
1953 lines
123 KiB

* Generator: csmith 2.3.0
* Git version: 30dccd7
* Options: (none)
* Seed: 1164245043427165121
#include "csmith.h"
static long __undefined;
/* --- Struct/Union Declarations --- */
union U0 {
const int64_t f0;
uint32_t f1;
const volatile int32_t f2;
union U1 {
const uint32_t f0;
volatile uint64_t f1;
volatile int16_t f2;
uint16_t f3;
union U2 {
volatile int32_t f0;
/* --- GLOBAL VARIABLES --- */
static int32_t g_2 = 0x3629AA81L;
static int32_t g_5[6] = {0x61D2250DL,0L,0x61D2250DL,0x61D2250DL,0L,0x61D2250DL};
static uint16_t g_33 = 0UL;
static union U2 g_38 = {-1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_38 */
static int32_t g_51 = (-10L);
static int32_t g_53 = 1L;
static volatile union U1 g_73 = {4294967291UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_73 */
static union U2 g_74 = {0x5464CD02L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_74 */
static uint8_t g_87 = 0x7DL;
static uint8_t g_106 = 0xB6L;
static uint32_t g_108[10] = {4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL,4294967293UL};
static uint32_t g_110 = 4294967295UL;
static union U2 g_113[9] = {{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L},{0xC0142974L}};
static union U2 *g_112 = &g_113[0];
static int16_t g_135 = (-1L);
static int8_t g_138[4][10] = {{5L,1L,0L,0xC8L,0xC8L,0L,1L,5L,0x03L,(-10L)},{0xE8L,0xC8L,1L,0x22L,0x81L,0x03L,0x81L,0x22L,1L,0xC8L},{0L,0x97L,0xC2L,0xC8L,0x03L,0x31L,0x22L,0x22L,0x31L,0x03L},{1L,(-10L),(-10L),1L,0x03L,0x31L,0x81L,0xC2L,0x03L,0xC2L}};
static int16_t g_147 = 1L;
static int32_t g_148 = 0L;
static int32_t g_149 = 0x6AEB2B1BL;
static int16_t g_150 = (-5L);
static uint32_t g_151 = 0xBAA0A5B8L;
static uint16_t g_159 = 0xC08AL;
static int16_t g_180 = 0xA1BDL;
static int8_t g_181[10] = {0x9FL,0xD6L,0xD6L,0x9FL,0xD6L,0xD6L,0x9FL,0xD6L,0xD6L,0x9FL};
static int32_t g_183 = (-8L);
static int32_t g_184 = 0L;
static uint8_t g_185[10] = {0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL,0x9AL};
static union U2 **g_210[6][7][3] = {{{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{(void*)0,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112}},{{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112}},{{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0}},{{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112}},{{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{(void*)0,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0}},{{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112},{(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_112,&g_112}}};
static int64_t g_226 = 9L;
static int32_t g_230 = 1L;
static int16_t g_231[2] = {0xF110L,0xF110L};
static uint64_t g_233 = 0xB183CEE7814DC648LL;
static int64_t g_300 = (-3L);
static uint32_t g_313[1][1] = {{0x8ABB288BL}};
static uint64_t g_329[5] = {0x908AD092DFB8CD42LL,0x908AD092DFB8CD42LL,0x908AD092DFB8CD42LL,0x908AD092DFB8CD42LL,0x908AD092DFB8CD42LL};
static uint64_t *g_328 = &g_329[1];
static union U2 g_339 = {-4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_339 */
static int32_t g_370 = 0L;
static int32_t * volatile g_380 = &g_2;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_380 */
static int32_t * volatile * const g_379 = &g_380;
static uint32_t g_391 = 18446744073709551612UL;
static int32_t g_395[2] = {(-3L),(-3L)};
static int32_t *g_438 = &g_395[0];
static const union U2 g_477 = {0x21B572F9L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_477 */
static union U1 g_549 = {0UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_549 */
static union U1 g_551 = {0x1A2BA4D2L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_551 */
static volatile union U0 g_561 = {0x106E054648DFD7DELL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_561 */
static uint8_t *g_581 = &g_185[8];
static uint8_t ** const g_580 = &g_581;
static union U1 *g_613 = &g_551;
static union U1 ** volatile g_612 = &g_613;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_612 */
static volatile uint16_t g_687 = 0xE116L;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_687 */
static volatile uint16_t * volatile g_686 = &g_687;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_686 */
static volatile uint16_t * volatile *g_685 = &g_686;
static const volatile union U2 g_691 = {0x25DF377CL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_691 */
static union U2 *g_703 = &g_113[3];
static union U2 ** volatile g_702 = &g_703;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_702 */
static union U2 g_772 = {4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_772 */
static int16_t g_775[4][8] = {{5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL,5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL},{5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL,5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL},{5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL,5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL},{5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL,5L,6L,5L,0x94CAL}};
static uint8_t * volatile *g_781 = &g_581;
static uint8_t * volatile * const volatile *g_780[2][7] = {{&g_781,&g_781,&g_781,&g_781,&g_781,&g_781,&g_781},{(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0}};
static uint8_t * volatile * const volatile * volatile * const volatile g_779 = &g_780[1][6];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_779 */
static uint8_t * volatile * const volatile * volatile * volatile g_783 = &g_780[0][1];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_783 */
static union U0 g_785 = {0x8A3538EB57AFDCB7LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_785 */
static union U0 g_788 = {-8L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_788 */
static volatile int8_t g_832 = (-1L);/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_832 */
static int32_t g_834 = 0x652E6B90L;
static volatile uint16_t * volatile **g_861 = &g_685;
static int64_t *g_885 = &g_300;
static int64_t **g_884 = &g_885;
static volatile int64_t g_896 = 0L;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_896 */
static union U2 ** volatile g_951 = &g_112;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_951 */
static union U2 g_975 = {0L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_975 */
static volatile union U0 g_980[2] = {{0x343493EED9FCCE59LL},{0x343493EED9FCCE59LL}};
static volatile union U0 * volatile g_979 = &g_980[0];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_979 */
static volatile union U0 * volatile *g_978 = &g_979;
static uint16_t ***g_995 = (void*)0;
static union U1 g_1003 = {0x93342F5AL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1003 */
static union U2 g_1043 = {-9L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1043 */
static union U2 g_1045 = {-1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1045 */
static union U1 g_1068 = {4294967295UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1068 */
static union U0 * const *g_1091 = (void*)0;
static volatile union U1 g_1160 = {0x5002EB11L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1160 */
static int32_t * const g_1204 = (void*)0;
static int32_t * const *g_1203 = &g_1204;
static int16_t g_1285[4][9] = {{1L,0L,0L,1L,3L,0xDD1AL,1L,0xDD1AL,3L},{(-9L),(-1L),(-1L),(-9L),0xA9F1L,(-3L),(-9L),(-3L),0xA9F1L},{1L,0L,0L,1L,3L,0xDD1AL,1L,0xDD1AL,3L},{(-9L),(-1L),(-1L),(-9L),0xA9F1L,(-3L),(-9L),(-3L),0xA9F1L}};
static volatile union U0 g_1311 = {0x962C6D7A61FEB9F5LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1311 */
static volatile union U0 g_1358 = {0L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1358 */
static volatile union U2 * volatile g_1391 = (void*)0;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1391 */
static volatile union U2 * volatile *g_1390 = &g_1391;
static volatile union U2 * volatile * volatile *g_1389 = &g_1390;
static volatile union U2 * volatile * volatile * const *g_1388 = &g_1389;
static volatile union U2 * volatile * volatile * const ** volatile g_1387 = &g_1388;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1387 */
static volatile union U0 g_1396 = {0x1F81A9C5104CFD96LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1396 */
static union U0 *g_1418[2] = {&g_785,&g_785};
static union U0 ** volatile g_1417[5] = {&g_1418[0],&g_1418[0],&g_1418[0],&g_1418[0],&g_1418[0]};
static union U0 ** volatile g_1419 = &g_1418[0];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1419 */
static uint8_t **g_1433 = &g_581;
static uint8_t ***g_1432 = &g_1433;
static uint8_t ****g_1431 = &g_1432;
static uint8_t *****g_1430 = &g_1431;
static uint16_t g_1501 = 65527UL;
static int32_t * volatile g_1510 = &g_149;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1510 */
static int64_t g_1555 = 0L;
static const union U1 g_1588 = {0xFCD3AF53L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1588 */
static union U0 g_1658 = {-1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1658 */
static const int32_t *g_1706 = &g_5[5];
static const int32_t ** const volatile g_1705 = &g_1706;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1705 */
static int32_t g_1726 = 1L;
static int32_t g_1736 = (-2L);
static uint32_t g_1751 = 18446744073709551615UL;
static const union U2 g_1759 = {0xA8C141ABL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1759 */
static const int32_t ** const volatile g_1856 = (void*)0;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1856 */
static volatile union U1 g_1877 = {0xCA700566L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1877 */
static union U0 ** volatile g_1892 = &g_1418[1];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1892 */
static volatile union U2 g_1897[10] = {{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L},{-6L}};
static union U2 g_1900 = {0x2113CE56L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_1900 */
static int16_t g_1913 = 0L;
static union U1 g_2094 = {0x41616440L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2094 */
static union U1 g_2095 = {0xD551B171L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2095 */
static union U1 g_2096 = {0xD772AB4EL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2096 */
static union U1 g_2097 = {0x429E6509L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2097 */
static union U1 g_2098 = {6UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2098 */
static union U1 g_2099 = {0x98E35065L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2099 */
static union U1 g_2101 = {1UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2101 */
static volatile union U0 g_2106[10] = {{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L},{0L}};
static union U2 ****g_2108 = (void*)0;
static union U2 *****g_2107 = &g_2108;
static const union U0 g_2128 = {0x15F7E36699121202LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2128 */
static union U0 ** volatile g_2215 = &g_1418[1];/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2215 */
static volatile union U0 g_2225[9] = {{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL},{0x133C013D611E34B1LL}};
static volatile union U1 g_2250 = {8UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2250 */
static union U0 g_2257[1][6][2] = {{{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}},{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}},{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}},{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}},{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}},{{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL},{0x9A035AF4ADBF3550LL}}}};
static union U0 **g_2295 = &g_1418[0];
static union U2 g_2323[5][8] = {{{5L},{8L},{-9L},{0xB17D77D5L},{0xB17D77D5L},{-9L},{8L},{5L}},{{8L},{0x0DFC2E00L},{5L},{0x7C459E8DL},{5L},{0x0DFC2E00L},{8L},{8L}},{{0x0DFC2E00L},{0x7C459E8DL},{-9L},{-9L},{0x7C459E8DL},{0x0DFC2E00L},{0xB17D77D5L},{0x0DFC2E00L}},{{0x7C459E8DL},{0x0DFC2E00L},{0xB17D77D5L},{0x0DFC2E00L},{0x7C459E8DL},{-9L},{-9L},{0x7C459E8DL}},{{0x0DFC2E00L},{8L},{8L},{0x0DFC2E00L},{5L},{0x7C459E8DL},{5L},{0x0DFC2E00L}}};
static union U2 g_2344 = {0xFA8FF5B7L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2344 */
static volatile union U0 g_2350 = {0x8BE9AD7EA48712C9LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2350 */
static volatile union U2 g_2562 = {0x90867E64L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2562 */
static union U2 g_2572 = {1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2572 */
static union U1 ***g_2579 = (void*)0;
static volatile union U0 g_2592 = {0x2475C1F3D91A4049LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2592 */
static volatile union U2 g_2660 = {0xA9004A2AL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2660 */
static union U0 g_2675 = {0xA79D004C0B0FD8E5LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2675 */
static union U2 g_2693 = {-7L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2693 */
static int8_t g_2822[6][6][2] = {{{0xB6L,0L},{0x56L,0x2AL},{(-5L),0x56L},{(-1L),1L},{1L,0x76L},{(-5L),0L}},{{0x76L,0L},{(-5L),0x76L},{1L,1L},{(-1L),0x56L},{(-5L),0x2AL},{0x56L,0L}},{{0xB6L,0x56L},{1L,(-1L)},{1L,0x56L},{0xB6L,0L},{0x56L,0x2AL},{0xEAL,0xB6L}},{{0L,0x76L},{0x76L,0x65L},{0xEAL,(-1L)},{0x65L,(-1L)},{0xEAL,0x65L},{0x76L,0x76L}},{{0L,0xB6L},{0xEAL,7L},{0xB6L,(-1L)},{0x70L,0xB6L},{0x76L,0L},{0x76L,0xB6L}},{{0x70L,(-1L)},{0xB6L,7L},{0xEAL,0xB6L},{0L,0x76L},{0x76L,0x65L},{0xEAL,(-1L)}}};
static volatile uint64_t g_2829 = 0x13E76189C8F25B84LL;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2829 */
static volatile union U2 g_2835 = {-4L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2835 */
static union U1 g_2849 = {4294967295UL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2849 */
static union U1 * const g_2848 = &g_2849;
static volatile uint32_t **g_2877 = (void*)0;
static union U2 g_2882 = {1L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2882 */
static uint16_t *g_2887[3] = {&g_2097.f3,&g_2097.f3,&g_2097.f3};
static uint16_t **g_2886 = &g_2887[1];
static uint16_t g_2923 = 0x87A8L;
static int32_t **g_2966 = &g_438;
static int32_t ***g_2965 = &g_2966;
static int32_t ****g_2964 = &g_2965;
static int32_t *****g_2963 = &g_2964;
static union U2 g_2970 = {0xDEB92E38L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2970 */
static union U0 g_2987 = {0x5A9256A3992469D7LL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_2987 */
