 @@ exception ParseError of string
(** Pretty printers *)
let pp_hex_bytes ppx bytes_array =
Bytes.iter (fun byte -> Format.fprintf ppx "%02x" (int_of_char byte))
(* Number of lone spaces to be printed after the bytes. Objdump prints 21. *)
let remaining_spaces = 21 - 3 * (Bytes.length bytes_array) in
Bytes.iter (fun byte -> Format.fprintf ppx "%02x " (int_of_char byte))
bytes_array ;
Format.fprintf ppx "%s" (String.make remaining_spaces ' ')
let pp_asm_instr ppx asm_instr =
Format.fprintf ppx "%04x:\t%a\t%s@."
Format.fprintf ppx " %04x:\t%a\t%s@."
pp_hex_bytes asm_instr.instr_bytes
@ -123,9 +126,149 @@ let get_objdump prog_path =
| _ ->
raise (ObjdumpFailed (-1, (Bytes.to_string stderr_content)))
(** [ObjdumpAccu cur_info cur_section cur_sub_stub cur_asm] contains:
- all the previously encoutered and parsed subroutines in `cur_info`;
- the current section name in `cur_section`;
- the current subroutine's stub (ie. without asm) in `cur_sub_stub`, or
None if the previous subroutine was committed;
- the current subroutine's asm lines
type interpret_objdump_accu =
ObjdumpAccu of asm_info_t * string * asm_sub_t option * asm_t
(** Interprets `objdump -d` output and yield a list of functions, alongside
with their addresses, symbol names, asm, *)
let interpret_objdump objdump_out : asm_info_t =
(* TODO *)
ignore objdump_out;
assert false
(* Reads a string of bytes formatted like "01 23 ae 3f" and output a Bytes.t
object *)
let read_bytes_str bytes_str =
let concat_chars chars =
String.concat "" ( (String.make 1) chars)
let bytes_out =
String.split_on_char ' ' bytes_str
|> (fun x -> char_of_int @@ int_of_string ("0x" ^ x))
|> concat_chars
|> Bytes.of_string
(* Actually aggregates data line by line *)
let aggregate_info objdump_accu cur_line =
let get_char_opt str pos =
Some (String.get str pos)
with Invalid_argument _ -> None)
(match get_char_opt cur_line 0 with
(* Empty string *)
| None -> (* Commit current in-flight subroutine if any, reset *)
(match objdump_accu with
| ObjdumpAccu(_, _, None, []) ->
objdump_accu (* Nothing to be done *)
| ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, cur_section, Some in_flight, asm) ->
(* Commit in-flight *)
let full_sub = { in_flight with sub_asm = List.rev asm } in
StrMap.add full_sub.sub_name full_sub cur_info,
| ObjdumpAccu(_, _, None, _) ->
(* This state should not be reachable. Corrupt state. *)
raise (ParseError "Reached invalid state")
(* Indented line: some asm line in a subroutine *)
| Some ' ' ->
(* Expected format: " HEX: *\t\(HEX \)+ *\(\t.*\)?$"
where the first HEX is the address,
the list of HEX (byte by byte) is the binary encoding of the
the last optionnal part is its human-readable counterpart.
(match String.split_on_char '\t' cur_line with
| addr_str :: bytes_str :: tl ->
let addr = Scanf.sscanf addr_str " %x:" (fun x -> x) in
let bytes_repr = read_bytes_str @@ String.trim bytes_str in
let asm_repr = (match tl with
| [] -> ""
| str::[] -> String.trim str
| _ -> raise (
(Format.sprintf "Invalid subroutine line: \"%s\""
) in
let line = {
instr_addr = addr;
instr_bytes = bytes_repr;
instr_asm = asm_repr
} in
(match objdump_accu with
| ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, cur_section, Some in_flight, asm) ->
ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, cur_section, Some in_flight, line::asm)
| ObjdumpAccu(_, _, None, _) ->
(* This state should not be reachable. Corrupt state. *)
raise (ParseError "Reached invalid state")
with Scanf.Scan_failure msg ->
raise (ParseError ("Parsing subroutine line: " ^ msg))
| _ ->
raise (ParseError (Format.sprintf "Invalid subroutine line: \"%s\""
(* "Disassembly of section …" line *)
| Some 'D' ->
let new_section = (
try Scanf.sscanf cur_line "Disassembly of section %s@:" (fun x -> x)
with Scanf.Scan_failure msg ->
raise (ParseError ("Parsing section boundary line: " ^ msg)))
(match objdump_accu with
| ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, _, None, []) ->
ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, new_section, None, [])
| _ -> (* We should not change section in this state -- corrupt *)
raise (ParseError "Reached invalid state")
(* Other line: it should only be a subroutine header *)
| _ ->
let sub_address, sub_name =
(try Scanf.sscanf cur_line "%016x <%s@>:"
(fun addr name -> (addr, name))
with Scanf.Scan_failure msg ->
raise (ParseError ("Parsing subroutine header line: " ^ msg))
) in
(match objdump_accu with
| ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, cur_section, None, []) ->
ObjdumpAccu(cur_info, cur_section, Some {
sub_section = cur_section;
sub_name = sub_name;
sub_addr = sub_address;
sub_asm = [];
}, [])
| _ -> (* We should not change section in this state -- corrupt *)
raise (ParseError "Reached invalid state")
let rec drop_k k lst = match (k, lst) with
| 0, lst -> lst
| k, (_::tl) -> drop_k (k-1) tl
| _, [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "drop_k on empty list")
let result =
String.split_on_char '\n' objdump_out
|> drop_k 2 (* Two first lines are meaningless for us *)
|> List.fold_left aggregate_info
(ObjdumpAccu(StrMap.empty, "", None, []))
(match result with
| ObjdumpAccu(result, _, None, []) -> result
| _ -> raise (ParseError "Invalid end state"))

src/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
let uncaught_exn exc backtrace =
let descr = (match exc with
| Failure msg -> Format.sprintf " (%s)" msg
| _ -> ""
) in
Format.eprintf "Uncaught exception %s%s. Backtrace:@.%s@."
(Printexc.exn_slot_name exc)
(Printexc.raw_backtrace_to_string backtrace) ;
exit 1
let read_all handle =
let len = in_channel_length handle in
let buffer = Bytes.create len in
let bytes_read = input handle buffer 0 len in
if bytes_read <> len then
raise (Failure "Could not read whole file")
Bytes.to_string buffer
let _ =
Printexc.record_backtrace true ;
Printexc.set_uncaught_exception_handler uncaught_exn ;
let in_path = "/tmp/objdump_dump" in
let in_handle = open_in in_path in
let objdump_out = read_all in_handle in
close_in in_handle ;
let parsed = Asm_acquire.interpret_objdump objdump_out in
Format.eprintf "%a" Asm_acquire.pp_asm_info parsed
List.iter (fun asm_sub ->
Format.eprintf "%a" Asm_acquire.pp_asm_sub asm_sub)