
871 lines
30 KiB

/* dwarfpp: C++ binding for a useful subset of libdwarf, plus extra goodies.
* iter.hpp: DIE tree iterators
* Copyright (c) 2008--17, Stephen Kell. For licensing information, see the
* LICENSE file in the root of the libdwarfpp tree.
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <srk31/selective_iterator.hpp>
#include <srk31/concatenating_iterator.hpp>
#include <srk31/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include "root.hpp"
namespace dwarf
using std::string;
namespace core
struct iterator_base : private virtual abstract_die
/* Everything that calls a libdwarf constructor-style function
* needs to be a friend, so that it can raw_handle() to supply
* the argument to libdwarf. Or does it? Just do get_handle()
* and downcast it to Die. */
friend class root_die;
/* This stuff is the Rep that can be abstracted out. */
// union
// {
/* These guys are mutable because they need to be modifiable
* even by, e.g., the copy constructor modifying its argument.
* The abstract value of the iterator isn't changed in such
* operations, but its representation must be. */
mutable Die cur_handle; // to copy this, have to upgrade it
mutable root_die::ptr_type cur_payload; // payload = handle + shared count + extra state
// };
mutable enum { HANDLE_ONLY, WITH_PAYLOAD } state;
/* ^-- this is the absolutely key design point that makes this code fast.
* An iterator can either be a libdwarf handle, or a pointer to some
* refcounted state (including such a handle, and maybe other cached stuff). */
string summary() const { if (is_end_position()) return "(END)";
if (is_root_position()) return "(root)";
return "At " + this->abstract_die::summary(); }
abstract_die& get_handle() const
if (!is_real_die_position())
{ assert(!cur_handle.handle && !cur_payload); return cur_handle; }
switch (state)
case HANDLE_ONLY: return cur_handle;
if (cur_payload->d.handle) return cur_payload->d;
else return dynamic_cast<in_memory_abstract_die&>(*cur_payload);
default: assert(false);
root_die::ptr_type fast_deref() const
{ if (state == WITH_PAYLOAD) return cur_payload; else return nullptr; }
/* This is more general-purpose stuff. */
mutable opt<unsigned short> m_opt_depth;
root_die *p_root;
// we like to be default-constructible, BUT
// we are in an unusable state after this constructor
// -- the same state as end()!
: cur_handle(Die(nullptr, nullptr)), cur_payload(nullptr), state(HANDLE_ONLY), m_opt_depth(), p_root(nullptr) {}
static const iterator_base END; // sentinel definition
/* root position is encoded by null handle, null payload
* and non-null root pointer.
* cf. end position, which has null root pointer. */
bool is_root_position() const
{ return p_root && !cur_handle.handle && !cur_payload; }
bool is_end_position() const
{ return !p_root && !cur_handle.handle && !cur_payload; }
bool is_real_die_position() const
{ return !is_root_position() && !is_end_position(); }
bool is_under(const iterator_base& i) const
{ return p_root->is_under(*this, i); }
// this constructor sets us up at begin(), i.e. the root DIE position
explicit iterator_base(root_die& r)
: cur_handle(nullptr, nullptr), cur_payload(nullptr), state(HANDLE_ONLY), m_opt_depth(0), p_root(&r)
// this constructor sets us up using a handle --
// this does the exploitation of the sticky set
iterator_base(abstract_die&& d, opt<unsigned short> opt_depth, root_die& r)
: cur_handle(Die(nullptr, nullptr)), cur_payload(nullptr) // will be replaced in function body...
// get the offset of the handle we've been passed
Dwarf_Off off = d.get_offset();
// is it an existing live DIE?
auto found = r.live_dies.find(off);
if (found != r.live_dies.end())
// exists; may be sticky
cur_handle = Die(nullptr, nullptr);
cur_payload = found->second;
//m_opt_depth = found->second->get_depth(); assert(depth == m_opt_depth);
//p_root = &found->second->get_root();
else if (r.is_sticky(d))
// should be sticky, so should exist, but does not exist yet -- use the factory
cur_handle = Die(nullptr, nullptr);
cur_payload = factory::for_spec(d.get_spec(r)).make_payload(std::move(d), r);
r.sticky_dies[off] = cur_payload;
// does not exist, and not sticky, so need not exist; stick with handle
cur_handle = std::move(dynamic_cast<Die&&>(d).handle);
state = HANDLE_ONLY;
m_opt_depth = opt_depth; // now shared by both cases
p_root = &r;
/* Construct us from a basic_die? Why not.... */
iterator_base(const basic_die& d, opt<unsigned short> opt_depth = opt<unsigned short>())
: cur_handle(Die(nullptr, nullptr)), cur_payload(const_cast<basic_die*>(&d))
m_opt_depth = opt_depth;
p_root = &d.get_root();
// copy constructor
iterator_base(const iterator_base& arg)
/* We used to always make payload on copying.