static int64_t g_3019 = 0x6C9F42F614D88DB9LL;
static union U1 g_3034 = {0x2E0DED65L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_3034 */
static union U2 g_3043 = {0x41C3E8EBL};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_3043 */
static const int16_t g_3071 = 1L;
static uint32_t g_3090 = 6UL;
static uint64_t g_3096[3] = {0UL,0UL,0UL};
static volatile int8_t g_3148[10][4] = {{0x19L,0xFFL,0x6AL,(-9L)},{9L,0x6AL,(-1L),0x6AL},{(-1L),0x6AL,9L,(-9L)},{0x6AL,0xFFL,0x19L,(-1L)},{0xE7L,(-7L),(-7L),0xE7L},{0xE7L,(-9L),0x19L,0xBAL},{0x6AL,0xE7L,9L,6L},{(-1L),0x74L,(-1L),6L},{9L,0xE7L,0x6AL,0xBAL},{0x19L,(-9L),0xE7L,0xE7L}};
static const union U2 g_3166 = {0L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_3166 */
static union U0 g_3193 = {0L};/* VOLATILE GLOBAL g_3193 */
uint32_t func_1(void);
int16_t func_13(uint32_t p_14, int8_t p_15, uint8_t p_16, uint32_t p_17, int32_t p_18);
int64_t func_23(uint8_t p_24, int32_t p_25);
int8_t func_27(uint16_t p_28, uint8_t p_29);
uint32_t func_41(uint64_t p_42, int32_t p_43, union U2 * p_44, uint16_t p_45, union U2 * p_46);
union U2 * func_54(uint16_t * p_55, int32_t p_56, union U2 * p_57, const int32_t * p_58, uint16_t p_59);
int32_t * func_60(uint32_t p_61);
int8_t func_62(const int32_t * p_63, int8_t p_64, const uint16_t * p_65);
int32_t * func_68(int8_t p_69, int64_t p_70);
int64_t func_75(int32_t p_76, int8_t p_77, int16_t p_78, int32_t p_79, union U2 * p_80);
/* --- FUNCTIONS --- */
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_2 g_3193 g_1431 g_1432 g_1433 g_884 g_885 g_1003.f0 g_1285 g_300 g_2965 g_2966 g_438 g_395 g_2128.f0
* writes: g_2 g_395
uint32_t func_1(void)
{ /* block id: 0 */
int16_t l_19 = 0x5FA3L;
int32_t l_2943 = 0L;
int32_t l_2969[8] = {(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L),(-1L)};
uint32_t l_3020 = 0xEDC93258L;
const union U0 *l_3073[7] = {&g_785,&g_785,&g_785,&g_785,&g_785,&g_785,&g_785};
const union U0 **l_3072[1];
int32_t l_3088[9] = {(-1L),(-1L),3L,(-1L),(-1L),3L,(-1L),(-1L),3L};
int32_t l_3109 = 0xA0EA3BD5L;
uint32_t l_3129[8] = {0x8EB2C80FL,4294967288UL,0x8EB2C80FL,4294967288UL,0x8EB2C80FL,4294967288UL,0x8EB2C80FL,4294967288UL};
const union U2 *l_3165 = &g_3166;
const union U2 **l_3164 = &l_3165;
int8_t l_3198 = 0L;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_3072[i] = &l_3073[1];
for (g_2 = 0; (g_2 > 15); g_2 = safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(g_2, 3))
{ /* block id: 3 */
const int8_t l_2928 = 0xBEL;
int32_t l_2951 = 0x1F3C6DCFL;
uint16_t *l_2989 = (void*)0;
const union U2 ***l_2991 = (void*)0;
const union U2 **** const l_2990 = &l_2991;
uint32_t l_3018 = 2UL;
int32_t *l_3022 = &g_395[1];
int32_t l_3078 = 0xFB586080L;
int32_t l_3079 = 0L;
int32_t l_3080 = 0x0B3B55C2L;
int32_t l_3081[2][6][1];
int64_t l_3082 = (-3L);
union U2 ** const l_3167[8][5][6] = {{{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703}},{{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0}},{{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703}},{{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703}},{{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0}},{{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703},{(void*)0,&g_703,&g_112,&g_703,(void*)0,&g_703},{&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_112,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_112,&g_703,&g_112,(void*)0,&g_112,&g_703}}};
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 1; k++)
l_3081[i][j][k] = 9L;
(***g_2965) ^= (((249UL || (safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s(((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s(((l_2969[4] ^= (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((g_3193 , (safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(l_3088[4], 0x9B98L))), (safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(((((void*)0 == (**g_1431)) > (((*g_884) != (*g_884)) || g_1003.f0)) >= g_1285[3][2]), l_3198))))) || 0xF3L), 0x8B21557C84EB8D00LL)), (*g_885))) <= l_3129[6]), l_3109))) <= 0L) < l_3129[6]);
return g_2128.f0;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads :
* writes:
int16_t func_13(uint32_t p_14, int8_t p_15, uint8_t p_16, uint32_t p_17, int32_t p_18)
{ /* block id: 7 */
int32_t l_20[8];
int32_t l_30 = (-1L);
uint32_t *l_2565[8];
int32_t l_2606[10] = {(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L),(-7L)};
uint64_t l_2638[6][9] = {{4UL,4UL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,18446744073709551611UL,8UL,18446744073709551611UL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,4UL,4UL},{0x0A2257A685B01B43LL,4UL,18446744073709551611UL,0x860BEA343ECA00C9LL,18446744073709551611UL,4UL,0x0A2257A685B01B43LL,0x860BEA343ECA00C9LL,0x0A2257A685B01B43LL},{0x8B6B4E31191B3C2DLL,0xA17D55DD9337297BLL,4UL,0xA17D55DD9337297BLL,0x8B6B4E31191B3C2DLL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,0x8B6B4E31191B3C2DLL,0xA17D55DD9337297BLL},{0x860BEA343ECA00C9LL,0UL,0x860BEA343ECA00C9LL,0UL,18446744073709551611UL,18446744073709551611UL,0UL,0x860BEA343ECA00C9LL,0UL},{8UL,18446744073709551611UL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,4UL,4UL,0x12E972767B39D564LL,18446744073709551611UL,8UL,18446744073709551611UL},{0x0A2257A685B01B43LL,0x1BF52D40B2483573LL,0UL,0UL,0x1BF52D40B2483573LL,0x0A2257A685B01B43LL,18446744073709551611UL,0x0A2257A685B01B43LL,0x1BF52D40B2483573LL}};
int8_t *l_2673 = &g_138[1][9];
int32_t ****l_2737 = (void*)0;
uint8_t *l_2738 = &g_106;
union U1 **l_2758 = &g_613;
uint8_t ****l_2845 = &g_1432;
uint32_t l_2869 = 0x89ACD772L;
uint16_t *l_2884 = &g_551.f3;
uint16_t **l_2883 = &l_2884;
int16_t l_2911 = 0x5F39L;
uint16_t l_2918 = 0x70CEL;
int16_t l_2922 = 0xCA00L;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
l_20[i] = 8L;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
l_2565[i] = &g_110;
for (p_18 = 1; (p_18 <= 7); p_18 += 1)
{ /* block id: 10 */
union U0 **l_2294 = &g_1418[1];
int32_t l_2591 = 0xE1A6DCFEL;
uint8_t *l_2595 = &g_87;
int32_t l_2608 = 0L;
int32_t l_2611 = (-6L);
int32_t l_2621[2][5] = {{2L,2L,(-3L),2L,2L},{0xC2DDF097L,2L,0xC2DDF097L,0xC2DDF097L,2L}};
int8_t l_2633 = 4L;
union U1 **l_2757[2];
uint32_t l_2798 = 0x9F15E6D4L;
uint8_t ****l_2844 = &g_1432;
int32_t l_2868 = 0x43ABAF65L;
int32_t *****l_2880[1];
union U2 *****l_2895 = &g_2108;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_2757[i] = &g_613;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_2880[i] = &l_2737;
return p_18;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_33 g_231 g_328 g_329 g_108 g_1658.f1 g_313 g_1358.f1 g_1588.f0 g_438 g_395 g_2323 g_551.f0 g_781 g_581 g_110 g_1706 g_5 g_551.f3 g_2344 g_2101.f3 g_2350 g_580 g_1430 g_1431 g_1432 g_1433 g_1068.f3 g_2295 g_1043.f0 g_2107 g_2108 g_185 g_885 g_300 g_884 g_686 g_687 g_685 g_379 g_380 g_2 g_181 g_785.f1 g_861 g_612 g_613 g_551 g_1588.f3 g_1510 g_149 g_2101.f2 g_2096.f0 g_1726 g_159 g_138 g_2099.f3 g_1358.f0 g_772.f0 g_1285 g_2099.f0
* writes: g_33 g_329 g_108 g_1658.f1 g_395 g_1068.f3 g_185 g_2101.f3 g_581 g_231 g_150 g_1285 g_1501 g_1913 g_1418 g_300 g_149 g_181 g_230 g_1432 g_159 g_138 g_2099.f3
int64_t func_23(uint8_t p_24, int32_t p_25)
{ /* block id: 1013 */
int32_t l_2304 = 0x2CA6DB87L;
int64_t *l_2312 = &g_300;
uint32_t l_2314[7];
int16_t l_2404 = 0x0783L;
int16_t l_2414 = 0L;
int32_t l_2419 = (-6L);
int32_t l_2422 = 2L;
int32_t l_2423[10] = {(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L)};
int32_t ***l_2444 = (void*)0;
const union U1 *l_2547 = &g_2099;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
l_2314[i] = 0xFC6F63D4L;
for (g_33 = 0; (g_33 <= 0); g_33 += 1)
{ /* block id: 1016 */
uint32_t *l_2305 = &g_108[3];
uint32_t *l_2313 = &g_1658.f1;
union U2 *****l_2346[5];
int32_t l_2372 = 4L;
int32_t l_2413 = 0xE8EE08A9L;
int32_t l_2416 = 6L;
int32_t l_2425 = 0xA944068BL;
int32_t l_2426 = 0xE6403F47L;
int32_t l_2428 = 1L;
uint64_t l_2449[10] = {18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL,18446744073709551613UL};
uint8_t *l_2550 = &g_106;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
l_2346[i] = &g_2108;
(*g_438) &= (safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(g_231[g_33], (safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s(((l_2314[4] = (((1UL >= ((*g_328) ^= p_25)) , ((((*g_328) = l_2304) | ((((*l_2305) ^= 6UL) <= (((((safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s(((((((((&g_151 != (void*)0) <= p_25) == ((((*l_2313) |= (safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((l_2312 == (void*)0), 4)), 2))) , g_313[0][0]) && l_2304)) , p_25) & (-1L)) & p_24) > 0xE3E325C4CF929F31LL) <= g_1358.f1), l_2304)) ^ g_1588.f0) & 1UL) | p_25) ^ p_24)) != p_24)) != 0L)) >= p_25)) , 0x5192C755E2154291LL), p_25)))), 0xEFL));
for (g_1068.f3 = 0; (g_1068.f3 <= 1); g_1068.f3 += 1)
{ /* block id: 1025 */
int32_t l_2341 = 0x6983DEB4L;
int32_t l_2407 = 0xE308DDD7L;
int32_t l_2418 = 0xB3902D8BL;
int32_t l_2420 = 0x358CEDF6L;
int32_t l_2421 = 1L;
int32_t l_2424[4];
uint64_t l_2430 = 0x065A8C8944EAF9A5LL;
int8_t *l_2541 = (void*)0;
int8_t *l_2542 = &g_181[9];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_2424[i] = (-4L);
if ((g_313[g_33][g_33] || (safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(((**g_781) = (g_2323[1][3] , (g_551.f0 != 0x590BL))), ((((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u(p_25, (safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s(g_313[g_33][g_33], ((safe_unary_minus_func_int64_t_s(g_231[g_33])) == (((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_231[g_33], (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((l_2304 = (safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((p_24 |= (l_2341 <= 0x41L)), 1))), p_25)) , g_231[g_33]) & g_231[g_33]), p_25)))), p_25)) != g_231[g_33]) || p_24)))))), l_2314[4])) || 0xCBL) == g_110) >= g_395[1]))), 6)), (*g_1706))), (-5L)))))
{ /* block id: 1029 */
union U2 *****l_2345 = &g_2108;
uint16_t *l_2347 = (void*)0;
uint16_t *l_2348 = (void*)0;
uint16_t *l_2349 = &g_2101.f3;
union U0 *l_2375 = &g_1658;
int32_t l_2406 = (-1L);
int32_t l_2412 = (-5L);
int32_t l_2415 = 0x54EFD0E6L;
int32_t l_2417 = 4L;
int32_t l_2427 = 0xF54FDF18L;
int32_t l_2429[7][7] = {{9L,9L,(-3L),0xE6E873F6L,1L,0xE6E873F6L,(-3L)},{(-9L),(-9L),4L,0xF97477C2L,(-1L),0xF97477C2L,4L},{9L,9L,(-3L),0xE6E873F6L,1L,0xE6E873F6L,(-3L)},{(-9L),(-9L),4L,0xF97477C2L,(-1L),0xF97477C2L,4L},{9L,9L,(-3L),0xE6E873F6L,1L,0xE6E873F6L,(-3L)},{(-9L),(-9L),4L,0xF97477C2L,(-1L),0xF97477C2L,4L},{9L,9L,(-3L),0xE6E873F6L,1L,0xE6E873F6L,(-3L)}};
int i, j;
if ((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(p_25, (g_551.f3 < ((*l_2349) &= ((g_2344 , l_2345) == l_2346[4]))))))
{ /* block id: 1031 */
union U1 **l_2352[1][4][3] = {{{&g_613,&g_613,&g_613},{&g_613,&g_613,&g_613},{&g_613,&g_613,&g_613},{&g_613,&g_613,&g_613}}};
union U1 ***l_2351 = &l_2352[0][1][2];
int16_t *l_2357 = &g_150;
int16_t *l_2373 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_2374 = 1L;
int i, j, k;
(*g_438) |= (((g_2350 , l_2351) != (void*)0) > (((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s((g_1285[1][2] = ((*l_2357) = (g_231[g_1068.f3] = (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s((p_24 , (((****g_1430) = (*g_580)) != &p_24)), 7))))), (safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(((l_2374 = (g_1913 = (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(((((((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s((g_313[g_33][g_33] < 4UL), 1)), ((((l_2304 = (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((g_1501 = (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(l_2372, p_25)), 0x593C8699L))), 11))) > 247UL) != 0x9D20L) != 0xCA69919CL))) | (*g_1706)) == 3UL) || 9UL) && p_25) ^ (-1L)), p_24)))) , l_2341), l_2314[4])))) && 0x05L) >= 0xA9A9L));
{ /* block id: 1041 */
uint8_t l_2403[1][2];
int32_t l_2405[10] = {(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L),(-8L)};
int16_t l_2465 = 0xD8BFL;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
l_2403[i][j] = 255UL;
(*g_2295) = l_2375;
if ((((((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s(p_25, g_1043.f0)) <= (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(0x8E4C12F6L, 3L)) > p_25) == (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_u(((p_24--) ^ 249UL), ((*l_2349)--)))), (~((((*g_2107) == (*g_2107)) > ((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(((*g_328) &= (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((l_2405[7] = (safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s(l_2403[0][0], l_2404)), (-1L)))), 0x6722L))), 18446744073709551608UL)), 12)), g_185[2])) , l_2406)) , p_25))))), 4)) || (*g_885)) ^ 0x87L) != (-9L)) ^ p_25))
{ /* block id: 1047 */
int32_t *l_2408 = &g_149;
int32_t *l_2409 = &l_2372;
int32_t *l_2410 = &l_2304;
int32_t *l_2411[8][9] = {{&g_51,&g_5[5],(void*)0,&g_370,&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_51,&g_5[5]},{(void*)0,&l_2405[0],&l_2405[9],&l_2405[9],&l_2405[0],(void*)0,&g_53,(void*)0,&l_2405[0]},{&g_370,&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_370,&g_51,&l_2372,&g_51,&g_370,&g_5[5]},{&l_2304,&l_2304,&g_53,&l_2405[0],&l_2406,&l_2405[0],&g_53,&l_2304,&l_2304},{&g_5[5],&g_370,&g_51,&l_2372,&g_51,&g_370,&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_370},{&l_2405[0],(void*)0,&g_53,(void*)0,&l_2405[0],&l_2405[9],&l_2405[9],&l_2405[9],(void*)0},{&l_2372,(void*)0,&l_2372,&g_370,&g_51,&g_51,&g_370,&l_2372,(void*)0},{&l_2406,&l_2405[0],&g_53,&l_2304,&l_2304,&g_53,&l_2405[0],&l_2406,&l_2405[0]}};
int32_t ****l_2445 = &l_2444;
int i, j;
(*l_2408) = (safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s(((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(g_231[g_33], (((**g_884) = (-1L)) & ((((l_2405[7] = 0x89EC31A1L) != ((safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(((-4L) || (((~(l_2426 != (*g_686))) || ((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((l_2314[1] ^ ((((*g_581) = (0x39EC4306111E2934LL & ((((*g_328)--) || ((((*l_2445) = l_2444) == &g_1203) == p_25)) , (-5L)))) & p_25) , 0x90D562ED700720EALL)), p_25)) || 0xCAL)) , 0xCC16ADBBA8145684LL)), 0x9F0AL)) , 0x4F72E784L)) == p_25) | l_2424[1])))) < p_24), 0xBA3B5982017E6F66LL));
if ((*l_2409))
{ /* block id: 1056 */
int32_t *l_2446 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_2447 = &l_2422;
int32_t *l_2448[4] = {&l_2419,&l_2419,&l_2419,&l_2419};
int8_t *l_2462 = &g_181[6];
int i;
