
1372 lines
75 KiB

* Generator: csmith 2.3.0
* Git version: 30dccd7
* Options: (none)
* Seed: 17223908535049141780
#include "csmith.h"
static long __undefined;
/* --- Struct/Union Declarations --- */
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)
struct S0 {
signed f0 : 24;
unsigned f1 : 13;
signed f2 : 27;
signed f3 : 27;
unsigned f4 : 30;
#pragma pack(pop)
union U1 {
const volatile int16_t f0;
const unsigned f1 : 30;
union U2 {
int32_t f0;
int32_t f1;
union U3 {
volatile int8_t f0;
volatile int8_t f1;
volatile int64_t f2;
volatile int8_t * volatile f3;
union U4 {
uint32_t f0;
const int64_t f1;
union U5 {
volatile uint32_t f0;
/* --- GLOBAL VARIABLES --- */
static volatile int32_t g_2 = 0L;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2 */
static int32_t g_3 = 0x8E17B844L;
static int32_t g_6 = 0x249AAED6L;
static int32_t g_9 = 0xFE23A266L;
static volatile int32_t g_12 = 0x8108531DL;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_12 */
static volatile int32_t g_13 = (-10L);/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_13 */
static volatile int32_t g_14 = 0x8AAF0A9BL;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_14 */
static volatile int32_t g_15 = 0xA3DFAD5BL;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_15 */
static int32_t g_16 = 0x1E1C5A3DL;
static int32_t g_20[10] = {0x6193FE69L,0xBA6AED1DL,0x6193FE69L,0x6193FE69L,0xBA6AED1DL,0x6193FE69L,0x6193FE69L,0xBA6AED1DL,0x6193FE69L,0x6193FE69L};
static int8_t g_22[6][10][4] = {{{(-7L),(-7L),0xB0L,9L},{0x3DL,0x75L,0x74L,0L},{(-1L),0x8DL,0x68L,0x74L},{1L,0x8DL,0x57L,0L},{0x8DL,0x75L,0L,9L},{0L,(-7L),0x01L,5L},{(-10L),0x74L,(-7L),(-7L)},{0x35L,0x3DL,0x45L,0x8DL},{0x0BL,0L,(-1L),0x57L},{1L,0L,1L,0x74L}},{{0x75L,1L,1L,0xD1L},{(-1L),0x18L,0L,1L},{0x35L,0xA3L,0L,0x0BL},{(-1L),(-1L),1L,1L},{0x75L,(-10L),1L,0x45L},{1L,0x45L,0L,5L},{1L,0L,5L,0x57L},{0x18L,0L,7L,1L},{0xB0L,(-7L),(-7L),0xB0L},{1L,0L,0x3DL,0L}},{{(-1L),0x35L,(-1L),(-7L)},{0L,0xB0L,1L,(-7L)},{(-1L),0x35L,0x8DL,0L},{0x19L,0L,0L,0xB0L},{7L,(-7L),(-10L),1L},{(-9L),0L,0x35L,0x57L},{(-10L),0L,0x0BL,5L},{0L,0x45L,(-9L),0x45L},{0L,(-10L),1L,1L},{(-7L),(-1L),0x57L,0x0BL}},{{0x0BL,0xA3L,1L,1L},{0x0BL,0x18L,0x57L,0xD1L},{(-7L),1L,1L,0x74L},{0L,0L,(-9L),(-1L)},{0L,0x01L,0x0BL,(-1L)},{(-10L),0x19L,0x35L,9L},{(-9L),0x8DL,(-10L),(-10L)},{7L,7L,0L,0xA3L},{0x19L,0xD1L,0x8DL,0L},{(-1L),(-1L),1L,0x8DL}},{{0L,(-1L),(-1L),0L},{(-1L),0xD1L,0x3DL,0xA3L},{1L,7L,(-7L),(-10L)},{0xB0L,0x8DL,7L,9L},{0x18L,0x19L,5L,(-1L)},{1L,0x01L,0L,(-1L)},{1L,0L,1L,0x74L},{0x75L,1L,1L,0xD1L},{(-1L),0x18L,0L,1L},{0x35L,0xA3L,0L,0x0BL}},{{(-1L),(-1L),1L,1L},{0x75L,(-10L),1L,0x45L},{1L,0x45L,0L,5L},{1L,0L,5L,0x57L},{0x18L,0L,7L,1L},{0xB0L,(-7L),(-7L),0xB0L},{1L,0L,0x3DL,0x01L},{0L,0x18L,(-1L),9L},{0L,0L,0L,9L},{0x74L,0x18L,(-1L),0x01L}}};
static int32_t g_37 = (-1L);
static int32_t g_43[4][6][8] = {{{(-7L),0xD9E8BD61L,0L,0x922C1E97L,0x7A9F6563L,0x5D18A938L,(-10L),1L},{0xED1E2251L,0x922C1E97L,0xA361F882L,0L,(-6L),0xA361F882L,1L,0xEDB9CC51L},{(-6L),0xA361F882L,1L,0xEDB9CC51L,0x97D735F3L,0L,(-7L),0x60E45104L},{0x922C1E97L,0x6B3FA45FL,8L,(-7L),0xEDB9CC51L,0x22489AFFL,0x36CCC853L,0xAB22BEB8L},{0L,5L,0xEA9D2C4CL,8L,0L,0xA361F882L,0L,1L},{0xAB22BEB8L,1L,0x284A8988L,0xF1AC28C4L,0x091E6DCFL,1L,0xD9E8BD61L,0x97D735F3L}},{{4L,0xD9E8BD61L,1L,(-1L),0x36CCC853L,0x0CE5FA5BL,0x7A9F6563L,0x7A9F6563L},{1L,0L,0x97D735F3L,0x97D735F3L,0L,1L,0x81B7FFC8L,4L},{0xE963E9BEL,0x284A8988L,0x21BFDB9CL,5L,0xED1E2251L,0x74B76FEFL,0L,0xF09DEA6CL},{0x922C1E97L,0xF1AC28C4L,(-10L),5L,5L,0L,0x6B3FA45FL,4L},{0L,5L,(-1L),0x97D735F3L,(-6L),0x7D8E2DC6L,0xED1E2251L,0x7A9F6563L},{0xEDB9CC51L,0x21BFDB9CL,0x74B76FEFL,(-1L),8L,0x284A8988L,0xAB22BEB8L,0x97D735F3L}},{{(-7L),1L,(-1L),0xF1AC28C4L,1L,0L,0xEDB9CC51L,1L},{8L,(-7L),(-1L),8L,5L,0xF09DEA6CL,(-2L),0xAB22BEB8L},{0xF1AC28C4L,0x74B76FEFL,0x81B7FFC8L,(-7L),0xF09DEA6CL,0xEA9D2C4CL,0L,0x60E45104L},{(-1L),0xCB4F50F8L,0L,0xEDB9CC51L,1L,9L,1L,0xEDB9CC51L},{0x97D735F3L,(-7L),0x97D735F3L,0L,0xD9E8BD61L,0xED1E2251L,8L,1L},{5L,0x81B7FFC8L,0x5F8E10B0L,0x922C1E97L,(-1L),0x284A8988L,0xD9E8BD61L,0x74B76FEFL}},{{5L,4L,0x28F0E43DL,0xE963E9BEL,0xD9E8BD61L,8L,0xE963E9BEL,(-10L)},{0x97D735F3L,5L,0xEA9D2C4CL,1L,1L,0x21BFDB9CL,0x091E6DCFL,0x6B3FA45FL},{(-1L),0x5F8E10B0L,0x7D8E2DC6L,4L,0xF09DEA6CL,0x74B76FEFL,(-7L),(-2L)},{0xF1AC28C4L,(-10L),0x9B5F814DL,0xAB22BEB8L,5L,0xE1851AA8L,0x922C1E97L,(-10L)},{8L,(-2L),0L,(-1L),0xF09DEA6CL,0L,8L,0x5F8E10B0L},{3L,0x06429262L,0L,0L,0x5D18A938L,(-10L),0x7D8E2DC6L,0xE1851AA8L}}};
static int32_t *g_42[5] = {&g_43[1][1][3],&g_43[1][1][3],&g_43[1][1][3],&g_43[1][1][3],&g_43[1][1][3]};
static uint16_t g_94 = 0x7691L;
static int32_t g_106 = 0x8A5C6425L;
static struct S0 g_108 = {-2257,20,-8348,1116,26443};
static volatile union U3 g_122 = {4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_122 */
static volatile union U3 * const g_121 = &g_122;
static volatile union U3 *g_124 = (void*)0;
static int32_t g_125 = 0L;
static int32_t *g_152 = &g_9;
static int32_t **g_151[3] = {&g_152,&g_152,&g_152};
static int32_t ** volatile *g_150 = &g_151[0];
static uint8_t g_160 = 0UL;
static uint8_t g_163 = 0x9CL;
static uint16_t g_167[1][1][2] = {{{0UL,0UL}}};
static struct S0 *g_169 = &g_108;
static uint64_t g_177 = 18446744073709551615UL;
static union U5 g_181 = {4294967295UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_181 */
static union U5 *g_180 = &g_181;
static uint32_t g_219 = 18446744073709551615UL;
static union U5 g_225[9] = {{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL},{0x9F9507BAL}};
static uint32_t g_236 = 4UL;
static union U4 *g_257 = (void*)0;
static int8_t g_274 = (-5L);
static int64_t g_291 = 0xC74853F64DE006D2LL;
static union U3 g_300 = {0xF6L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_300 */
static union U4 g_317[3] = {{0x88C21DECL},{0x88C21DECL},{0x88C21DECL}};
static union U4 g_320 = {9UL};
static union U4 g_322 = {0UL};
static union U3 * volatile * volatile *g_364 = (void*)0;
static union U2 g_414 = {1L};
static const uint16_t g_422 = 1UL;
static uint64_t g_510 = 18446744073709551609UL;
static const int32_t g_521 = (-1L);
static int8_t g_594 = (-3L);
static uint8_t * volatile g_617 = &g_163;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_617 */
static uint8_t * volatile *g_616 = &g_617;
static union U5 g_649 = {0xFF384049L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_649 */
static union U2 *g_741 = &g_414;
static int16_t **g_744 = (void*)0;
static uint32_t g_767 = 18446744073709551613UL;
static uint16_t g_793 = 0x9FCAL;
static union U5 g_804 = {5UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_804 */
static union U5 g_807[4] = {{5UL},{5UL},{5UL},{5UL}};
static const union U5 *g_806 = &g_807[2];
static const union U5 **g_824 = &g_806;
static const union U5 ***g_823[10] = {&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824,&g_824};
static const union U5 **** volatile g_822[9] = {&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1],&g_823[1]};
static const union U5 **** volatile *g_821 = &g_822[3];
static union U3 g_871 = {0xB9L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_871 */
static int8_t * const g_908[10] = {&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274};
static int8_t * const volatile *g_907 = &g_908[6];
static union U5 g_987 = {0xFC1F18E4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_987 */
static uint32_t *g_990 = (void*)0;
static uint32_t **g_989 = &g_990;
static uint32_t ***g_988[1][3][7] = {{{&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989},{&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989,&g_989},{(void*)0,&g_989,(void*)0,&g_989,(void*)0,&g_989,(void*)0}}};
static uint32_t ***g_996 = &g_989;
static union U1 g_1018 = {-1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1018 */
static struct S0 g_1031 = {8,84,-2684,11562,3654};
static uint64_t g_1097 = 0x28D86C07EA1EFA63LL;
static union U1 g_1099 = {-1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1099 */
static union U1 *g_1098 = &g_1099;
static int32_t g_1132 = 0x0171E656L;
static int32_t g_1188 = 0L;
static uint8_t g_1205 = 0x8EL;
static int8_t *g_1214[7] = {&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274,&g_274};