* We no longer do that; instead, if we're a handle, just ask libdwarf
* for a fresh handle. This still does an allocation (in libdwarf, not
* in our code) and will cause our code to do *another* allocation if
* we dereference the iterator -- UNLESS the DIE at that offset has
* already been materialised via another iterator, in which case we'll
* find it via live_dies.
* In particular, there is no way to prevent multiple handles
* pointing at the same DIE independently. When we upgrade one of
* them, we have no way of knowing to upgrade the others. We
* cannot rely on a payload's handle being the only live handle
* on that DIE (but we can rely on its being the only payload). */
: cur_handle(nullptr, nullptr),
p_root(arg.is_end_position() ? nullptr : &arg.get_root())
if (arg.is_end_position())
// NOTE: must put us in the same state as the default constructor
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY;
else if (arg.is_root_position())
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY; // the root DIE can get away with this (?)
else switch (arg.state)
/* Copy the payload pointer */
this->state = WITH_PAYLOAD;
this->cur_payload = arg.cur_payload;
Die tmp(*p_root, arg.offset_here());
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY;
this->cur_handle = std::move(tmp);
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
} break;
default: assert(false);
// ... but we prefer to move them
iterator_base(iterator_base&& arg)
: cur_handle(std::move(arg.cur_handle)),
p_root(arg.is_end_position() ? nullptr : &arg.get_root())
// copy assignment
/* FIXME: instead of making payload in copy-construction and copy-assignment,
* we could delay it so that it only happens on dereference, and use libdwarf's
* offdie to get a fresh handle at the same offset (but CHECK that it really is fresh).
* HMM. That would be problematic because on deref, there might be other handles
* around which won't get upgraded to with-payload. Hmm. That might be okay, though. */
iterator_base& operator=(const iterator_base& arg) // does the upgrade...
// FIXME: do copy-and-swap here
this->m_opt_depth = arg.m_opt_depth;
this->p_root = arg.p_root;
// as with the copy constructor, get the duplicate from libdwarf
if (arg.is_end_position())
// NOTE: must put us in the same state as the default constructor
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
this->cur_handle = std::move(Die(nullptr, nullptr));
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY;
else if (arg.is_root_position())
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
this->cur_handle = std::move(Die(nullptr, nullptr));
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY; // the root DIE can get away with this (?)
else switch (arg.state)
/* Copy the payload pointer */
this->state = WITH_PAYLOAD;
this->cur_payload = arg.cur_payload;
this->state = HANDLE_ONLY;
Die tmp(*p_root, arg.offset_here());
this->cur_handle = std::move(tmp);
this->cur_payload = nullptr;
} break;
default: assert(false);
return *this;
// move assignment
iterator_base& operator=(iterator_base&& arg)
this->cur_handle = std::move(arg.cur_handle);
this->cur_payload = std::move(arg.cur_payload);
this->state = std::move(arg.state);
this->m_opt_depth = std::move(arg.m_opt_depth);
this->p_root = std::move(arg.p_root);
return *this;
/* BUT note: these constructors are not enough, because unless we want
* users to construct raw handles, the user has no nice way of constructing
* a new iterator that is a sibling/child of an existing one. Note that
* this doesn't imply copying... we might want to create a new handle. */
// convenience
root_die& root() { assert(p_root); return *p_root; }
root_die& root() const { assert(p_root); return *p_root; }
root_die& get_root() { assert(p_root); return *p_root; }
root_die& get_root() const { assert(p_root); return *p_root; }
Dwarf_Off offset_here() const;
Dwarf_Half tag_here() const;
name_here() const;
global_name_here() const;
inline spec& spec_here() const;
/* implement the abstract_die interface
* -- NOTE: some methods are private because they
only work in the Die handle case,
not the "payload + in_memory" case (when get_handle() returns null).