(*g_438) ^= (safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((**g_685), (++(*l_2349))));
if ((**g_379))
(*l_2447) = (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(((l_2424[1] = (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((((((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_2428, (l_2429[3][4] |= ((*l_2462) ^= 8L)))) < (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(((--(*l_2305)) , (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s((g_785.f1 && ((((0x7D6553E7E88078DFLL | (((**g_884) , (***g_1432)) <= (l_2425 | p_24))) | (**g_884)) != (**g_1433)) && p_25)), (***g_861))), 0xE2L)), p_24)) | l_2430) < l_2406), p_24))), (*g_438)))) < 3UL) > p_24) , p_24), p_25))) < 0x1E2CL), (**g_781)));
if (p_25)
if (p_25)
if (l_2420)
{ /* block id: 1071 */
int32_t l_2492 = 0xCAAF734EL;
uint32_t l_2530[6][3] = {{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L},{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L},{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L},{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L},{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L},{0xE08496B4L,0xE08496B4L,0x418E54D3L}};
uint8_t *l_2537 = &g_185[1];
int16_t *l_2538[3][1];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
l_2538[i][j] = &g_1285[1][2];
for (l_2372 = 0; (l_2372 != 8); ++l_2372)
{ /* block id: 1074 */
uint32_t l_2480 = 0UL;
uint16_t *l_2503 = &g_2101.f3;
int32_t l_2532 = (-9L);
(*g_1510) = (safe_sub_func_int64_t_s_s(((**g_884) &= 0x32703BF9ECD52D1BLL), (((l_2480 && (safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((+((((*g_438) = (safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(((*g_328) = p_24), ((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s(((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((((**g_612) , g_1588.f3) , l_2492), ((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(0xD5L, 0x2CL)), (l_2480 ^ 0xC151EC77L))) | 0x63L))) ^ p_25), l_2492)), 6)) & p_24)))) & l_2425) ^ 65532UL)), 0x43EC499DL))) & p_25) >= p_25)));
for (g_230 = 2; (g_230 <= 9); g_230 += 1)
{ /* block id: 1081 */
(*g_438) ^= ((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u((&g_884 == (void*)0), (&g_2108 == &g_1388))) , 6L);
if ((*g_1510))
if ((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(0xDB30L, 8)), ((*l_2503) ^= l_2480))))
{ /* block id: 1086 */
(*g_1431) = (void*)0;
{ /* block id: 1088 */
uint16_t *l_2524 = &g_159;
int8_t *l_2531[3];
uint16_t *l_2533 = &g_2099.f3;
int32_t l_2534 = 0x05CBCC48L;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_2531[i] = &g_138[3][3];
(*g_438) = l_2480;
l_2420 &= (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_unary_minus_func_int8_t_s(g_2101.f2)), (g_181[8] = ((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s((0UL <= 1L), p_25)) > (((safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s(0xD3A1DB9036F656CELL, (safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u((g_2096.f0 >= ((*l_2533) ^= (safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(((+(safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s(g_1726, 1))) & (g_138[0][2] |= (l_2532 = (safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s(((((*l_2524)++) <= ((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((!0x0D97CCDA527C6C95LL), 0)) ^ (0xEC2AL < l_2530[3][1]))) , l_2480), 0x0A8A3908L))))), p_25)))), g_313[g_33][g_33])) & l_2534), 1)))) > 0x8903L) & 0x2AE6F9C1L))))) , g_1358.f0), 5L));
return p_24;
(*g_438) ^= (5UL <= ((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(l_2449[0], 0)) <= (g_772.f0 , ((((p_24 , (l_2449[0] <= ((g_1285[3][1] ^= (((p_25 , (((*g_581) , (p_24 , &p_24)) == l_2537)) != p_25) > 0xC0L)) == g_313[g_33][g_33]))) == l_2425) , p_24) && p_24))));
return (**g_884);
l_2419 = (safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(((((((*l_2542) = (-1L)) | 0x50L) == (((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u((***g_1432), (l_2416 && (((g_138[0][6] = (((((l_2449[2] == (p_25 != (0UL != (((l_2547 != ((safe_div_func_int8_t_s_s(l_2372, 3UL)) , l_2547)) , l_2550) == (void*)0)))) < p_25) <= 8UL) < g_1658.f1) & (*g_885))) & g_2099.f0) != p_24)))), 1UL)) && 2L) | (**g_884))) | (-2L)) | l_2421), p_24));
return (*g_885);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_33 g_73.f0
* writes: g_33
int8_t func_27(uint16_t p_28, uint8_t p_29)
{ /* block id: 15 */
uint16_t l_36[8][4] = {{0x5498L,0xBC23L,65531UL,0xBC23L},{0x7BE2L,0xC586L,6UL,65531UL},{0xBC23L,0xC586L,0xC586L,0xBC23L},{0xC586L,0xBC23L,0x7BE2L,0x5498L},{0xC586L,0x7BE2L,0xC586L,6UL},{0xBC23L,0x5498L,6UL,6UL},{0x7BE2L,0x7BE2L,65531UL,0x5498L},{0x5498L,0xBC23L,65531UL,0xBC23L}};
union U2 *l_47 = &g_38;
const int32_t *l_66[7] = {&g_2,&g_5[0],&g_2,&g_2,&g_5[0],&g_2,&g_2};
int32_t l_2072 = (-2L);
int32_t l_2073 = (-8L);
int32_t l_2074 = 0xCAE0F9E7L;
int32_t l_2075 = (-4L);
int32_t l_2076 = 0x6DA1346DL;
int32_t l_2077 = 0xCBF6314BL;
int32_t l_2078 = (-9L);
uint16_t l_2079 = 0x02EBL;
union U1 *l_2100 = &g_2101;
uint16_t l_2179 = 0UL;
union U1 *l_2248 = (void*)0;
uint8_t *****l_2276 = (void*)0;
int i, j;
for (g_33 = 0; (g_33 <= 3); g_33 += 1)
{ /* block id: 18 */
union U2 *l_37 = &g_38;
int64_t l_49 = 0xAA9C1C73B017290BLL;
int32_t *l_50 = &g_51;
int32_t *l_52 = &g_53;
int32_t l_2063 = (-3L);
int32_t l_2067[6] = {0x7DD6BB52L,0x7DD6BB52L,0x7DD6BB52L,0x7DD6BB52L,0x7DD6BB52L,0x7DD6BB52L};
union U2 * const *l_2112 = &g_112;
union U2 * const **l_2111 = &l_2112;
union U2 * const ***l_2110 = &l_2111;
union U2 * const ****l_2109 = &l_2110;
uint64_t **l_2178 = &g_328;
int i;
l_37 = (void*)0;
return g_73.f0;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_328 g_329 g_1658.f0 g_1432 g_1433 g_1358.f0 g_226 g_1068.f3 g_138 g_561.f1 g_1285 g_438 g_561.f2 g_581 g_1510 g_149 g_395 g_379 g_1736 g_551.f3 g_73.f3 g_612 g_613 g_551 g_951 g_112 g_380 g_2 g_1003.f3 g_370 g_1705 g_1706 g_1726 g_147
* writes: g_329 g_1068.f3 g_1418 g_231 g_395 g_147 g_108 g_185 g_380 g_1736 g_551.f3 g_1003.f3 g_1706 g_1726
uint32_t func_41(uint64_t p_42, int32_t p_43, union U2 * p_44, uint16_t p_45, union U2 * p_46)
{ /* block id: 738 */
uint8_t **l_1788 = &g_581;
uint8_t **l_1789 = &g_581;
uint8_t **l_1790 = &g_581;
uint16_t l_1791 = 0x337DL;
union U1 **l_1792 = &g_613;
union U0 *l_1793[9] = {&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788,&g_788};
int32_t l_1810[2][2][6] = {{{3L,3L,6L,3L,3L,6L},{3L,3L,6L,3L,3L,6L}},{{3L,3L,6L,3L,3L,6L},{3L,3L,6L,3L,3L,6L}}};
int32_t *l_1858 = &g_370;
uint64_t l_1888 = 1UL;
uint32_t l_1893[7][4][3] = {{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL}},{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL}},{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL}},{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL}},{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL}},{{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,8UL,0x4D1986CEL},{8UL,7UL,8UL}},{{7UL,7UL,8UL},{7UL,7UL,8UL},{7UL,7UL,8UL},{7UL,7UL,8UL}}};
uint8_t l_1962 = 0x00L;
int32_t l_1988 = 9L;
int i, j, k;
if (((0xC64AL | ((((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(((*g_328) ^= 8UL), (((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s((g_1658.f0 <= ((safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u(((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s((l_1788 != (l_1790 = (l_1789 = (*g_1432)))), 14)) < (l_1791 ^ l_1791)), p_43)) <= ((&g_613 != l_1792) || p_45))), l_1791)), 5)) <= l_1791) <= g_1358.f0))), l_1791)) ^ g_226) != g_1068.f3) != g_138[1][9])) && l_1791))
{ /* block id: 742 */
uint16_t *l_1794 = &g_1068.f3;
union U0 *l_1799[1][5][4] = {{{&g_1658,&g_788,&g_788,&g_1658},{&g_788,&g_1658,&g_1658,(void*)0},{&g_788,&g_1658,&g_788,&g_1658},{&g_1658,(void*)0,&g_1658,&g_1658},{&g_1658,&g_1658,&g_788,(void*)0}}};
union U0 **l_1800 = &g_1418[0];
union U0 **l_1801 = (void*)0;
union U0 **l_1802 = (void*)0;
union U0 **l_1803 = &l_1799[0][3][1];
int16_t *l_1808 = &g_231[1];
int8_t *l_1809[6][5] = {{&g_138[1][9],(void*)0,&g_138[1][9],&g_181[6],(void*)0},{&g_181[0],&g_138[0][0],&g_181[6],&g_181[0],&g_181[6]},{&g_181[0],&g_181[0],&g_138[1][9],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_138[1][9],(void*)0,&g_181[6],&g_181[6],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&g_138[0][0],&g_138[1][9],(void*)0,&g_181[6]},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_138[1][9],(void*)0,(void*)0}};
uint16_t l_1825 = 65535UL;
int i, j, k;
(*g_438) = (((l_1793[1] != l_1793[1]) || ((*l_1794)++)) , (((p_45 , (((p_45 , (((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(p_45, ((((l_1810[1][1][4] ^= ((l_1793[7] == (p_45 , ((*l_1803) = ((*l_1800) = l_1799[0][3][1])))) != (safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(((*l_1808) = (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(65535UL, p_45))), 0x21E0L)))) >= l_1791) > 0x84F4E7BDL) | g_561.f1))) != p_43) == 0xCD670DFA9CA71E74LL)) ^ (-8L)) | p_43)) < 0xF04FCFE1L) || g_1285[1][6]));
for (g_147 = 1; (g_147 >= 0); g_147 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 751 */
uint64_t l_1817 = 1UL;
uint32_t *l_1818 = &g_108[6];
if ((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s(((((((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((l_1817 >= ((*l_1818) = p_43)), g_561.f2)) > 5UL), 65530UL)) ^ ((***g_1432) = ((--(*l_1794)) > (((*g_328) & 1UL) < (0x68L >= (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(l_1825, 6))))))) && 0x5E97333DE2C599B7LL) == 1L) < 0x93B2905FL) < 0xEDL), p_42)))
{ /* block id: 755 */
if (g_1658.f0)
goto lbl_1826;
{ /* block id: 757 */
int8_t l_1827 = 1L;
(*g_438) |= (*g_1510);
(*g_379) = &l_1810[0][1][2];
if (p_42)
for (g_1736 = 0; (g_1736 <= 1); g_1736 += 1)
{ /* block id: 764 */
uint32_t l_1828[7] = {4UL,4UL,4UL,4UL,4UL,4UL,4UL};
int i;
{ /* block id: 768 */
uint64_t l_1852 = 0xD0B395FBD5438043LL;
int32_t l_1853[7][1][2] = {{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}},{{0xD039D08EL,0xD039D08EL}}};
int32_t l_1855 = 0xEF5F2080L;
int i, j, k;
for (g_551.f3 = 17; (g_551.f3 <= 59); g_551.f3++)
{ /* block id: 771 */
const int32_t l_1854 = 0x0AD8A5D8L;
for (p_43 = 0; (p_43 <= 3); p_43 += 1)
{ /* block id: 774 */
(*g_379) = (void*)0;
return g_73.f3;
l_1855 = (safe_mod_func_int16_t_s_s(((**g_612) , (((safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u((safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(p_45, ((((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s(((void*)0 != (*g_951)), 0)) , (255UL | (((((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((p_45 != (l_1853[3][0][0] = ((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(l_1810[0][1][1], (0x54ECL ^ (safe_unary_minus_func_int64_t_s((((safe_div_func_int8_t_s_s(p_42, p_42)) < l_1852) > (*g_328))))))) >= g_73.f3))), p_42)) , &g_884) != &g_884) , (*g_380)) , (-4L)))), 5)) > l_1852) & g_395[0]) || 0x82F1E973B61F9E6CLL))), l_1810[0][0][0])) ^ (*g_328)) , l_1810[1][1][4])), l_1854));
for (g_1003.f3 = 0; (g_1003.f3 <= 3); g_1003.f3 += 1)
{ /* block id: 784 */
const int32_t **l_1857[1][6] = {{&g_1706,(void*)0,&g_1706,&g_1706,(void*)0,&g_1706}};
int32_t l_1861 = (-3L);
int64_t l_1864 = 0x01923F81607382F9LL;
union U2 *l_1873 = &g_1043;
int32_t l_1889 = 0L;
uint8_t ***l_1898 = &l_1788;
int32_t l_2001 = 0xEC0D91EEL;
int32_t l_2002 = 0L;
union U2 ****l_2019 = (void*)0;
union U2 *****l_2018[7][4] = {{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019},{&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019,&l_2019}};
int i, j;
if ((**g_379))
(*g_1705) = (*g_1705);
for (g_1068.f3 = 0; (g_1068.f3 <= 3); g_1068.f3 += 1)
{ /* block id: 789 */
uint64_t l_1871 = 2UL;
uint32_t l_1876 = 8UL;
const uint16_t *l_1879 = &g_1068.f3;
const uint16_t **l_1878 = &l_1879;
int32_t *l_1938[9][1][5] = {{{(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0}},{{&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1]}},{{(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0}},{{&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1]}},{{(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0}},{{&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1]}},{{(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0}},{{&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1],&g_395[1]}},{{(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0,&g_1736,(void*)0}}};
uint8_t l_1991 = 0x37L;
uint32_t l_2004 = 0x7452E5A2L;
int i, j, k;
(*g_379) = l_1858;
for (g_1726 = 0; (g_1726 <= 3); g_1726 += 1)
{ /* block id: 793 */
union U2 *l_1874 = &g_38;
int32_t *l_1875 = &l_1861;
const int64_t *l_1916 = &g_226;
const int64_t ** const l_1915 = &l_1916;
const int64_t ** const *l_1914 = &l_1915;
int64_t *l_1925 = &g_1555;
int16_t *l_1926 = &g_775[2][5];
int32_t l_1941 = 4L;
int32_t l_1992 = 1L;
int32_t l_1997 = (-3L);
int32_t l_1999[9] = {0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL,0xDA14383CL};
int i, j;
return (*l_1858);
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_159 g_1387 g_1396 g_328 g_329 g_5 g_395 g_861 g_685 g_1285 g_185 g_884 g_885 g_979 g_980 g_1419 g_1430 g_613 g_551 g_300
* writes: g_159 g_300 g_1418 g_885 g_1430
union U2 * func_54(uint16_t * p_55, int32_t p_56, union U2 * p_57, const int32_t * p_58, uint16_t p_59)
{ /* block id: 582 */
volatile union U2 * volatile * volatile * const ** volatile l_1392 = &g_1388;/* VOLATILE GLOBAL l_1392 */
int32_t l_1393 = 0x27DC37CAL;
uint16_t * const *l_1415 = (void*)0;
union U0 *l_1416 = &g_785;
int64_t *l_1420 = (void*)0;
const union U1 *l_1599 = &g_549;
uint16_t *l_1662[1];
uint16_t **l_1661 = &l_1662[0];
uint16_t ***l_1660 = &l_1661;
int32_t l_1702 = 0x83267610L;
int32_t l_1727 = 1L;
int32_t l_1732 = (-6L);
int32_t l_1735 = (-3L);
int64_t l_1741 = 0x2B34BA1D874E178CLL;
int32_t l_1742 = (-5L);
int32_t l_1744[6][5] = {{9L,9L,9L,9L,9L},{(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L)},{9L,9L,9L,9L,9L},{(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L)},{9L,9L,9L,9L,9L},{(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L),(-5L)}};
int8_t l_1750 = 0L;
uint8_t ***l_1760 = (void*)0;
uint32_t l_1769 = 0x19ABAD4EL;
union U2 *l_1775[5];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1662[i] = &g_159;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
l_1775[i] = &g_339;
for (g_159 = 0; (g_159 <= 57); g_159 = safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(g_159, 1))
{ /* block id: 585 */
union U2 *l_1386 = &g_113[0];
return l_1386;
l_1392 = g_1387;