static union U1 g_1373[4][9][1] = {{{{6L}},{{-1L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{5L}},{{0x1FD3L}},{{5L}},{{0L}}},{{{0L}},{{0L}},{{-1L}},{{6L}},{{-3L}},{{6L}},{{-1L}},{{0L}},{{0L}}},{{{0L}},{{5L}},{{0x1FD3L}},{{5L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{-1L}},{{6L}}},{{{-3L}},{{6L}},{{-1L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{0L}},{{5L}},{{0x1FD3L}},{{5L}}}};
static int32_t **g_1404 = &g_42[4];
static uint8_t *g_1443[5][1][6] = {{{&g_160,&g_1205,&g_163,&g_1205,&g_160,&g_160}},{{&g_1205,&g_1205,&g_1205,&g_1205,&g_163,&g_1205}},{{&g_1205,&g_163,&g_1205,&g_1205,&g_1205,&g_1205}},{{&g_160,&g_160,&g_1205,&g_163,&g_1205,&g_160}},{{&g_1205,&g_163,&g_163,&g_163,&g_163,&g_1205}}};
static int8_t g_1510 = 0x49L;
static union U5 * const *g_1531[1][7] = {{&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180}};
static union U5 * const **g_1530 = &g_1531[0][2];
static union U5 * const ***g_1529 = &g_1530;
static union U3 g_1565 = {-10L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1565 */
static union U3 g_1567 = {0L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1567 */
static union U3 *g_1566 = &g_1567;
static int32_t g_1568 = 0L;
static int8_t g_1678 = (-4L);
static union U3 **g_1743 = &g_1566;
static union U3 ***g_1742 = &g_1743;
static const volatile int16_t g_1775 = 1L;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1775 */
static const volatile int16_t *g_1774 = &g_1775;
static union U1 * const * volatile g_1795 = &g_1098;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1795 */
static union U1 * const * volatile *g_1794 = &g_1795;
static uint16_t *g_1803 = &g_167[0][0][1];
static uint16_t ** volatile g_1802 = &g_1803;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1802 */
static uint16_t ** volatile *g_1801 = &g_1802;
static union U5 g_1827 = {4294967286UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1827 */
static union U5 *g_1826 = &g_1827;
static union U5 ** const g_1825[6] = {&g_1826,&g_1826,&g_1826,&g_1826,&g_1826,&g_1826};
static union U5 ** const *g_1824 = &g_1825[0];
static union U5 ** const **g_1823 = &g_1824;
static union U5 ** const ***g_1822 = &g_1823;
static uint64_t g_1932 = 0x5E85307836024235LL;
static uint64_t g_1982 = 4UL;
static union U2 **g_1991[8][1] = {{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741},{&g_741}};
static union U2 ***g_1990 = &g_1991[1][0];
static volatile union U1 g_2053 = {0x1BA4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2053 */
static uint8_t g_2055 = 0UL;
static const union U1 g_2079 = {1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2079 */
static int32_t * volatile g_2080 = &g_125;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2080 */
static const union U1 g_2081 = {0x2036L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2081 */
const union U1 func_1(void);
int32_t func_25(const int32_t * p_26, uint32_t p_27, int32_t * p_28, union U4 p_29);
const struct S0 func_30(int8_t p_31, int32_t p_32, int32_t * p_33, int8_t * p_34, int64_t p_35);
int32_t * func_38(int32_t * p_39, const int16_t p_40, int8_t * p_41);
int8_t * func_44(int32_t * p_45, const int8_t p_46, int32_t * p_47);
int32_t * func_48(int32_t * p_49, int8_t * p_50, union U4 p_51);
union U4 func_54(int32_t * p_55, int8_t p_56, uint8_t p_57, union U4 p_58, int8_t * p_59);
int8_t func_61(uint8_t p_62, int8_t p_63);
uint8_t func_70(int32_t ** p_71, const int8_t * p_72);
int32_t ** func_73(int32_t * p_74, int32_t p_75, struct S0 p_76);
/* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_3 g_6 g_9 g_12 g_42 g_20 g_43 g_94 g_150 g_151 g_108.f4 g_167 g_767 g_22 g_793 g_152 g_907 g_125 g_594 g_177 g_510 g_160 g_320.f0 g_106 g_274 g_988 g_163 g_169 g_908 g_108.f0 g_322 g_414.f1 g_317.f0 g_219 g_1097 g_1098 g_108 g_1568 g_1205 g_2053 g_2055 g_1565.f1 g_1510 g_317 g_616 g_617 g_2079 g_2081 g_1794 g_1795 g_1099
* writes: g_3 g_6 g_9 g_16 g_20 g_37 g_414.f1 g_125 g_152 g_219 g_22 g_167 g_94 g_594 g_322.f0 g_177 g_510 g_106 g_257 g_414.f0 g_320.f0 g_274 g_160 g_236 g_988 g_996 g_163 g_108 g_1031 g_741 g_1098 g_1568 g_1205
const union U1 func_1(void)
{ /* block id: 0 */
struct S0 l_19[10] = {{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533},{-2492,2,10251,-6609,21533}};
int8_t *l_21 = &g_22[5][5][0];
int32_t l_24 = 0L;
int32_t *l_1015 = &g_9;
union U5 *l_2062 = (void*)0;
uint64_t *l_2067 = &g_1982;
uint64_t ** const l_2066[2] = {&l_2067,&l_2067};
int i;
for (g_3 = 0; (g_3 <= 9); g_3 = safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_3, 9))
{ /* block id: 3 */
int32_t l_64 = 0x3ECF3843L;
for (g_6 = 24; (g_6 >= (-17)); g_6 = safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_6, 1))
{ /* block id: 6 */
uint32_t l_857 = 0x96F13255L;
int32_t l_2059[5][2] = {{0xDFE2D1C5L,0xDFE2D1C5L},{0xDFE2D1C5L,0xABE67D3EL},{0xCDB7B7D4L,0L},{0xABE67D3EL,0L},{0xCDB7B7D4L,0xABE67D3EL}};
union U5 *l_2060 = &g_649;
uint8_t l_2069 = 0UL;
int i, j;
for (g_9 = 0; (g_9 <= 0); g_9++)
{ /* block id: 9 */
int32_t l_2068 = 1L;
union U2 *l_2072[4][4] = {{&g_414,&g_414,&g_414,(void*)0},{&g_414,&g_414,&g_414,&g_414},{&g_414,&g_414,&g_414,&g_414},{&g_414,&g_414,(void*)0,&g_414}};
int32_t *l_2073 = (void*)0;
union U4 l_2075 = {0x26107E58L};
int i, j;
for (g_16 = 21; (g_16 >= (-25)); --g_16)
{ /* block id: 12 */
int32_t *l_60 = &g_6;
uint64_t *l_2065 = &g_1982;
uint64_t **l_2064[6][6] = {{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065},{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065},{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065},{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065},{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065},{&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065,&l_2065}};
uint64_t ***l_2063 = &l_2064[3][3];
int8_t *l_2074 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_2076 = &l_2059[1][0];
int i, j;
for (g_20[2] = 1; (g_20[2] <= 9); g_20[2] += 1)
{ /* block id: 15 */
int32_t *l_23[8] = {&g_3,&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_3,&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_3,&g_20[2]};
int32_t *l_36 = &g_37;
int32_t *l_53[7] = {&g_43[3][1][6],&g_43[3][1][6],(void*)0,&g_43[3][1][6],&g_43[3][1][6],(void*)0,&g_43[3][1][6]};
int32_t **l_52 = &l_53[4];
union U4 l_858 = {0xBC1626C9L};
int32_t l_2058[2];
union U5 *l_2061[8];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_2058[i] = 1L;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
l_2061[i] = &g_987;
l_24 ^= (l_21 != (void*)0);
if (g_6)
l_2059[4][0] ^= func_25((func_30(g_12, ((*l_36) = 0x1FA46B4CL), func_38(g_42[4], g_20[2], func_44(func_48(((*l_52) = &g_43[0][0][1]), &g_22[5][5][0], func_54(l_60, func_61(l_64, g_43[1][1][3]), l_857, l_858, l_21)), l_64, l_1015)), &g_1510, (*l_60)) , (**g_150)), l_2058[1], &l_2058[0], g_317[2]);
l_2062 = (l_2061[4] = l_2060);
(*l_2076) &= (func_54(&l_2068, l_64, (**g_616), l_2075, &g_1678) , (*g_152));
for (g_1568 = 0; (g_1568 > 19); g_1568 = safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_1568, 3))
{ /* block id: 965 */
return g_2079;
if (l_64)
return g_2081;
(*g_152) = 0xFFEC538EL;
return (***g_1794);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_169 g_108
* writes:
int32_t func_25(const int32_t * p_26, uint32_t p_27, int32_t * p_28, union U4 p_29)
{ /* block id: 952 */
(*p_28) = ((*g_169) , 0x6121AD1BL);
return (*p_28);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_150 g_151 g_3 g_43 g_2053 g_152 g_20 g_2055 g_1565.f1 g_907 g_908 g_594 g_274 g_1510
* writes: g_152 g_594 g_274 g_1568
const struct S0 func_30(int8_t p_31, int32_t p_32, int32_t * p_33, int8_t * p_34, int64_t p_35)
{ /* block id: 946 */
int32_t *l_2034 = &g_414.f1;
const int32_t l_2035[8] = {(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L)};
int8_t *l_2036[8];
int64_t l_2041 = 0x7DC53728F10C90DELL;
union U2 l_2048 = {-2L};
uint64_t * const l_2052 = &g_1982;
uint64_t * const *l_2051 = &l_2052;
union U1 **l_2054 = &g_1098;
int32_t *l_2056 = &g_1568;
const struct S0 l_2057 = {-2273,12,-8067,6783,8679};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
l_2036[i] = &g_274;
(**g_150) = p_33;
