Use disasm to generate next_instr_graph
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 57 additions and 63 deletions
@ -120,79 +120,73 @@ let map_option f = function
| None -> None
| Some x -> Some (f x)
let build_next_instr graph =
let build_next_instr (disasm: BStd.disasm): AddrSet.t AddrMap.t =
(** Build a map of memory_address -> AddrSet.t holding, for each address, the
set of instructions coming right after the instruction at given address.
There might be multiple such addresses, if the current instruction is at
a point of branching. *)
let addresses_in_block blk =
(** Set of addresses present in the block *)
BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Blk.elts blk)
~f:(fun accu elt ->
let addr = opt_addr_of_blk_elt elt in
match addr with
| None -> accu
| Some x ->
AddrSet.add (BStd.Word.to_int64_exn x) accu
with _ -> accu)
let rec build_of_instr_list cur_map = function
(** Maps an instruction to its following instruction in this block *)
| (cur_mem, cur_insn) :: ((next_mem, next_insn) as elt2) :: tl ->
(* Its only successor is next_insn *)
let new_map =
let cur_addr = to_int64_addr @@ BStd.Memory.min_addr cur_mem
and next_addr = to_int64_addr @@ BStd.Memory.min_addr next_mem in
AddrMap.add cur_addr (AddrSet.singleton next_addr) cur_map
with _ -> cur_map)
build_of_instr_list new_map (elt2 :: tl)
| (cur_mem, _) :: [] ->
let last_addr = (try Some (to_int64_addr @@ BStd.Memory.min_addr cur_mem)
with _ -> None) in
cur_map, last_addr
(* Ignore the last one: its successors are held in the graph *)
| [] ->
cur_map, None
let node_successors_addr (nd: CFG.node) : AddrSet.t =
let rec do_find_succ accu nd =
let fold_one accu c_node =
match entrypoint_address (CFG.Node.label c_node) with
| Some addr ->
AddrSet.add (BStd.Word.to_int64_exn addr) accu
with _ -> accu)
| None -> do_find_succ accu c_node
let cfg = BStd.Disasm.cfg disasm in
let succ = CFG.Node.succs nd graph in
BStd.Seq.fold succ
do_find_succ AddrSet.empty nd
let rec block_addresses block =
(try BStd.Block.addr block
|> to_int64_addr
|> AddrSet.singleton
with _ ->
(* Probably an intermediary node, eg. JMP --> [inermed node] --> BLK *)
let outputs = BStd.Graphs.Cfg.Node.outputs block cfg
|> ~f:BStd.Graphs.Cfg.Edge.dst in
BStd.Seq.fold outputs
~f:(fun accu block -> AddrSet.union (block_addresses block) accu)
let build_of_block accu_map node =
let blk = CFG.Node.label node in
let node_successors = node_successors_addr node in
let instr_addresses = AddrSet.elements @@ addresses_in_block blk in
let rec accumulate_mappings mappings addr_list = function
| None -> mappings
| Some (instr, instr_seq) as cur_instr ->
let instr_addr = opt_addr_of_blk_elt instr in
match (map_option to_int64_addr instr_addr), addr_list with
| None, _ ->
accumulate_mappings mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq
| Some cur_addr, next_addr::t when cur_addr >= next_addr ->
accumulate_mappings mappings t cur_instr
| Some cur_addr, next_addr::_ ->
let n_mappings = AddrMap.add
cur_addr (AddrSet.singleton next_addr) mappings in
accumulate_mappings n_mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq
| Some cur_addr, [] ->
let n_mappings = AddrMap.add
cur_addr node_successors mappings in
accumulate_mappings n_mappings addr_list @@ instr_seq
( @@ BStd.Blk.elts blk)
let build_of_block cur_map block =
let cur_map, last_addr =
build_of_instr_list cur_map (BStd.Block.insns block) in
(match last_addr with
| Some last_addr ->
let following_set = BStd.Graphs.Cfg.Node.outputs block cfg
|> BStd.Seq.fold
~f:(fun set edge -> AddrSet.union
(BStd.Graphs.Cfg.Edge.dst edge))
AddrMap.add last_addr following_set cur_map
| None -> cur_map
BStd.Seq.fold (CFG.nodes graph)
BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Graphs.Cfg.nodes cfg)
let find_rbp_pop_set cfg entry =
(** Returns a BStd.Tid.Set.t of the terms actually "popping" %rbp, that is,
the terms that should trigger a change to RbpUndef of the %rbp register.
@ -621,11 +615,10 @@ let cleanup_fde (fde_changes: reg_changes_fde) : reg_changes_fde =
match AddrMap.fold fold_one fde_changes (AddrMap.empty, None, false) with
| out, _, _ -> out
let process_sub sub : subroutine_cfa_data =
let process_sub sub next_instr_graph : subroutine_cfa_data =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes_fde` of a subroutine *)
let cfg = BStd.Sub.to_cfg sub in
let next_instr_graph = build_next_instr cfg in
let first_addr = int64_addr_of sub in
let last_addr = find_last_addr sub in
@ -689,11 +682,11 @@ let process_sub sub : subroutine_cfa_data =
let of_prog prog : subroutine_cfa_map =
let of_prog prog next_instr_graph : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a program *)
let fold_step accu sub =
let subroutine_data = process_sub sub in
let subroutine_data = process_sub sub next_instr_graph in
StrMap.add ( sub) subroutine_data accu
| InvalidSub -> accu
@ -711,8 +704,9 @@ let of_prog prog : subroutine_cfa_map =
let of_proj no_rbp_undef proj : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a project *)
__settings.no_rbp_undef <- no_rbp_undef ;
let next_instr_graph = build_next_instr (BStd.Project.disasm proj) in
let prog = BStd.Project.program proj in
of_prog prog
of_prog prog next_instr_graph
let clean_lost_track_subs pre_dwarf : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Removes the subroutines on which we lost track from [pre_dwarf] *)
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