if ((((l_1393 == ((safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u(((g_1396 , ((*g_328) , (*p_58))) < l_1393), (+((l_1393 & ((**g_884) = ((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u((safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((!(safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(((1UL || (safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((((l_1415 != (*g_861)) <= l_1393) >= l_1393), 7)), g_159))) , g_1285[1][2]), g_185[0]))), 65527UL)), l_1393)), l_1393)), l_1393)) != (*p_58)))) ^ p_59)))) >= l_1393)) >= (*g_328)) , 0L))
{ /* block id: 590 */
uint16_t l_1421 = 0xDB66L;
const int8_t l_1426 = 0L;
uint8_t ** const *l_1429 = &g_580;
uint8_t ** const **l_1428[4][2] = {{&l_1429,&l_1429},{&l_1429,&l_1429},{&l_1429,&l_1429},{&l_1429,&l_1429}};
uint8_t ** const ***l_1427 = &l_1428[0][0];
int32_t l_1434 = 0x635A9F94L;
int32_t l_1595[2];
int32_t ** const *l_1610[9][3];
union U2 *l_1685 = (void*)0;
uint8_t l_1708 = 0xDBL;
int64_t l_1713 = 0x9C1AC0D7F6D07026LL;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_1595[i] = 0xA988C669L;
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
l_1610[i][j] = (void*)0;
(*g_1419) = ((*g_979) , l_1416);
l_1421 |= (((*g_884) = l_1420) == l_1420);
l_1434 ^= (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((((safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(0x090981DFL, (((5L <= p_56) , 0xCFCDL) > ((*g_328) , (l_1426 >= ((l_1427 = (void*)0) != (g_1430 = g_1430))))))) , ((*g_613) , &g_438)) == &p_58), l_1393));
for (g_300 = 1; (g_300 > 15); ++g_300)
{ /* block id: 599 */
int32_t l_1446 = 0xE1AAC973L;
int32_t l_1602 = 0L;
uint16_t ***l_1659 = (void*)0;
union U2 ***l_1701 = &g_210[0][3][0];
union U2 ****l_1700 = &l_1701;
int64_t ***l_1704 = &g_884;
int32_t l_1715 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1717 = 1L;
int32_t l_1729 = (-4L);
int32_t l_1730 = 9L;
int32_t l_1731 = (-10L);
int32_t l_1734 = 0L;
int32_t l_1739 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1740 = 0xB9C69FD7L;
int32_t l_1743[6];
int32_t l_1746 = (-1L);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
l_1743[i] = 0xA79DDC60L;
{ /* block id: 734 */
union U2 *l_1774 = (void*)0;
return l_1774;
return l_1775[3];
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_300 g_613 g_551 g_580 g_581 g_150 g_438 g_395 g_1003.f2 g_1311 g_183 g_33 g_313 g_885 g_1285 g_138 g_1160.f2 g_781 g_185 g_612 g_181 g_328 g_329 g_379 g_380 g_2 g_1358
* writes: g_300 g_581 g_150 g_138 g_395 g_834 g_613 g_785.f1 g_551.f1 g_148
int32_t * func_60(uint32_t p_61)
{ /* block id: 353 */
int32_t l_937 = 1L;
int32_t l_956[4] = {0x1763E428L,0x1763E428L,0x1763E428L,0x1763E428L};
uint64_t l_966 = 7UL;
uint8_t **l_1002 = (void*)0;
uint8_t ***l_1001 = &l_1002;
uint8_t ****l_1000[6][6] = {{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001},{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001},{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001},{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001},{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001},{&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001,&l_1001}};
uint64_t l_1012 = 0x4C1BC01E1FCA00FCLL;
uint32_t l_1023 = 4294967288UL;
int32_t *l_1059[1];
union U2 **l_1111 = &g_703;
uint16_t l_1186 = 0UL;
const int32_t *l_1192[4][9] = {{&g_370,(void*)0,&g_2,&g_370,&l_956[3],&g_370,&g_2,(void*)0,&g_370},{(void*)0,&g_395[0],&g_395[0],&l_956[3],&g_2,&g_370,(void*)0,&l_956[3],(void*)0},{&g_395[0],&g_370,&g_370,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_370,&g_370,&g_395[0],&g_2},{(void*)0,&g_2,(void*)0,&g_370,(void*)0,&l_956[2],&g_395[0],&l_956[3],&l_956[3]}};
const int32_t **l_1191[9];
const int32_t ***l_1190 = &l_1191[1];
uint64_t l_1206 = 0x5CAE8F5F6E304965LL;
int64_t l_1257 = 0x9B0715FB282F1C3CLL;
union U1 **l_1270 = &g_613;
int8_t l_1377 = 0L;
uint64_t l_1381 = 0x9C1BAA1565C703ADLL;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1059[i] = &g_395[1];
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
l_1191[i] = &l_1192[3][3];
for (g_300 = 0; (g_300 != (-23)); --g_300)
{ /* block id: 356 */
uint64_t *l_914 = &g_329[1];
int32_t l_919 = 0x0892EC36L;
int32_t l_958 = 0L;
int32_t l_961 = 0x5AF03F57L;
int32_t l_962[4];
uint16_t *l_993 = &g_549.f3;
uint16_t **l_992 = &l_993;
uint16_t ***l_991 = &l_992;
int8_t l_1022 = (-1L);
int64_t * const *l_1031[6][7] = {{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885},{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885},{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885},{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885},{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885},{&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885,&g_885}};
int64_t * const **l_1030 = &l_1031[4][5];
union U2 *l_1042 = &g_1043;
union U2 *l_1044 = &g_1045;
union U1 *l_1067 = &g_1068;
int32_t *l_1081[3];
int32_t l_1138 = 6L;
int64_t l_1229[4][9][2] = {{{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,6L},{0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL,(-1L)},{0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL,0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL},{6L,0x2B57B54D881BB49ELL},{6L,0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL},{0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL,(-1L)},{0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL,6L},{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL},{(-2L),4L}},{{4L,0L},{(-1L),1L},{0x5FECDFBCFE5B7839LL,0x18EF0A355B54B266LL},{0x2C0836CF001E0C56LL,(-1L)},{6L,(-1L)},{0x2C0836CF001E0C56LL,0x18EF0A355B54B266LL},{0x5FECDFBCFE5B7839LL,1L},{(-1L),0L},{4L,4L}},{{(-2L),0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL},{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,6L},{0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL,(-1L)},{0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL,0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL},{6L,0x2B57B54D881BB49ELL},{6L,0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL},{0xAE0D152A60C7B774LL,(-1L)},{0xA6D5F1EBC51A60D9LL,6L},{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,(-1L)}},{{(-1L),6L},{6L,4L},{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,0x2B57B54D881BB49ELL},{0x35A387B2219A00FFLL,(-2L)},{(-1L),0x5FECDFBCFE5B7839LL},{0L,0x5FECDFBCFE5B7839LL},{(-1L),(-2L)},{0x35A387B2219A00FFLL,0x2B57B54D881BB49ELL},{0x18EF0A355B54B266LL,4L}}};
uint16_t * const **l_1251 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_1256 = 0x0DBE414FL;
union U2 ***l_1272 = (void*)0;
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_962[i] = (-5L);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_1081[i] = &l_958;
if (((**l_1270) , p_61))
{ /* block id: 538 */
int64_t ** const *l_1275[8] = {(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0};
int16_t *l_1276[4];
int32_t l_1277 = 0xD0CFFF9CL;
int32_t l_1279 = (-1L);
int64_t l_1293 = 0x1523625DB1D61B70LL;
int32_t l_1294 = 0L;
int32_t l_1295 = 0x0CC8C144L;
int32_t l_1296[5][3] = {{1L,1L,1L},{(-1L),(-1L),(-1L)},{1L,1L,1L},{(-1L),(-1L),(-1L)},{1L,1L,1L}};
int64_t ***l_1317 = (void*)0;
uint32_t l_1369 = 18446744073709551611UL;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_1276[i] = &g_231[1];
if ((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(p_61, ((((l_1277 = (&g_884 != l_1275[2])) > p_61) <= 1UL) & ((~(((p_61 && p_61) & l_1279) <= (0xCD645A0BL <= 3UL))) != l_1279)))))
{ /* block id: 540 */
const uint8_t *l_1280 = &g_87;
int32_t l_1281 = 0x95362978L;
int32_t l_1284 = 9L;
int32_t l_1286 = 3L;
int32_t l_1297 = 0x3C4C55D4L;
uint32_t l_1298[1];
int64_t ***l_1316 = &g_884;
union U2 ***l_1334[7][1];
int64_t l_1342 = 0L;
int32_t l_1366 = 1L;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_1298[i] = 6UL;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
l_1334[i][j] = &l_1111;
if ((p_61 == (((*g_580) = (*g_580)) == l_1280)))
{ /* block id: 542 */
uint64_t l_1289 = 0x06927BBADC2E7A78LL;
int32_t l_1292[4] = {0x4D0B5B16L,0x4D0B5B16L,0x4D0B5B16L,0x4D0B5B16L};
uint16_t ***l_1326 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_1337 = &g_834;
int i;
for (g_150 = 1; (g_150 >= 0); g_150 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 545 */
int16_t l_1282[8][5] = {{0x2E8CL,0xB817L,0x2E8CL,0x253BL,0x253BL},{(-1L),0x07F0L,(-1L),1L,0xB711L},{0x2E8CL,0xB817L,0x2E8CL,0x253BL,0x253BL},{(-1L),0x07F0L,(-1L),1L,0xB711L},{0x2E8CL,0xB817L,0x2E8CL,0x253BL,0x253BL},{(-1L),0x07F0L,(-1L),1L,0xB711L},{0x2E8CL,0xB817L,0x2E8CL,0x253BL,0x253BL},{(-1L),0x07F0L,(-1L),1L,0xB711L}};
int32_t l_1283 = 0L;
int32_t l_1287 = 0xAA5AB3F3L;
int32_t l_1288 = (-1L);
union U1 ** const l_1303 = &g_613;
int i, j;
if ((*g_438))
for (l_1186 = 0; (l_1186 <= 2); l_1186 += 1)
{ /* block id: 551 */
union U1 **l_1304[3][1];
int8_t *l_1322 = &g_138[0][0];
int16_t l_1323 = 7L;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
l_1304[i][j] = (void*)0;
(*g_438) = (((*l_1322) &= (safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(0x3F05E2F4143BE353LL, (g_1003.f2 , ((l_1303 == (l_1304[0][0] = &g_613)) & ((p_61 | (safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u(((safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(((*g_885) ^= ((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(((g_1311 , (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(((l_1317 = l_1316) == l_1275[g_150]), (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_div_func_int16_t_s_s(g_183, 65531UL)), p_61)))), 12))) , g_33), l_1287)) | g_313[0][0])), l_1283)) , 0x96L), g_1285[2][0]))) >= l_1292[2])))))) | l_1323);
(*g_438) &= ((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((void*)0 != l_1326), 12)) , (l_1281 |= ((g_1160.f2 ^ ((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_unary_minus_func_uint8_t_u((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((l_1292[2] != (l_1334[5][0] == (((*l_1337) = (p_61 > (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(1UL, p_61)))) , &g_210[2][3][1]))), 2)), (**g_781))))), (**g_781))) != (-3L))) < 1L)));
{ /* block id: 562 */
int32_t l_1339 = 0x5AC75A48L;
int32_t l_1343 = 0x4A8D4C83L;
int64_t l_1348 = 7L;
int32_t l_1360 = 0xA623D52EL;
int32_t l_1361 = 0x6CB617C1L;
int32_t l_1362 = 1L;
int32_t l_1364 = 0x22C27C47L;
int32_t l_1365 = 0x4E1D8A27L;
l_1111 = l_1111;
(*g_612) = (*g_612);
if ((l_1343 &= ((((void*)0 == &g_979) & (~(p_61 , l_1339))) == (l_1339 >= (g_1285[0][2] < (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(((p_61 , (g_181[6] , (((((*g_328) > (*g_328)) == 0xEA590FDFL) & g_181[6]) ^ 0x17L))) < l_1342), p_61)))))))
{ /* block id: 566 */
uint32_t *l_1353 = &g_785.f1;
uint8_t l_1359 = 255UL;
int32_t l_1363 = 7L;
int32_t l_1367 = (-4L);
int32_t l_1368 = 0x97CD189AL;
l_1359 ^= (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((0xC2CFL || (safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u((((l_1348 & (safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((((**g_379) , (safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s(0xD3L, ((((*l_1353) = 1UL) , (safe_div_func_int8_t_s_s(0x4EL, ((p_61 | (safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(p_61, ((g_1358 , 1L) ^ p_61)))) ^ 1UL)))) <= (*g_328))))) < p_61), 0xB543EF5EL))) >= (*g_885)) <= (-2L)), p_61))), 12));
{ /* block id: 570 */
int32_t *l_1372 = &l_937;
return &g_5[1];
{ /* block id: 574 */
int32_t l_1373 = 0x2204D717L;
int32_t l_1374 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1375 = 0xF383F663L;
int32_t l_1376 = 0xAB396B65L;
int32_t l_1378 = (-1L);
int32_t l_1379 = 4L;
int32_t l_1380 = 0x0094B56CL;
return &g_395[1];
{ /* block id: 578 */
for (g_551.f1 = 0; g_551.f1 < 4; g_551.f1 += 1)
for (g_148 = 0; g_148 < 9; g_148 += 1)
l_1192[g_551.f1][g_148] = (void*)0;
return &g_395[1];
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_438 g_884 g_380 g_2 g_5 g_183
* writes: g_395
int8_t func_62(const int32_t * p_63, int8_t p_64, const uint16_t * p_65)
{ /* block id: 22 */
int32_t l_67[8] = {(-1L),(-10L),(-10L),(-1L),(-10L),(-10L),(-1L),(-10L)};
int64_t *l_882[3];
int64_t **l_881 = &l_882[2];
int64_t ***l_883 = &l_881;
uint16_t l_892 = 0x64CBL;
int32_t l_907 = 0L;
int32_t l_908[10][5] = {{0L,0L,0L,0L,0L},{4L,4L,4L,4L,4L},{0L,0L,0L,0L,0L},{4L,4L,4L,4L,4L},{0L,0L,0L,0L,0L},{4L,4L,4L,4L,4L},{0L,0L,0L,0L,0L},{4L,4L,4L,4L,4L},{0L,0L,0L,0L,0L},{4L,4L,4L,4L,4L}};
uint64_t l_909 = 0x2FBA46EE2C52C9F8LL;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_882[i] = &g_300;
for (p_64 = 6; (p_64 >= 0); p_64 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 25 */
int32_t l_71 = 0x191B8600L;
int32_t *l_870[7][4][8] = {{{&g_5[5],&g_5[1],(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_5[5]},{&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5]},{(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_5[1],&g_370,&g_149,&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_5[5]},{(void*)0,&g_370,&g_370,&g_2,(void*)0,&g_5[1],&g_5[1],&g_5[5]}},{{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_5[0],&g_5[0],&g_5[3],&g_149,&g_5[5]},{(void*)0,&g_5[1],&g_370,&g_149,(void*)0,&g_370,&g_149,&g_149},{&g_5[1],&g_149,&g_149,&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[3],&g_5[0],&g_370},{&g_370,&g_149,(void*)0,&g_5[5],(void*)0,&g_370,(void*)0,&g_149}},{{&g_370,&g_370,&g_370,&g_149,&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_2,(void*)0},{&g_2,&g_2,&g_370,&g_149,&g_149,&g_2,&g_5[5],&g_5[5]},{&g_5[5],&g_149,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_5[1],(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_149},{(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_5[3],&g_370,&g_5[3],&g_5[5],(void*)0,(void*)0}},{{&g_370,(void*)0,&g_149,&g_2,&g_370,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_149,&g_5[5],&g_5[1],(void*)0,&g_370,&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_370},{&g_370,&g_2,&g_2,&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_5[4],&g_5[5],&g_2},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_149,&g_149,&g_5[1],&g_5[0],(void*)0,&g_370}},{{&g_5[5],&g_5[1],&g_370,&g_149,&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_5[5],(void*)0},{&g_2,&g_149,&g_149,&g_2,&g_5[5],&g_370,&g_370,&g_370},{&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[1],&g_5[1],(void*)0,&g_370,&g_5[5],(void*)0},{&g_370,&g_370,&g_370,&g_149,(void*)0,&g_5[4],&g_2,(void*)0}},{{&g_5[1],&g_149,&g_2,&g_149,&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],(void*)0},{&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_5[1],&g_149,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_370},{&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[3],&g_2,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_149,(void*)0},{&g_5[3],(void*)0,&g_370,&g_149,&g_370,(void*)0,&g_5[5],&g_370}},{{&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_149,(void*)0,&g_2,&g_5[5],&g_2},{&g_5[3],&g_149,(void*)0,&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_5[1],&g_149,&g_370},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_370,(void*)0,&g_149,&g_5[0],(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_370,&g_2,&g_5[5],&g_370,&g_149,(void*)0}}};