FIXME: should we change this? */
inline Dwarf_Off get_offset() const { return offset_here(); }
inline Dwarf_Half get_tag() const { return tag_here(); }
// helper for raw names -> std::string names
inline unique_ptr<const char, string_deleter> get_raw_name() const
{ return dynamic_cast<Die&>(get_handle()).name_here(); }
inline opt<string> get_name() const
{ return /*opt<string>(string(get_raw_name().get())); */ get_handle().get_name(); }
inline Dwarf_Off get_enclosing_cu_offset() const
{ return enclosing_cu_offset_here(); }
inline bool has_attr(Dwarf_Half attr) const { return has_attr_here(attr); }
inline encap::attribute_map copy_attrs() const
if (is_root_position()) return encap::attribute_map();
if (state == HANDLE_ONLY)
return encap::attribute_map(
assert(state == WITH_PAYLOAD);
return cur_payload->all_attrs();
inline encap::attribute_value attr(Dwarf_Half attr) const
if (is_root_position()) return encap::attribute_value();
if (state == HANDLE_ONLY)
AttributeList l(dynamic_cast<Die&>(get_handle()));
for (auto i = l.copied_list.begin(); i != l.copied_list.end(); ++i)
if (i->attr_here() == attr)
return encap::attribute_value(*i, dynamic_cast<Die&>(get_handle()), get_root());
return encap::attribute_value();
assert(state == WITH_PAYLOAD);
return cur_payload->attr(attr);
inline spec& get_spec(root_die& r) const { return spec_here(); }
bool has_attr_here(Dwarf_Half attr) const;
bool has_attribute_here(Dwarf_Half attr) const { return has_attr_here(attr); }
AttributeList::handle_type attributes_here()
{ return AttributeList::try_construct(dynamic_cast<Die&>(get_handle())); }
AttributeList::handle_type attrs_here() { return attributes_here(); }
AttributeList::handle_type attributes_here() const
{ return AttributeList::try_construct(dynamic_cast<Die&>(get_handle())); }
AttributeList::handle_type attrs_here() const { return attributes_here(); }
// want an iterators-style interface?
// or an associative-style operator[] interface?
// or both?
// make payload include a deep copy of the attrs state?
// HMM, yes, this feels correct.
// Clients that want to scan attributes in a lightweight libdwarf way
// (i.e. not benefiting from caching/ custom representations /
// utility methods implemented using payload state) can use
// the AttributeList interface.
// some fast topological queries
Dwarf_Off enclosing_cu_offset_here() const
{ return get_handle().get_enclosing_cu_offset(); }
inline unsigned short depth() const;
inline opt<unsigned short> maybe_depth() const { return m_opt_depth; }
unsigned short get_depth() const { return depth(); }
// access to children, siblings, parent, ancestors
// -- these wrap the various Die constructors
iterator_base nearest_enclosing(Dwarf_Half tag) const;
iterator_base parent() const;
iterator_base first_child() const;
iterator_base next_sibling() const;
iterator_base named_child(const string& name) const;
// + resolve? no, I have put resolve stuff on the root_die
inline iterator_df<compile_unit_die> enclosing_cu() const;
template <typename Payload>
bool is_a() const { return is_a_t<Payload>()(*this); }
// convenience for checked construction
// of typed iterators
template <typename Payload, template <typename InnerPayload> class Iter = iterator_df >
inline Iter<Payload> as_a() const
if (this->is_a<Payload>()) return Iter<Payload>(*this);
else return END;
inline sequence<iterator_sibs<> >
inline sequence<iterator_sibs<> >
children_here() const;
// synonyms
inline sequence<iterator_sibs<> > children();
inline sequence<iterator_sibs<> > children() const;
// we're just the base, not the iterator proper,
// so we don't have increment(), decrement()
bool operator==(const iterator_base& arg) const
if (!p_root && !arg.p_root) return true; // END
// now we're either root or "real". Handle the case where we're root.
if (state == HANDLE_ONLY && !cur_handle.handle.get()
&& arg.state == HANDLE_ONLY && !arg.cur_handle.handle.get()) return p_root == arg.p_root;
if (state == WITH_PAYLOAD && arg.state == WITH_PAYLOAD &&
cur_payload == arg.cur_payload) return true;
if (m_opt_depth && arg.m_opt_depth
&& m_opt_depth != arg.m_opt_depth) return false;
// NOTE: we can't compare handles or payload addresses, because
// we can ask libdwarf for a fresh handle at the same offset,
// and it might be distinct.
return p_root == arg.p_root
&& offset_here() == arg.offset_here();
bool operator!=(const iterator_base& arg) const
{ return !(*this == arg); }
operator bool() const
{ return *this != END; }
/* iterator_adaptor implements <, <=, >, >= using distance_to.
