Match asm blocks with debug_line

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-11-19 12:52:09 +01:00
parent e918374675
commit 2a6936a5da
4 changed files with 139 additions and 19 deletions

src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
(** Matches lines of assembly according to their DWARF line info *)
type blockid_t = int
module BlockidMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = blockid_t
let compare = compare
type asm_block_info = {
asm_bi_dwarfline : Dwarf.line_number_registers ;
asm_bi_blockid : blockid_t ;
(** Generates a fresh block id *)
let fresh_blockid =
let next_id = ref 0 in
fun () ->
let out = !next_id in
incr next_id ;
(** Compares two block infos wrt. class equivalence *)
let asm_bi_compare blk1 blk2 =
let select_file blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_file) in
let select_line blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_line) in
let select_col blk = Dwarf.(blk.asm_bi_dwarfline.lnr_column) in
match compare (select_file blk1) (select_file blk2) with
| 0 -> (match compare (select_line blk1) (select_line blk2) with
| 0 -> compare (select_col blk1) (select_col blk2)
| n -> n)
| n -> n
module BoxRootSet = Set.Make(struct
type t = asm_block_info
let compare = asm_bi_compare
type matcher_state_t = {
ms_block_infos : asm_block_info BlockidMap.t ;
ms_block_classes : blockid_t BlockidMap.t ;
ms_block_roots : BoxRootSet.t;
let empty_state = {
ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.empty ;
ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.empty ;
ms_block_roots = BoxRootSet.empty ;
(** Add a new block to the state, returning the new state and the class id of
the added block *)
let add_block_bi state blockinfo =
match BoxRootSet.find_opt blockinfo state.ms_block_roots with
| None ->
ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.add
state.ms_block_infos ;
ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.add
state.ms_block_classes ;
ms_block_roots = BoxRootSet.add blockinfo state.ms_block_roots ;
}, blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid
| Some root_block ->
{ state with
ms_block_infos = BlockidMap.add
state.ms_block_infos ;
ms_block_classes = BlockidMap.add
state.ms_block_classes ;
}, root_block.asm_bi_blockid
(** Same as [add_block_bi], but takes simply a [Dwarf.line_number_registers] as
argument and generates a fresh id by itself.
WARNING! Do not mix automatically and manually generated ids.
let add_block state lnr =
add_block_bi state {
asm_bi_dwarfline = lnr ;
asm_bi_blockid = fresh_blockid ()
(** Gets the class ID of a previously added blockinfo. If the blockinfo was
never added, raises Not_found. *)
let block_class state blockinfo =
BlockidMap.find blockinfo.asm_bi_blockid state.ms_block_classes

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ let open_elf elf_path =
(** Add boxes according to DWARF info *)
let add_line_boxes render_data dwarf_lines =
let add_line_boxes render_data matcher_data dwarf_lines =
(* List.fold_left with two elements in scope at once. *)
let fold_ahead folder base lst =
let rec do_fold accu = function
@ -45,22 +45,25 @@ let add_line_boxes render_data dwarf_lines =
do_fold base lst
List.fold_left (fun cur_render_data (_, reg_list) ->
fold_ahead (fun cur_render_data cur_reg reg_ahead ->
List.fold_left (fun (cur_render_data, cur_matcher_data) (_, reg_list) ->
fold_ahead (fun (cur_render_data, cur_matcher_data) cur_reg reg_ahead ->
let box_start = Z.to_int @@ cur_reg.Dwarf.lnr_address in
let box_end = Z.to_int @@ reg_ahead.Dwarf.lnr_address in
Format.eprintf "Add box %x -- %x@." box_start box_end ;
let n_matcher_data, block_class_id =
Asm_matcher.add_block cur_matcher_data cur_reg in
let n_render_data, _ = Renderer.add_box_excl
cur_render_data (box_start, box_end)
Renderer.(Some {
box_file = Z.to_int cur_reg.lnr_file;
box_line = Z.to_int cur_reg.lnr_line;
box_col = Z.to_int cur_reg.lnr_column;
box_class_id = block_class_id;
cur_render_data reg_list)
(n_render_data, n_matcher_data))
(cur_render_data, cur_matcher_data) reg_list)
(render_data, matcher_data)
let elf_files = ref []
@ -78,6 +81,7 @@ let _ =
List.iter (fun (ElfHandle(path, _, static_info, _)) ->
let line_info = static_info.ds_evaluated_line_info in
Format.eprintf "Line infos <%s>:@. %a@."
@ -85,13 +89,24 @@ let _ =
(make_pp Dwarf.pp_evaluated_line_info)
line_info ;
) elf_handles ;
let multi_render_data = (fun (ElfHandle(path, _, static_info, asm)) ->
let render_data = Renderer.init_render_data asm path in
let line_info = static_info.ds_evaluated_line_info in
let boxed_render_data = add_line_boxes render_data line_info in
) elf_handles in
let map_with_state mapper initial_state lst =
List.fold_right (fun elt (cur_state, accu) ->
let n_state, mapped_elt = mapper cur_state elt in
n_state, mapped_elt::accu)
(initial_state, [])
let _, multi_render_data = map_with_state
(fun matcher_state (ElfHandle(path, _, static_info, asm)) ->
let render_data = Renderer.init_render_data asm path in
let line_info = static_info.ds_evaluated_line_info in
let boxed_render_data, n_matcher_state =
add_line_boxes render_data matcher_state line_info in
n_matcher_state, boxed_render_data
) Asm_matcher.empty_state elf_handles in
Format.printf "%s@."
(Renderer.to_string Html_renderer.render multi_render_data)

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@ -26,8 +26,8 @@ let render_prog_box annotated_prog = Jingoo.Jg_types.(Renderer.AnnotAsm.(
("typ", box_string typ);
("id", box_int id);
("bound", box_string @@ render_addr bound);
("data", box_string @@ Format.sprintf "File %d, %d:%d"
data.box_file data.box_line data.box_col);
("data", box_string @@ Format.sprintf "[%d] File %d, %d:%d"
data.box_class_id data.box_file data.box_line data.box_col);
] |> box_obj)

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@ -11,16 +11,22 @@ type box_data_t = {
box_file : int;
box_line : int;
box_col : int;
box_class_id : int;
type addr_range_tag_t = int
type tag_addr_range_t = TaggedRange of addr_range_tag_t * addr_range_t *
module RangeTagMap = Map.Make(struct
type t = addr_range_tag_t
let compare = compare
type render_data_t = {
render_prog_path : string ;
render_prog : RawAsm.asm_info_t ;
render_boxes : tag_addr_range_t list ;
render_prev_address : RawAsm.addr_t RawAsm.AddrMap.t
render_prev_address : RawAsm.addr_t RawAsm.AddrMap.t ;
type multi_render_data_t = render_data_t list
@ -60,20 +66,26 @@ let init_render_data prog path =
render_prev_address = make_prev_address prog ;
let fresh_box_id =
let next_id = ref 0 in
fun () ->
let out = !next_id in
incr next_id;
(** [add_box render_data range] adds a box around an address range, inclusive
of both bounds, in [render_data] and returns the new render data and the
newly inserted element's id *)
let add_box render_data range opt_data : render_data_t * int =
let elt_id = (match render_data.render_boxes with
| [] -> 0
| TaggedRange(prev_id, _, _)::_ -> prev_id + 1) in
let elt_id = fresh_box_id () in
let data = (match opt_data with
| Some data -> data
| None -> {
box_file = 0;
box_line = 0;
box_col = 0
box_col = 0;
box_class_id = 0;