int i, j, k;
if ((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s(((*g_438) = (p_64 != (+7UL))), (safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s((((((((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((((*l_883) = ((safe_unary_minus_func_int64_t_s(l_67[3])) , l_881)) == g_884), (*g_380))) && ((safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(((-4L) & (*p_63)), (((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u(g_183, 2)) ^ p_64) != 0x0FL), 0x526BCBE1L)) | p_64) < 0xB4L))) < (*g_380))) == l_67[0]) | l_892) | l_892) & l_892) < l_892), 0x71L)), l_892)))))
{ /* block id: 347 */
uint16_t l_893 = 0x547DL;
{ /* block id: 349 */
int32_t *l_897 = &g_395[0];
int32_t *l_898 = &g_370;
int32_t *l_899 = &g_370;
int32_t *l_900 = &g_370;
int32_t *l_901 = (void*)0;
int32_t l_902 = (-7L);
int32_t *l_903 = &g_395[1];
int32_t *l_904 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_905[3];
int16_t l_906[7] = {1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_905[i] = &l_902;
return p_64;
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_5 g_73 g_74 g_87 g_33 g_106 g_112 g_2 g_108 g_138 g_151 g_110 g_159 g_150 g_185 g_149 g_210 g_148 g_226 g_233 g_147 g_135 g_183 g_231 g_300 g_184 g_328 g_329 g_313 g_181 g_370 g_438 g_395 g_561 g_580 g_612 g_549.f0 g_581 g_613 g_391 g_477.f0 g_685 g_691 g_686 g_687 g_551.f0 g_702 g_379 g_380 g_772 g_775 g_779 g_551.f3 g_113.f0
* writes: g_108 g_110 g_138 g_87 g_151 g_159 g_112 g_185 g_149 g_226 g_233 g_230 g_300 g_313 g_150 g_328 g_180 g_183 g_329 g_370 g_395 g_438 g_613 g_147 g_703 g_210 g_783 g_181 g_861
int32_t * func_68(int8_t p_69, int64_t p_70)
{ /* block id: 26 */
int32_t l_72[8][1];
int32_t l_88 = 0xFAE2361AL;
int32_t l_89[8][1][5] = {{{3L,0xF7C93E25L,0x870A6552L,0x7F9B64A4L,0x6C077406L}},{{0x591552D4L,0x591552D4L,0x591552D4L,(-4L),(-8L)}},{{0x2F0819D5L,0x7F9B64A4L,3L,0L,0xFF7D1D41L}},{{(-4L),0x591552D4L,0x591552D4L,(-4L),(-8L)}},{{0x2F0819D5L,0x7F9B64A4L,3L,0L,0xFF7D1D41L}},{{(-4L),0x591552D4L,0x591552D4L,(-4L),(-8L)}},{{0x2F0819D5L,0x7F9B64A4L,3L,0L,0xFF7D1D41L}},{{(-4L),0x591552D4L,0x591552D4L,(-4L),(-8L)}}};
union U1 *l_548 = &g_549;
union U1 *l_550 = &g_551;
uint64_t *l_554[2];
uint64_t l_583 = 18446744073709551612UL;
int64_t l_608 = 1L;
uint32_t l_609 = 0x8599801BL;
int16_t *l_698 = &g_135;
int32_t l_734 = 0x5E798682L;
union U2 **l_799 = &g_703;
uint16_t l_809 = 4UL;
int32_t l_833 = 0x14180D23L;
int32_t *l_846 = &g_370;
int32_t *l_847 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_848 = &l_89[0][0][4];
int32_t *l_849[2][2];
int8_t l_850 = (-2L);
int32_t l_851 = 3L;
int32_t l_852[10][5][5] = {{{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L},{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,0xADB54B5AL,0x7DD1B919L,(-1L)},{0xEDB4C8ADL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xEDB4C8ADL,5L},{0xA25527E3L,0xB927AC10L,1L,0xA25527E3L,(-1L)},{0x7762E22AL,(-1L),0xA1C02E3FL,0x7762E22AL,0L}},{{0xA25527E3L,0xADB54B5AL,0xADB54B5AL,0xA25527E3L,6L},{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L},{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,0xADB54B5AL,0x7DD1B919L,(-1L)},{0xEDB4C8ADL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xEDB4C8ADL,5L},{0xA25527E3L,0xB927AC10L,1L,0xA25527E3L,(-1L)}},{{0x7762E22AL,(-1L),0xA1C02E3FL,0x7762E22AL,0L},{0xA25527E3L,0xADB54B5AL,0xADB54B5AL,0xA25527E3L,6L},{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L},{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,0xADB54B5AL,0x7DD1B919L,(-1L)},{0xEDB4C8ADL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xEDB4C8ADL,5L}},{{0xA25527E3L,0xB927AC10L,1L,0xA25527E3L,(-1L)},{0x7762E22AL,(-1L),0xA1C02E3FL,0x7762E22AL,0L},{0xA25527E3L,0xADB54B5AL,0xADB54B5AL,0xA25527E3L,6L},{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L},{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,0xADB54B5AL,0x7DD1B919L,(-1L)}},{{0xEDB4C8ADL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xEDB4C8ADL,5L},{0xA25527E3L,0xB927AC10L,1L,0xA25527E3L,(-1L)},{0x7762E22AL,(-1L),0xA1C02E3FL,0x7762E22AL,0L},{0xA25527E3L,0xADB54B5AL,0xADB54B5AL,0xA25527E3L,6L},{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L}},{{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,0xADB54B5AL,0x7DD1B919L,(-1L)},{0xEDB4C8ADL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xA1C02E3FL,0xEDB4C8ADL,5L},{0xA25527E3L,0xB927AC10L,1L,0xA25527E3L,(-1L)},{0x7762E22AL,(-1L),0xA1C02E3FL,0x7762E22AL,0L},{0xA25527E3L,0xADB54B5AL,0xADB54B5AL,0xA25527E3L,6L}},{{0xEDB4C8ADL,(-1L),(-4L),0xEDB4C8ADL,0L},{0x7DD1B919L,0xB927AC10L,5L,0x45009FF3L,0xBF425372L},{9L,0x58A147C6L,0x58A147C6L,9L,0x79E9465FL},{1L,0x7DD1B919L,0xA25527E3L,1L,0xBF425372L},{0L,0x7762E22AL,0x58A147C6L,0L,0x18FE3080L}},{{1L,5L,5L,1L,0x521B23B2L},{9L,0x7762E22AL,0xEDB4C8ADL,9L,0x18FE3080L},{0x45009FF3L,0x7DD1B919L,5L,0x45009FF3L,0xBF425372L},{9L,0x58A147C6L,0x58A147C6L,9L,0x79E9465FL},{1L,0x7DD1B919L,0xA25527E3L,1L,0xBF425372L}},{{0L,0x7762E22AL,0x58A147C6L,0L,0x18FE3080L},{1L,5L,5L,1L,0x521B23B2L},{9L,0x7762E22AL,0xEDB4C8ADL,9L,0x18FE3080L},{0x45009FF3L,0x7DD1B919L,5L,0x45009FF3L,0xBF425372L},{9L,0x58A147C6L,0x58A147C6L,9L,0x79E9465FL}},{{1L,0x7DD1B919L,0xA25527E3L,1L,0xBF425372L},{0L,0x7762E22AL,0x58A147C6L,0L,0x18FE3080L},{1L,5L,5L,1L,0x521B23B2L},{9L,0x7762E22AL,0xEDB4C8ADL,9L,0x18FE3080L},{0x45009FF3L,0x7DD1B919L,5L,0x45009FF3L,0xBF425372L}}};
uint64_t l_853 = 0xEDB6E677E854FD0ALL;
int8_t l_856[7] = {(-2L),(-3L),(-3L),(-2L),(-3L),(-3L),(-2L)};
int64_t l_857 = 0xB70CE53FD21F79FCLL;
uint32_t l_858[8];
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
l_72[i][j] = 1L;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_554[i] = &g_329[1];
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
l_849[i][j] = &g_395[1];
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
l_858[i] = 0x94F0D89CL;
for (p_70 = 0; (p_70 >= 0); p_70 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 29 */
int32_t l_91 = (-1L);
int32_t l_587 = 1L;
int32_t l_590 = (-10L);
int32_t l_592 = 0L;
int32_t l_595 = 0x764C7D33L;
int32_t l_598 = 0xB311969EL;
int32_t l_602 = 0xD34D23D4L;
int32_t l_605 = (-7L);
int32_t l_606 = 0x282ADF5CL;
int32_t l_607 = 0xA6502F10L;
union U1 *l_648 = &g_549;
int16_t *l_717[4] = {&g_231[1],&g_231[1],&g_231[1],&g_231[1]};
uint8_t l_769 = 252UL;
int64_t l_831 = 0x2DCF9360629189C2LL;
int32_t l_835 = 0L;
int32_t l_836 = 0xDDCD8856L;
int32_t l_837 = 0x2855BE9DL;
int32_t l_838 = 6L;
int32_t l_839 = 0xD2323B83L;
int32_t l_840[2];
uint32_t l_843 = 9UL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_840[i] = 0x5639F38CL;
if (g_5[5])
for (p_69 = 0; (p_69 <= 0); p_69 += 1)
{ /* block id: 33 */
uint8_t *l_86[9] = {&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87,&g_87};
int32_t l_90 = 0x5618A321L;
uint64_t l_92 = 0xEA102A83C5EE7416LL;
uint32_t *l_107 = &g_108[6];
uint32_t *l_109 = &g_110;
uint32_t l_111 = 0xCD02AC2FL;
int32_t l_591 = 1L;
int32_t l_593 = 1L;
int32_t l_596 = (-3L);
int32_t l_600 = 0x4F4A2055L;
int32_t l_601[1][7][8] = {{{7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L},{0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L},{7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L},{7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L},{0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L},{7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L,0x07F27428L,7L,0x07F27428L},{7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L,(-2L),7L,7L}}};
uint64_t l_654[2];
union U2 **l_733 = &g_112;
union U0 *l_787 = &g_788;
int32_t *l_825 = &l_595;
int32_t *l_826 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_827 = &l_90;
int32_t *l_828 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_829 = &l_596;
int32_t *l_830[4];
int32_t l_841 = (-10L);
int32_t l_842 = 1L;
int i, j, k;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_654[i] = 0xBCD18AD6ADE50467LL;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_830[i] = &l_605;
if (((g_73 , (g_74 , 0xAED9L)) == ((func_75((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_72[(p_70 + 4)][p_69], (((*l_109) = ((*l_107) = (safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((((!((++l_92) | ((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(((((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u((((~((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((0x52L < (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70], ((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_72[3][0], p_69)) , (l_91 != 0x0EA5CD88L))))), p_70)) && l_89[0][0][4])) , g_87) < p_69), g_5[1])) || g_33) >= p_70) < p_69), l_88)) < 0x29ACL))) || p_69) == p_70), g_106)))) ^ 1UL))), l_111, g_33, p_70, g_112) == l_89[0][0][4]) , p_70)))
{ /* block id: 251 */
int8_t l_552[5];
int32_t l_563 = 1L;
int32_t l_588 = 0x41D28224L;
int32_t l_589 = 1L;
int32_t l_594[9] = {(-1L),0L,(-1L),(-1L),0L,(-1L),(-1L),0L,(-1L)};
union U1 ** const l_644 = &l_550;
union U2 **l_803 = &g_703;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
l_552[i] = 0L;
l_550 = (l_548 = (void*)0);
if (l_552[3])
{ /* block id: 254 */
uint64_t **l_553 = &g_328;
uint64_t **l_555 = (void*)0;
uint64_t *l_556 = &g_329[4];
int32_t l_562 = 1L;
uint8_t **l_578 = (void*)0;
uint8_t ***l_579 = &l_578;
int32_t l_582 = 5L;
int64_t *l_584 = &g_300;
int32_t l_599 = 0xF0634E5CL;
int32_t l_603 = 0x60547D8DL;
int32_t l_604[2];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_604[i] = 8L;
if (((((*l_553) = &g_329[1]) == (l_554[1] = (l_556 = l_554[0]))) , (p_69 > ((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u((((*g_328)--) != (l_563 = (g_561 , l_562))), g_108[2])) & (((safe_mod_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((((*l_584) &= ((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u((l_582 = (((safe_div_func_int8_t_s_s(p_69, ((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(((safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((((*l_579) = l_578) == (l_552[3] , g_580)), l_72[3][0])), 7)) , p_70), p_69)) , g_135))) , p_70) ^ 0L)), l_583)) <= 0x7722L)) || l_552[2]) ^ p_69) & 65533UL), 1)), p_70)) & g_231[1]) , 0x6B79L)))))
{ /* block id: 263 */
int32_t *l_585[1];
int32_t l_586 = 0L;
int32_t l_597[4][9] = {{1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L},{0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L},{1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L,1L},{0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L,0xCC4E5BD3L,0xE36409A2L}};
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
l_585[i] = &l_72[(p_70 + 1)][p_70];
{ /* block id: 265 */
uint16_t *l_615 = &g_33;
uint16_t **l_614 = &l_615;
int32_t l_626 = 0xD4E02EE6L;
(*g_612) = &g_549;
(*g_438) = (g_561 , ((((*l_553) = &l_92) == &l_583) | ((((((*l_614) = (void*)0) == (void*)0) , (safe_mod_func_uint64_t_u_u(((((0x33BF0C1FCFB8AE51LL <= (g_329[1] |= (safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(((l_72[1][0] > ((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(0x09L, (safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s(((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(l_626, (-1L))) == g_185[0]), l_562)))) == g_549.f0)) || (*g_581)), l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70])))) , p_70) && p_70) , g_395[0]), 0x92B165A737219DCALL))) , (*g_581)) == 4UL)));
{ /* block id: 272 */
int16_t l_631 = 3L;
int32_t l_653 = 4L;
int8_t l_690 = (-10L);
int64_t *l_713 = &l_608;
int64_t **l_712 = &l_713;
union U0 *l_784 = &g_785;
uint8_t ***l_790 = (void*)0;
uint8_t ****l_789 = &l_790;
if (((*g_438) = (((safe_unary_minus_func_int8_t_s(((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((((+l_631) , ((void*)0 != (*g_612))) != (((+(((g_151--) != (!(0xEF82076EL > (!((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u((g_138[0][5] = (safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(((p_70 < ((safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_87, 0L)) , (!(-5L)))) && l_607), 1L))), p_70)) , 0x6AL))))) != l_631)) || 0xF13FL) != l_631)), l_600)) <= g_391))) <= 0UL) | p_70)))
{ /* block id: 276 */
union U1 **l_646 = &l_550;
union U1 ***l_645[9][8][3] = {{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{(void*)0,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{(void*)0,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{(void*)0,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{(void*)0,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{(void*)0,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,(void*)0,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646},{&l_646,&l_646,&l_646}}};
union U1 ***l_647 = &l_646;
int32_t *l_649 = &l_89[4][0][0];
int32_t *l_650 = &l_600;
int32_t *l_651 = &l_588;
int32_t *l_652[7][5] = {{(void*)0,&l_607,(void*)0,&l_587,(void*)0},{&l_607,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_594[7],(void*)0},{&l_607,&l_607,&l_90,&l_594[7],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_607,(void*)0,&l_587,(void*)0},{&l_607,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_594[7],(void*)0},{&l_607,&l_607,&l_90,&l_594[7],(void*)0},{(void*)0,&l_607,(void*)0,&l_587,(void*)0}};
int i, j, k;
(*l_647) = l_644;
(**l_647) = l_648;
{ /* block id: 280 */
uint16_t *l_684 = &g_159;
uint16_t **l_683[4];
int32_t l_688 = 0x4F556293L;
int16_t *l_689 = &g_147;
union U2 **l_701 = &g_112;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
l_683[i] = &l_684;