* This is too expensive to compute in general, so we hide this
* by defining our own comparison simply as offset comparison. */
bool operator<(const iterator_base& arg) const
/* END has an infinite offset. */
return (arg.is_end_position() && !this->is_end_position())
|| (!this->is_end_position() && this->offset_here() < arg.offset_here());
basic_die& dereference() const
assert(this->operator bool());
return *get_root().make_payload(*this);
// printing
void print(std::ostream& s, unsigned indent_level = 0) const;
void print_with_attrs(std::ostream& s, unsigned indent_level = 0) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const iterator_base& it);
/* END class iterator_base */
/* Now we can define that pesky template operator function.
* The factory exposes a dummy method (NOT type-level though! it's
* polymorphic!) that returns us a fake singleton of any instantiable
* DIE type. */
template <typename Payload>
inline bool is_a_t<Payload>::operator()(const iterator_base& it) const
return dynamic_cast<Payload *>(
) ? true : false;
template <typename Iter, typename Pred>
typename subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::filtered_iterator,
typename subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::filtered_iterator
subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::operator()(const pair<Iter, Iter>& in_seq)
filtered_iterator first(in_seq.first, in_seq.second, this->m_pred);
filtered_iterator second(in_seq.second, in_seq.second, this->m_pred);
return make_pair(
std::move(first), std::move(second)
template <typename Iter, typename Pred>
typename subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::filtered_iterator,
typename subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::filtered_iterator
subseq_t<Iter, Pred>::operator()(pair<Iter, Iter>&& in_seq)
/* GAH. We can only move if .second == iterator_base::END, because
* otherwise we have to duplicate the end iterator into both
* filter iterators. */
if (in_seq.second == iterator_base::END)
filtered_iterator first(std::move(in_seq.first), iterator_base::END, this->m_pred);
filtered_iterator second(std::move(in_seq.second), iterator_base::END, this->m_pred);
return make_pair(
std::move(first), std::move(second)
filtered_iterator first(in_seq.first, in_seq.second, this->m_pred);
filtered_iterator second(in_seq.second, in_seq.second, this->m_pred);
return make_pair(
std::move(first), std::move(second)
template <typename Iter, typename Payload>
typename subseq_t<Iter, is_a_t<Payload> >::transformed_iterator,
typename subseq_t<Iter, is_a_t<Payload> >::transformed_iterator
subseq_t<Iter, is_a_t<Payload> >::operator()(pair<Iter, Iter>&& in_seq)
/* GAH. We can only move if .second == iterator_base::END, because
* otherwise we have to duplicate the end sentinel into both
* filter iterators. */
if (in_seq.second == iterator_base::END)
// NOTE: this std::move is all for nothing at the moment because
// transform_iterator doesn't implement move constuctor/assignment.
auto filtered_first = filtered_iterator(std::move(in_seq.first), iterator_base::END);
auto filtered_second = filtered_iterator(std::move(in_seq.second), iterator_base::END);
return make_pair(
} else { auto tmp = in_seq; return operator()(tmp); } // copying version
/* Make sure we can construct any iterator from an iterator_base.
* In the case of BFS it may be expensive. */
template <typename DerefAs /* = basic_die */>
struct iterator_df : public iterator_base,
public boost::iterator_facade<
, DerefAs
, boost::forward_traversal_tag
, DerefAs& //boost::use_default /* Reference */
, Dwarf_Signed /* difference */
typedef iterator_df<DerefAs> self;
typedef DerefAs DerefType;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
iterator_base& base_reference()
{ return static_cast<iterator_base&>(*this); }
const iterator_base& base() const
{ return static_cast<const iterator_base&>(*this); }
iterator_df() : iterator_base() {}
iterator_df(const iterator_base& arg)
: iterator_base(arg) {}// this COPIES so avoid
iterator_df(iterator_base&& arg)
: iterator_base(arg) {}
iterator_df& operator=(const iterator_base& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = arg; return *this; }
iterator_df& operator=(iterator_base&& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = std::move(arg); return *this; }
void increment()
Dwarf_Off start_offset = offset_here();
if (get_root().move_to_first_child(base_reference()))
// our offsets should only go up
assert(offset_here() > start_offset);
if (get_root().move_to_next_sibling(base_reference()))
assert(offset_here() > start_offset);
} while (get_root().move_to_parent(base_reference()));
// if we got here, there is nothing left in the tree...