(*l_2056) = (((p_35 , ((**g_907) &= (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((!((+l_2035[1]) && p_32)), ((((l_2041 | (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u(((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((l_2054 = ((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s(((l_2048 , ((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((*p_33), (((((l_2051 != &l_2052) & (g_2053 , (***g_150))) < l_2035[1]) > l_2035[1]) & g_20[2]))) <= l_2048.f0)) > 0x6F59L), 1L)) , l_2054)) != (void*)0) & g_2055), p_32)) != l_2048.f1), l_2048.f1))) , g_1565.f1) < l_2035[1]) == (*p_33)))))) >= (*p_34)) , 3L);
return l_2057;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_152 g_6 g_150 g_151 g_43 g_907 g_908 g_594 g_274 g_108.f0 g_169 g_322 g_108.f4 g_94 g_167 g_767 g_22 g_793 g_125 g_177 g_510 g_160 g_320.f0 g_106 g_988 g_163 g_414.f1 g_3 g_317.f0 g_219 g_1097 g_1098 g_108 g_1568 g_1205 g_9
* writes: g_152 g_594 g_274 g_108 g_1031 g_219 g_22 g_167 g_94 g_322.f0 g_177 g_510 g_106 g_257 g_414.f0 g_320.f0 g_160 g_125 g_236 g_988 g_996 g_163 g_741 g_414.f1 g_1098 g_1568 g_1205
int32_t * func_38(int32_t * p_39, const int16_t p_40, int8_t * p_41)
{ /* block id: 505 */
union U4 l_1020 = {0UL};
uint32_t **l_1027 = &g_990;
int32_t *l_1036 = &g_3;
int32_t l_1060 = 9L;
int32_t l_1061 = 0L;
int32_t l_1064 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1065 = 7L;
int32_t l_1066 = 0x96D77C25L;
int32_t l_1069 = 0x8116DC26L;
int32_t l_1071 = 0x9526E86FL;
int32_t l_1072 = 1L;
int16_t l_1073 = 0x835DL;
int32_t l_1074 = 0x648547C3L;
int32_t l_1075 = 1L;
int32_t l_1076 = 0xB3E0CCD9L;
int32_t l_1077[4][3] = {{5L,5L,0x92B754EEL},{0x85D7FD46L,0x85D7FD46L,1L},{5L,5L,0x92B754EEL},{0x85D7FD46L,0x85D7FD46L,1L}};
int64_t l_1079 = (-3L);
int32_t * const l_1085 = (void*)0;
union U2 **l_1087 = &g_741;
uint32_t *l_1094[4] = {&g_236,&g_236,&g_236,&g_236};
int64_t l_1095 = 3L;
int32_t *l_1096[4];
union U1 **l_1100 = &g_1098;
uint16_t *l_1126[3];
uint16_t ** const l_1222 = &l_1126[0];
uint16_t ** const *l_1221 = &l_1222;
uint32_t l_1255[1];
struct S0 l_1280[2][1] = {{{2981,80,6709,-3329,20590}},{{2981,80,6709,-3329,20590}}};
uint32_t l_1290 = 0x12474672L;
uint32_t *l_1313 = &g_219;
uint64_t l_1329 = 5UL;
uint32_t l_1330[10] = {0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL,0x58698BCDL};
uint32_t l_1353 = 4294967295UL;
union U5 **l_1362[7][6] = {{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180},{&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180,&g_180},{&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180},{&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,(void*)0},{&g_180,&g_180,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_180,&g_180},{&g_180,&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180},{(void*)0,&g_180,(void*)0,&g_180,&g_180,(void*)0}};
union U5 ***l_1361[6][10][4] = {{{&l_1362[4][4],&l_1362[2][5],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[0][1],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[3][4]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[1][3]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]}},{{&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[2][2]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[4][4],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_1362[1][4],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]}},{{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[0][1],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[5][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[4][3],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[2][5]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[1][3]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][4],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0}},{{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][5]},{&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[0][1],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][5],(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[4][4],&l_1362[2][2]},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[4][3],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5],(void*)0}},{{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][4],(void*)0,&l_1362[1][3]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][5]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2]},{(void*)0,&l_1362[5][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[2][2]}},{{(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[4][4],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_1362[1][4],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0,&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[0][1],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[2][3],&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[2][2],(void*)0},{&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[3][4],&l_1362[0][1]},{&l_1362[4][3],&l_1362[1][4],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[1][4]},{&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[3][4],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[3][4],&l_1362[2][5],&l_1362[2][2],&l_1362[2][2]},{&l_1362[0][2],&l_1362[1][3],(void*)0,&l_1362[0][2]}}};
uint8_t *l_1442 = &g_1205;
union U1 ** const l_1447[6] = {&g_1098,&g_1098,&g_1098,&g_1098,&g_1098,&g_1098};
const uint16_t *l_1588 = &g_167[0][0][1];
const uint16_t **l_1587 = &l_1588;
uint64_t l_1596 = 18446744073709551610UL;
uint16_t l_1638 = 0xD27CL;
int8_t l_1672 = (-1L);
uint32_t l_1716[2];
uint8_t l_1725 = 0x87L;
uint32_t l_1730 = 6UL;
union U3 ***l_1746 = &g_1743;
uint64_t l_1751 = 1UL;
int8_t **l_1754 = &g_1214[0];
const uint8_t l_1846 = 255UL;
const int32_t *l_1894 = (void*)0;
const int32_t **l_1893 = &l_1894;
const int32_t ***l_1892 = &l_1893;
const int32_t *** const *l_1891 = &l_1892;
int8_t l_1938 = 3L;
uint8_t l_1961 = 2UL;
uint32_t l_2030 = 0x9723C154L;
int32_t ** const *l_2031 = &g_1404;
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_1096[i] = &g_3;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_1126[i] = &g_167[0][0][1];
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1255[i] = 18446744073709551615UL;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_1716[i] = 0UL;
if ((l_1020 , (*g_152)))
{ /* block id: 506 */
int32_t *l_1022 = &g_3;
int32_t **l_1021 = &l_1022;
uint32_t ** const l_1028 = &g_990;
int8_t *l_1034 = &g_22[3][8][2];
(*l_1021) = ((**g_150) = p_39);
if ((((*l_1022) & (0UL || ((((((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((-1L), ((**g_907) = (safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(((**g_907) > 248UL), (*l_1022)))))) ^ g_108.f0) & (l_1027 == l_1028)) && 8L) , 0x1EA9L) > (*l_1022)))) == 0xC2F67766L))
{ /* block id: 510 */
struct S0 l_1029 = {1078,77,-2791,3526,27413};
struct S0 *l_1030[8] = {(void*)0,&l_1029,&l_1029,(void*)0,&l_1029,&l_1029,(void*)0,&l_1029};
union U2 l_1032 = {9L};
int32_t *l_1033[2];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_1033[i] = &g_414.f0;
g_1031 = ((*g_169) = l_1029);
if (l_1020.f0)
goto lbl_1035;
(*l_1021) = (l_1032 , func_48(l_1033[0], l_1034, g_322));
{ /* block id: 514 */
return p_39;
return l_1036;
{ /* block id: 519 */
uint16_t l_1037 = 0xE208L;
int32_t l_1038 = 0x8DC02B56L;
struct S0 **l_1043 = &g_169;
union U2 l_1049 = {2L};
union U2 *l_1050 = &l_1049;
int32_t l_1062 = (-8L);
int32_t l_1063 = 0xFF4B1E00L;
int32_t l_1067 = 0x0E93A8AEL;
int32_t l_1068 = 0L;
int32_t l_1070[6] = {(-2L),(-2L),0x1F8FC795L,(-2L),(-2L),0x1F8FC795L};
int64_t l_1078 = 0xA5D151A2E077B385LL;
int32_t **l_1086 = &g_152;
int i;
l_1038 = l_1037;
l_1038 ^= ((0xB39312096CB80264LL ^ ((safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u(((void*)0 != l_1043), g_414.f1)) < (((**g_907) == (!(safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(((((*l_1050) = l_1049) , (*l_1036)) >= (g_317[2].f0 > (safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(0UL, (*l_1036))))), 0xD954L)))) > g_219))) != 0x4AL);
for (l_1049.f0 = 0; (l_1049.f0 == 3); ++l_1049.f0)
{ /* block id: 525 */
int32_t *l_1057 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_1058 = &g_106;
int32_t *l_1059[10] = {(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_9,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_9,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_9,(void*)0};
uint8_t l_1080 = 0x92L;
union U2 * const l_1083 = &g_414;
union U2 **l_1084 = &g_741;
int i;
l_1038 &= l_1049.f0;
(*l_1084) = l_1083;
