Use bap 1.6

This commit is contained in:
Théophile Bastian 2019-05-28 17:00:44 +02:00
parent 174c4e8143
commit 8d49af7be8
1 changed files with 7 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ let process_blk
exception Inconsistent of BStd.tid
let get_entry_blk graph =
let entry = BStd.Seq.min_elt (CFG.nodes graph) ~cmp:(fun x y ->
let entry = BStd.Seq.min_elt (CFG.nodes graph) ~compare:(fun x y ->
let ax = opt_addr_of @@ CFG.Node.label x
and ay = opt_addr_of @@ CFG.Node.label y in
match ax, ay with
@ -732,11 +732,14 @@ let process_sub sub next_instr_graph : subroutine_cfa_data =
let changes_map = with_rbp_if_needed initial_offset in
let merged_changes = TIdMap.fold
(fun _ (cfa_changes, _) accu -> AddrMap.union (fun _ v1 v2 ->
(fun _ (cfa_changes, _) accu -> AddrMap.union (fun addr v1 v2 ->
if v1 = v2 then
Some v1
assert false)
else (
Format.eprintf "Inconsistency: 0x%Lx: cannot merge %a - %a@."
addr pp_reg_pos v1 pp_reg_pos v2 ;
Some (CfaLostTrack, RbpUndef))
cfa_changes accu)
AddrMap.empty in