l_600 = (safe_add_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((l_690 = ((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(p_70, ((p_70 | (safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u(((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_div_func_uint8_t_u_u((l_590 ^ ((((safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(((((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u(((g_300 = g_477.f0) && ((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(((*l_689) = (((((((3L != (0x2B4D1C861BADE581LL & 0x2D3F9473392EBD03LL)) || (((safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(((0xC64C9138L || (l_683[2] == g_685)) < 0xB5E9BBAAB71EF8F5LL), g_147)) , &g_181[0]) != (void*)0)) == 1L) ^ 0x223DL) <= l_688) , 0x41L) || (*g_581))), l_552[1])) == (-10L))), l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70])) != g_5[4]) , l_631) , (**g_580)), 6)), l_594[3])) <= 0x2E50L) <= 0xBEDB3BA7A458FF2FLL) & g_184)), p_70)), 0x5889B20CL)) && l_601[0][0][7]), l_583))) > 0x20802629L))), 3)) == p_69)) >= (*g_438)) || 4UL), 7)), l_688));
(*g_438) = (g_691 , (safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(((*l_684) = (*g_686)), ((l_90 , (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(((g_395[1] == ((safe_mul_func_int64_t_s_s(0xAF104AA29D120D99LL, (l_698 == &g_231[1]))) >= (g_551.f0 == (safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u(p_70, p_70))))) < 0x25F002D8L), p_70))) || 0x785C3C88L))));
(*g_702) = ((*l_701) = (void*)0);
if (((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(((&g_231[1] != ((((((safe_add_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u(((p_69 >= ((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((((*g_379) == (void*)0) == (((*l_712) = &p_70) == &l_608)), ((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u((1L ^ (!255UL)), ((((l_607 | g_185[3]) , &g_138[3][6]) == &g_181[2]) , 0xE617E127L))) , 0x109AL))) & 18446744073709551607UL)) , g_33), (*g_581))), 1UL)) && l_563) && (*g_686)) < 1UL) ^ p_69) , l_717[1])) | 0x89D0CDEA4AABC48DLL), p_70)) > l_690))
{ /* block id: 291 */
union U1 **l_729[10][5] = {{&l_550,&l_648,&l_648,&l_550,&l_648},{&l_648,&l_648,&l_548,&l_648,&l_648},{&l_648,&l_550,&l_648,&l_648,&l_550},{&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648},{&l_550,&l_550,(void*)0,&l_550,&l_550},{&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648},{&l_550,&l_648,&l_648,&l_550,&l_648},{&l_648,&l_648,&l_548,&l_648,&l_648},{&l_648,&l_550,&l_648,&l_648,&l_550},{&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648,&l_648}};
union U1 ***l_728 = &l_729[0][4];
union U2 ***l_732 = &g_210[2][5][2];
int32_t l_752 = 0x0CDA6668L;
int32_t *l_753[2];
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_753[i] = &l_593;
(*g_438) = p_70;
(*g_438) = ((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(g_159, (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(0x1CL, (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u(((((*l_728) = &g_613) != (void*)0) , ((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((((*l_732) = &g_112) == l_733), ((**g_580) &= l_653))) , (**g_685))), (((0x18L ^ p_70) != p_70) , l_605))), p_70)))), l_111)))) == l_734);
l_653 &= ((safe_sub_func_uint32_t_u_u(((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s((p_69 > ((*g_328) ^= ((18446744073709551615UL | ((safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(((~(((**g_379) <= g_87) ^ (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s(0xD351L, (safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u(g_183, ((*g_438) = (safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(((g_149 == (((p_69 && (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(g_184, p_70)), p_70))) < 0L) || l_752)) == 2L), p_69))))))))) <= 0x1918L), p_69)) <= 0x09A7L)) & p_69))), l_631)) | l_552[3]), l_734)) | g_87);
{ /* block id: 300 */
(*g_438) ^= (-1L);
for (l_590 = 0; (l_590 < 22); l_590++)
{ /* block id: 305 */
uint8_t l_760 = 0x3CL;
int8_t *l_776[2];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_776[i] = &l_552[2];
(*g_438) = p_69;
(*g_438) ^= (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(((l_760 , ((safe_mod_func_uint64_t_u_u((l_760 > (safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u(((safe_mod_func_uint32_t_u_u(p_69, (safe_mod_func_int16_t_s_s((((l_769 <= (safe_mod_func_int64_t_s_s((p_69 >= ((&g_438 != (g_772 , &g_438)) | ((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((l_594[1] = (1UL & g_775[2][5])), l_760)) && g_159))), (*g_328)))) , p_70) && 0x30B3L), 0x1363L)))) == g_775[2][7]), l_552[1]))), l_587)) > l_608)) & g_108[6]), l_552[0])), l_593));
for (l_606 = 0; (l_606 <= (-15)); l_606--)
{ /* block id: 312 */
uint8_t * volatile * const volatile * volatile * volatile *l_782 = &g_783;
union U0 **l_786[8] = {&l_784,&l_784,&l_784,&l_784,&l_784,&l_784,&l_784,&l_784};
uint8_t *****l_791 = &l_789;
int i;
(*l_782) = g_779;
if (l_598)
l_787 = l_784;
(*l_791) = l_789;
if ((!(!p_69)))
{ /* block id: 319 */
return &g_395[0];
{ /* block id: 321 */
int64_t *l_798 = &g_226;
int64_t *l_800 = (void*)0;
(*g_438) = ((((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s(((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(l_594[5], ((((((*g_328) & g_135) >= ((((*l_798) = g_149) ^ (((l_799 != &g_703) > (l_90 = p_69)) > ((l_593 = (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(0xCC82C4E1L, 0L))) || 65528UL))) && g_147)) | l_589) , l_803) == (void*)0))) & 0x3B65L), 0x7AL)) == g_551.f3) == 65535UL) > g_395[0]);
return &g_395[1];
{ /* block id: 328 */
int8_t l_804 = (-1L);
int32_t *l_805 = &l_591;
int32_t *l_806 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_807 = &l_598;
int32_t *l_808[8][5] = {{&l_88,&l_600,&l_90,&l_600,&l_88},{&l_587,&l_601[0][2][5],&l_734,&l_595,&l_595},{&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70],&l_600,&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70],&l_592,&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70]},{&l_587,&l_595,&l_601[0][2][5],&l_601[0][2][5],&l_595},{&l_88,&l_592,&l_90,&l_592,&l_88},{&l_595,&l_601[0][2][5],&l_601[0][2][5],&l_595,&l_587},{&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70],&l_592,&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70],&l_600,&l_72[(p_69 + 4)][p_70]},{&l_595,&l_595,&l_734,&l_601[0][2][5],&l_587}};
uint8_t *****l_814 = (void*)0;
int8_t *l_823 = (void*)0;
int8_t *l_824 = &l_804;
int i, j;
(*g_438) ^= ((((0x3594L < (0x8CL ^ ((*l_824) = (g_181[6] = (safe_div_func_int32_t_s_s(((((void*)0 != l_814) | (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u(0x33L, ((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(((0x6F33L ^ 0x0827L) || (l_734 && (safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(1UL, 0x6C093D2951DF71ADLL)))), 0xE0L)) >= g_184))), l_89[0][0][4]))) < p_70), g_113[0].f0)))))) > 0x81L) ^ l_89[0][0][4]) > 0xAC05L);
g_861 = &g_685;
return &g_395[0];
/* ------------------------------------------ */
* reads : g_33 g_2 g_108 g_106 g_138 g_87 g_151 g_110 g_159 g_150 g_5 g_185 g_149 g_210 g_148 g_226 g_233 g_147 g_135 g_230 g_183 g_231 g_300 g_184 g_328 g_329 g_313 g_181 g_370 g_438 g_395
* writes: g_138 g_87 g_151 g_159 g_112 g_108 g_185 g_149 g_110 g_226 g_233 g_230 g_300 g_313 g_150 g_328 g_180 g_183 g_329 g_370 g_395 g_438 l_2969 l_3081
int64_t func_75(int32_t p_76, int8_t p_77, int16_t p_78, int32_t p_79, union U2 * p_80)
{ /* block id: 37 */
int32_t l_131 = 0x8F66F91BL;
uint32_t *l_132 = &g_108[6];
uint16_t l_133 = 0x8625L;
const int16_t *l_177 = &g_150;
int32_t l_179 = (-9L);
int32_t l_201 = 0x661823C7L;
uint32_t l_319 = 18446744073709551615UL;
uint64_t *l_330 = &g_329[0];
uint64_t *l_331 = &g_329[1];
union U2 *l_338 = &g_339;
int32_t l_389 = 0x970286BDL;
int32_t l_397[9] = {0L,4L,0L,4L,0L,4L,0L,4L,0L};
int32_t l_461 = 0x24E1B93BL;
int32_t l_462 = 0L;
uint8_t l_490[8] = {0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L,0xC0L};
int16_t *l_538 = &g_180;
int64_t *l_539[8][7][3] = {{{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226}},{{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,(void*)0},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300}},{{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_226,(void*)0},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300}},{{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226}},{{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,(void*)0},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300}},{{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_226,(void*)0},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_300}},{{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,&g_226}},{{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,(void*)0,&g_300},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_226},{&g_300,&g_226,(void*)0},{&g_300,&g_300,&g_300}}};
uint64_t l_540 = 0xFE70636930A452EFLL;
const uint16_t l_541 = 0x5529L;
int8_t *l_542 = &g_138[1][9];
int32_t *l_543 = (void*)0;
int32_t *l_544 = &g_395[0];
int32_t **l_545 = (void*)0;
int32_t **l_546 = (void*)0;
int32_t **l_547 = &l_544;
int i, j, k;
if (p_77)
{ /* block id: 38 */
uint16_t *l_124 = &g_33;
int16_t *l_134[9] = {&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135,&g_135};
int32_t l_136 = 0x7DDF4F03L;
int8_t *l_137 = &g_138[1][9];
int32_t *l_157[5] = {&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5],&g_5[5]};
int32_t *l_204 = &l_136;
uint32_t l_224[8] = {0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L,0xA33C6001L};
int32_t l_229 = 0xA4D61531L;
int64_t *l_251 = (void*)0;
const uint64_t l_314 = 18446744073709551615UL;
const int8_t l_332 = 0xFFL;
union U2 **l_340 = &g_112;
uint32_t l_440 = 0x45BD86FEL;
int32_t l_458 = 0x3CC1AAF0L;
uint8_t *l_499 = &g_87;
int i;
if ((0x78L > (0UL | ((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s((p_77 = ((((*l_137) |= (((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u(((safe_mod_func_uint64_t_u_u((5L >= (safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(((void*)0 != l_124), 3))), g_33)) && ((((safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u(((g_33 > (safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((l_131 = ((((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(g_2, 15)) , ((((((((((((l_131 , l_132) == l_132) || 18446744073709551612UL) && 4UL) , g_2) , (void*)0) == &g_110) , (void*)0) != (void*)0) , 255UL) ^ l_133) < g_108[6])) == g_108[8]) > g_106)), (-5L)))) == 0x1F4E5A6583FDF714LL), l_136)) <= 0x26087067L) , l_132) != &g_110)), g_108[4])), l_133)) | 0x5942FC28BF875DF3LL) > l_133)) & l_133) > 18446744073709551612UL)), l_133)) <= l_136))))
{ /* block id: 42 */
return p_79;
{ /* block id: 44 */
uint16_t l_141 = 65526UL;
int32_t l_144[9][10][2] = {{{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L}},{{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L}},{{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L}},{{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L}},{{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L}},{{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L}},{{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L}},{{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L}},{{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L},{0x69409422L,0x69409422L},{0x946F2EC8L,0x69409422L},{0x69409422L,0x946F2EC8L}}};
int16_t l_146 = 0x5C23L;
uint8_t l_228[10] = {0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L,0x54L};
uint32_t l_277 = 0xBE0A2232L;
int32_t *l_282[9][8][3] = {{{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_149},{&l_179,&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&g_5[5],(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_179,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&l_131,&g_149,&g_149},{&l_131,(void*)0,&g_149}},{{&l_144[0][3][0],(void*)0,&l_131},{&l_131,&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_131,&l_136,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_179,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_149},{&l_179,&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0}},{{&g_5[5],(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_179,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&l_131,&g_149,&g_149},{&l_131,(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_144[0][3][0],(void*)0,&l_131},{&l_131,&g_2,(void*)0}},{{&l_131,&l_136,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_179,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_149},{&l_179,&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&g_5[5],(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,&g_149}},{{&l_179,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&l_131,&g_149,&g_149},{&l_131,(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_144[0][3][0],(void*)0,&l_131},{&l_131,&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_131,&l_136,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&g_2,(void*)0}},{{&l_179,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_149},{&l_179,&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&g_5[5],(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_179,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0}},{{&l_131,&g_149,&g_149},{&l_131,(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_144[0][3][0],(void*)0,&l_131},{&l_131,&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_131,&l_136,&g_149},{&g_5[5],&g_2,(void*)0},{&l_179,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,(void*)0}},{{&g_5[5],&g_149,&g_149},{&l_179,&l_144[4][4][1],(void*)0},{&g_5[5],(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[2],(void*)0,&g_149},{&l_179,(void*)0,&g_149},{&g_5[5],(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_149,&g_5[5],&g_5[5]},{&g_149,(void*)0,&l_136}},{{&g_149,&g_5[3],&g_149},{&g_149,&g_5[2],&g_2},{&g_149,&g_2,&g_5[3]},{&l_136,&g_5[2],&l_131},{&l_136,&g_5[3],(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_131},{&g_5[4],&g_5[5],&g_5[3]},{&g_149,(void*)0,&g_2}}};
uint32_t l_315 = 0x44A83407L;
uint64_t *l_325 = &g_233;
int i, j, k;
for (g_87 = 19; (g_87 > 32); g_87 = safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s(g_87, 1))
{ /* block id: 47 */
int32_t *l_154 = &g_149;
int32_t **l_156 = &l_154;
if ((l_141 = g_87))
{ /* block id: 49 */
int32_t l_143[2];
int32_t l_145 = 0xDD0FC4F5L;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_143[i] = 1L;
for (l_133 = 0; (l_133 <= 9); l_133 += 1)
{ /* block id: 52 */
int32_t *l_142[2];
int32_t **l_155 = &l_154;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_142[i] = (void*)0;
(*l_155) = l_154;
{ /* block id: 56 */
return g_110;
l_157[1] = ((*l_156) = &g_5[5]);
if (p_79)
{ /* block id: 62 */
union U2 **l_172 = &g_112;
int32_t l_178 = (-10L);