(*l_1086) = l_1085;
if (g_108.f4)
goto lbl_1332;
(*l_1100) = (func_54(l_1096[1], (**g_907), g_1097, l_1020, p_41) , g_1098);
for (l_1075 = 0; (l_1075 < (-16)); --l_1075)
{ /* block id: 537 */
int16_t *l_1113[1][8] = {{&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073,&l_1073}};
int32_t l_1114[3];
uint16_t **l_1117 = (void*)0;
uint16_t *l_1119 = &g_793;
uint16_t **l_1118 = &l_1119;
int32_t l_1124 = 0xD1431BADL;
const union U4 l_1125 = {0x29E30197L};
uint16_t l_1127 = 1UL;
uint16_t l_1190 = 65535UL;
int32_t *l_1215 = &g_43[1][1][3];
union U2 *l_1228 = (void*)0;
uint32_t l_1289 = 0x42782469L;
union U1 * const *l_1292[6][2];
union U4 **l_1302 = (void*)0;
union U4 **l_1303 = &g_257;
union U4 *l_1305 = &g_317[2];
union U4 **l_1304 = &l_1305;
uint16_t l_1331 = 0x9949L;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_1114[i] = 0L;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
l_1292[i][j] = &g_1098;
for (g_125 = 0; (g_125 <= 3); ++g_125)
{ /* block id: 629 */
int32_t *l_1337 = &l_1064;
union U4 **l_1339 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_1346 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1348[5] = {0x21CB2A19L,0x21CB2A19L,0x21CB2A19L,0x21CB2A19L,0x21CB2A19L};
uint16_t l_1356 = 0UL;
union U1 *l_1372 = &g_1373[0][4][0];
union U5 ***l_1400 = &l_1362[4][5];
union U2 l_1413 = {0x7E03095DL};
uint32_t l_1423 = 0x8FDC4943L;
struct S0 **l_1450 = (void*)0;
int32_t ***l_1491 = (void*)0;
int32_t ****l_1490 = &l_1491;
int64_t l_1494[1];
int16_t l_1496 = 0x6ABFL;
uint8_t l_1513 = 1UL;
uint8_t l_1569[4] = {7UL,7UL,7UL,7UL};
int32_t l_1594 = 0x299C777AL;
union U3 **l_1741 = (void*)0;
union U3 ***l_1740[2][2][1] = {{{&l_1741},{&l_1741}},{{&l_1741},{&l_1741}}};
uint16_t **l_1749 = &l_1126[0];
uint64_t *l_1757 = &l_1751;
union U1 ***l_1776 = &l_1100;
struct S0 l_1933 = {-3390,0,-9515,11512,9402};
union U2 * const *l_1988 = &g_741;
union U2 * const **l_1987 = &l_1988;
const uint8_t l_2027 = 1UL;
uint32_t l_2028[2];
uint8_t l_2029[1];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1494[i] = 0x964EA91AAA38ACFALL;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_2028[i] = 0UL;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_2029[i] = 0x6BL;
for (l_1069 = 18; (l_1069 == (-28)); l_1069 = safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(l_1069, 1))
{ /* block id: 632 */
uint32_t l_1338 = 4294967295UL;
(**g_150) = l_1337;
(*g_152) = (*l_1337);
l_1338 &= 8L;
l_1339 = (void*)0;
for (l_1071 = (-21); (l_1071 >= (-12)); ++l_1071)
{ /* block id: 640 */
int8_t l_1342 = 0x57L;
int32_t l_1343 = 1L;
int32_t l_1344 = 1L;
int32_t l_1345 = 0xF7362562L;
int32_t l_1347 = 1L;
int32_t l_1349 = 0x404E45D2L;
int32_t l_1350 = 0L;
int32_t l_1351 = 0x11B1A6A8L;
int32_t l_1352[10] = {0x99872287L,3L,(-2L),(-2L),3L,0x99872287L,3L,(-2L),(-2L),3L};
union U5 ***l_1363 = &l_1362[5][0];
uint32_t ** const l_1432 = &g_990;
uint8_t *l_1438 = &g_1205;
uint16_t l_1558 = 0xBE85L;
struct S0 l_1560 = {1968,14,-665,-7154,1961};
union U3 *l_1564 = &g_1565;
int i;
l_1342 |= ((*l_1337) <= 0x5AB7L);
for (l_1423 = 0; (l_1423 <= 3); l_1423 += 1)
{ /* block id: 719 */
union U4 l_1585 = {0x06E61836L};
int32_t l_1595 = (-2L);
uint8_t *l_1613 = &l_1569[3];
int8_t *l_1614[5];
int32_t l_1615 = 0x8C4F9174L;
union U2 *l_1655 = &l_1413;
int32_t l_1659 = 0x4BEEEDEBL;
uint32_t l_1671 = 0x3F130703L;
struct S0 l_1681 = {3061,80,-7873,4624,2971};
uint64_t l_1785 = 18446744073709551614UL;
union U5 ** const *l_1820 = &l_1362[5][4];
union U5 ** const **l_1819[6][8][5] = {{{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820}},{{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820},{(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0}},{{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820}},{{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820},{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0,(void*)0}},{{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820}},{{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0},{&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,(void*)0,&l_1820,&l_1820},{&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820,&l_1820}}};
union U5 ** const ***l_1818 = &l_1819[3][7][3];
int16_t ***l_1864 = &g_744;
int32_t **** const l_1895 = (void*)0;
uint8_t l_1901 = 2UL;
const uint8_t l_1954[9] = {0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL};
int16_t l_2002 = 0x55A2L;
int32_t l_2007 = 0L;
int32_t l_2008 = 7L;
int32_t l_2009 = 0x27302506L;
int32_t l_2011 = 0x36459D62L;
struct S0 *l_2016[3][6] = {{&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0]},{&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0]},{&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0],&l_1280[0][0]}};
union U1 **l_2023 = &l_1372;
uint8_t l_2024[7] = {0xA6L,0xA6L,0xA6L,0xA6L,0xA6L,0xA6L,0xA6L};
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
l_1614[i] = (void*)0;
for (g_1568 = 0; (g_1568 <= 0); g_1568 += 1)
{ /* block id: 722 */
uint16_t **l_1586 = &l_1126[0];
const uint16_t ***l_1589 = &l_1587;
int i, j, k;
l_1346 ^= ((!((*g_169) , ((safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_22[(l_1423 + 2)][(g_1568 + 2)][l_1423], (safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((***l_1221) = ((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_22[(g_1568 + 5)][(l_1423 + 4)][l_1423], (safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(((l_1585 , l_1586) != ((*l_1589) = l_1587)), (((l_1595 |= (((*l_1442)++) , (l_1594 = (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_1097, ((*l_1337) = 0L)))))) == p_40) == l_1596))))), 0)) != g_22[(g_1568 + 5)][(l_1423 + 4)][l_1423])), 8)))), 0xBD5AL)) < 0UL))) , 0xC70EED73L);
return p_39;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads :
* writes:
int8_t * func_44(int32_t * p_45, const int8_t p_46, int32_t * p_47)
{ /* block id: 502 */
union U1 *l_1016 = (void*)0;
union U1 *l_1017 = &g_1018;
int8_t *l_1019 = (void*)0;
l_1017 = l_1016;
return l_1019;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_108.f4 g_94 g_167 g_43 g_767 g_22 g_793 g_150 g_151 g_152 g_6 g_907 g_125 g_594 g_177 g_510 g_160 g_320.f0 g_106 g_274 g_988 g_163 g_322.f0 g_169 g_414.f0 g_236
* writes: g_219 g_22 g_167 g_94 g_594 g_322.f0 g_177 g_510 g_106 g_257 g_414.f0 g_320.f0 g_274 g_160 g_125 g_236 g_988 g_996 g_163 g_108
int32_t * func_48(int32_t * p_49, int8_t * p_50, union U4 p_51)
{ /* block id: 420 */
uint16_t l_865 = 0UL;
uint32_t *l_868 = &g_219;
int32_t l_869 = 0xD18DC54CL;
union U3 *l_870 = &g_871;
union U3 **l_872 = &l_870;
uint16_t *l_884 = &g_167[0][0][1];
uint16_t *l_890 = &g_94;
int8_t *l_905 = &g_594;
uint32_t *l_906 = &g_322.f0;
int32_t l_969 = 0x12CC059CL;
int32_t l_970 = (-1L);
int32_t l_971 = 0x9185847FL;
int32_t l_973 = 0x8293788DL;
int32_t l_976[6][2][9] = {{{0x90D850D4L,0x90D850D4L,(-2L),4L,(-2L),0x90D850D4L,0x90D850D4L,(-2L),4L},{0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L)}},{{0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L},{(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L}},{{0x2E45BAA3L,0x90D850D4L,(-8L),(-8L),0x90D850D4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x90D850D4L,(-8L),(-8L)},{(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L)}},{{4L,0x90D850D4L,4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x2E45BAA3L,4L,0x90D850D4L,4L,0x2E45BAA3L},{4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x2E45BAA3L,4L,0x90D850D4L,4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x2E45BAA3L,4L}},{{(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L},{0x2E45BAA3L,0x90D850D4L,(-8L),(-8L),0x90D850D4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x90D850D4L,(-8L),(-8L)}},{{(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-2L),(-2L),0x2E45BAA3L,(-8L)},{4L,0x90D850D4L,4L,0x2E45BAA3L,0x2E45BAA3L,4L,0x90D850D4L,4L,0x2E45BAA3L}}};
int32_t *l_983 = &l_869;
uint32_t ***l_994 = &g_989;
uint32_t ***l_995 = &g_989;
uint64_t *l_1005[1];
int32_t *l_1014 = (void*)0;
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1005[i] = &g_510;
(*l_872) = ((l_869 = ((*l_868) = 0xDDC94753L)) , l_870);
