Simplest: compute first and last address of sub
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 94 additions and 34 deletions
@ -31,12 +31,16 @@ let pp_cfa_change ppx addr pos = Simplest.(
Format.fprintf ppx "%a u u@." pp_int64_hex addr
let pp_pre_dwarf_readelf ppx pre_dwarf =
let pp_pre_dwarf_readelf ppx (pre_dwarf: Simplest.subroutine_cfa_map) =
Simplest.StrMap.iter (fun fde_name entry ->
Format.fprintf ppx "FDE %s@." fde_name ;
if not (Simplest.AddrMap.is_empty entry) then (
Format.fprintf ppx "FDE %s pc=%a..%a@."
fde_name pp_int64_hex entry.beg_pos pp_int64_hex entry.end_pos;
let cfa_entry = entry.cfa_changes_fde in
if not (Simplest.AddrMap.is_empty cfa_entry) then (
Format.fprintf ppx " LOC CFA ra@." ;
Simplest.AddrMap.iter (pp_cfa_change ppx) entry ;
Simplest.AddrMap.iter (pp_cfa_change ppx) cfa_entry ;
Format.fprintf ppx "@.")
@ -14,8 +14,14 @@ type cfa_pos =
type cfa_changes_fde = cfa_pos AddrMap.t
type subroutine_cfa_data = {
cfa_changes_fde: cfa_changes_fde;
beg_pos: memory_address;
end_pos: memory_address;
module StrMap = Map.Make(String)
type cfa_changes = cfa_changes_fde StrMap.t
type subroutine_cfa_map = subroutine_cfa_data StrMap.t
module TIdMap = Map.Make(BStd.Tid)
@ -310,7 +316,66 @@ let get_entry_blk graph =
| None -> assert false
| Some x -> x
let process_sub sub : cfa_changes_fde =
let find_last_addr sub =
(** Finds the maximal instruction address in a subroutine *)
let map_opt fl fr merge l r = match l, r with
| None, None -> None
| Some x, None -> Some (fl x)
| None, Some y -> Some (fr y)
| Some x, Some y -> Some (merge (fl x) (fr y))
let max_opt_addr_word = map_opt
(fun x -> x)
(fun y -> to_int64_addr y)
let max_opt_addr = map_opt
(fun x -> x)
(fun y -> y)
let max_def cur_max def =
max_opt_addr_word cur_max (opt_addr_of def)
let fold_res =
BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.blk_t sub)
~f:(fun cur_max blk ->
(BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.def_t blk)
(BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Term.enum BStd.jmp_t blk)
match fold_res with
| None ->
| Some x -> x
let cleanup_fde (fde_changes: cfa_changes_fde) : cfa_changes_fde =
(** Cleanup the result of `of_sub`.
Merges entries at the same address, propagates track lost *)
let fold_one addr cfa_change (accu, last_change, lost_track) =
match cfa_change, last_change, lost_track with
| _, _, true -> (accu, None, lost_track)
| CfaLostTrack, _, false ->
(AddrMap.add addr cfa_change accu, None, true)
| cfa_change, Some prev_change, false when cfa_change = prev_change ->
(accu, last_change, false)
| cfa_change, _, false ->
(AddrMap.add addr cfa_change accu, Some cfa_change, false)
match AddrMap.fold fold_one fde_changes (AddrMap.empty, None, false) with
| out, _, _ -> out
let process_sub sub : subroutine_cfa_data =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes_fde` of a subroutine *)
Format.eprintf "Sub %s...@." @@ sub ;
@ -318,6 +383,9 @@ let process_sub sub : cfa_changes_fde =
let cfg = BStd.Sub.to_cfg sub in
let next_instr_graph = build_next_instr cfg in
let first_addr = int64_addr_of sub in
let last_addr = find_last_addr sub in
let initial_cfa_rsp_offset = Int64.of_int 8 in
let rec dfs_process
@ -359,34 +427,22 @@ let process_sub sub : cfa_changes_fde =
AddrMap.empty in
let cfa_changes = cleanup_fde merged_changes in
let cleanup_fde (fde_changes: cfa_changes_fde) : cfa_changes_fde =
(** Cleanup the result of `of_sub`.
let output = {
cfa_changes_fde = cfa_changes ;
beg_pos = first_addr ;
end_pos = last_addr ;
} in
Merges entries at the same address, propagates track lost *)
let fold_one addr cfa_change (accu, last_change, lost_track) =
match cfa_change, last_change, lost_track with
| _, _, true -> (accu, None, lost_track)
| CfaLostTrack, _, false ->
(AddrMap.add addr cfa_change accu, None, true)
| cfa_change, Some prev_change, false when cfa_change = prev_change ->
(accu, last_change, false)
| cfa_change, _, false ->
(AddrMap.add addr cfa_change accu, Some cfa_change, false)
match AddrMap.fold fold_one fde_changes (AddrMap.empty, None, false) with
| out, _, _ -> out
let of_prog prog : cfa_changes =
let of_prog prog : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a program *)
let fold_step accu sub =
let res = cleanup_fde @@ process_sub sub in
StrMap.add ( sub) res accu
let subroutine_data = process_sub sub in
StrMap.add ( sub) subroutine_data accu
| InvalidSub -> accu
| Inconsistent tid ->
@ -400,7 +456,7 @@ let of_prog prog : cfa_changes =
let of_proj proj : cfa_changes =
let of_proj proj : subroutine_cfa_map =
(** Extracts the `cfa_changes` of a project *)
let prog = BStd.Project.program proj in
of_prog prog
Add table
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