// ... so set us to the end sentinel
base_reference() = base_reference().get_root().end/*<self>*/();
assert(*this == iterator_base::END);
void decrement()
assert(false); // FIXME
bool equal(const self& arg) const { return this->base() == arg.base(); }
DerefAs& dereference() const
{ return dynamic_cast<DerefAs&>(this->iterator_base::dereference()); }
/* assert that our opt<> specialization for subclasses of iterator_base
* has had its effect. */
static_assert(std::is_base_of<core::iterator_base, opt<iterator_base> >::value, "opt<iterator_base> specialization error");
static_assert(std::is_base_of<core::iterator_base, opt<core::iterator_df<> > >::value, "opt<iterator_base> specialization error");
template <typename DerefAs /* = basic_die */>
struct iterator_bf : public iterator_base,
public boost::iterator_facade<
, DerefAs
, boost::forward_traversal_tag
, DerefAs& // boost::use_default /* Reference */
, Dwarf_Signed /* difference */
typedef iterator_bf<DerefAs> self;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
// extra state needed!
deque< iterator_base > m_queue;
iterator_base& base_reference()
{ return static_cast<iterator_base&>(*this); }
const iterator_base& base() const
{ return static_cast<const iterator_base&>(*this); }
iterator_bf() : iterator_base() {}
iterator_bf(const iterator_base& arg)
: iterator_base(arg) {}// this COPIES so avoid
iterator_bf(iterator_base&& arg)
: iterator_base(arg) {}
iterator_bf(const iterator_bf<DerefAs>& arg)
: iterator_base(arg), m_queue(arg.m_queue) {}// this COPIES so avoid
iterator_bf(iterator_bf<DerefAs>&& arg)
: iterator_base(arg), m_queue(std::move(arg.m_queue)) {}
iterator_bf& operator=(const iterator_base& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = arg; this->m_queue.clear(); return *this; }
iterator_bf& operator=(iterator_base&& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = std::move(arg); this->m_queue.clear(); return *this; }
iterator_bf& operator=(const iterator_bf<DerefAs>& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = arg; this->m_queue = arg.m_queue; return *this; }
iterator_bf& operator=(iterator_bf<DerefAs>&& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = std::move(arg); this->m_queue =std::move(arg.m_queue); return *this; }
void increment()
/* Breadth-first traversal:
* - move to the next sibling if there is one,
* enqueueing first child (if there is one);
* - else take from the queue, if non empty
* - else fail (terminated).
* PROBLEM: this model of breadth-first traversal
* has counterintuitive behaviour when we start BFS
* at a non-root node that has siblings.
* We won't bfs-explore its subtree (initially);
* we'll go straight towards its siblings.
* We define increment_skipping_siblings() for this.