int32_t l_182[10] = {(-7L),0xB10249FCL,0xB10249FCL,(-7L),0xB10249FCL,0xB10249FCL,(-7L),0xB10249FCL,0xB10249FCL,(-7L)};
int i;
l_178 = (((!((*l_132) = (((((g_159++) , (((((void*)0 != l_157[1]) || (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((p_78 = (p_79 , (((*l_172) = (void*)0) == (void*)0))), ((&g_5[5] != (void*)0) >= (((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(l_141, (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(g_2, g_151)))) , &g_159) == (void*)0)))), g_150)), 0)) >= p_76), 7)), g_5[3]))) , l_133) , l_177)) == &g_150) , (-4L)) , g_151))) && g_138[1][2]) , g_110);
{ /* block id: 69 */
int64_t l_232 = 0x769CAE7AD8DBD10FLL;
int32_t l_283 = 0L;
if ((safe_mod_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(((safe_add_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(g_185[2], g_185[4])), 0x08C1L)) | (!(0x23DD8F0EL < ((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s(((6UL <= ((void*)0 != &g_185[2])) , ((p_77 >= (safe_rshift_func_int16_t_s_s(0L, 3))) < p_79)), 9)) & 0L)))), 12)), 1UL)))
{ /* block id: 70 */
uint16_t l_202 = 65535UL;
int32_t *l_203 = &l_131;
uint8_t l_280 = 255UL;
int32_t **l_281[2];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
l_281[i] = &l_204;
l_202 = (l_179 |= l_201);
if (g_159)
{ /* block id: 73 */
g_149 |= (&g_151 != &g_108[6]);
{ /* block id: 75 */
int64_t l_205 = 0xBF6E064E15BF3DC2LL;
uint32_t *l_213 = &g_110;
int64_t *l_218 = &l_205;
int64_t *l_225 = &g_226;
int32_t l_227 = 0xA7E2A24FL;
l_204 = l_203;
(*l_203) = ((l_205 , (safe_mod_func_int16_t_s_s(((1L != (safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_u((((p_77 , &p_80) != g_210[0][3][0]) <= ((((*l_213) = (--(*l_132))) && ((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((((*l_218) ^= 0xDC268686F06635C2LL) == ((safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s((((*l_225) = (safe_unary_minus_func_int8_t_s(((l_146 == l_133) >= (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(l_224[0], 11)))))) ^ (*l_204)), g_87)) == p_76)), l_227)), l_228[4])) < p_79)) && 0x46297E8EL)), g_159))) != g_148), p_78))) || g_226);
l_144[4][4][1] &= (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((-1L), (safe_mod_func_uint64_t_u_u(((0x7843L & (g_226 & 0x10C4A4D0L)) , (safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((p_78 ^= (safe_mul_func_uint16_t_u_u(((g_108[6] = p_76) , (((((0L < p_79) && p_76) >= (((-1L) == l_205) > g_147)) , &p_80) == &p_80)), g_138[1][9]))), g_135))), p_76)))), l_131));
for (g_230 = 22; (g_230 != (-21)); g_230--)
{ /* block id: 89 */
uint8_t *l_248[6] = {&l_228[1],&l_228[9],&l_228[1],&l_228[1],&l_228[9],&l_228[1]};
uint16_t *l_266 = &g_159;
const int32_t l_278 = 0L;
uint16_t *l_279 = &l_141;
int i;
g_149 = (((l_131 = 0xBAL) <= (safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u((((*l_137) &= (l_251 == &g_226)) || (&g_112 == ((l_144[5][0][0] , 0x050E478BL) , (void*)0))), (((l_141 , (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_u(p_79, 6))) & p_79) & l_133)))) , (-1L));
(*l_204) = (safe_div_func_uint32_t_u_u(((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s(((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s((safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(g_138[1][9], (((l_232 | ((*l_279) ^= (safe_add_func_uint32_t_u_u(((*l_132) = ((g_226 ^= ((safe_add_func_int8_t_s_s((((*l_266) = 0xE7A7L) & l_131), (safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((((safe_sub_func_int8_t_s_s(((l_277 |= (safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(g_110, ((safe_add_func_int16_t_s_s((((l_131 < p_77) | l_179) < 0L), 0x4BB6L)) != g_183)))) != l_232), 0L)) && 6L) , 0x1FL), l_278)))) == (*l_203))) , l_133)), g_138[1][9])))) || l_280) , p_76))), g_138[1][9])) || p_79), g_183)) || g_148), 1L));
l_282[6][3][1] = &g_2;
{ /* block id: 101 */
uint8_t l_284 = 0x8DL;
for (l_141 = 0; (l_141 <= 1); l_141 += 1)
{ /* block id: 106 */
int32_t l_316 = 0x243307E1L;
int i;
if (g_231[l_141])
for (p_78 = 0; (p_78 <= 4); p_78 += 1)
{ /* block id: 110 */
uint16_t *l_299[5][7][7] = {{{&g_33,&g_33,(void*)0,&l_141,&l_133,&l_133,&l_133},{&l_133,&g_159,&g_159,&g_159,&l_133,&l_133,&g_159},{&l_141,(void*)0,&l_141,&l_133,(void*)0,&g_33,&g_159},{&g_159,(void*)0,&g_159,&g_33,&l_133,&l_141,&l_133},{&l_141,&l_133,&l_133,&l_133,&l_141,&g_33,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_141,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_133,&l_133,&g_159},{&g_33,&l_141,(void*)0,&g_33,&g_159,(void*)0,&g_33}},{{(void*)0,&l_133,&g_33,&g_33,&l_133,(void*)0,(void*)0},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_133,(void*)0,&l_141,&g_33,&l_141},{&l_133,&l_141,&l_133,&l_141,&g_159,(void*)0,&l_133},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_133,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_141,&l_133},{&g_159,&l_133,&l_141,&l_133,&g_33,&g_159,&l_133},{&g_159,&l_141,(void*)0,&l_133,(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_141},{&g_33,&l_141,&g_159,&l_141,&g_159,&l_141,&g_33}},{{&l_141,&l_133,&l_133,(void*)0,&l_141,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_33,(void*)0,&l_133,&g_159,(void*)0,&g_159,&g_159},{&g_33,(void*)0,&l_133,(void*)0,&g_33,(void*)0,(void*)0},{&g_33,&g_159,&g_159,&l_141,(void*)0,&g_159,&l_141},{&l_141,&g_33,(void*)0,&l_133,&l_141,&g_159,&l_133},{&l_141,&g_159,&l_141,&l_141,&l_141,&l_141,&g_159},{(void*)0,&l_133,&l_133,&l_133,&g_159,&g_33,(void*)0}},{{&l_141,&l_133,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_33,&g_159,&l_133},{&g_33,&g_159,(void*)0,&l_133,&l_141,(void*)0,&g_33},{&g_159,&l_133,&g_159,&l_133,&g_33,&l_141,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_133,&l_133,(void*)0,&g_33,(void*)0,&g_159},{&l_141,&l_141,&l_133,&l_133,&g_159,&l_133,&l_133},{(void*)0,(void*)0,&l_141,&l_141,&g_33,&l_133,(void*)0},{&g_159,(void*)0,&g_33,&l_141,(void*)0,&l_133,&g_33}},{{(void*)0,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_33,&g_33,&l_133,&l_141},{&g_33,&g_159,&g_159,&l_141,&g_159,&l_133,&l_133},{&l_141,&g_159,&l_141,&l_141,&g_33,&g_33,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_141,&g_159,(void*)0,&g_33,&g_33,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_133,&l_133,&g_33,&l_141,&g_159,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_141,(void*)0,(void*)0,&g_33,&l_141,(void*)0},{&l_141,(void*)0,&l_133,&l_141,&g_159,&g_159,&l_141}}};
int i, j, k;
g_149 = ((~0x9AL) > p_79);
(*l_204) ^= (safe_mod_func_int8_t_s_s((+((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u((((safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s((((safe_sub_func_uint16_t_u_u((g_159 ^= 2UL), (g_300 &= (0x709E712BL && p_78)))) < ((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s(g_147, g_184)) & (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((!((0x0DL || (g_313[0][0] = (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s((safe_sub_func_uint64_t_u_u(0x2CDC850656D31335LL, ((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_u(((safe_unary_minus_func_int16_t_s(((&g_112 == &p_80) > g_231[l_141]))) == g_2), 9)) ^ g_184))), 4)))) && p_79)), 6)))) ^ 0xEF16L), l_314)), 0UL)) != p_77) == 0xF73207411C626FC9LL), g_183)) > g_33)), (-1L)));
return g_5[5];
l_316 = (l_315 ^= 4L);
(*l_204) = 5L;
for (p_77 = (-19); (p_77 < (-24)); --p_77)
{ /* block id: 124 */
for (g_150 = 1; (g_150 >= 0); g_150 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 129 */
g_149 ^= p_76;
for (p_78 = 0; (p_78 <= 1); p_78 += 1)
{ /* block id: 133 */
int8_t l_322[3];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
l_322[i] = 6L;
l_322[0] = 0L;
(*l_204) ^= ((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s((((p_79 , &l_144[4][4][1]) == &l_136) & ((*l_325) = p_76)), (safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s(p_79, (8UL != g_87))))) >= ((g_328 = (l_330 = g_328)) != ((p_76 , g_231[1]) , l_331)));
if ((l_332 < (((safe_div_func_uint16_t_u_u(((0x6F619964L < (++(*l_132))) > (~((((*l_340) = l_338) != p_80) | (((safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_s(0L, 7)) <= (safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(((safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u((*l_204), (g_149 , p_78))) & (~((((g_180 = 8L) != l_131) != g_148) && g_329[3]))), 255UL))) && g_159)))), g_231[1])) , l_131) && g_106)))
{ /* block id: 146 */
int32_t l_365 = 1L;
uint32_t *l_366 = &g_108[6];
uint64_t l_383 = 0x556659094DFB8B3CLL;
int32_t l_390 = (-1L);
int32_t l_399 = (-8L);
int32_t l_401 = 1L;
int32_t l_402[5][5] = {{0xB5F25098L,0x88A73BF4L,3L,0x88A73BF4L,0xB5F25098L},{(-10L),0xA8940A48L,0xE237DB7FL,0xA8940A48L,(-10L)},{0xB5F25098L,0x88A73BF4L,3L,0x88A73BF4L,0xB5F25098L},{(-10L),0xA8940A48L,0xE237DB7FL,0xA8940A48L,(-10L)},{0xB5F25098L,0x88A73BF4L,3L,0x88A73BF4L,0xB5F25098L}};
uint8_t l_480 = 0UL;
int i, j;
for (g_183 = 2; (g_183 >= 0); g_183 -= 1)
{ /* block id: 149 */
const uint32_t *l_367 = &l_224[5];
int32_t l_368 = (-1L);
uint16_t * const l_369[4][2] = {{(void*)0,&l_133},{&l_133,(void*)0},{&l_133,&l_133},{(void*)0,&l_133}};
int i, j;
for (g_149 = 0; (g_149 <= 9); g_149 += 1)
{ /* block id: 152 */
int i;
g_370 ^= (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_u((!(safe_mod_func_uint16_t_u_u((safe_div_func_uint64_t_u_u(((((*g_328) = ((((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s(g_108[(g_183 + 2)], g_110)) | g_148) != ((((p_76 > ((safe_mul_func_int16_t_s_s((((safe_add_func_uint64_t_u_u((safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((((((safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u((l_365 ^ ((l_366 != l_367) || p_78)), ((l_131 = (((((g_300 = (*l_204)) , l_319) & 0xF5L) != p_78) , g_138[1][9])) , 0L))) <= p_79) , p_77) <= g_313[0][0]) ^ g_181[2]), l_368)), (*g_328))) , g_151) != g_329[4]), p_77)) || g_185[2])) || p_76) != p_77) != g_87)) | 0x7CL)) , l_369[1][1]) != (void*)0), l_201)), p_76))), 8));
return p_76;
return g_185[8];
for (l_229 = 0; (l_229 <= 9); l_229 += 1)
{ /* block id: 163 */
int32_t l_387[4][3] = {{0xC6494F46L,0x26F55974L,0x26F55974L},{0xC6494F46L,0x26F55974L,0x26F55974L},{0xC6494F46L,0x26F55974L,0x26F55974L},{0xC6494F46L,0x26F55974L,0x26F55974L}};
uint32_t l_404 = 0x072D8E7EL;
int32_t *l_453 = &l_402[0][1];
int64_t *l_455[9] = {&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226,&g_226};
int8_t l_459[5][3] = {{1L,1L,1L},{(-7L),(-7L),(-7L)},{1L,1L,1L},{(-7L),(-7L),(-7L)},{1L,1L,1L}};
uint16_t *l_466 = &l_133;
uint16_t **l_467 = &l_466;
int i, j;
{ /* block id: 231 */
uint8_t *l_498 = &g_185[7];
uint8_t **l_497[10] = {&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498,&l_498};
union U2 **l_500 = (void*)0;
union U2 **l_501 = &l_338;
int i;
(*l_204) ^= 0x10A1CEE6L;
(*g_438) = (safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_s(p_76, 5)), ((l_499 = &l_490[2]) == (void*)0)));
(*l_501) = ((*l_340) = p_80);
return l_462;
{ /* block id: 239 */
int32_t *l_503 = &l_462;
int32_t **l_504 = &g_438;
(*l_504) = ((+(*g_328)) , l_503);
(*l_544) ^= ((((safe_mul_func_int8_t_s_s(l_319, (safe_rshift_func_uint16_t_u_s((safe_add_func_int64_t_s_s((safe_rshift_func_int8_t_s_s(((((safe_lshift_func_int8_t_s_u(((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int32_t_s_s(((safe_lshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(((((*l_132) = (safe_div_func_int64_t_s_s((safe_sub_func_int16_t_s_s(p_76, p_79)), (safe_sub_func_uint8_t_u_u((g_135 >= (safe_mul_func_uint8_t_u_u(g_2, ((*l_542) = ((p_78 | ((safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_s(((~(safe_lshift_func_uint16_t_u_s(((((l_461 |= (safe_lshift_func_int16_t_s_u(((*l_538) = (safe_rshift_func_uint8_t_u_u(0UL, 3))), ((g_313[0][0] , (*g_328)) , l_397[7])))) && l_540) >= (-1L)) == 0xB2D3L), 4))) && (-1L)), l_541)) , 0x26753EB8FE348CBDLL)) && l_490[2]))))), p_76))))) || g_159) , l_540), p_79)) && 0x53L), p_79)), p_77)) <= g_329[2]), 4)) , g_370) || p_79) | p_78), l_490[2])), l_462)), p_76)))) , g_87) > g_148) < 0x0DL);
(*l_547) = &g_370;
g_438 = ((*l_547) = &g_395[1]);
return (**l_547);
/* ---------------------------------------- */
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
int i, j, k;
int print_hash_value = 0;
if (argc == 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "1") == 0) print_hash_value = 1;
transparent_crc(g_2, "g_2", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
transparent_crc(g_5[i], "g_5[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_33, "g_33", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_38.f0, "g_38.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_51, "g_51", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_53, "g_53", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_73.f0, "g_73.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_73.f2, "g_73.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_73.f3, "g_73.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_74.f0, "g_74.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_87, "g_87", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_106, "g_106", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_108[i], "g_108[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_110, "g_110", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
transparent_crc(g_113[i].f0, "g_113[i].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_135, "g_135", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
transparent_crc(g_138[i][j], "g_138[i][j]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
transparent_crc(g_147, "g_147", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_148, "g_148", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_149, "g_149", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_150, "g_150", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_151, "g_151", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_159, "g_159", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_180, "g_180", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_181[i], "g_181[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_183, "g_183", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_184, "g_184", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_185[i], "g_185[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_226, "g_226", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_230, "g_230", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
transparent_crc(g_231[i], "g_231[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_233, "g_233", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_300, "g_300", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 1; j++)