if ((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(g_108.f4, l_869)), (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((~(((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(247UL, (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s((0x7478B0FEL ^ p_51.f0), ((*p_50) = g_94))))) , (((*l_884)--) == (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(((((*l_906) = ((!(((((*l_890)--) >= ((((((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s(((g_43[0][4][5] != ((safe_div_func_int8_t_s_s(((*l_905) = ((*p_50) ^= (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_865, (g_108.f4 | g_767))), l_865)))), 0x0AL)) , l_869)) || l_865), 0x1F6EEF51L)), 4294967289UL)) == 0x041ECE4AL) > 4L), 0xBF852B6EL)) ^ 0x5FL) ^ l_865) , l_869) == 0xDA82L) == 0x2AE94A1549986197LL)) == 6L) >= 0x4B40L)) ^ g_793)) < (***g_150)) <= 0xDAED7619L), l_865)))) > 0xB5L)), l_869)))))
{ /* block id: 431 */
int64_t *l_921[1][4][3];
int32_t l_929 = (-9L);
uint64_t *l_930 = &g_510;
int32_t *l_931 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_932 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_933 = &g_106;
union U4 **l_934 = &g_257;
int32_t l_964[2];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)
l_921[i][j][k] = &g_291;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_964[i] = 0x8F277B38L;
(*l_933) &= (g_907 == ((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((!((((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(g_43[3][3][6], (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(((((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s((~((l_869 = (g_125 <= ((*l_905) &= 0xFAL))) & (p_51.f0 >= (+((p_51.f0 & (0L == ((((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(0xBE13L, (((*l_930) |= (g_177 &= l_929)) & 1UL))), (*p_50))), l_929)) != p_51.f0) || g_160) , l_865))) & (-4L)))))), p_51.f0)) || g_94) >= (*g_152)) < p_51.f0), l_929)), p_51.f0)))) <= (*p_50)) <= g_320.f0) , l_929)), l_865)) , (void*)0));
(*l_934) = &g_322;
for (g_414.f0 = 0; (g_414.f0 == (-28)); g_414.f0 = safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_414.f0, 2))
{ /* block id: 440 */
int64_t l_942 = 0xF8D7C0EA0FA648E2LL;
int32_t l_952 = 0xD09B5FFDL;
int32_t l_953 = 0x8058E036L;
int32_t l_962 = (-2L);
int32_t l_965 = 0x4E897C5FL;
int32_t l_966[7] = {0xEC428436L,0xEC428436L,0xC78FF79CL,0xEC428436L,0xEC428436L,0xC78FF79CL,0xEC428436L};
int i;
for (g_320.f0 = 0; (g_320.f0 <= 0); g_320.f0 += 1)
{ /* block id: 443 */
int32_t l_954 = 1L;
int32_t l_955 = 1L;
uint16_t l_956 = 0xCAF4L;
int8_t l_959[9][5][5] = {{{1L,0x47L,0x75L,0xA6L,0L},{0x9DL,0x59L,0L,0x09L,0xB7L},{1L,0xA9L,(-1L),(-1L),0xA9L},{5L,(-1L),0x6FL,0xC8L,0xB2L},{1L,0xE0L,0xB5L,1L,(-1L)}},{{0L,(-1L),4L,0x9DL,(-1L)},{1L,(-1L),0xA6L,1L,0xD7L},{5L,0xA3L,0xA3L,5L,0x6FL},{1L,0xA6L,(-1L),1L,0x60L},{0x9DL,4L,(-1L),0L,(-1L)}},{{1L,0xB5L,0xE0L,1L,0L},{0xC8L,0x6FL,(-1L),5L,(-1L)},{(-1L),(-1L),0xA9L,1L,0xB5L},{0x09L,0L,0x59L,0x9DL,5L},{0xA6L,0x75L,0x47L,1L,6L}},{{0x6FL,0L,0L,0xC8L,(-1L)},{1L,(-1L),1L,(-1L),1L},{0xE7L,0x6FL,0x86L,0x09L,0x6BL},{0xD7L,0xB5L,1L,0xA6L,1L},{0x86L,4L,0xB7L,0x6FL,0x6BL}},{{6L,0xA6L,0xD7L,0x43L,0x43L},{0xB2L,0xF9L,0xB2L,0L,(-1L)},{0xE0L,0x47L,(-1L),1L,0xA6L},{0xF9L,(-1L),0x9DL,0xE7L,9L},{0x60L,1L,(-1L),0xA6L,1L}},{{0x6BL,(-4L),0xB2L,0xB2L,(-4L)},{0x6CL,0x75L,1L,0xE0L,(-1L)},{0x09L,4L,7L,0xF9L,0x6FL},{(-1L),0xA9L,6L,0x60L,0L},{0x09L,(-1L),0xE7L,0x6BL,0xA3L}},{{0x6CL,1L,1L,0x6CL,1L},{0x6BL,0xE7L,(-1L),0x09L,5L},{0x60L,6L,0xA9L,(-1L),0xD7L},{0xF9L,7L,4L,0x09L,(-1L)},{0xE0L,1L,0x75L,0x6CL,0x75L}},{{0xB2L,0xB2L,(-4L),0x6BL,7L},{0xA6L,(-1L),1L,0x60L,0x6CL},{0xE7L,0x9DL,(-1L),0xF9L,0x86L},{1L,(-1L),0x47L,0xE0L,0xA9L},{0L,0xB2L,0xF9L,0xB2L,0L}},{{0x43L,1L,1L,0xA6L,0L},{0xA3L,7L,0x09L,0xE7L,0xF9L},{1L,6L,1L,1L,0L},{0x86L,0xE7L,0xA3L,0L,0L},{0L,1L,0L,0x43L,0xA9L}}};
int32_t l_974 = 0x86BF65E1L;
int32_t l_975 = 0xD45D8062L;
int32_t l_977 = 0xFEDA4EE0L;
int32_t l_978 = 0x72CD5C73L;
uint8_t l_979[4] = {1UL,1UL,1UL,1UL};
int i, j, k;
for (g_274 = 0; (g_274 >= 0); g_274 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 446 */
int32_t l_944 = 1L;
int i, j, k;
(*l_933) ^= (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s(g_167[g_274][g_274][g_320.f0], 15));
for (g_94 = 0; (g_94 <= 0); g_94 += 1)
{ /* block id: 450 */
uint8_t *l_941 = &g_160;
(*l_933) ^= (((safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(0L, 1L)) == ((*l_941) = (p_51.f0 , p_51.f0))) == (-1L));
if (p_51.f0)
for (g_94 = 0; (g_94 <= 0); g_94 += 1)
{ /* block id: 457 */
int32_t *l_943 = &g_106;
int32_t *l_945 = &g_125;
int32_t *l_946 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_947 = &g_125;
int32_t *l_948 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_949 = &g_125;
int32_t *l_950 = &l_944;
int32_t *l_951[8] = {&l_869,&l_869,&l_869,&l_869,&l_869,&l_869,&l_869,&l_869};
int i;
if (p_51.f0)
l_944 ^= ((*l_945) = l_959[5][2][1]);
if ((*l_933))
for (g_236 = 0; (g_236 <= 0); g_236 += 1)
{ /* block id: 467 */
int64_t l_960 = 1L;
int32_t l_963 = 0L;
int32_t l_967 = (-1L);
int32_t l_968 = 0x0963AED0L;
int32_t l_972[3][8][1] = {{{6L},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{6L},{(-1L)},{6L},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{0xF6F7BF0FL}},{{6L},{(-1L)},{6L},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{6L},{(-1L)},{6L}},{{0xF6F7BF0FL},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{6L},{(-1L)},{6L},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{0xF6F7BF0FL},{6L}}};
int i, j, k;
if (((*l_933) |= l_960))
{ /* block id: 469 */
int32_t *l_961[1][8];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
l_961[i][j] = &g_125;
{ /* block id: 471 */
int32_t *l_982[8][7][3] = {{{(void*)0,&g_3,&l_966[5]},{(void*)0,&g_9,&l_972[0][6][0]},{&l_971,&g_9,(void*)0},{&l_952,&g_3,&l_869},{&l_972[1][4][0],&g_9,&g_9},{&l_971,&g_9,&g_9},{(void*)0,&g_3,&l_966[5]}},{{&l_969,&g_9,(void*)0},{&l_968,&g_9,&g_3},{(void*)0,&g_3,&l_966[5]},{(void*)0,&g_9,&g_20[2]},{&g_9,&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_952,&l_966[5]},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],(void*)0}},{{(void*)0,&l_964[1],&l_964[1]},{&g_9,&l_952,&l_929},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],&l_974},{&g_3,&l_964[1],&l_952},{&l_972[0][6][0],&l_952,&l_975},{&l_869,&l_964[1],&g_20[2]},{&g_9,&l_964[1],(void*)0}},{{(void*)0,&l_952,&l_966[5]},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_964[1],&l_964[1]},{&g_9,&l_952,&l_929},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],&l_974},{&g_3,&l_964[1],&l_952},{&l_972[0][6][0],&l_952,&l_975}},{{&l_869,&l_964[1],&g_20[2]},{&g_9,&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_952,&l_966[5]},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_964[1],&l_964[1]},{&g_9,&l_952,&l_929},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],&l_974}},{{&g_3,&l_964[1],&l_952},{&l_972[0][6][0],&l_952,&l_975},{&l_869,&l_964[1],&g_20[2]},{&g_9,&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_952,&l_966[5]},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_964[1],&l_964[1]}},{{&g_9,&l_952,&l_929},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],&l_974},{&g_3,&l_964[1],&l_952},{&l_972[0][6][0],&l_952,&l_975},{&l_869,&l_964[1],&g_20[2]},{&g_9,&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_952,&l_966[5]}},{{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_964[1],&l_964[1]},{&g_9,&l_952,&l_929},{&l_966[5],&l_964[1],&l_974},{&g_3,&l_964[1],&l_952},{&l_972[0][6][0],&l_952,&l_975},{&l_869,&l_964[1],&g_20[2]}}};
int i, j, k;
return p_49;
return (**g_150);
{ /* block id: 478 */
union U5 *l_986[9][1];
uint32_t ****l_991 = &g_988[0][1][2];
uint32_t ***l_993 = &g_989;
uint32_t ****l_992[4] = {&l_993,&l_993,&l_993,&l_993};
int32_t l_997 = 1L;
uint8_t *l_1000[4] = {&g_160,&g_160,&g_160,&g_160};
int32_t l_1001 = 2L;
int32_t l_1002 = 0x90B4CE63L;
uint64_t *l_1007 = &g_510;
uint64_t **l_1006 = &l_1007;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
l_986[i][j] = &g_987;
l_983 = (void*)0;
l_997 = ((((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((&g_169 == (void*)0), 3)) <= (((*g_152) < (((l_986[0][0] == (void*)0) ^ 0xF2DFCBDE2ABB46FBLL) | (((l_994 = ((*l_991) = g_988[0][1][5])) != (g_996 = l_995)) > 0x2FB57103L))) != 0x4906CAD566E89A20LL)) & 0x728BL) && l_997);
l_997 &= ((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((l_1001 = (++g_163)), p_51.f0)) > ((p_51.f0 , (l_1005[0] = (void*)0)) == ((*l_1006) = (void*)0)));
