
221 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable file

import sys
class NotFDE(Exception):
def func_name(infos, symtb):
for sym in symtb:
if infos["beg"] == symtb[sym][0]:
return sym
return None
def parse_fde_head(line):
spl = line.strip().split()
assert len(spl) >= 2
if spl[1] == "ZERO":
raise NotFDE
assert len(spl) >= 4
typ = spl[3]
if typ != "FDE":
raise NotFDE
assert len(spl) == 6
pc_range = spl[5][3:]
pc_beg, pc_end = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), pc_range.split(".."))
return pc_beg, pc_end
def parse_fde_row(line, ra_col):
vals = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split()))
assert len(vals) > ra_col # ra is the rightmost useful column
out = {"LOC": int(vals[0], 16), "CFA": vals[1], "ra": vals[ra_col]}
return out
def clean_rows(rows):
# Merge equivalent contiguous rows
if not rows:
return rows
assert len(rows) > 0
out_rows = [rows[0]]
for row in rows[1:]:
if not row == out_rows[-1]:
return out_rows
def parse_fde(lines):
assert len(lines) > 0
pc_beg, pc_end = parse_fde_head(lines[0])
except NotFDE:
rows = [{"LOC": 0, "CFA": "rsp+8", "ra": "c-8"}] # Implicit CIE row
if len(lines) >= 2: # Has content
head_row = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), lines[1].split()))
ra_col = head_row.index("ra")
for line in lines[2:]:
rows.append(parse_fde_row(line, ra_col))
return {"beg": pc_beg, "end": pc_end, "rows": clean_rows(rows)}
def parse_eh_frame(handle, symtb):
output = []
cur_lines = []
for line in handle:
line = line.strip()
if line == "===":
return output
if line.startswith("Contents of"):
if line == "":
if cur_lines != []:
infos = parse_fde(cur_lines)
if infos:
symname = func_name(infos, symtb)
if symname not in ["_start", "__libc_csu_init"]:
# These functions have weird instructions
cur_lines = []
return sorted(output, key=lambda x: x["beg"])
def match_segments(orig_eh, synth_eh):
out = []
matches = [[False] * len(orig_eh), [False] * len(synth_eh)]
for orig_id, orig_fde in enumerate(orig_eh):
is_plt = False
for row in orig_fde["rows"]:
if row["CFA"] == "exp":
is_plt = True
for synth_id, synth_fde in enumerate(synth_eh):
if orig_fde["beg"] == synth_fde["beg"]:
if is_plt:
matches[1][synth_id] = True # PLT -- fake match
if matches[1][synth_id]:
# print("Multiple matches (synth)")
if matches[0][orig_id]:
# print(
# "Multiple matches (orig) {}--{}".format(
# hex(orig_fde["beg"]), hex(orig_fde["end"])
# )
# )
matches[0][orig_id] = True
matches[1][synth_id] = True
out.append((orig_fde, synth_fde))
elif (
and orig_fde["beg"] <= synth_fde["beg"]
and synth_fde["end"] <= orig_fde["end"]
matches[1][synth_id] = True # PLT -- fake match
if is_plt:
matches[0][orig_id] = True # plt -- fake match
unmatched_orig, unmatched_synth = [], []
for orig_id, orig_match in enumerate(matches[0]):
if not orig_match:
for synth_id, synth_match in enumerate(matches[1]):
if not synth_match:
return out, unmatched_orig, unmatched_synth
def fde_pos(fde):
return "{}--{}".format(hex(fde["beg"]), hex(fde["end"]))
def dump_light_fdes(fdes):
for fde in fdes:
print("FDE: {}".format(fde_pos(fde)))
def match_fde(orig, synth):
def vals_of(row):
return {"CFA": row["CFA"], "ra": row["ra"]}
def loc_of(rch):
return rch[1]["LOC"]
rows = [orig["rows"], synth["rows"]]
cur_val = [vals_of(rows[0][0]), vals_of(rows[1][0])]
rowchanges = []
for typ in [0, 1]:
for row in rows[typ]:
rowchanges.append((typ, row))
for rowid, rowch in enumerate(rowchanges):
typ, row = rowch[0], rowch[1]
cur_val[typ] = vals_of(row)
if len(rowchanges) > rowid + 1 and loc_of(rowch) == loc_of(
rowchanges[rowid + 1]
if cur_val[0] != cur_val[1]:
# print("Mis {} ; {}".format(cur_val[0], cur_val[1]))
return False
return True
def parse_sym_table(handle):
out_map = {}
for line in handle:
line = line.strip()
if line == "===":
spl = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split()))
loc = int(spl[1], 16)
size = int(spl[2])
name = spl[7]
out_map[name] = (loc, size)
return out_map
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Missing argument: test_name", file=sys.stderr)
test_name = sys.argv[1]
symtb = parse_sym_table(sys.stdin)
orig_eh = parse_eh_frame(sys.stdin, symtb)
synth_eh = parse_eh_frame(sys.stdin, symtb)
matched, unmatched_orig, unmatched_synth = match_segments(orig_eh, synth_eh)
# dump_light_fdes(unmatched_orig)
# dump_light_fdes(unmatched_synth)
mismatches = 0
for (orig, synth) in matched:
if not match_fde(orig, synth):
mismatches += 1
reports = []
if mismatches > 0:
reports.append("{} mismatches".format(mismatches))
if unmatched_orig:
reports.append("{} unmatched (orig)".format(len(unmatched_orig)))
if unmatched_synth:
reports.append("{} unmatched (synth)".format(len(unmatched_synth)))
if reports:
print("{}: {}".format(test_name, "; ".join(reports)))
if __name__ == "__main__":