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2018-10-23 19:21:57 +02:00
(** Basic Pre-DWARF generation, only for unwinding data. Tracks only CFA,
and RA. *)
open Std
module CFG = BStd.Graphs.Ir
module BlkMap = Map.Make(BStd.Blk)
(** Add a new row (ie. register change) to a PreDwarf.reg_data table *)
let add_fde_row reg row (data: PreDwarf.reg_data) =
let prev_data = match Regs.RegMap.find_opt reg data with
| None -> []
| Some l -> l
let new_data = row :: prev_data in
Regs.RegMap.add reg new_data data
let fold_sub init fct_phi fct_def fct_jmp term =
(** Fold over the addresses of encountered subterms in `term`, a `sub` *)
let fold_term cls init fct cterm =
BStd.Seq.fold ~init:init ~f:fct @@ BStd.Term.enum cls cterm
fold_term BStd.blk_t init (fun accu -> fun blk ->
let accu_phi = fold_term BStd.phi_t accu fct_phi blk in
let accu_def = fold_term BStd.def_t accu_phi fct_def blk in
let accu_jmp = fold_term BStd.jmp_t accu_def fct_jmp blk in
accu_jmp) term
exception No_address
let get_term_addr term = match (BStd.Term.get_attr term BStd.address) with
(** Get the address of a given term *)
| None -> raise No_address
| Some addr -> addr
let extract_addr extractor term =
let examine_addr paddr cterm =
let naddr = get_term_addr cterm in extractor paddr naddr
let start_addr = get_term_addr term in
fold_sub start_addr examine_addr examine_addr examine_addr term
let low_addr term =
(** Find the low addr of some `BStd.term` *)
extract_addr min term
let high_addr term =
(** Find the high addr of some `BStd.term` (inclusive) *)
extract_addr max term
let addr_to_int addr =
(** Transforms an address (BStd.addr) into an int *)
try CKStd.Or_error.ok_exn @@ BStd.Word.to_int addr
with _ -> raise No_address
let fde_of_subroutine (sub: BStd.sub BStd.term): PreDwarf.fde =
start_pc = addr_to_int @@ low_addr sub;
end_pc = addr_to_int @@ high_addr sub;
name = BStd.Term.name sub
let symbolic_predwarf_of_blk (blk: BStd.blk BStd.term) =
(** Analyze a block of code, and return its predwarf based on RSP, assuming
that at the beginning of the block, CFA = %rsp.
This will be then adjusted to be offseted by the actual CFA value upon
entrance in this block.
This function returns its offset by the end of its block.
let fold_def accu elt =
let var = BStd.Def.lhs elt in
match Regs.X86_64.get_register var with
| None -> accu
| Some reg ->
accu (* TODO *)
let fold_elt accu elt = match elt with
| `Def(def) -> fold_def accu def
| _ -> accu
BStd.Seq.fold (BStd.Blk.elts blk)
let predwarf_of_sub
(sub: BStd.sub BStd.term)
: PreDwarf.reg_data =
(** Compute the pre-dwarf data for a single subroutine/FDE *)
(* A `call` always result in %rsp pointing to the RA *)
let init_cfa =
[(PreDwarf.(fde.start_pc), Regs.(RegOffset(X86_64.rsp, 8)))] in
let init_ra =
[(PreDwarf.(fde.start_pc), Regs.(RegOffset(DwRegCFA, -8)))] in
let init_reg_data = Regs.(RegMap.(
add DwRegRA init_ra
@@ add DwRegCFA init_cfa
@@ empty
let sub_cfg = BStd.Sub.to_cfg sub in
assert false
let compute_pre_dwarf proj: PreDwarf.pre_dwarf_data =
let prog = BStd.Project.program proj in
let subroutines = BStd.Term.enum BStd.sub_t prog in
let subdwarf = BStd.Seq.fold subroutines
~f:(fun accu sub ->
let fde = fde_of_subroutine sub in
let predwarf = predwarf_of_sub fde sub in
PreDwarf.FdeMap.add fde predwarf accu) in