for (g_322.f0 = 0; (g_322.f0 != 15); g_322.f0++)
{ /* block id: 492 */
if (g_94)
goto lbl_1010;
if (p_51.f0)
for (g_163 = 0; (g_163 < 38); g_163 = safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(g_163, 8))
{ /* block id: 497 */
struct S0 l_1013 = {-3187,32,4266,5413,26884};
(*g_169) = l_1013;
return l_1014;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_414.f1 g_125 g_150 g_151
* writes: g_414.f1 g_125 g_152
union U4 func_54(int32_t * p_55, int8_t p_56, uint8_t p_57, union U4 p_58, int8_t * p_59)
{ /* block id: 407 */
int32_t *l_859 = &g_106;
l_859 = p_55;
for (g_414.f1 = 7; (g_414.f1 > 16); ++g_414.f1)
{ /* block id: 411 */
int64_t l_864 = 0x5A1ED3C7DFD18B90LL;
for (g_125 = 0; (g_125 == 8); g_125++)
{ /* block id: 414 */
if (l_864)
(**g_150) = l_859;
return p_58;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_94
* writes:
int8_t func_61(uint8_t p_62, int8_t p_63)
{ /* block id: 20 */
uint32_t l_104 = 0x92971DF8L;
int32_t l_107 = 0x02479DA4L;
int32_t l_855 = 0xB070A850L;
int32_t l_856 = 0xF114D580L;
for (p_63 = 0; (p_63 == (-28)); --p_63)
{ /* block id: 23 */
uint8_t l_92 = 0x14L;
uint16_t *l_93 = &g_94;
uint64_t l_103 = 0xD1CB9B5B590B87A3LL;
int32_t *l_105[1];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_105[i] = &g_106;
return g_94;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_414.f0 g_22 g_274 g_94 g_821 g_150 g_151 g_322.f0
* writes: g_414.f0 g_274 g_821 g_510 g_291 g_169 g_152
uint8_t func_70(int32_t ** p_71, const int8_t * p_72)
{ /* block id: 372 */
union U2 l_813 = {0L};
struct S0 **l_817[6] = {&g_169,&g_169,&g_169,&g_169,&g_169,&g_169};
int32_t l_835 = 0xE82E0A60L;
int32_t l_841 = 0x4DD47F3FL;
int32_t l_848[6][9][4] = {{{0x773BF6F6L,(-3L),0x773BF6F6L,0x9AD8FC9EL},{1L,(-1L),0xB8F7A448L,(-9L)},{0x3C0F94EBL,0x00AE4955L,0xD930150EL,(-1L)},{0L,0L,0xD930150EL,1L},{0x3C0F94EBL,(-10L),0xB8F7A448L,4L},{1L,(-10L),0x773BF6F6L,(-1L)},{0x773BF6F6L,(-1L),2L,0xB4A8ED41L},{0L,1L,0x955C2BB7L,0x2EEB8762L},{(-8L),0L,0xBF3F1FBEL,0x569215F9L}},{{0x56EB3490L,(-9L),(-10L),1L},{3L,1L,(-9L),0x81536E1BL},{2L,0xB85C79CFL,(-1L),(-9L)},{0x2B313848L,(-8L),1L,(-2L)},{1L,(-9L),(-7L),1L},{1L,1L,8L,0x308D4A4EL},{1L,0x97EE1A0EL,(-8L),1L},{0L,1L,0xBF3F1FBEL,0x8AEC909BL},{1L,0x4C5D9393L,0x40E900D5L,0xB4A8ED41L}},{{0x0C7087C5L,0x28916D99L,0x4C5D9393L,0x56EB3490L},{0x3C0F94EBL,3L,6L,0L},{(-4L),0x4AA9DC0CL,0x81536E1BL,0L},{0x28916D99L,2L,0L,1L},{0xD930150EL,0x3C0F94EBL,(-8L),1L},{0x3DF14EBDL,0x00AE4955L,1L,(-7L)},{0xABDF14DDL,(-7L),1L,0L},{0x955C2BB7L,0xD1E77ACBL,0x9AD8FC9EL,0x9AD8FC9EL},{0x5B8226BCL,0x5B8226BCL,0L,(-1L)}},{{1L,(-7L),0xC634E32FL,0L},{0x40E900D5L,(-1L),(-2L),0xC634E32FL},{0x773BF6F6L,(-1L),0x97EE1A0EL,0L},{(-1L),(-7L),0x00AE4955L,(-1L)},{0x2EEB8762L,0x5B8226BCL,(-10L),0x9AD8FC9EL},{0x4FC83CFEL,0xD1E77ACBL,0L,0L},{0x19D5EBEBL,(-7L),0x9C4415AFL,(-7L)},{1L,0x00AE4955L,(-9L),1L},{0x9AD8FC9EL,0x3C0F94EBL,0xABDF14DDL,1L}},{{(-9L),2L,4L,0L},{(-1L),0x4AA9DC0CL,(-1L),0L},{(-1L),3L,4L,0x56EB3490L},{(-1L),0x28916D99L,(-1L),0xB4A8ED41L},{2L,0x4C5D9393L,1L,0x8AEC909BL},{0xC8E222E1L,1L,0x9A4E6E04L,1L},{(-1L),0x97EE1A0EL,1L,0x308D4A4EL},{0L,1L,3L,1L},{(-6L),(-9L),0x6CE14DD9L,(-2L)}},{{3L,(-8L),0x773BF6F6L,(-9L)},{3L,0xB85C79CFL,1L,0x81536E1BL},{0xBF3F1FBEL,1L,0x8AEC909BL,0x4C5D9393L},{(-9L),(-1L),3L,0x19D5EBEBL},{(-8L),0L,0xC8E222E1L,0x5B8226BCL},{0x8DBB5D0BL,0x773BF6F6L,0x4BD23766L,5L},{0x00AE4955L,(-1L),0L,(-1L)},{8L,(-3L),1L,0x8DBB5D0BL},{(-7L),1L,0x2B313848L,4L}}};
int8_t *l_853 = &g_274;
int i, j, k;
for (g_414.f0 = 0; (g_414.f0 > 16); g_414.f0 = safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_414.f0, 1))
{ /* block id: 375 */
union U2 *l_814 = &l_813;
struct S0 **l_816 = &g_169;
struct S0 ***l_815[8] = {&l_816,&l_816,&l_816,&l_816,&l_816,&l_816,&l_816,&l_816};
int32_t l_819 = 0L;
int8_t *l_820 = &g_274;
union U3 *l_825 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_837 = 1L;
int32_t l_838 = (-1L);
int32_t l_839 = 0x9C1B9207L;
int32_t l_840 = 7L;
int32_t l_842 = 0L;
int32_t l_843 = 0L;
int32_t l_844 = 0x7148FF17L;
int32_t l_845 = 0x33DF05F5L;
int32_t l_846 = 9L;
int32_t l_847[8] = {3L,0x2914D285L,3L,3L,0x2914D285L,3L,3L,0x2914D285L};
uint16_t l_849 = 1UL;
int i;
if ((((*l_814) = l_813) , ((((((l_817[5] = &g_169) != ((*l_814) , (void*)0)) || (255UL == (safe_unary_minus_func_int32_t_s(0xB91811B1L)))) > ((((l_819 < ((2UL == ((*l_820) &= (*p_72))) && l_819)) == 0UL) > g_94) > l_813.f0)) , l_819) < 6L)))
{ /* block id: 379 */
union U3 **l_826 = &l_825;
g_821 = g_821;
for (g_510 = 0; (g_510 <= 0); g_510 += 1)
{ /* block id: 383 */
return g_414.f0;
(*l_826) = l_825;
{ /* block id: 387 */
int8_t l_830 = 0x74L;
int32_t l_833 = 0x51680557L;
int32_t l_834 = 2L;
int32_t l_836[9];
int8_t **l_852 = &l_820;
int8_t **l_854 = &l_853;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
l_836[i] = 0L;
for (g_291 = 0; (g_291 <= 7); g_291 += 1)
{ /* block id: 390 */
int32_t *l_827 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_828 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_829 = &l_819;
int32_t *l_831 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_832[2][3] = {{&l_819,&l_819,&l_819},{&g_6,&g_6,&g_6}};
int i, j;
l_840 = ((*l_829) = ((void*)0 != &g_152));
g_169 = &g_108;
(**g_150) = &l_835;
l_833 = (g_322.f0 & (((*l_852) = &l_830) != ((*l_854) = l_853)));
return l_848[2][3][3];
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_94 g_20 g_106 g_121 g_22 g_125 g_150 g_108.f1 g_169 g_108 g_167 g_180 g_160 g_6 g_3 g_43 g_9 g_257
* writes: g_94 g_124 g_106 g_125 g_108 g_160 g_167 g_169 g_177 g_180 g_219 g_236 g_163 g_257
int32_t ** func_73(int32_t * p_74, int32_t p_75, struct S0 p_76)
{ /* block id: 26 */
const int32_t *l_114 = &g_43[1][1][3];
const int32_t **l_113 = &l_114;
int32_t l_158 = 0x975085CEL;
struct S0 l_171 = {-1574,37,-8536,-8807,8570};
uint8_t l_194 = 7UL;
int32_t ***l_233 = &g_151[0];
uint64_t l_265[4];
union U4 **l_288[2][9][10] = {{{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,(void*)0,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257}},{{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,(void*)0,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257},{&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257,&g_257}}};
union U3 *l_299 = &g_300;
union U3 **l_298 = &l_299;
uint32_t l_332 = 1UL;
uint16_t *l_341 = &g_167[0][0][1];
uint16_t **l_340 = &l_341;
int32_t **l_382 = &g_152;
const uint32_t l_426 = 4294967291UL;
uint8_t l_465[3];
uint8_t *l_470 = &l_465[0];
const union U2 *l_550 = &g_414;
uint32_t l_565 = 0x1260187BL;
int32_t l_566 = 0L;
uint64_t l_580 = 0xC0E9AC904A147868LL;
int32_t l_592 = 0xBEC477C0L;
int32_t l_595 = 0x3E1CC0FBL;
uint8_t l_602[5][6][6] = {{{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL}},{{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL}},{{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL}},{{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL}},{{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL},{0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL,0UL}}};
int32_t l_619 = 0x94597E49L;
uint16_t l_662 = 7UL;
int32_t *l_706 = &g_20[2];
int64_t l_764 = 0L;
int32_t **l_810 = &g_42[4];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_265[i] = 18446744073709551607UL;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_465[i] = 255UL;
if ((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u(((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(((void*)0 != l_113), 3)) >= 7UL), 6)))
{ /* block id: 27 */
int32_t *l_142[5][4][7] = {{{&g_20[3],&g_106,&g_9,&g_9,&g_20[2],&g_6,&g_20[2]},{&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_125,(void*)0,&g_9},{(void*)0,&g_9,&g_106,&g_20[3],&g_9,&g_20[0],(void*)0},{&g_16,&g_125,&g_9,&g_20[2],&g_9,&g_125,&g_16}},{{&g_20[2],&g_20[2],&g_125,(void*)0,&g_9,&g_6,&g_9},{&g_3,&g_6,&g_20[3],&g_9,&g_9,&g_9,&g_9},{&g_125,&g_3,&g_125,(void*)0,&g_20[0],&g_3,&g_6},{&g_125,(void*)0,&g_9,&g_6,&g_9,&g_3,&g_3}},{{&g_3,&g_20[2],&g_106,&g_106,&g_20[2],&g_3,&g_125},{&g_20[2],&g_9,&g_9,&g_106,&g_20[3],&g_9,&g_20[0]},{&g_16,&g_3,&g_6,&g_6,(void*)0,&g_6,&g_6},{&g_9,&g_9,&g_3,(void*)0,&g_106,&g_125,&g_6}},{{&g_125,&g_20[2],(void*)0,&g_9,&g_6,&g_20[0],&g_20[0]},{&g_106,(void*)0,&g_16,(void*)0,&g_106,&g_9,&g_125},{&g_9,&g_3,&g_16,&g_20[2],(void*)0,&g_20[3],&g_3},{&g_20[2],&g_6,(void*)0,&g_20[3],&g_20[3],(void*)0,&g_6}},{{&g_9,&g_20[2],&g_3,&g_125,&g_20[2],(void*)0,&g_9},{&g_106,&g_125,&g_6,&g_16,&g_9,&g_20[3],&g_9},{&g_125,&g_9,&g_9,&g_125,&g_20[0],&g_9,&g_16},{&g_9,&g_9,&g_106,&g_20[3],&g_9,&g_20[0],(void*)0}}};
