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5 changed files with 193 additions and 18 deletions

mypy.ini Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
check_untyped_defs = True
follow_imports = skip
ignore_missing_imports = True

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@ -2,13 +2,19 @@ import argparse
import typing as t
import random
from pathlib import Path
import logging
import jinja2 as j2
from .config import Task, Category, Config
from .partition import TaskId, partition
from . import util
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def constituer_groupes(choristes: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
Group: t.TypeAlias = list[str]
def constituer_groupes(choristes: list[str]) -> list[Group]:
"""Répartir aléatoirement les gens en groupes"""
nb_choristes = len(choristes)
@ -36,19 +42,72 @@ def constituer_groupes(choristes: list[str]) -> list[list[str]]:
return groupes
def assigner_taches(task: Category | Task, group_count: int, cur_group: int = 0) -> int:
"""Assigne les tâches aux groupes (round-robin)"""
class AssignError(Exception):
"""Levé lorsque les tâches ont été mal partitionnées"""
def assigner_taches(root_task: Category | Task, group_count: int):
"""Assigne les tâches aux groupes (multiway number partitioning)"""
def flatten(task: Category | Task) -> list[Task]:
if isinstance(task, Task):
task.assigned = list(
lambda x: x % group_count,
range(cur_group, cur_group + task.nb_groups),
return (cur_group + task.nb_groups) % group_count
return [task]
out = []
for subtask in task.tasks:
cur_group = assigner_taches(subtask, group_count, cur_group)
return cur_group
out += flatten(subtask)
return out
all_tasks = flatten(root_task)
def pp_assigned_toughness(repart: list[list[TaskId]]) -> str:
"""Pretty-print the assigned toughness for each group"""
out = []
for grp_id, grp in enumerate(repart):
toughness: int = sum(map(lambda x: all_tasks[x].tough, grp))
out.append(f"{grp_id+1:2d}: {toughness:>3d}")
return "\n".join(out)
costs: dict[TaskId, int] = {}
multiplicity: dict[TaskId, int] = {}
for task_id, task in enumerate(all_tasks):
t_id: TaskId = TaskId(task_id)
costs[t_id] = task.tough
multiplicity[t_id] = task.nb_groups
repart: list[list[TaskId]] = partition(
# Sanity-check
assigned_count = sum(map(len, repart))
task_count = sum(multiplicity.values())
if task_count != assigned_count:
raise AssignError(
f"{assigned_count} tâches ont été attribuées, mais il y en a {task_count} !"
for g_id, grp in enumerate(repart):
taskset: set[TaskId] = set()
for task_id in grp:
if task_id in taskset:
raise AssignError(
f"Le groupe {g_id + 1} a deux fois la tâche {task.qualified_name}"
# Actually assign
for g_id, grp in enumerate(repart):
for task_id in grp:
task = all_tasks[task_id]
if task.assigned is None:
task.assigned = [g_id]
logger.debug("Assigned toughness mapping:\n%s", pp_assigned_toughness(repart))
# Check that all tasks are assigned
assert all(map(lambda x: x.assigned is not None and x.assigned, all_tasks))
def export_short_md(config: Config, groupes: list[list[str]]) -> str:
@ -57,7 +116,10 @@ def export_short_md(config: Config, groupes: list[list[str]]) -> str:
def export_taskcat(grp: Task | Category) -> str:
if isinstance(grp, Task):
assert grp.assigned is not None
return f'* {grp.qualified_name}: {", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x+1), grp.assigned))}'
return (
f"* {grp.qualified_name}: "
+ f'{", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x+1), grp.assigned))}'
out = "\n" + "#" * (2 + grp.depth) + f" {}"
if grp.time:
out += f" ({grp.time})"
@ -115,7 +177,15 @@ def export_latex(config: Config, groupes: list[list[str]]) -> str:
return template.render(**env)
def main():
def repartition(config: Config) -> list[Group]:
"""Crée des groupes et assigne des tâches"""
groupes: list[Group] = constituer_groupes(config.choristes)
assigner_taches(config.taches, len(groupes))
return groupes
def main() -> None:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Répartition des tâches")
parser.add_argument("taches", help="Fichier yaml contenant les tâches")
parser.add_argument("choristes", help="Fichier CSV contenant les choristes")
@ -130,15 +200,40 @@ def main():
help="Exporter vers un fichier Markdown (pour vérification uniquement)",
args = parser.parse_args()
config = Config(args.taches, args.choristes)
if args.bare_tasks:
util.write_to_file(args.bare_tasks, export_bare_tasks_md(config))
groupes = constituer_groupes(config.choristes)
assigner_taches(config.taches, len(groupes))
retry: int = 0
MAX_RETRY: int = 4
while retry < MAX_RETRY:
groupes = repartition(config)
except AssignError as exn:
retry += 1
"[essai %d/%d] Échec de répartition des tâches : %s",
if retry == MAX_RETRY:
logger.critical("Échec de répartition des tâches.")
raise exn from exn
if args.to_tex:
util.write_to_file(args.to_tex, export_latex(config, groupes))

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@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
""" Implements Multiway number partitioning greedy algorithm """
import typing as t
from sortedcontainers import SortedList
__all__ = ["TaskId", "partition"]
TaskId = t.NewType("TaskId", int)
class PartitionException(Exception):
"""An exception occurring during partitioning"""
class UnsolvableConflict(PartitionException):
"""Cannot partition set due to unsolvable conflicts"""
class Bin:
"""A bin containing assigned tasks"""
elts: list[TaskId]
cost: int
def __init__(self):
self.elts = []
self.cost = 0
def add(self, task: TaskId, cost: int):
assert task not in self.elts
self.cost += cost
def __contains__(self, task: TaskId) -> bool:
return task in self.elts
def partition(
bin_count: int, costs: dict[TaskId, int], multiplicity: dict[TaskId, int]
) -> list[list[TaskId]]:
"""Partitions the tasks, each with cost `costs[i]`, into `bin_count` bins. Each
task has multiplicity `multiplicity[i]`, copies of the same task being mutually
exclusive (ie. cannot be in the same bin)"""
bins = SortedList([Bin() for _ in range(bin_count)], key=lambda x: x.cost)
ordered_tasks: list[TaskId] = []
for t_id, reps in multiplicity.items():
for _ in range(reps):
ordered_tasks.sort(key=lambda x: costs[x], reverse=True)
for task in ordered_tasks:
least_full: Bin
least_full_pos: int
for pos, cur_bin in enumerate(bins):
if task not in cur_bin:
least_full = cur_bin
least_full_pos = pos
raise UnsolvableConflict(
"Pas assez de groupes pour affecter la tâche "
+ f"{task} {multiplicity[task]} fois."
del bins[least_full_pos]
least_full.add(task, costs[task])
out: list[list[TaskId]] = []
for cur_bin in bins:
return out

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def levenshtein_distance(s1, s2):
if len(s1) > len(s2):
s1, s2 = s2, s1
distances = range(len(s1) + 1)
distances: list[int] = list(range(len(s1) + 1))
for i2, c2 in enumerate(s2):
distances_ = [i2 + 1]
for i1, c1 in enumerate(s1):

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@ -1,2 +1,3 @@