transparent_crc(g_313[i][j], "g_313[i][j]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
transparent_crc(g_329[i], "g_329[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_339.f0, "g_339.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_370, "g_370", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_391, "g_391", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
transparent_crc(g_395[i], "g_395[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_477.f0, "g_477.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_549.f0, "g_549.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_549.f2, "g_549.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_549.f3, "g_549.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_551.f0, "g_551.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_551.f2, "g_551.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_551.f3, "g_551.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_561.f0, "g_561.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_561.f1, "g_561.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_561.f2, "g_561.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_687, "g_687", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_691.f0, "g_691.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_772.f0, "g_772.f0", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
transparent_crc(g_775[i][j], "g_775[i][j]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
transparent_crc(g_785.f0, "g_785.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_785.f1, "g_785.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_785.f2, "g_785.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_788.f0, "g_788.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_788.f1, "g_788.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_788.f2, "g_788.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_832, "g_832", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_834, "g_834", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_896, "g_896", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_975.f0, "g_975.f0", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
transparent_crc(g_980[i].f0, "g_980[i].f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_980[i].f1, "g_980[i].f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_980[i].f2, "g_980[i].f2", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_1003.f0, "g_1003.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1003.f2, "g_1003.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1003.f3, "g_1003.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1043.f0, "g_1043.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1045.f0, "g_1045.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1068.f0, "g_1068.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1068.f2, "g_1068.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1068.f3, "g_1068.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1160.f0, "g_1160.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1160.f2, "g_1160.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1160.f3, "g_1160.f3", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 9; j++)
transparent_crc(g_1285[i][j], "g_1285[i][j]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
transparent_crc(g_1311.f0, "g_1311.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1311.f1, "g_1311.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1311.f2, "g_1311.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1358.f0, "g_1358.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1358.f1, "g_1358.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1358.f2, "g_1358.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1396.f0, "g_1396.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1396.f1, "g_1396.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1396.f2, "g_1396.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1501, "g_1501", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1555, "g_1555", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1588.f0, "g_1588.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1588.f2, "g_1588.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1588.f3, "g_1588.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1658.f0, "g_1658.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1658.f1, "g_1658.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1658.f2, "g_1658.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1726, "g_1726", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1736, "g_1736", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1751, "g_1751", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1759.f0, "g_1759.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1877.f0, "g_1877.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1877.f2, "g_1877.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1877.f3, "g_1877.f3", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_1897[i].f0, "g_1897[i].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_1900.f0, "g_1900.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_1913, "g_1913", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2094.f0, "g_2094.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2094.f2, "g_2094.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2094.f3, "g_2094.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2095.f0, "g_2095.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2095.f2, "g_2095.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2095.f3, "g_2095.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2096.f0, "g_2096.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2096.f2, "g_2096.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2096.f3, "g_2096.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2097.f0, "g_2097.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2097.f2, "g_2097.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2097.f3, "g_2097.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2098.f0, "g_2098.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2098.f2, "g_2098.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2098.f3, "g_2098.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2099.f0, "g_2099.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2099.f2, "g_2099.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2099.f3, "g_2099.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2101.f0, "g_2101.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2101.f2, "g_2101.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2101.f3, "g_2101.f3", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
transparent_crc(g_2106[i].f0, "g_2106[i].f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2106[i].f1, "g_2106[i].f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2106[i].f2, "g_2106[i].f2", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_2128.f0, "g_2128.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2128.f1, "g_2128.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2128.f2, "g_2128.f2", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
transparent_crc(g_2225[i].f0, "g_2225[i].f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2225[i].f1, "g_2225[i].f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2225[i].f2, "g_2225[i].f2", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
transparent_crc(g_2250.f0, "g_2250.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2250.f2, "g_2250.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2250.f3, "g_2250.f3", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
transparent_crc(g_2257[i][j][k].f0, "g_2257[i][j][k].f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2257[i][j][k].f1, "g_2257[i][j][k].f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2257[i][j][k].f2, "g_2257[i][j][k].f2", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++)
transparent_crc(g_2323[i][j].f0, "g_2323[i][j].f0", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
transparent_crc(g_2344.f0, "g_2344.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2350.f0, "g_2350.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2350.f1, "g_2350.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2350.f2, "g_2350.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2562.f0, "g_2562.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2572.f0, "g_2572.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2592.f0, "g_2592.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2592.f1, "g_2592.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2592.f2, "g_2592.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2660.f0, "g_2660.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2675.f0, "g_2675.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2675.f1, "g_2675.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2675.f2, "g_2675.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2693.f0, "g_2693.f0", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
transparent_crc(g_2822[i][j][k], "g_2822[i][j][k]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d][%d]\n", i, j, k);
transparent_crc(g_2829, "g_2829", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2835.f0, "g_2835.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2849.f0, "g_2849.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2849.f2, "g_2849.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2849.f3, "g_2849.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2882.f0, "g_2882.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2923, "g_2923", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2970.f0, "g_2970.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2987.f0, "g_2987.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2987.f1, "g_2987.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_2987.f2, "g_2987.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3019, "g_3019", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3034.f0, "g_3034.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3034.f2, "g_3034.f2", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3034.f3, "g_3034.f3", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3043.f0, "g_3043.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3071, "g_3071", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3090, "g_3090", print_hash_value);
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
transparent_crc(g_3096[i], "g_3096[i]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d]\n", i);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
transparent_crc(g_3148[i][j], "g_3148[i][j]", print_hash_value);
if (print_hash_value) printf("index = [%d][%d]\n", i, j);
transparent_crc(g_3166.f0, "g_3166.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3193.f0, "g_3193.f0", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3193.f1, "g_3193.f1", print_hash_value);
transparent_crc(g_3193.f2, "g_3193.f2", print_hash_value);
platform_main_end(crc32_context ^ 0xFFFFFFFFUL, print_hash_value);
return 0;
/************************ statistics *************************
XXX max struct depth: 0
depth: 0, occurrence: 825
XXX total union variables: 36
XXX non-zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX zero bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX const bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX volatile bitfields defined in structs: 0
XXX structs with bitfields in the program: 0
XXX full-bitfields structs in the program: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct's address is taken: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on LHS: 0
XXX times a bitfields struct on RHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on LHS: 0
XXX times a single bitfield on RHS: 0
XXX max expression depth: 44
depth: 1, occurrence: 191
depth: 2, occurrence: 48
depth: 3, occurrence: 2
depth: 4, occurrence: 2
depth: 5, occurrence: 2
depth: 6, occurrence: 1
depth: 12, occurrence: 1
depth: 14, occurrence: 3
depth: 15, occurrence: 2
depth: 16, occurrence: 1
depth: 17, occurrence: 1
depth: 18, occurrence: 2
depth: 19, occurrence: 3
depth: 20, occurrence: 2
depth: 22, occurrence: 2
depth: 23, occurrence: 2
depth: 24, occurrence: 4
depth: 25, occurrence: 3
depth: 26, occurrence: 2
depth: 27, occurrence: 3
depth: 28, occurrence: 4
depth: 29, occurrence: 3
depth: 31, occurrence: 1
depth: 35, occurrence: 4
depth: 36, occurrence: 1
depth: 41, occurrence: 1
depth: 42, occurrence: 1
depth: 44, occurrence: 1
XXX total number of pointers: 615
XXX times a variable address is taken: 1507
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on RHS: 397
depth: 1, occurrence: 279
depth: 2, occurrence: 91
depth: 3, occurrence: 12
depth: 4, occurrence: 6
depth: 5, occurrence: 9
XXX times a pointer is dereferenced on LHS: 408
depth: 1, occurrence: 356
depth: 2, occurrence: 33
depth: 3, occurrence: 10
depth: 4, occurrence: 5
depth: 5, occurrence: 4
XXX times a pointer is compared with null: 56
XXX times a pointer is compared with address of another variable: 17
XXX times a pointer is compared with another pointer: 22
XXX times a pointer is qualified to be dereferenced: 12302
XXX max dereference level: 5
level: 0, occurrence: 0
level: 1, occurrence: 2018
level: 2, occurrence: 455
level: 3, occurrence: 67
level: 4, occurrence: 35
level: 5, occurrence: 32
XXX number of pointers point to pointers: 269
XXX number of pointers point to scalars: 295
XXX number of pointers point to structs: 0
XXX percent of pointers has null in alias set: 28.6
XXX average alias set size: 1.51
XXX times a non-volatile is read: 2496
XXX times a non-volatile is write: 1246
XXX times a volatile is read: 196
XXX times read thru a pointer: 85
XXX times a volatile is write: 57
XXX times written thru a pointer: 33
XXX times a volatile is available for access: 8.9e+03
XXX percentage of non-volatile access: 93.7
XXX forward jumps: 0
XXX backward jumps: 1
XXX stmts: 196
XXX max block depth: 5
depth: 0, occurrence: 32
depth: 1, occurrence: 25
depth: 2, occurrence: 23
depth: 3, occurrence: 31
depth: 4, occurrence: 40
depth: 5, occurrence: 45
XXX percentage a fresh-made variable is used: 17.1
XXX percentage an existing variable is used: 82.9
********************* end of statistics **********************/