int32_t **l_141 = &l_142[4][3][6];
int i, j, k;
for (g_94 = 0; (g_94 == 16); g_94 = safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(g_94, 8))
{ /* block id: 30 */
for (p_75 = (-20); (p_75 <= 12); ++p_75)
{ /* block id: 33 */
p_76.f3 = ((-1L) > 0UL);
if ((*p_74))
if (g_106)
for (p_75 = 0; (p_75 < 13); p_75 = safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(p_75, 4))
{ /* block id: 41 */
volatile union U3 **l_123 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_157 = (-1L);
int32_t l_185 = 7L;
int32_t l_187 = 0x6F71F75EL;
int32_t l_191 = 0xDD0C68C7L;
struct S0 *l_197[10][2] = {{&l_171,&l_171},{&l_171,&g_108},{&l_171,&l_171},{&l_171,&g_108},{&l_171,&l_171},{&l_171,&g_108},{&l_171,&l_171},{&l_171,&g_108},{&l_171,&l_171},{&l_171,&g_108}};
union U5 *l_224 = &g_225[5];
int i, j;
g_124 = g_121;
for (g_94 = 0; (g_94 <= 3); g_94 += 1)
{ /* block id: 45 */
int8_t l_164 = 0xF0L;
int32_t l_184 = 0xA6CCB9D5L;
int32_t l_186 = 2L;
int32_t l_188 = 0x8A50C05BL;
int32_t l_189 = 1L;
int32_t l_190 = 3L;
int32_t l_192 = 0x5AED9F93L;
int32_t l_193[9] = {0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L,0xC7B68BE6L};
int i;
for (g_106 = 3; (g_106 >= 0); g_106 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 48 */
int i, j, k;
if (g_22[g_106][g_106][g_106])
for (g_106 = 0; (g_106 <= 3); g_106 += 1)
{ /* block id: 53 */
int i, j, k;
for (g_125 = 3; (g_125 >= 0); g_125 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 56 */
struct S0 *l_126 = &g_108;
int32_t *l_128 = (void*)0;
int32_t **l_127 = &l_128;
int32_t *l_130 = &g_9;
int32_t **l_129[2][10] = {{&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130},{&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130,&l_130}};
const int32_t *l_144 = &g_9;
const int32_t **l_143 = &l_144;
const int32_t ***l_145 = &l_143;
uint8_t *l_159 = &g_160;
uint8_t *l_161 = (void*)0;
uint8_t *l_162[4] = {&g_163,&g_163,&g_163,&g_163};
uint16_t *l_165 = &g_94;
uint16_t *l_166 = &g_167[0][0][1];
struct S0 **l_168 = (void*)0;
int i, j, k;
(*l_126) = p_76;
p_74 = ((*l_127) = &p_75);
g_169 = ((g_22[(g_94 + 1)][(g_106 + 4)][g_94] ^ ((*l_166) = (safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(((((((l_141 != (g_22[(g_125 + 1)][g_125][g_94] , ((*l_145) = l_143))) < ((g_22[(g_106 + 2)][(g_125 + 4)][g_106] , (void*)0) != (((l_164 = ((*l_159) = (safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((&l_129[0][7] == g_150), 0)), (((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(l_157, 0xADCAF14A35B98692LL)) , p_76.f4), p_75)) > l_158) != 0xDCBE86AE0A1952B1LL))))) && g_108.f1) , l_165))) != l_157) & p_76.f4) < (*l_128)) | 0x5EEAC9F24D48F7C9LL), 0x55104165L)), 0)), p_75)), p_75)), 3)))) , &p_76);
(*l_127) = &l_158;
if ((!g_22[g_94][(g_106 + 1)][g_106]))
{ /* block id: 67 */
if (l_157)
l_171 = p_76;
{ /* block id: 70 */
(*g_169) = (*g_169);
return &g_42[4];
for (g_106 = 3; (g_106 >= 0); g_106 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 77 */
struct S0 **l_174 = &g_169;
int32_t l_178[5][2];
int32_t **l_183 = &g_42[1];
uint8_t l_202 = 0x84L;
uint32_t *l_218 = &g_219;
uint16_t *l_226 = &g_167[0][0][1];
uint64_t *l_227[3];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
l_178[i][j] = 0x0CB05F29L;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_227[i] = (void*)0;
for (g_160 = 0; (g_160 <= 3); g_160 += 1)
{ /* block id: 80 */
uint64_t l_175 = 0x030246D126375140LL;
uint64_t *l_176 = &g_177;
uint16_t *l_179 = &g_167[0][0][1];
union U5 **l_182[7] = {&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180,&g_180};
int i;
l_157 = ((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((((*g_169) , g_167[0][0][0]) >= ((l_175 = (l_174 != (void*)0)) != ((*l_176) = 18446744073709551615UL))), (g_20[2] <= (18446744073709551609UL ^ ((l_178[3][0] , &g_167[0][0][1]) != l_179))))) && 0L);
g_180 = g_180;
return l_183;
(*l_141) = &l_158;
l_191 &= ((((&l_171 == (l_197[0][1] = ((*l_174) = &g_108))) | (safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s((l_189 == (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_20[2], l_202))), (safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u(p_76.f0, (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((g_160++), (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s((+(l_178[0][0] = (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((((*l_218) = (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s((p_76.f4 != g_6), 14))) , ((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((*l_226) ^= ((l_190 , l_224) == g_180)), p_75)), 4)) , 0x6DFCL)), g_3)))), 1)))))), p_76.f0))))) , (void*)0) == (void*)0);
{ /* block id: 99 */
int16_t l_249 = 5L;
int8_t *l_259 = &g_22[5][5][0];
int32_t l_261 = 3L;
int64_t l_264 = 5L;
int8_t l_290[10];
union U3 **l_302 = &l_299;
union U5 **l_313 = &g_180;
union U4 *l_319 = &g_320;
int16_t l_366 = 0xD5C1L;
uint8_t l_367 = 1UL;
int32_t l_398 = 3L;
int32_t l_399 = 0x8554B9EBL;
union U2 l_415 = {0x17EABC09L};
int32_t l_441[6][7] = {{0x7A7CA7F8L,(-1L),(-1L),0x7A7CA7F8L,(-4L),0xB93A681FL,0L},{0x09C62E95L,(-4L),0xE9521A3EL,4L,0xB93A681FL,(-4L),0x7A7CA7F8L},{0x85215F76L,0x872C66E9L,0L,(-1L),0x318F79F9L,(-1L),0L},{0x318F79F9L,0x318F79F9L,0xC6FD6C40L,(-1L),(-4L),(-1L),0x5D905F72L},{0x040B7BD1L,0xC6FD6C40L,0x5D905F72L,0xC5A717AFL,0x85215F76L,(-4L),(-4L)},{(-1L),0x870B58B7L,(-4L),0x5D905F72L,(-4L),0x870B58B7L,(-1L)}};
uint64_t l_452 = 7UL;
uint32_t l_482[3][5][1];
uint16_t l_626[4][8] = {{65533UL,0x08FAL,65533UL,0UL,0x9B60L,0x9B60L,0UL,65533UL},{0x08FAL,0x08FAL,0x9B60L,0x9CF0L,0x2136L,0x9CF0L,0x9B60L,0x08FAL},{0x08FAL,65533UL,0UL,0x9B60L,0x9B60L,0UL,65533UL,0x08FAL},{65533UL,0xFF20L,0x08FAL,0x9CF0L,0x08FAL,0xFF20L,65533UL,65533UL}};
int32_t l_631 = (-1L);
int16_t l_719 = (-1L);
uint16_t l_763 = 1UL;
struct S0 **l_809[9][3] = {{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169},{&g_169,&g_169,&g_169}};
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
l_290[i] = 0xA9L;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 1; k++)
l_482[i][j][k] = 1UL;
if ((+g_43[1][1][3]))
{ /* block id: 100 */
int32_t ****l_234 = &l_233;
uint32_t *l_235 = &g_236;
union U4 **l_258 = &g_257;
l_171.f3 = (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_int16_t_s_s(((((*l_234) = l_233) != (void*)0) >= (&l_194 == (void*)0)), ((((((*l_235) = g_9) , (safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s(((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u((((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((l_249 = ((safe_unary_minus_func_uint64_t_u((((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(p_76.f4, p_76.f2)) , (+l_158)) , ((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((*p_74), 0xA0C0818CL)) || 0x5DD0E7B0L)))) >= 0x3EBDL)), 0x08477F48L)) & 0x3587C03A1E7A8C1ELL) == 1L), 7UL)) ^ p_76.f1), g_160))) , g_108.f4) , 0xF4L) ^ 0x1DL))), g_106));
for (g_163 = 27; (g_163 >= 46); g_163 = safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_163, 1))
{ /* block id: 107 */
uint16_t *l_254 = &g_94;
uint16_t **l_253[1];
uint16_t ***l_252 = &l_253[0];
uint16_t **l_256 = (void*)0;
uint16_t ***l_255 = &l_256;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_253[i] = &l_254;
(*l_255) = ((*l_252) = (void*)0);
(*l_258) = g_257;
{ /* block id: 112 */
return &g_42[4];
return l_810;
/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
int i, j, k;
int print_hash_value = 0;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "1") == 0) print_hash_value = 1;
transparent_crc(g_2, "g_2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3, "g_3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_6, "g_6", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_9, "g_9", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_12, "g_12", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_13, "g_13", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_14, "g_14", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_15, "g_15", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_16, "g_16", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_20[i], "g_20[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++)
