-- Short URL to raw: https://tiny.tobast.fr/cc_mineturtle facing = 0 -- Direction towards mining shafts. Incr. clockwise. height = 0 -- At ground level, lowest mining level MAX_HEIGHT = 7 -- Will not mine higher than this. depth = -2 -- Out of the mining shafts side = 6 -- Increases towards the right when facing shafts DOCK_POINT_H = 0 DOCK_POINT_D = -2 DOCK_POINT_S = 6 DROP_POINT_H = 0 DROP_POINT_D = -2 DROP_POINT_S = 0 FUEL_POINT_H = 0 FUEL_POINT_D = -2 FUEL_POINT_S = 3 FUEL_EXPECTATION = 2000 FUEL_LOW = 1000 SHAFT_DEPTH = 100 -- Start at this position to find the next shaft next_shaft_side = 0 next_shaft_height = 0 function distance_to_drop() return math.abs(depth - DROP_POINT_D) + math.abs(height - DROP_POINT_H) + math.abs(side - DROP_POINT_S); end function distance_to_refuel() local drop_to_fuel = math.abs(FUEL_POINT_D - DROP_POINT_D) + math.abs(FUEL_POINT_H - DROP_POINT_H) + math.abs(FUEL_POINT_S - DROP_POINT_S); return distance_to_drop() + drop_to_fuel; end function turn_abs(dir) local diff = (dir - facing) % 4 if diff == 3 then turtle.turnLeft() else for i=1,diff do turtle.turnRight() end end facing = dir end function turn_rel(dir) turn_abs((facing + dir) % 4) end -- Dumps the current turtle position function _dump_pos() print("Current position: H "..height.." S "..side.." D "..depth) end -- Updates the turtle position for a move in the given direction function _count_move_dir(dir) dir = dir % 4 if dir == 0 then depth = depth + 1 elseif dir == 1 then side = side + 1 elseif dir == 2 then depth = depth - 1 elseif dir == 3 then side = side - 1 end end function move_forward() rc, desc = turtle.forward() if not rc then abort("Move: "..desc) end _count_move_dir(facing) end function move_back() rc, desc = turtle.back() if not rc then abort("Move: "..desc) end _count_move_dir(facing + 2) end function move_up() rc, desc = turtle.up() if not rc then abort("Move: "..desc) end height = height + 1 end function move_down() rc, desc = turtle.down() if not rc then abort("Move: "..desc) end height = height - 1 end function go_to_depth(dd) turn_abs(0) while depth > dd do move_back() end while depth < dd do move_forward() end end -- Go to a target position, assuming no excavation is needed function go_to(dh, dd, ds) go_to_depth(0) if height ~= dh then while height > dh do move_down() end while height < dh do move_up() end end if side ~= ds then turn_abs(1) while side > ds do move_back() end while side < ds do move_forward() end end go_to_depth(dd) end -- enter failed/done state function abort(msg) print("ABORTING: ") print(msg) go_to(DOCK_POINT_H, DOCK_POINT_D, DOCK_POINT_S) making_a_fatal_error_awdadwdaw() end -- Discharge the inventory in the drop chest function discharge_inventory() go_to(DROP_POINT_H, DROP_POINT_D, DROP_POINT_S) for slot=1,16 do turtle.select(slot) turtle.dropUp() end end -- Refuel from fuel point function refuel_turtle() turtle.select(1) if turtle.getItemCount() > 0 then return false end go_to(FUEL_POINT_H, FUEL_POINT_D, FUEL_POINT_S) while turtle.getFuelLevel() < FUEL_EXPECTATION do local rc, desc = turtle.suckUp() if not rc then abort("No more fuel available") end local rc, desc = turtle.refuel() if not rc then abort("Found some non-fuel in the fuel") end end end -- Find the next unmined shaft and end up in front of it function find_next_shaft() function is_shaft_pos() if side % 2 == 1 then return false elseif side % 4 == 0 then return height % 3 == 0 elseif side % 4 == 2 then return height % 3 ~= 0 end end function is_shaft() return is_shaft_pos() and turtle.detect() end go_to(next_shaft_height, 0, next_shaft_side) while true do if side % 2 == 0 then while height < MAX_HEIGHT - 1 do if is_shaft() then return end if turtle.detectUp() then turtle.digUp() end move_up() end if is_shaft() then return end else while height > 0 do if is_shaft() then return end if turtle.detectDown() then turtle.digDown() end move_down() end if is_shaft() then return end end turn_abs(1) if turtle.detect() then turtle.dig() end move_forward() turn_abs(0) end end -- Mine a new shaft in front of the turtle function mine_shaft() turtle.dig() end -- Main function function main() if turtle.getFuelLevel() < distance_to_refuel() then print("Not enough fuel to begin with.") return elseif turtle.getFuelLevel() < FUEL_LOW then refuel_turtle() end while true do print("Finding shaft") find_next_shaft() next_shaft_height = height next_shaft_side = side print("Mining shaft at position:") _dump_pos() mine_shaft() print("Discharging") discharge_inventory() if turtle.getFuelLevel() < FUEL_LOW then refuel_turtle() end end end main()