No more progress page: page is displayed directly with flushes

Album preview look recursively for pics in folders, and keep previews in cache
Symlinks are created when the image is already good sized
This commit is contained in:
Marc MAURICE 2011-07-24 19:11:19 +02:00
parent df6d932f35
commit d94ee6e571
2 changed files with 50 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -48,37 +48,18 @@ function getImageLink($imageSimplePath)
// functions to display a "progress page" when thumbs are generating
function beginGenerating ()
if (! isset($GLOBALS["generating"])) {
echo "<p> <i><b>If you get: \"Fatal error: Maximum execution time exceeded\", refresh this page.</b></i><br/> Please wait while generating thumbnails:<p/>\n";
ob_flush(); flush();
$GLOBALS["generating"] = true;
function displayGenerated($thumbFile)
if (isset($GLOBALS["generating"])) {
echo basename($thumbFile)."\n";
ob_flush(); flush();
function endGenerating() {
if (isset($GLOBALS["generating"])) {
echo "<p>Finished. This page will be refreshed.</p> <script>window.location.reload();</script>\n";
function getPreview($imgFile, $maxSize = THUMB_SIZE)
# example: data/myalbum/100.mypic.jpg
$newImgFile = DATA_DIR."/".dirname($imgFile)."/".$maxSize.".".basename($imgFile);
# if the preview is a symlink, image is already good sized
if (is_link($newImgFile)) return $imgFile;
if (! is_file($newImgFile))
# this tels the template to flush output after displaying previews
$GLOBALS["generating"] = true;
# reset script time limit to 20s (wont work in safe mode)
@ -91,15 +72,15 @@ function getPreview($imgFile, $maxSize = THUMB_SIZE)
$w = imagesx($img);
$h = imagesy($img);
# don't do anything if the image is already small
# if the image is already small, make a symlink, and return it
if ($w <= $maxSize and $h <= $maxSize) {
symlink($imgFile, $newImgFile);
return $imgFile;
# uncomment this if you need group writable files
# create the thumbs directory recursively
if (! is_dir(dirname($newImgFile))) mkdir(dirname($newImgFile), 0777, true);
@ -122,22 +103,48 @@ function getPreview($imgFile, $maxSize = THUMB_SIZE)
return $GLOBALS['rootUrl'].$newImgFile;
return $newImgFile;
function getAlbumPreview($dir)
foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
$ext = strtolower(substr($file, -4));
if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".png")
return getPreview("$dir/$file");
$previewFile = DATA_DIR."/$dir/albumpreview";
return '';
if (is_file("$previewFile.jpg")) {
return "$previewFile.jpg";
} else if (is_file("$previewFile.empty")) {
return "";
} else if (is_file("$previewFile.png")) {
return "$previewFile.png";
} else {
# uncomment this if you need group writable files
# create the thumbs directory recursively
if (! is_dir(dirname($previewFile))) mkdir(dirname($previewFile), 0777, true);
// no preview: look for a preview in current dir, write it, return it
foreach (scandir($dir) as $file) if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') {
$ext = strtolower(substr($file, -4));
if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".png") {
$thumb = getPreview("$dir/$file");
copy($thumb, $previewFile.$ext);
return $previewFile.$ext;
} else if (is_dir("$dir/$file")) {
$subPreview = getAlbumPreview("$dir/$file");
if ($subPreview) {
$myPreview = dirname($previewFile)."/".basename($subPreview);
copy($subPreview, $myPreview);
return $myPreview;
// nothing found. create empty file
return "";
// if url == http://localhost/photos/index.php/toto/titi, path_info == /toto/titi
@ -173,21 +180,19 @@ foreach (scandir($realDir) as $file) if ($file != '.' and $file != '..')
if (is_dir("$realDir/$file"))
$folders[] = array( "name" => $file, "link" => "$scriptUrl$simplePath/$file", "preview" => getAlbumPreview("$realDir/$file") );
$folders[] = array( "name" => $file, "file" => "$realDir/$file", "link" => "$scriptUrl$simplePath/$file" );
$ext = strtolower(substr($file, -4));
if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".png") {
$imageFiles[] = array( "name" => $file, "url" => getPreview("$realDir/$file"), "link" => getImageLink("$simplePath/$file") );
$imageFiles[] = array( "name" => $file, "file" => "$realDir/$file", "link" => getImageLink("$simplePath/$file") );
} else {
$otherFiles[] = array( "name" => $file, "link" => "$rootUrl$realDir/$file" );
if (dirname($simplePath) !== '')
$parentLink = $scriptUrl.dirname($simplePath);

View file

@ -54,20 +54,22 @@ a {
<?php plugins_include("before_content.php") ?>
<?php foreach($folders as $folder) { ?>
<?php foreach($folders as $folder) { $preview = getAlbumPreview($folder["file"]); ?>
<div class="folder">
<?php if ($folder["preview"] === "") { ?>
<?php if ($preview === "") { ?>
<div class="square"><div class="image_nopreview"> - </div></div>
<div class="square"><div class="foldername_nopreview"> <a href="<?php echo $folder["link"] ?>"><?php echo $folder["name"] ?></a> </div></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<div class="square"><div class="image"> <a href="<?php echo $folder["link"] ?>"><img src="<?php echo $folder["preview"] ?>" /></a> </div></div>
<div class="square"><div class="image"> <a href="<?php echo $folder["link"] ?>"><img src="<?php echo $rootUrl.$preview ?>" /></a> </div></div>
<div class="square"><div class="foldername"> <a href="<?php echo $folder["link"] ?>"><?php echo $folder["name"] ?></a> </div></div>
<?php if (isset($generating)) { ob_flush(); flush(); } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($imageFiles as $file) { ?>
<div class="square"><div class="image"><a href="<?php echo $file["link"] ?>"><img src="<?php echo $file["url"] ?>" alt="<?php echo $file["name"] ?>" /></a></div></div>
<div class="square"><div class="image"><a href="<?php echo $file["link"] ?>"><img src="<?php echo $rootUrl.getPreview($file["file"]) ?>" alt="<?php echo $file["name"] ?>" /></a></div></div>
<?php if (isset($generating)) { ob_flush(); flush(); } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php foreach ($otherFiles as $file) { ?>