transparent_crc(g_22[i][j][k], "g_22[i][j][k]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
transparent_crc(g_37, "g_37", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 8; k++)
transparent_crc(g_43[i][j][k], "g_43[i][j][k]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
transparent_crc(g_94, "g_94", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_106, "g_106", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_108.f0, "g_108.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_108.f1, "g_108.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_108.f2, "g_108.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_108.f3, "g_108.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_108.f4, "g_108.f4", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_122.f0, "g_122.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_122.f1, "g_122.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_125, "g_125", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_160, "g_160", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_163, "g_163", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
transparent_crc(g_167[i][j][k], "g_167[i][j][k]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
transparent_crc(g_177, "g_177", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_181.f0, "g_181.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_219, "g_219", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
transparent_crc(g_225[i].f0, "g_225[i].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_236, "g_236", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_274, "g_274", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_291, "g_291", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_300.f0, "g_300.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_300.f1, "g_300.f1", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
transparent_crc(g_317[i].f0, "g_317[i].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_320.f0, "g_320.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_322.f0, "g_322.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_414.f0, "g_414.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_414.f1, "g_414.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_422, "g_422", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_510, "g_510", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_521, "g_521", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_594, "g_594", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_649.f0, "g_649.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_767, "g_767", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_793, "g_793", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_804.f0, "g_804.f0", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
transparent_crc(g_807[i].f0, "g_807[i].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_871.f0, "g_871.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_871.f1, "g_871.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_987.f0, "g_987.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1018.f0, "g_1018.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1031.f0, "g_1031.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1031.f1, "g_1031.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1031.f2, "g_1031.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1031.f3, "g_1031.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1031.f4, "g_1031.f4", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1097, "g_1097", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1099.f0, "g_1099.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1132, "g_1132", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1188, "g_1188", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1205, "g_1205", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 1; k++)
transparent_crc(g_1373[i][j][k].f0, "g_1373[i][j][k].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
transparent_crc(g_1510, "g_1510", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1565.f0, "g_1565.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1565.f1, "g_1565.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1567.f0, "g_1567.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1567.f1, "g_1567.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1568, "g_1568", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1678, "g_1678", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1775, "g_1775", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1827.f0, "g_1827.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1932, "g_1932", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1982, "g_1982", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2053.f0, "g_2053.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2055, "g_2055", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2079.f0, "g_2079.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2081.f0, "g_2081.f0", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
/************************ statistics *************************
XXX max struct depth: 1
depth: 0, occurrence: 565
depth: 1, occurrence: 15
XXX total union variables: 24
XXX non-zero bitfields defined in structs: 6
XXX zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX const bitfields defined in structs: 1
XXX volatile bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX structs with bitfields in the program: 44
indirect level: 0, occurrence: 18
indirect level: 1, occurrence: 11
indirect level: 2, occurrence: 13
indirect level: 3, occurrence: 2
XXX full-bitfields structs in the program: 15
indirect level: 0, occurrence: 15
XXX times a bitfields struct's address is taken: 31
XXX times a bitfields struct on LHS: 4
XXX times a bitfields struct on RHS: 30
XXX times a single bitfield on LHS: 12
XXX times a single bitfield on RHS: 92
XXX max expression depth: 40
depth: 1, occurrence: 137
depth: 2, occurrence: 50
depth: 3, occurrence: 1
depth: 4, occurrence: 1
depth: 5, occurrence: 3
depth: 6, occurrence: 1
depth: 7, occurrence: 2
depth: 9, occurrence: 1
depth: 13, occurrence: 1
depth: 14, occurrence: 2
depth: 16, occurrence: 1
depth: 18, occurrence: 1
depth: 23, occurrence: 1
depth: 25, occurrence: 1
depth: 27, occurrence: 1
depth: 29, occurrence: 2
depth: 31, occurrence: 2
depth: 40, occurrence: 1
XXX total number of pointers: 485
XXX times a variable address is taken: 1233
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on RHS: 172
depth: 1, occurrence: 115
depth: 2, occurrence: 35
depth: 3, occurrence: 18
depth: 4, occurrence: 4
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on LHS: 239
depth: 1, occurrence: 198
depth: 2, occurrence: 36
depth: 3, occurrence: 5
XXX times a pointer is compared with null: 32
XXX times a pointer is compared with address of another variable: 10
XXX times a pointer is compared with another pointer: 19
XXX times a pointer is qualified to be dereferenced: 8713
XXX max dereference level: 4
level: 0, occurrence: 0
level: 1, occurrence: 1601
level: 2, occurrence: 289
level: 3, occurrence: 194
level: 4, occurrence: 56
XXX number of pointers point to pointers: 187
XXX number of pointers point to scalars: 245
XXX number of pointers point to structs: 10
XXX percent of pointers has null in alias set: 27.6
XXX average alias set size: 1.51
XXX times a non-volatile is read: 1495
XXX times a non-volatile is write: 785
XXX times a volatile is read: 40
XXX times read thru a pointer: 36
XXX times a volatile is write: 27
XXX times written thru a pointer: 26
XXX times a volatile is available for access: 58
XXX percentage of non-volatile access: 97.1
XXX forward jumps: 2
XXX backward jumps: 10
XXX stmts: 144
XXX max block depth: 5
depth: 0, occurrence: 31
depth: 1, occurrence: 26
depth: 2, occurrence: 34
depth: 3, occurrence: 16
depth: 4, occurrence: 15
depth: 5, occurrence: 22
XXX percentage a fresh-made variable is used: 18.5
XXX percentage an existing variable is used: 81.5
FYI: the random generator makes assumptions about the integer size. See platform.info for more details.
********************* end of statistics **********************/