auto first_child = get_root().first_child(this->base_reference());
// ^-- might be END
// we ALWAYS enqueue the first child if there is one
if (first_child != iterator_base::END) m_queue.push_back(first_child);
if (get_root().move_to_next_sibling(this->base_reference()))
// success
// no more siblings; use the queue
if (m_queue.size() > 0)
this->base_reference() = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop_front();
this->base_reference() = iterator_base::END;
void increment_skipping_siblings()
auto first_child = get_root().first_child(this->base_reference());
// ^-- might be END
// we ALWAYS enqueue the first child if there is one
if (first_child != iterator_base::END) m_queue.push_back(first_child);
// no more siblings; use the queue
if (m_queue.size() > 0)
this->base_reference() = m_queue.front();
this->base_reference() = iterator_base::END;
void increment_skipping_subtree()
/* This is the same as increment, except we are not interested in children
* of the current node. */
if (get_root().move_to_next_sibling(this->base_reference()))
// TEMP debugging hack: make sure we have a valid DIE
assert(!is_real_die_position() || offset_here() > 0);
// success -- don't enqueue children
else if (m_queue.size() > 0)
this->base_reference() = m_queue.front(); m_queue.pop_front();
assert(!is_real_die_position() || offset_here() > 0);
this->base_reference() = iterator_base::END;
assert(!is_real_die_position() || offset_here() > 0);
void decrement()
assert(false); // FIXME
DerefAs& dereference() const
{ return dynamic_cast<DerefAs&>(this->iterator_base::dereference()); }
template <typename DerefAs /* = basic_die*/>
struct iterator_sibs : public iterator_base,
public boost::iterator_facade<
iterator_sibs<DerefAs> /* I (CRTP) */
, DerefAs /* V */
, boost::forward_traversal_tag
, DerefAs& //boost::use_default /* Reference */
, Dwarf_Signed /* difference */
typedef iterator_sibs<DerefAs> self;
// FIXME: delete these. Just experimenting to figure out why we don't have iterator_traits<>::value_type
//typedef DerefAs value_type;
//typedef Dwarf_Signed difference_type;
//typedef DerefAs *pointer;
//typedef DerefAs& reference;
//typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag iterator_category;
friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
iterator_base& base_reference()
{ return static_cast<iterator_base&>(*this); }
const iterator_base& base() const
{ return static_cast<const iterator_base&>(*this); }
iterator_sibs() : iterator_base() {}
iterator_sibs(const iterator_base& arg)
: iterator_base(arg) {}
iterator_sibs(iterator_base&& arg)
: iterator_base(std::move(arg)) {}
iterator_sibs& operator=(const iterator_base& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = arg; return *this; }
iterator_sibs& operator=(iterator_base&& arg)
{ this->base_reference() = std::move(arg); return *this; }
void increment()
if (base_reference().get_root().move_to_next_sibling(base_reference())) return;
// else something went wrong, so set us to END
base_reference() = base_reference().get_root().end();
void decrement()
assert(false); // FIXME
bool equal(const self& arg) const { return this->base() == arg.base(); }
DerefAs& dereference() const
{ return dynamic_cast<DerefAs&>(this->iterator_base::dereference()); }
inline unsigned short iterator_base::depth() const
if (m_opt_depth) return *m_opt_depth;
/* find_upwards is not enough;
* the parent cache (parent_of) might not be complete. */
auto found_self = get_root().find(offset_here(),
opt<pair<Dwarf_Off, Dwarf_Half> >(),
state == WITH_PAYLOAD ? cur_payload : nullptr);
this->m_opt_depth = found_self.m_opt_depth;
assert(found_self == *this);
return *m_opt_depth;
inline iterator_base
basic_die::find_self() const
return iterator_base(*this);
sequence<iterator_sibs<basic_die> >
basic_die::children() const
/* We have to find ourselves. :-( */
auto found_self = find_self();
return found_self.children_here();
struct is_visible_and_named : public std::function<bool(root_die::grandchildren_iterator)>
typedef std::function<bool(root_die::grandchildren_iterator)> fun;
is_visible_and_named() : fun([](root_die::grandchildren_iterator i_g) -> bool {
bool ret = i_g.global_name_here();
root_die& r = i_g.get_root();
if (ret)
/* install in cache */
string name = *i_g.name_here();
make_pair(name, i_g.offset_here())
/* Have we now swept the entire sequence of grandchildren?
* If so, we can mark the cache as exhaustive. */
if ((++i_g).done_complete_pass())
r.visible_named_grandchildren_is_complete = true;
return ret;
}) {}
//std::function<bool(root_die::grandchildren_iterator)> tmp;
//tmp = std::move(lambda);
//*static_cast<fun*>(this) = std::move(tmp);
How to make an iterator over particular-named visible grandchildren?
Easiest way: when we get a query for a particular name,
ensure the cache is complete,
then return a transform_iterator over the particular equal_range pair in the cache.
This doesn't perform as well as incrementalising the cache-filling loop
in resolve_all_visible.
But it's probably fine for now.
struct grandchild_die_at_offset : public std::function<basic_die&(Dwarf_Off)>
typedef std::function<basic_die&(Dwarf_Off)> fun;
grandchild_die_at_offset(root_die& r) : fun([&r](Dwarf_Off off) -> basic_die& {
return *r.pos(off, 2);
}) {}